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pony 01.07.2014 04:11 PM

New York, New York - Smart Girl/Boy's Guide to TEH CITY
Since I'll finally move my big butt to New York, I am looking for stuff to do there. I already have a list with museums and bookstores I want to visit but I am looking for much more, even though I probably already have more than enough + my host will probably suggesting things as well... But a girl loves to have many many options!
I'd really appreciate if you guys would just dump everything you'd do in New York in here... where to eat, which bars to hang out in at night... heck, even museums/bookstores, who knows, maybe i haven't wrote them down yet!

Thanks in advance, you intelligent blue people!

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 04:19 PM

go to the stone in alphabet city (c street i think?)

get a time machine and travel back to the 70s

find some live jazz, places where musicians go jam at night… used to be one on amsterdam ave, people would show up after gigs… i forget the name. just a great feeling with everyone dropping in randomly.

walk across the brooklyn bridge-- there used to be a pizza place right under it (brooklyn side) which is pretty great and cheap and crammed as fuck

definitely go pester tesla. i hear he lives above a korean restaurant on 6th ave.

Nefeli 01.07.2014 04:25 PM

suggest to the girl underground places to view art, attend to gigs, and i dont know pony, skip sleeping. get lost. stay safe.

pony 01.07.2014 04:27 PM

I think art and gigs can be provided by my host. Will make him take me everywhere, but he isn't 22 anymore. Will try and find people to hang out with before he gives in. 4 hours of sleep per 24hrs TOPS!!!

Nefeli 01.07.2014 04:29 PM

excellent! and the point is not to get stressed. noone can see everything. enjoy know flow around.

Rob Instigator 01.07.2014 04:42 PM

see what you can, and be open to surprises. NYC will be there.

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 04:57 PM

the stone is on the corner of avenue c and 2nd st (not "c street"-- ooops!).

also don't forget tour student ID, everything will cost less.

the legendary doner kebab place on mcdougal got shut down by the health department ha ha ha ha. ooops!

oh, go to harlem. eat some soul food. check out some of the old bars. go to the apollo if you can.

i don't know what to recommend to europeans-- to an american i'd say "go to the hungarian pastry shop" but you can get better pastries at home. same stuff w/ little italy. or russian/eastern european stuff. so maybe go to a tea shop or a vietnamese restaurant in chinatown. but things change all the time.

oh since you're a bit of a clotheshorse you'll prolly do the obligatory shopping trip to soho yeah? (boring as fuck for me, but what do i know about clothes-- still, it's rows and rows of fucking stores and i hate them all but you might not).


ps- avoid the plague that is times square

pony 01.07.2014 05:08 PM

i'll only go shopping at sephora and opening ceremony. no more shopping than that! a girl gotta save her money for booze

soul food sounds good! and making a note not to forget to take my student i.d. RIGHT NOW!

tesla69 01.07.2014 05:13 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
definitely go pester tesla. i hear he lives above a korean restaurant on 6th ave.

Close! I live above Souen, a Japanese restaurant on E 6th St, and am constantly at war because of the noise (and the other restaurants).

I think it all depends on what you want to do. To be honest, in the past 6 months, it seems all the record stores have moved out of Williamsburg to either Greenpoint or Bushwick, I haven't been out there. In Manhattan we still have the Academies, Kim's and Other Music.

When I was living elsewhere in the 90's and would visit, I would always make a point of stopping at The Strand on Broadway @12th St, best bookstore in the world. Maze books on Ave A @4th St has one of the best selections I've ever seen in small used store, I think only Red House Books in London impressed me more.

On weekends there is a weird flea market off 6th Ave at 25th St at The Garage, its not one of those goofy brooklyn fleas that are basically just food truck events, there is often some real flea market treasures there. I get old postcards and ephemera from there.

Everyone has their favorite sushi places but Ginger on 1st Ave at 7th St has always been a+ everytime and is reasonable for sushi.

I love the The Stage on 2nd Ave @ 8th St, its affordable. They cook the bacon to order. No matter how busy! They have a good white borscht too, I suggest getting it with egg.

Stromboli Pizza on 1st Ave @8th St is the classic and always great.

