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Norma J 02.17.2007 09:08 PM

Last gig you went to?
I saw Peabody lastnight. Were very good.

the ikara cult 02.17.2007 09:14 PM

Ive gone well off gigs recently. I might go and see Les Savy Fav if they play in the UK. The last one i saw was The Shins, i spent the whole gig going "aaaaaah" and feeling a massive sense of careless joy

youthoftomorrow 02.17.2007 10:24 PM

the Melvins and Big Business last September.

and i won't be attending any more until the beginning of April.

Echo Sketch 02.17.2007 10:47 PM

I saw Tilly and the Wall a while back. I have to travel at least a few hours to see a good show.

nanko 02.17.2007 11:12 PM

Sonic Youth in New Haven! =D

Before that? Dir en Grey in New York City. I didn't like it much, though...good show, and a decent band, but ugh - greasy weeaboos are unbearable!

Onani Nic 02.17.2007 11:40 PM

I saw some local bands play in a place called The Sandwhich Shop. It was actually an old sandwhich shop that some people have moved into. It was a very cool and free evening.

touch me i'm sick 02.18.2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Echo Sketch
I saw Tilly and the Wall a while back. I have to travel at least a few hours to see a good show.

i saw em recently too, only to discover that if it weren't for the tapping, i'd hate them.

i saw deerhoof last sunday

Georgekrz 02.18.2007 10:36 AM

I saw Awesome Color play Cakeshop 2 weeks ago, its an actual cake/coffee shop with a record store in the back and a bar in the basement, btw.

lungfish 02.18.2007 11:04 AM

Ryan Adams and the Cardinals at Town Hall, Dec 4-6, 2006

drrrtyboots 02.18.2007 11:18 AM

Gang Gang Dance last night. Fucking fantastic.

lucyrulesok 02.18.2007 11:24 AM

I was supposed to go and see the Hospitals last night but I fell asleep on the sofa! I'm an idiot!

drrrtyboots 02.18.2007 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by lucyrulesok
I was supposed to go and see the Hospitals last night but I fell asleep on the sofa! I'm an idiot!

I'm interested to see what they'd be like live. Where were they playing?

lucyrulesok 02.18.2007 11:54 AM

The old blue last in London...
I was really looking forward to it actually, I bet their live show is awesome!

_slavo_ 02.18.2007 02:03 PM

Philharmonic orchestra last Thursday.

Not that it can be qualified as "gig", but I was there so it counts.

D-Dur Symphony by Tchaikovsky.

timtimtim 02.18.2007 02:46 PM

Besides local bands, Camera Obscura at the Logan Square Auditorium.

finding nobody 02.18.2007 03:00 PM

Pig Chicken Suicide and Goat Sprayer last Friday. I walked away a different person

sonicl 02.18.2007 03:26 PM

Cowboy Junkies, a couple of weeks ago. They didn't disappoint.

screamingskull 02.18.2007 04:28 PM

Flaming Lips, it was the second time i have seen them, i loved it but it was pretty intense and scary for some of it.
Loud music, giant balloons, confetti, fog machines and strobe lighting and i was stood at the very front so i was getting it all directly at my face. They only did all 5 'effects' for one song them appologised at the end.

CHOUT 02.18.2007 04:31 PM

Canaveral, Somatic Fuzz (my friends' bands) and The Godevils (who made my night and played a Minutemen song).

The 97th Hammer 02.18.2007 04:39 PM

Rhys Chatam at the Picador in Iowa City, it was a pretty good gig, but nothing special.

Norma J 02.18.2007 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
Flaming Lips... Loud music, giant balloons, confetti, fog machines and strobe lighting...

Are they still doing that? I saw them... about 5 years ago at a festival and they did the whole balloon and confetti thing. I thought it was a phase for that album. Good show.

DemonBox 02.18.2007 05:55 PM

I saw Sinnssyk Ugle a couple of days ago, great show.

Iain 02.18.2007 06:49 PM

It was, I think, a band called Black Serpent Choir who are a 'mysterious' duo from the are who play sort of dark broken beats from a laptop which dressed in ornate white robes with rubber 'old man' masks. Apparently, it's a fairly badly kept secret that it's infact ex Brave Captain and Boo Radley member Martin Carr who just sends a couple of guys to play stuff off a couple of laptops. Which makes sense considering the technical problems they had which left them literally scratching their heads (not good for keeping up th ol' mystique) and texting and phoning people.

It was odd to say the least and not really that good. But it was a nice evening in general. A couple of dudes were really angry that they only played 30 minutes and had a loud argument with the promoter. I later saw one of the angry men in the street where he was a 'chugger' so he was obviously wrong.

screamingskull 02.18.2007 06:54 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
Are they still doing that? I saw them... about 5 years ago at a festival and they did the whole balloon and confetti thing. I thought it was a phase for that album. Good show.

yeah, the balloons were there the whole time, giant green and orange ones. They released confetti every now and then, the fog machine was only put on about 3 times.

But the strobe lighting was the fucking scary thing, afterwards Wayne said "sorry about that, i don't think im going to use this thing anymore, it can be pretty bad" Steven looked pretty concerned about the audience too. If i had epilepsy i would have died.

foxforce5 02.18.2007 07:15 PM

I went to my nieces Christmas concert. 1st grade.

Torn Curtain 02.18.2007 07:20 PM

DKT-MC5 in December, it was not bad at all.

Danny Himself 02.18.2007 07:21 PM

The Blood Brothers in January. Pretty rad. I took some good pictures.

drrrtyboots 02.20.2007 03:18 PM

Explosions in the Sky last night. I'm still shaking.

afterthefact 02.20.2007 03:19 PM

It's been so long for me. The last one I can think of was Sonic Youth/Flaming Lips, and i'm talking about last August people.


Originally Posted by drrrtyboots
Explosions in the Sky last night. I'm still shaking.

Lucky! Where at?

drrrtyboots 02.20.2007 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by afterthefact
It's been so long for me. The last one I can think of was Sonic Youth/Flaming Lips, and i'm talking about last August people.

Lucky! Where at?

The Warsaw in Brooklyn, NY. Quite a show. They're playing on Conan tonight which should be very interesting, don't miss it! And if you get a chance to catch them on this tour, go. Religious.

afterthefact 02.20.2007 04:08 PM

Sweet, I'll check that out tonight, thanks for the heads up.

dnorsen 02.20.2007 05:00 PM

mv/ee & the golden road (moloney on drums) the other week. last one before that? i think it was dino jr with thalia zedek in early december. gonna check out sunburned with bark haze and matt krefting in a few weeks too... gonna try and get out to see sebadoh at the end of march too

Glice 02.20.2007 05:17 PM

Jazz bands. Local jazz bands. They're very good round here, but I never know their names. Although I did see one Thursday before last who were the worst kind of sub-Jaco Pastoris white funk bollocks. I very rarely see anything other than local music, I'm afraid, so if anyone's interested in my answer on an ongoing basis, just copy and paste this post.

luckynumber9 02.20.2007 05:31 PM

Sonic Youth, Flaming Lips, and Ween last August

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