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Inhuman 02.15.2007 03:47 PM

Groundwater Music
Groundwater Music
This thread will be continuously updated in regards to the site progress.

Groundstaff is working
Groundnews is working
Groundchoice is working
Groundwater is being finalized
Groundrob has a mock-up
Groundbreak has a mock-up
Groundwrite has a mock-up

Groundwater is a music review site primarily run by Sonic Youth Gossip members, and a few others. Our focus is on underground artists in general.
Groundwater is the homepage

Groundwrite is the section where you can add reviews and interviews. They will be approved and added to the main page once the main page is finally up

Groundchoice is a dynamic system that will allow you to update a "recommended artists" list with the click of a button. I will include many different genres and about 10-15 recommended artists/songs/albums for each.

Groundnews allows you submit news articles for the homepage

Groundbreak is an error reporting system

Groundrob is to send a message to administration. No real need for us on SY because we can contact each other easily, but for those not on the board

Groundstaff is a staff directory with contact information

A staff login is now available! Although the Control panel will be in development for a long time, there are portions of it that are functioning. Send me a PM with your real name and desired password and I'll hook you up with a staff account.

Name: rbastien
Password: yourpassword

I'm looking forward to seeing reviews! If you're planning to go into journalism and want to use the site as a reference, just send me a message and I'll hook you up with a phone number and address.

Take it easy,

Danny Himself 02.15.2007 03:52 PM

I already have a couple of short reviews written up that I'll pad out soon. I'm still waiting on a reply from Steve about the interview.

Inhuman 02.15.2007 03:55 PM

Okay great man! Sounds awesome. I just worked on it for 4 hours, and now I'm taking a break. As soon as I'm done the site completely I'm totally contacting Hot Cross and seeing if they'd do an interview :).

Inhuman 02.15.2007 05:39 PM

Thanks for the review! I'll have it up as soon as the home page is done; I just have to complete the control panel first :)

schizophrenicroom 02.15.2007 05:48 PM

yeah, i have monday night for my picture taking. how will i get those up there, just on groundwrite?

Inhuman 02.15.2007 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
yeah, i have monday night for my picture taking. how will i get those up there, just on groundwrite?

yep! just upload them and paste the links into the area. Yeah, I guess I should make it a textbox, I'll go fix that as soon as I get home. Thankies! Eventually I'll add a button to the control panel that directly uploads them, it will make it much, much easier!

LittlePuppetBoy 02.15.2007 10:08 PM

I have a few things I could review.

youthoftomorrow 02.16.2007 03:07 AM

i can review a few gigs i'll be going to over spring break (Isis and Lightning Bolt).

Inhuman 02.16.2007 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Right on Rob, site looks sweet! I didn't know you were still working on this. I thought it had died like so many other sonic ideas. I thought I had created my username already, but don't recall password. PM me my info if you have it so I can contribute or something. You rock!

Thanks! I'll pm it to you as soon as I find it. Haha and yeah, it's Groundwater wave 2. But this time I have the sufficient funds, more experience, and patience unlike last time!

HaydenAsche 02.16.2007 11:46 AM

E-mail me, Rob. I lack the PM function but I have a ton of stuff already written up for you.


Inhuman 02.17.2007 12:45 AM


I recreated pretty much everyone's accounts from the previous attempt at the site, so you can all log in with your old passwords. If you forgot it, just send me a PM. I seemed to lose Haydenasche's and Dazedcola's password though, so I'll email Hayden and PM dazed.

So the following are working:

I'm working on the control panel and home page quite a bit tomorrow. I'm hoping to have half of the buttons working!

Everyneurotic 02.17.2007 10:21 AM

ohh, cool, so i'm still in?

Inhuman 02.17.2007 12:55 PM

For sure! I'm hoping that everyone from last time is still in!

Inhuman 02.18.2007 04:20 PM

Updated. Added groundrob, groundbreak, added dazedcola to the staff list, and am currently building the recommendation system

golden child 02.18.2007 10:29 PM

hey, i hardly read the board anymore. so dont know the progress on this and such. id like to be a staff member, but contributing only a small amount due to time constraits. also nowadays all i am listening to is noise so reviews will be in that vein... (with exceptions maybe).

