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The Soup Nazi 10.22.2014 01:48 PM

Record Store Day's Black Friday 2014

Here's the list. My picks:

Official Release Series Discs 5-8 - Neil Young. Box set with Tonight's The Night, On The Beach, Zuma and -for the first time in 41 years :eek:- Time Fades Away. Who knows how much this stuff's gonna go for, though... :(

Pieta 10" - St. Vincent

Pax-Am Sessions 7" - Jenny Lewis

"Fade Into You"/"Outside" 7" - J Mascis

Morrissey Curates the Ramones 12" - Ramones

gmku 10.22.2014 01:58 PM

Hmm. Fairly interesting. Nothing I'll be busting the doors down for.

Rob Instigator 10.22.2014 02:19 PM

holy shit gmku pops back in!

is Black Friday a second record store day?

I want the vinyl of the Gentlemen AFGHAN WHIGS reissue.

gmku 10.22.2014 02:23 PM

Started to miss you guys.

Maybe the Miles Davis things. I'm not familiar with those particular releases, though.

The Soup Nazi 10.22.2014 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
is Black Friday a second record store day?

According to :


Q: Is Black Friday really Record Store Day II?

A: No. The special releases for Record Store Day are made to be sold solely at independently owned record stores on the day that Record Store Day takes place (the third Saturday of every April) whereas Black Friday releases are made for the holiday season. This means stores will launch the special releases on Black Friday but may choose to carry them beyond Black Friday (as supplies last, they are still limited runs). Black Friday is really more of a special release date then a one-day “holiday” like Record Store Day.

These independently owned record stores/shops will also choose whether or not they want to sell their Black Friday releases on their websites to draw attention to the fact that many of them offer an excellent customer service option for those who wish to support independently owned record stores via internet purchases during the holiday season and beyond.

gmku 10.22.2014 02:32 PM

I do dig the cover art.


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
holy shit gmku pops back in!

is Black Friday a second record store day?

I want the vinyl of the Gentlemen AFGHAN WHIGS reissue.

Bytor Peltor 10.22.2014 03:09 PM

Yesterday during the @soundawakeradio broadcast, the King of Grief mentioned the new David Bowie single was set to be released on Black Friday (day after Thanksgiving)......guessing a few artist are trying to start a record store day.

Hello gmku!


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
holy shit gmku pops back in!

is Black Friday a second record store day?

I want the vinyl of the Gentlemen AFGHAN WHIGS reissue.

gmku 10.22.2014 03:18 PM

Hello, Bytor. Surprisingly, I thought, the BF record days I saw in Asheville were very quiet. A little busy but nothing like the doorbusters on Record Day.

tesla69 10.28.2014 05:56 PM

this is certainly "this listy"
Lizzy Mercier Descloux Fire/Morning Light (duet with Patti Smith)

I have no idea where I'd be able to buy these things in NYC now that Kim's and J&R have closed, I guess Other Music but I wouldn't step near because itsnot worth waiting in line for several hours.

Severian 11.06.2014 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
holy shit gmku pops back in!

is Black Friday a second record store day?

I want the vinyl of the Gentlemen AFGHAN WHIGS reissue.

Man, you read my mind on this one. Not only is it (probably) my favorite Whigs album, but the album cover is utterly brilliant. Mostly because it's just subtle enough to be disturbing to people who overthink things. I'll bet it's innocuous as hell to the rest of the world.

Severian 11.06.2014 09:50 PM

I also want to get my hands on the reissue of Lonesome Crowded West. "...Long Drive.." too, but I don't feel the same urgency to buy that one.

Just thinking about LCW, which I haven't listened to in a good two years, gives me chills. It reminds me of a time when Modest Mouse was a downright crippling live act... When their music was so full of ire and venom and post-apocalyptic bible dust that comparing them to Pavement felt insulting, not only to the “you don't want to fuck with me, I've got Unibomber eyes and nothing to lose” vibe of MM in full-on "Trucker's Atlas" bipolar mania, but to the gleeful lightness of of Malkmus and his clown troop of pranksters.
They were so serious they made your life feel serious, and for a while they were the best band in the world.

