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Inhuman 02.17.2007 07:37 PM

Favorite Pop-punk band
I was wondering if anyone on the board actually likes some pop punk groups. I mean, it's a given that any of that radio pop punk is terrible, but what about otherwise?

Personally I love Hot Cross, and I'd like to know more artists similar to them.

youthoftomorrow 02.17.2007 07:47 PM

the Buzzcocks are awesome.

Danny Himself 02.17.2007 07:51 PM

The Ramones

the ikara cult 02.17.2007 08:00 PM

I always say that if you dont like something about Green Day then you havent got a soul

pantophobia 02.17.2007 08:08 PM

Shonen Knife

the only ones that come close after that are The Fastbacks, The Muffs and Redd Kross

the ikara cult 02.17.2007 08:15 PM

Ah yes, that wonderful Twist Barbie song someone posted.
I had a freind who was big into her japanese punk-pop and i mentioned Shonen Knife because they were the only thing id heard of and she did the very polite and understanding "Yeah, thats what youve HEARD" type speech

Danny Himself 02.17.2007 08:19 PM

Ah yes, The Muffs. I have a poster of theirs on my wall and I still forgot.

against_the_grain 02.17.2007 08:36 PM

If you want to call them Punk


The Jam

The Rezillos


Dead-Air 02.17.2007 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
The Ramones

Well, yeah, the Ramones. How could anybody top that??

And the Buzzcocks follow suit pretty closely.

On a personal level, the Fastbacks, who I dearly miss. Also Girl Trouble, though they are more pop-garage-punk. The Weirdos also come to mind rather quickly.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.17.2007 09:07 PM

The Ramones
The Buzzcocks
The Only Ones
The Descendents

Sonic Youth 37 02.17.2007 09:14 PM

The Ramones
The Buzzcocks

TheDom 02.17.2007 09:42 PM

The Lemonheads

that may be stretching the term a bit though

LittlePuppetBoy 02.17.2007 09:43 PM

The Ramones
Green Day (to an extent)

John Violence 02.17.2007 09:49 PM

Screeching Weasel

All of these bands are hit and miss with me.

Richard Pryor on Fire 02.17.2007 09:51 PM

For right now The Thermals, that song Pilar of Salt gets me going.

Onani Nic 02.17.2007 11:44 PM

The Descendents (Milo Goes to College era)
The Saints (dont know it they count)

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
I always say that if you dont like something about Green Day then you havent got a soul

im soulless thn!!
pop punk is very broad term... i mean wire, buzzcocks? i personally wouldnt class them in there.

i may class erase errata , numbers, the rapture (before the got big), in there but i know thats not where the thread is going or was ever intended to go....

so my answer would be the clash.....

Washing Machine 02.18.2007 09:12 AM

I actually don't think Green Day are that bad. I mean they're not great but some of the slack they get you would think they had killed someone. Same with My Chemical Romance. I can't hate any band that manages to piss message board people off that much, just by existing.

demonrail666 02.18.2007 09:19 AM

1. Ramones
2. Red Kross (not that anything they ever did was 'popular')
3. The Go-Gos
4. The Runaways
5. Keith Morris Era Black Flag

Toilet & Bowels 02.18.2007 09:36 AM

shonen knife and the ramones, these two bands can't be beat

Inhuman 02.18.2007 10:36 AM

The worst part about Green Day in my opinion is how they were so anti major-label before, and then they signed to one, and one of their interviews, billy was like "Well, like we can do what we want. We just WANTED to go on that label. And if people don't like it, they can fuck themselves". They never justified proper reasoning for it

Georgekrz 02.18.2007 10:39 AM

is Be Your Own Pet classified as pop-punk? i guess so, i like them.

PAULYBEE2656 02.18.2007 10:42 AM

melt banana, ruins, magik markers... pop punk????????????????

_slavo_ 02.18.2007 02:05 PM

I actually used to love Green Days first two albums when I was a teenager. Still have a soft spot for these tunes, like "Christie Road" and stuff.

Danny Himself 02.18.2007 02:28 PM


Originally Posted by Georgekrz
is Be Your Own Pet classified as pop-punk? i guess so, i like them.

Ah yes, them too.

Trasher02 02.18.2007 02:41 PM

The only ones
Gray matter
The Ramones
Be your own pet

AllHandsOnTheBigOne 02.18.2007 03:39 PM

Blink 182

kingcoffee 02.18.2007 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by pantophobia
Shonen Knife

the only ones that come close after that are The Fastbacks, The Muffs and Redd Kross

Yeah I really liked the Fastbacks. Great group. Saw them in hype! and loved them instantly!

kingcoffee 02.18.2007 05:01 PM

BUt oh, man I cant STAND Blink 182. On eo f the worst bands of the 90's in my opinion. They ruined punk for me. Every treats Travis Barker as some sort of punk rock drum god, but my friend Mike is much better. Fuck Barker: Travis and Bob!

Trasher02 02.18.2007 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Blink 182

I learned practically all the songs by heart because I actually liked them 6 years ago.

DemonBox 02.18.2007 06:09 PM

i like G.G. Allin

timtimtim 02.18.2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Blink 182

same here. some of their stuff is horrible but their best stuff is as good as I think pop-punk can get

dietzer123 02.18.2007 09:14 PM

inhuman needs to specify what he means by pop punk a little bit more. if we can count black flag as "pop punk", even though they basically are the epitome of what i think of when i think hardcore punk, then what the fuck ISN'T pop punk?

Inhuman 02.18.2007 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by dietzer123
inhuman needs to specify what he means by pop punk a little bit more. if we can count black flag as "pop punk", even though they basically are the epitome of what i think of when i think hardcore punk, then what the fuck ISN'T pop punk?

I'm mainly meaning the typical definition that most people use. If it includes hardcore elements, but you still consider it pop punk (like Hot Cross, etc...), then by all means list it. Feel free to be subjective!

finding nobody 02.18.2007 09:36 PM


Originally Posted by AllHandsOnTheBigOne
Blink 182

I was waiting for that.. I still got a Blink 182 poster on my wall. I still like Budda, Chesire Cat, and Dude Ranch alot

Inhuman 02.18.2007 09:42 PM

I still like that one about their friend who dies. I forget the name, but it was a single and brings back memories

finding nobody 02.18.2007 09:59 PM

Adam's Song is the one you're thinking of Rob
My favorite^

Clementine. 02.18.2007 10:23 PM

NOFX. never really listened to them but that 'I Gotta Pee' song always gets me.

dietzer123 02.18.2007 10:33 PM

i think of skatey punk revival sorts of bands when i think of pop punk so i'm gonna throw up a big hells yea for nofx as well because, when it comes down to it, everybody loves a song about a girl with no arms or legs

RockerNino 02.18.2007 10:52 PM

The Descendents own all!

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