Lots to do and the weather keeps going up and down....

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 05:14 PM

the way to save money for booze is to save money in booze. i carry a flask and use it liberally (but with discretion). flasks rule. i favor steel, but glass is nice.


Originally Posted by tesla69
Close! I live above Souen, a Japanese restaurant on E 6th St, and am constantly at war because of the noise (and the other restaurants).

oh! i was close enough. i do remember the story. the internet remembers always.

pony 01.07.2014 05:22 PM

mine looks exactly like this


tesla, let's meet up and have some FOOD and drinks while i am there!

Toilet & Bowels 01.07.2014 05:38 PM

Go to the dream house (google dream house mela foundation) and just go and lie down there for a while

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by pony
mine looks exactly like this


very good. looks like mine but mine has no wallpaper. fill it up with AMERICAN alcohol while you're here. rye whiskey (e.g., old overholt), or bourbon like wild turkey 101 (101 proof=more bang/buck). you could cheat and get tito's vodka which is 'merican but it's vodka. warning tho: 'merican whiskey (including rye) is made from CORN so it won't mix well with our other grain alcohols (like scotch or wodka or gin or beer) -- won't mix well mean wight get you unconscious which is never good when in strange places (or familiar ones for that matter).

traditionally, rye is more from the north (e.g. pennsylvania) whereas bourbon wich is 100% corn is from the south.


speaking of beers, there are good breweries here and there. can't give directions cuz i was in no condition, but i remember shootind darts with a bunch of furrners in brooklyn. should be a variation from your more strict german beers.

ps- i don't know who the fuck serves good (real, not fake) blueberry pancakes in nueva york, but they are a must. 'merica, dammit! eggs & bacon.

ps- i fucking hate jack daniels, but it has some sort of fake mystique, and jim beam is a liquid atrocity so avoid that.

pps- also, make an effort to try some california wines. they are great. good ones as low as $5 at trader joe's. buy your host a nice bottle.

_tunic_ 01.07.2014 06:01 PM

Make Lee happy

and have fun :)

demonrail666 01.07.2014 06:02 PM

Bars I've been to and can recommend:

Milano's on Houston Street
International Bar and Lucy's in the E Village
Double Down Saloon in Alphabet City
Subway Inn behind (I think) Bloomingdales
BillyMark's West in the W Village

Alas, Blarney Cove, in Alphabet City, hands down my favourite bar ever, is now closed.


Veselka in the East Village - solid 24hr dinner/breakfast option
Yonah Schimmel on Houston Street - Knish heaven!
Joe Jnr in Gramercy - Great for a no fuss breakfast or dinner
CrifDogs on St Marks - Hot Dogs

pony 01.07.2014 06:03 PM

Eeeeeeee I Just Got An Email And I Am Very Excited For Nyc Now!!!! Omg Omg Omg

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 06:05 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Veselka in the East Village - solid 24hr dinner/breakfast option

the ukranian place? but she must be sick and tired of kartoffel. or however one writes that.

pony 01.07.2014 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by _tunic_
Make Lee happy

and have fun :)

hehe, yes!! meant to put that on my list.
will definitely take a picture in front of the walking men!

demonrail666 01.07.2014 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
the ukranian place? but she must be sick and tired of kartoffel. or however one writes that.

Haha yeah. It's the veal goulash at 3am factor, though. I don't care where you're from, that's just great.

pony 01.07.2014 06:17 PM

i love gulyás. i wanna make love to gulyás. i wanna go to there.

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Haha yeah. It's the veal goulash at 3am factor, though. I don't care where you're from, that's just great.

ha ha ha-- true-- a hot hearty meal at 3am drunk is priceless, and they're not a bad place at all. they have good starchy breakfasts too.

demonrail666 01.07.2014 06:57 PM

Another good bar is Otto's Shrunken Head, in Alphabet City. Kind of a tiki-punk vibe. Guaranteed you'll hear at least one Cramps song while you're there.

Edit: Hang on, is Pony even 21?

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Another good bar is Otto's Shrunken Head, in Alphabet City. Kind of a tiki-punk vibe. Guaranteed you'll hear at least one Cramps song while you're there.