It's hard to believe that band ever existed. Someone must have performed an exorcism on them in '02.


RanaldoNecro 11.06.2014 10:24 PM

I am getting:

Faith No More
Imagine Piese Flaming Lips
Soundgarden B Sides Collection

Severian 11.07.2014 12:19 AM


Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
I am getting:

Faith No More
Imagine Piese Flaming Lips
Soundgarden B Sides Collection

Whoah, whoah... Imagine Piese?? I haven't heard about that one.
Did they ever release The Time Has Come to Shoot You Down... What A Sound on CD? I have never seen it, and I think it would be a badass RSD reissue.

Also, Heady Nuggs needs a CD release. Of course the vinyl box is awesome, and ultimately about 100x cooler than a cd release would be, but I feel like it interrupted the flow of the career-spanning reissue project.

Finally the Punk Rockers Are Taking Acid (cd's marked 1-3)
The Day They Shot A Hole In The Jesus Egg (cd's marked 4 & 5)
Heady Nuggs (Well, one would think this would contain markings 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10, being a collection of the first 5 WB albums, minus Zaireeka, but we'll probably never find out, because - y'know - who would want to own a CD twice, right? Well, fuck you, because I would, and so would every fucking fanboy record labels hawk their re-pressed meat to every time a new unheard demo is dug out from someone's petrified shite!

I just can't stand it when bands dont follow through on their massive projects and archival undertakings (ahem, Sonic Youth stopping their already skewed and out of order reissue series JUST WHEN "SISTER" IS THE NEXT LOGICAL RUNNER UP?!??? Eh?! ANYONE! Ok I'm getting a hernia.)

.. But w/ the Lips there's more to it: see, anyone who wasn't swimming in cash when "Heady Nuggs" was first released.. Especially those who have not made up for their past deficit by going to work for the Koch brothers and making a goddamn mint in the years since... well, they're FUCKED, because the box set was ltd. Edition, and sold out fairly quickly (Lips fans are like Dead fans, Dylan fans, and Phish fans... They invest every penny they make into buying expensive recordings, collectibles, live shows, etc.

Now they're all selling their $175 Nuggs boxes for, like, $300-$500 on eBay, and as long as a CD edition doesn't drop, poor bastards are going to drop huge sums of money on records that cost $12 a pop individually.

So releasing a CD version would help people who aren't predatory vinyl flippers with fat wallets to match their fat blunts and fat asses get their hands on the actual content. And kids! Remember kids? Well, maybe even a kid or two could afford to own that sweet, sweet boxed set that was Rendered LIKE, INSTANTLY OBSOLETE WHEN THE BAND KEPT RECORDING NEW LP's AFTER 2002.

For fuck's sake, it's missing 3 proper albums, one more-or-less proper album with a circus of cameos (Heady Fwends), two really really really long fucking songs, the shorter of which is longer than Heady Nuggs in its entirety, and 3 album reconstructions, as well as some oddly packaged jobbers and throwaway collabo singles that didn't make the Heady Fwends cut, some WEIRDASS film score, a handful of holiday themed releases, one "soundtrack EP" for an adaptation of bigass homophobic Orson Scott-Card's Ender's Game, which nobody apparently asked the band to make, and which was not featured in the film or the accompanying soundtrack, but contains some of their best mom-album tracks in a decade, and ONE album as a completely different band that sounds pretty much like Embryonic-era Flaming Lips (don't tell)

Fucking shit needs to be on cd, goddammit. And numbered appropriately, because it's almost time to release the NEXT volume of album reissues, and I for one don't like to fucking wait!

Being a Lips fan is soooo hard. (Nah, actually it's awesome. Can't even keep track of all the new shit, and there's always more coming. Haters keep hating, but I'm living in Christmasland over here.

Toilet & Bowels 11.07.2014 02:49 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I have no idea where I'd be able to buy these things in NYC now that Kim's and has closed.


Screaming Skull 11.07.2014 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I also want to get my hands on the reissue of Lonesome Crowded West. "...Long Drive.." too, but I don't feel the same urgency to buy that one.

