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Inhuman 01.30.2008 01:23 AM

What bands do you have connections to?
And how are you connected?

Deez my connections:

AIDS WOLF - Friends of friends of mine. I go to parties with them all the time
USAISAMONSTER - Also friends of friends of mine, but less directly
THE ARCADE FIRE / WEIGHTS AND MEASURES - My brother was friends with Jeremy Gara (drummer)
PRIESTESS - My stepdad's friend's son is the bassist
GODSPEED! YOU BLACK EMPEROR / TRIPLE BURNER - My brother knows the drummer (Godspeed), and my teacher has recorded with them

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 01:29 AM

i love chloe!!! i should write her soon. but hamborghinni are better than aids wolf.

i won't say who my connections are, i don't like bragging.

Inhuman 01.30.2008 01:33 AM

I haven't yet heard hamborghinni yet. I really dig the Seripop artwork though, it's really popular around Ottawa and Montreal. I wasn't intending to sound braggish, I'm actually interested in people's band connections and felt I should contribute too.

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 01:38 AM

i don't say it's wrong that you mentioned it or that other people shouldn't talk about, i just don't feel like saying who i'm acquaintances with in the music scene.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 06:07 AM

The Bluetones (friend used to go out with the singer of this band)
Bradford Bahamas ( I used to sleep with one of them)
Einsturzende Neubauten ( Friend used to sleep with Blixa for a while)
Diamanda Galas ( Friend used to share a flat with her when she went out with Blixa)
Adam Ant (I drink in the same local his ex-manager goes to and regularly chat to him)
Loop (Two boardies from here that I've met know Robert Hampson)
The Libertines (Friend pays host to one of them new band's gigs and she used to go out with Carl Barat)

Let me think of some more.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 06:10 AM

Marc Almond (ex-boyfriend went out with him for a while)

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 06:12 AM

Patrick Wolf (He's a mate of a mate. Bumped into him at parties. Nice bloke but shite music.)

gmku 01.30.2008 07:28 AM


Originally Posted by Inhuman
And how are you connected?

What are you counting? Astrally? Philosophically? Aesthetically? Sexually? Financially?

I've met most of my favorite bands on the astral plane, and I connect with most of them philosophically and on aesthetic terms, but that's about it. I've never even met my rockandroll heroes.

screamingskull 01.30.2008 07:34 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Patrick Wolf (He's a mate of a mate. Bumped into him at parties. Nice bloke but shite music.)

is he on drugs???, a friend of mine is obsessed with him. i think he's SHIT!

I am not really connected to any bands, although i have hung out with The Brian Jonestown Massacre and my EX-best friend slept with one of them (who will remain nameless).

Torn Curtain 01.30.2008 09:58 AM

The Dresden dolls: the bassist of my band is their photographer.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by screamingskull
is he on drugs???, a friend of mine is obsessed with him. i think he's SHIT!

I am not really connected to any bands, although i have hung out with The Brian Jonestown Massacre and my EX-best friend slept with one of them (who will remain nameless).

He was when I met him, yes. I'd obviously never ask him how often he takes drugs, of course.

batreleaser 01.30.2008 10:06 AM

a lota the rhode island bands that ive just seen and subsequently met thousands of times over, white mice, mindflayer, etc.. and a lotta tucson local bands, must of who are shit, that none of you would know.

GrungeMonkey 01.30.2008 10:27 AM

i hi-fived andrew bird.

does that count?

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 10:42 AM

name dropping is one thing, but to devote a thread to it is tasteless.

Everyneurotic 01.30.2008 10:48 AM

i'm buds with genghis khan!

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i'm buds with genghis khan!

I used to work for his great great great not so great grandson!

true story.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 10:51 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
name dropping is one thing, but to devote a thread to it is tasteless.

You're jelous of the fact that Bono doesn't want to save your soul.

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 10:53 AM

that might be true, if I had one to save.

this black heart runs on rechargeable batteries.

BACK ON TOPIC: I once shared an elevator with Father Guido Sarducchi!!!!!!

SYRFox 01.30.2008 10:58 AM

I sent a mail to !!! members and they answered. Same with GOMM (best french band at the moment).

That's it for today! See you another day for new exciting SyrFox Rock&Roll Adventures kids!

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 10:59 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
that might be true, if I had one to save.

this black heart runs on rechargeable batteries.

BACK ON TOPIC: I once shared an elevator with Father Guido Sarducchi!!!!!!

Try harder. If you had shared a bed with him I'd find you more gossip worthy.

afterthefact 01.30.2008 11:02 AM

I've got a friend who used to hang out with a bunch of horrible bands cause he used to be in a band and travelled Warped Tour, so without naming the bands, you can imagine the crap bands he knows.

Torn Curtain 01.30.2008 11:08 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)

Originally Posted by floatingslowly
name dropping is one thing, but to devote a thread to it is tasteless.

agreed. if being associated wih a band means anything.


who cares....

I disagree, it just shows that band members are ordinary people (or at least some of them...).

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 11:20 AM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain
I disagree, it just shows that band members are ordinary people (or at least some of them...).