Edit: Hang on, is Pony even 21?

she may act 12, but for all we know, she could be an old man. no matter. assume anything because this thread is fun.


Originally Posted by pony
i am the young-girl

pony 01.07.2014 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Another good bar is Otto's Shrunken Head, in Alphabet City. Kind of a tiki-punk vibe. Guaranteed you'll hear at least one Cramps song while you're there.

Edit: Hang on, is Pony even 21?

I know it's hard to believe, but I am over 21
yay bars!

jennthebenn 01.07.2014 07:25 PM

And yet she seeks no advice for Maryland/DC. Hmph.

pony 01.07.2014 07:26 PM

cause i know i'll have my homies with me, duh????

jennthebenn 01.07.2014 07:27 PM


!@#$%! 01.07.2014 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
And yet she seeks no advice for Maryland/DC. Hmph.


pony 01.07.2014 07:29 PM

feed me love! and cocktails. and snoopy pizza.
we'll make snoopy pizza. YES.

!@#$%! 01.07.2014 07:33 PM

fuckin shit. dc.


pony 01.08.2014 06:09 AM

^thank you! I will take your advice to heart, every time I lose something I feel like dying and cry for days. So your advice is probably good... being cautious !!
good thing i learned on nye that a bra is the best wallet in the world haha

pony 01.08.2014 07:21 AM

I think I'm gonna go there:

!@#$%! 01.08.2014 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by Robert Schunk
This thread is actually getting me down a little, as NYC's changed so much since I first fell in love with her that there's little reason for me to go back there anymore.

that's what happens to me w/ dc, except for friends who still live there and some places like the hirshhorn.

demonrail666 01.08.2014 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by pony
^thank you! I will take your advice to heart, every time I lose something I feel like dying and cry for days. So your advice is probably good... being cautious !!
good thing i learned on nye that a bra is the best wallet in the world haha

Quite honestly, if you just take the same very basic security measures that you would at home, you should be fine. My experience of NYC in recent years is that it's far safer now than most other cities of a similar size and stature. Caution is healthy but you certainly have no reason to feel paranoid about going out anywhere, especially in manhattan, day or night. IMO, the worst of NY is certainly no worse than parts of say London, or Berlin or Paris or any other major European city, and infinitely safer than most other big US cities. Anyone can be mugged anywhere in the world but overall I'd say NYC is very safe. Certainly no need to put money in your bra, unless you get drunk and fall into Coyote Ugly, when someone will do it for you.

Just enjoy yourself to the max.

pony 01.09.2014 10:16 AM

you scared me! here in hamburg, i just throw my bag on the bar, have drinks and sometimes turn around to see if my bag's still there

tesla69 01.15.2014 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Bars I've been to and can recommend:

Subway Inn behind (I think) Bloomingdales

Its kind of down the street. About 10 years ago I took my idiot brother there to show him a dive bar, he of course had to try and make friends with the bar tender who you could tell wanted nothing to do with him. I'm like, order your beer and shut up! My other idiot (half) brother broke his parole on New Years Eve and is back in prison for 20 months.


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Veselka in the East Village - solid 24hr dinner/breakfast option

locals go to the Stage, about a block south, in fact, I think I'm stopping by there now on my way home!

tesla69 01.15.2014 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by pony
you scared me! here in hamburg, i just throw my bag on the bar, have drinks and sometimes turn around to see if my bag's still there

Be scared! there is a whole industry around stealing these bags - some of the bags are worth 100's of dollars themselves.

gast30 01.16.2014 05:10 PM

a guide to the modern city
seen a modern tourist-help guide, like that
the TECH- experience is fun, wireles 4g network or what is it called

cryptowonderdruginvogue 01.17.2014 12:13 AM

Hit up Sly Fox if you go to Veselka on the corner of 2nd ave and 9th street
It's next door and one of my fav dives in Manhattan

What neighborhood are you living in?
I can hit you up with spots in yr hood

pony 01.17.2014 08:13 AM

i responded to your message
probably no use looking for cool stuff there though

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