Just thinking about LCW, which I haven't listened to in a good two years, gives me chills. It reminds me of a time when Modest Mouse was a downright crippling live act... When their music was so full of ire and venom and post-apocalyptic bible dust that comparing them to Pavement felt insulting, not only to the “you don't want to fuck with me, I've got Unibomber eyes and nothing to lose” vibe of MM in full-on "Trucker's Atlas" bipolar mania, but to the gleeful lightness of of Malkmus and his clown troop of pranksters.
They were so serious they made your life feel serious, and for a while they were the best band in the world.

It's hard to believe that band ever existed. Someone must have performed an exorcism on them in '02.


I agree with you 100%. Some people around these parts foolishly write-off Modest Mouse the way they would - say - a Weezer or something simply because of "Float On" and/or the "unpopular" use of their music in a Nissan commercial. Fuck that. Modest Mouse is/was a mutherfucker of a band and The Lonesome Crowed West is one of the best indie records of all time. People bash Pitchfork around here too and I totally get that based on what they've become, but this review is simply amazing...

I haven't listened to The Lonesome Crowded West in a while, but I've had it on repeat for 3 days now after reading that review. Put it on a slightly-louder-than-necessary volume level and let it rip. Trust me.

Also, Regarding the commercial, Isaac Brock stated, "People who don't play music for a living can criticize my morals while they live off their parents' money or wash dishes for some asshole." Perfect.

The Soup Nazi 11.07.2014 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Being a Lips fan is soooo hard. (Nah, actually it's awesome. Can't even keep track of all the new shit, and there's always more coming. Haters keep hating, but I'm living in Christmasland over here.

Sounds like a piece-a-cake compared to being a Bob Pollard completist.

Rob Instigator 11.07.2014 02:11 PM

or a Sonic Youth completist.....

The Soup Nazi 11.07.2014 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
or a Sonic Youth completist.....

True, but I dunno, man - I think Pollard & Co.'s got the edge over SY in this regard: Artists=true


Severian 11.08.2014 07:50 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
True, but I dunno, man - I think Pollard & Co.'s got the edge over SY in this regard: Artists=true


I'm a fairly accomplished sy completist, and I've never really considered it very difficult. At least, I can imagine a future wherein I own everything that features the full band. Throwing solo/side projects in there complicates things, and I'm certainly not talking about owning every fucking bootleg spanning 30 years of live shows... But barring those two exceptions, I'm fairly sure I'll have the whole mess by the time I die.

Pollard and GBV is a beast unto itself: I am not even AWARE of at least half of the shit with the Guided by Pollard stamp on it. Also, I can only handle so much Pollard. The Lips and Sy are both completely different bands from one release to the next, and both bands run the gamut of genres ranging from hardcore to free jazz. Sonic youth more so than the Lips of course, but both bands have a lot of hidden goodies and surprises, peppered across their entire careers. Pollard has been the most prolific of them all, but if you've heard one handful of 12 albums and EPs, you've pretty much heard the next 12-50, making it basically pointless for anyone other than the most diehard Pollardheads to even consider aspiring to.

I am in awe of anyone who has that goal in mind. It makes my dream of completing that PhD while moonlighting as Editor, staff writer and founding member of the revolutionary new print/e-zine that puts Pitchfork out of business and brings integrity back to the field of music writing seem downright fucking practical!!!

I mean no disrespect to GBV, though. I have loved them for a vast majority of my life, and when I go through a GbV phase, I go through it hard.
I just feel like I'm pretty ok with the fact that I ow a few records from each era of their existence and couple Pollard projects. I have all the "classic" titles (Bee Thousand, Alien Lanes, Isolation Drills, UTBUTS, Do the Collapse, etc.) some of the not so classic titles (King Shit..., Instant Prince Whippet, a couple of the albums from the last 2 years) and a respectable single/ep collection.

They're just not an all time top (insert arbitrary round number here) band for me, so I feel no need to stress about the gaping holes in my collection.

The Lips and Sonic Youth are different. They live in the heavens with the VU, Aphex Twin, Unwound, Spiritualized/Spacemen 3 and a few others. It's Just a taste thing. So no offense.