Inhuman 02.19.2007 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by golden child
hey, i hardly read the board anymore. so dont know the progress on this and such. id like to be a staff member, but contributing only a small amount due to time constraits. also nowadays all i am listening to is noise so reviews will be in that vein... (with exceptions maybe).

Well that's fine, you can still review. If you're really into Noise, then focus on noise reviews. It's all good as long as the review's not bias. PM me and I'll hook you up with one.

I just recently did an MD5 (Message Digest 5) on everyone's password, so they're SECURE.

king_buzzo 02.19.2007 09:24 AM

i want an account

Everyneurotic 02.19.2007 11:56 AM

alright, i'd love to contribute but now i don't much time lately, so i'll try to contribute something, but be patient. if this doesn't work for you, i don't mind if you bump my position for someone else.

Inhuman 02.19.2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
alright, i'd love to contribute but now i don't much time lately, so i'll try to contribute something, but be patient. if this doesn't work for you, i don't mind if you bump my position for someone else.

No worries, I can add infinite staff members! It would be great if you help out. I just can't guarentee email addresses for all of you

schizophrenicroom 02.20.2007 03:17 AM

at deerhoof tonight when i was talking to greg i told him about groundwater and he said when he gets some free time he'll check us out.

Inhuman 02.20.2007 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by schizophrenicroom
at deerhoof tonight when i was talking to greg i told him about groundwater and he said when he gets some free time he'll check us out.

Niice, thanks Jade! I've really been working on it tonnes lately. 6 hours last night. The visual isn't too much now, but most of it is the development portion.

youthoftomorrow 03.01.2007 02:26 AM

question: when writing reviews, must they be for recent albums? or can we do some sort of "classic album" reviews? (i'm using the term "classic" loosely)

Everyneurotic 03.01.2007 10:59 AM

if you can hang on a bit, i can contribute something, but being a profesional freelance journalist by day and a fanzine/blog enthusiast by night, i'm mostly writing shit and being busy for it.

Inhuman 03.01.2007 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by youthoftomorrow
question: when writing reviews, must they be for recent albums? or can we do some sort of "classic album" reviews? (i'm using the term "classic" loosely)

It doesn't have to be for recent albums at all! That almost seems like a gimmick to get more page views. You can write what you feel like as long as it's done well, and try to keep it at underexposed artists that aren't reviewed by every other review site!

So it would be preferable to write about artists like Filastine, Erik Satie If Then Do, and even Can. Just try and keep away from material like Pavement, Metric, Aesop Rock, Wilco, etc... because they've been reviewed many times over.

That would be great if you reviewed everyneurotic. I can give you an account and just submit something whenever you have some spare time!

Everyneurotic 03.01.2007 04:31 PM

i already had an account, i'm marcos hassan, remember?

Inhuman 03.01.2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i already had an account, i'm marcos hassan, remember?

ooohh yes! My sincerest apologies, I have a lot of people on the staff list now and I don't have their SY names. I'll add it to the stafflist when I get working on that part!

Inhuman 03.27.2007 11:54 AM

Updated. You may now submit news articles.

Thanks for the heads up Jade. Tonight I plan to just spend time cleaning the site up a little.

HaydenAsche 03.29.2007 10:09 PM

I'm not sure when I'll be able to contribute either. I've been really busy lately. I will send some stuff as soon as I have time and my harddrive back.

Everyneurotic 03.29.2007 10:11 PM

i feel a burst of writing is coming up, interested in getting a piece on big black's songs about fucking?

inhuman rob: may i suggest you that, if you are interested in getting like news pieces and reviews on a regular basis, you should do a general roll call and then have (loose) deadlines.

golden child 04.03.2007 07:52 PM

just PM'd you, been wanting to write alot lately... and plus, these can double as creative writing assignments for school!

Inhuman 04.03.2007 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i feel a burst of writing is coming up, interested in getting a piece on big black's songs about fucking?

inhuman rob: may i suggest you that, if you are interested in getting like news pieces and reviews on a regular basis, you should do a general roll call and then have (loose) deadlines.

Thanks for the suggestion. I was going to get to that as soon as the site is completely finalized! I'll write a PDF and have it available for download before the 20th, when the site should have a fully functioning CMS and a news feed!

Alex's Trip 04.03.2007 11:03 PM

Dang, why did no one tell me that this was up and running again!

I have an account, but I forgot my password :(

I'm writing a review for Person Pitch for this forum that I go to. Can I put it up here too?

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