Good point. It also shows that not everyone who posts on here leads the same lifestyle or frequents the same type of people. It didn't come across to me like the thread-starter was showing off that he knows famous people, just chatting about people who play in bands and you might have some sort of connection to because of mutual aquaintances, friends etc. It is only normal if you are an outgoing person who happens to go to gigs or else. Tastelss threads? Just look around the majority of those spawned everyday on the Sonic Gossip section, there are plenty to help yourself to.

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 11:30 AM

once in a lifetime apology: although I personally find discussing private life stuff (of other people) poor-form on the internet, many of my own posts are intentionally made in bad taste.

my opinions about CelebREALITY postings do not reflect on my overall opinion of any poster in this thread. I'm sorry if my response made it seem as if I thought Inhuman was tasteless. I do not believe that to be the case.

anyways, my bad for coming into this sub_forum in the first place. I've learned my lesson.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 11:44 AM

Anyway, let's get back on topic, now.

Spacemen 3 (Friend who shared flat with Diamanda Galas also went out with one of them, back in the day)

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 11:47 AM

here, I'll even play along with yous guys.

my best friend fucked a babe in toyland. don't judge him, he was high on junk.

HaydenAsche 01.30.2008 11:56 AM

The Chariot spent the night at my friend's house and we've hung out everytime they're in MN. Nice dudes.

The Spill Canvas. Same deal. Always welcome to stay at someone's house here in Willmar and everyone's cool with them.

Yeah. Just crappy emo/hardcore bands.

sarramkrop 01.30.2008 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
here, I'll even play along with yous guys.

my best friend fucked a babe in toyland. don't judge him, he was high on junk.

Baby, I think you've told us that on another thread a while ago. :) :) :)

You can only have three emoticons per post, sorry.

_slavo_ 01.30.2008 11:58 AM

Hood - I spent a day with them - I showed them around the city when they played on a local festival here in 2005. I was in the organisation crew, sort of. The bass player Richard was super nice, the drummer was grumpy and annoying.

Max Tundra, M83 - the same reason. Max Tundra was weird but a very funny dude. M83 were ... French :)

I changed a couple of e-mails with Merja from Islaja after their concert in my town too. I didn't sleep with her, unfortunately, though.

Also, I spoke to Stuart Braitwaithe from Mogwai once, but that's hardly a connection.

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Baby, I think you've told us that on another thread a while ago. [ed: emoticons deleted to make room for my own]

You can only have three emoticons per post, sorry.

no way.

I only asked clone if he knew her.

I don't recall mentioning that they did the nasty while hopped up on smack.

:confused: :confused: :confused: [extra emoticon]

then again, maybe I did....I'm such a fucking tasteless bastard, I just might have.

ok, I'll try a new one.

once, after a Pigface show, I sat and listened to Chris Connelly ask some poor girl for a sample of her blood. he explained that it was ok, because he was from the Red Cross.

I was this close to the ACTION: |---|

Glice 01.30.2008 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Max Tundra, M83 - the same reason. Max Tundra was weird but a very funny dude. M83 were ... French :)

Max Tundra tried to pull my laptopper's then-girlfriend. I acted like a total cunt towards him on a separate occasion.

Fiest I made a very, very poor attempt to pull about 6 years ago.

I've been for drinks with a few semi-famous bands, I know quite a few more. Local bands, nothing any of you'd be excited with.

Stuff, yeah.

fugazifan 01.30.2008 12:59 PM

i emailed with mike watt for i bit
my cousin writes movies
my moms friend used to be the lawyer of pete townsend and paul mccartney

LittlePuppetBoy 01.30.2008 01:12 PM

Aids Wolf- somewhat friends with Chloe, Yannick and their guitarist (I don't know his name). Talked to them at quite a few shows.
Smoke Judo (ottawa local band)-friends with the guitarist
Prometheus (some shitty metal band)- my brother is a drinking buddy of the bassist
Fail-Safe (80's montreal hardcore band-apparently considered pre-emo)-my uncle was their guitarist
Arcade Fire-my former babysitter (Inhuman's pre mentioned brother) is a friend of the drummer
Alanis Morrisette-my dad worked with her uncle

batreleaser 01.30.2008 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
i'm buds with genghis khan!

genghis kahn or *tron. if its tron, i just heard them yesterday and was infuriated when i realized that the sound like everything i had envisoned for my brother and i's new band, idm, no wave, synth, infused grindcore. i was uber pissed.

Savage Clone 01.30.2008 01:35 PM

A decent sized number. It would definitely sound like tasteless namedropping, which I have done more than enough of in my life.

Glice 01.30.2008 01:37 PM

I post on the same messageboard as one of Salamander. Ladies, prepare to drop you panties in awe of my massive celebrity-by-proxy.

floatingslowly 01.30.2008 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I post on the same messageboard as one of Salamander. Ladies, prepare to drop you panties in awe of my massive celebrity-by-proxy.

random videogame_person#123172983, when asked if they played the game without clothes on:


(yet another tasteless repost on my part)

krastian 01.30.2008 01:46 PM

One of the guitarists from Circa Survive (ick) is from my hometown and we used to play shows all the time with his old band. They were fucking awesome though.....great hardcore.

Trasher02 01.30.2008 01:52 PM

I know the members off dEUS en Millionaire personally, Belgium is a really small country.

Savage Clone 01.30.2008 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
random videogame_person#123172983, when asked if they played the game without clothes on:


(yet another tasteless repost on my part)


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