Severian 11.08.2014 07:56 PM

It really pisses me off when I can't get my hands on something by Sonic Youth or the Lips. I was broke as fuck when Finally Punk Rockers... Came out. I had to steal the fucker, and it was not an easy or simple task. In fact I totally got caught... Well, not really. The dude manning the CD section of the [big chainstore associated more with books and coffee than anything else] where I swiped it totally knew I had done it. He even accosted me to inform me that he knew. Unfortunately this was weeks later and his accusation went completely unsubstantiated. I probably said something really snotty to him because I was kind of a shit in those days.

Poor guy.

Severian 11.14.2014 08:30 PM

This one looks pretty goddamn badass:
The Bug vs. Earth (?!!??!!)

Some of these releases are going to be ballbustingly expensive, though. Sheeit.

The Soup Nazi 11.16.2014 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Some of these releases are going to be ballbustingly expensive, though. Sheeit.

Yeah, I think I gotta say goodbye to the Neil Young box set. Some wretched degenerates are already (!) selling it on eBay for brutal prices: Series

Eh, that's OK, I guess. I have the original 1973 Time Fades Away LP in spectacular condish and also the FLAC files from the 1995 HDCD that didn't see the light of the (commercial) day. And perhaps it'll show up at the Pono Store as well...

Now the Jenny Lewis 7" and especially the St. Vincent 12", I MUST have or DIE. Die!


Severian 11.16.2014 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Yeah, I think I gotta say goodbye to the Neil Young box set. Some wretched degenerates are already (!) selling it on eBay for brutal prices: Series

Eh, that's OK, I guess. I have the original 1973 Time Fades Away LP in spectacular condish and also the FLAC files from the 1995 HDCD that didn't see the light of the (commercial) day. And perhaps it'll show up at the Pono Store as well...

Now the Jenny Lewis 7" and especially the St. Vincent 12", I MUST have or DIE. Die!


What is this Pono thing anyway? And how long before Apple buys it up and shoves the software into iOS9? Y'know, like they did with Beats formerly by Dre...

The Soup Nazi 11.16.2014 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
What is this Pono thing anyway?

It's been described as "an end-to-end ecosystem":


— The labels and artists go back to their master recordings and come up with high-resolution lossless transfers, 24-bit/192kHz or the highest available (meaning if some cat originally recorded his tunes digitally in CD quality, the files won't be bloated and will stay at 16-bit/44.1kHz).


— The resulting files will be sold at the online Pono Store ($15-$25 bucks per album). The format will be FLAC, but obviously none of this will have any relevance whatsoever if you listen to this shit in your goddamn iPhone with bullcrap earphones. To really appreciate the quality, you'll need:


— The Pono Player, which


[...] uses circuitry taken straight from Ayre's own top-of-the-line products, costing tens of thousands of dollars, for unparalleled sound quality and unrivaled listening pleasure. [...] The PonoPlayer includes two 1/8 inch (3.5 mm) audio output jacks which offer you four modes of operation:

1) personal listening mode via headphones or earbuds,
2) home stereo or in-car listening mode with fixed volume output,
3) PonoShare mode with two pairs of headphones/earbuds,
4) balanced mode provides ultra-performance for advanced users, separating left and right channel outputs across the two jacks. Great for use with high-impedance headphones, high-end home stereo systems, or professional equipment using balanced XLR input connectors.

Audio files can be loaded onto the PonoPlayer using the Pono Music Center desktop application (soon to be released on Windows and MacOS). The PonoPlayer can also be sideloaded as a USB storage device (Windows, MacOS, Linux).
Specifications and more here. I got into this whole shebang when it was still in its Kickstarter phase, so I secured me a limited edish Patti Smith-signed chrome player:



Originally Posted by Severian
And how long before Apple buys it up and shoves the software into iOS9? Y'know, like they did with Beats formerly by Dre...

Noooo, dude, fuck all that. I think Pono will be very successful, but not crazy massive among the mookdom like those headphones, which, by the way, are DISMAL unless all you wanna hear is the kick drum.

The Soup Nazi 11.18.2014 07:28 PM


Severian 11.19.2014 04:27 PM

You assfucking bastard! I want the Patti Smith chrome Pono jobber!

Btw: I think it was Trent Reznor who originally made the Toblerone crack.

I don't really get how it's any different from Apple Lossless or higher-quality MP3 itunes rip. Much of my digital music is 192, and it all fits in the iPod classic.


Severian 11.19.2014 04:34 PM

Actually I've got a few straight weeks of uninterrupted listening on my iPod, and it's not even close to being full.

I have kinda become an Apple slave since my highly publicized move to the iPhone back in 2012. A decision which some of you chaps were a part of. No, it's not an "ecosystem" because my iPhone can't store more than 16gb of music without interrupting some of the functioning. But itunes + a high capacity player like the now discontinued 160gb iPod classic makes for a pretty handy pocket music library.

But man have I spent a lot on iStuff since my initial purchase of the 5. Like... A LOT of money.

The Soup Nazi 11.19.2014 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I don't really get how it's any different from Apple Lossless or higher-quality MP3 itunes rip. Much of my digital music is 192, and it all fits in the iPod classic.


Originally Posted by Severian
I have kinda become an Apple slave since my highly publicized move to the iPhone back in 2012. A decision which some of you chaps were a part of. No, it's not an "ecosystem" because my iPhone can't store more than 16gb of music without interrupting some of the functioning. But itunes + a high capacity player like the now discontinued 160gb iPod classic makes for a pretty handy pocket music library.

Took me a bit to... decode your posts. ;) When you say most of your digital music is 192, what you mean is their bit rate is 192kbps (kilobits per second). That is completely different from a sampling rate of 192kHz (audio sampled 192,000 times per second). Likewise, you're confusing a bit depth of 16-bit with a storage capacity of 16 gigabytes.

The bit rate is normally used as a measure of an audio file's quality (the original source has to be considered too, though; I'll explain in a, um, bit). Audio CDs have a bit rate of 1411kbps, as the information they contain has a bit depth of 16, a sampling rate of 44.1kHz and, since it's stereo, two channels: 16 x 44,100 x 2 = 1411. That's a big leap in quality from 192kbps, and yet it's dwarfed by the 9216kbps (24 x 192,000 x 2) of the high resolution files available online from Pono.

A turd is a turd, though, which takes us to the "ecosystem" concept. It doesn't have to do with storage capacity; it means that the audio files have been transferred to digital at a high resolution from the best sources available, and that you will get the chance to appreciate this because you'll listen to them on a player specifically designed to bring out the superior quality.

And now I want some free tunes from Pono considering all the good publicity I've given them.

Severian 11.20.2014 01:23 AM

No, I'm sorry. I actually just skimmed your post in the fastest possible way.

I understand now that I jumped the gun with my reply, and I now understand what it is about Pono that is so appealing, especially to audiophiles.

I'm no expert on any of this shit, but I'm also not quite as dumb as I made myself sound in that last post. But like I said, I skimmed. My apologies.

Clearly this is something to look into. I wish I'd kept up with the evolution of the project, but I didn't. Thanks for the explanation. Believe it or not, I get it.

Severian 11.20.2014 01:23 AM

Also Neil Young is one of the purest musicias alive. I'm a bit ashamed that I slept on news of this project for so long. Bad form.

tesla69 11.20.2014 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
— The resulting files will be sold at the online Pono Store ($15-$25 bucks per album). The format will be FLAC, .

that is fracking hilarious - $25 for a soundfile - ridiculous

Severian 11.20.2014 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
that is fracking hilarious - $25 for a soundfile - ridiculous

Yeeeeah, that is true. I'm not sure the price is justifiable. But I guess when you're Neil Young, you can more or less do whatever the fuck you want. This is going to be a niche market thing. Even if it bombs, who the fuck cares? Neil Young won't be out of a job.

The Soup Nazi 11.20.2014 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
that is fracking hilarious - $25 for a soundfile - ridiculous

Per album. And $25, I assume, is what double albums or collections with a large number of songs will cost. If you consider that the 2009 version of "Starpower" costs $1.99 in FLAC format, it's not a crazy amount. Less crazy still when you take into account the higher sonic quality.

Anyway (and this may be your case as well), I remain and will die a PHYSICAL-MEDIA-FIRST! kinda feller. It's (mostly) the otherwise unavailable in lossless digital/CD format stuff, like an eventual new bitchen transfer of Time Fades Away, that I will be using the Pono store for.

RanaldoNecro 11.20.2014 04:02 PM

I never bought Heady Nuggs cuz of prcie but it is a sweet compliation nonetheless. If you that Lips era on Cd just go for the 5.1 collections which have B sides, promos and what not.

I see Nuggs on Ebay and discogs for 80 once in a while which is sort of fair. Imagine Piece is a deep, deep promo that had changed over time but some of those songs have become the soundtrack of my Christmas. What a Sound has never come out proper and they should get it over and re-issue it cuz assholes are selling it online for stupid prices. It is isn't even that good.

hirsute_biped 11.20.2014 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
This one looks pretty goddamn badass:
The Bug vs. Earth (?!!??!!)

Some of these releases are going to be ballbustingly expensive, though. Sheeit.

Looking forward to the eventual reissue of the 90's NY & Crazy Horse catalog on vinyl, wonder how long that will take. Archive 2 will be awesome when it eventually arrives. Not that I can afford any records right now.

tesla69 12.01.2014 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by hirsute_biped
Looking forward to the eventual reissue of the 90's NY & Crazy Horse catalog on vinyl, wonder how long that will take. .

Maybe once Young dies and his heirs get a hold of it.

The IRS is now taxing in advance, and will tax your estate for what they estimate is the possible value, in otherwords, the IRS is forcing heirs to use the music in shitty ads.

The Soup Nazi 12.16.2014 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Yeah, I think I gotta say goodbye to the Neil Young box set. [...] Eh, that's OK, I guess. I have the original 1973 Time Fades Away LP in spectacular condish and also the FLAC files from the 1995 HDCD that didn't see the light of the (commercial) day. And perhaps it'll show up at the Pono Store as well...


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
It's (mostly) the otherwise unavailable in lossless digital/CD format stuff, like an eventual new bitchen transfer of Time Fades Away, that I will be using the Pono store for.

Ah, my rock & roll plasma ball was once again right on the money...



Neil Young has revealed that his first 14 albums are due to be released on December 23, 2014 as digital downloads through the Pono Store.

As reported on Thrasher's Wheat, the Neil Young Original Releases Series 1 - 14 will see the albums remastered at resolutions of either 24/176.4 or 24/192.

Writing on the Pono community forum, Young said, "My first official release series LPs 1-14 will all be available PONO on DEC 23, in 192 and some cases 176. Beginning with Neil Young, ending with Reactor. Thanks, Enjoy!"

Many of these albums have not been digitally remastered since the original Warner Bros CD editions issued in the 1980s.

According to a further speculative post on the Steve Hoffman forum, this is the list of titles to be released and resolution:

Neil Young [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere [PONO] {192kHz} {24bit}
After The Gold Rush [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Harvest [PONO] {192kHz} {24bit}
Time Fades Away [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
On The Beach [PONO] {176.4kHz} {24bit}
Tonight's The Night [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Zuma [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
American Stars 'N Bars [PONO] {176.4kHz} {24bit}
Comes A Time [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Rust Never Sleeps [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Live Rust [PONO] {192/176.4kHz} {24bit}
Hawks & Doves [PONO] {176.4kHz} {24bit}
re-ac-tor [PONO] {176.4kHz} {24bit}

Especially cool about Live Rust, too, because the solo on "Cortez The Killer" was brutally mauled for the CD edish.

tesla69 12.16.2014 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by The Soup Nazi
Especially cool about Live Rust, too, because the solo on "Cortez The Killer" was brutally mauled for the CD edish.

I am so over Neil Young and his phoney whiny singing and piano ballads. Its taboo to say this.

Rob Instigator 12.17.2014 09:25 AM

Live Rust rules.

ilduclo 12.17.2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I am so over Neil Young and his phoney whiny singing and piano ballads. Its taboo to say this.

never into him at all, so consider yourself in good co:D

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