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Derek 04.13.2010 11:24 AM

i really like the new deftones


Surprisingly brilliant.

loubarret 04.13.2010 11:50 AM

i don't like it.

Derek 04.13.2010 11:51 AM


atsonicpark 04.13.2010 06:46 PM

I only listend once and it has a few okay tracks. Maybe 4 great ones. Kinda predictable. But still better than most of the shit people on this board used to jerk off to... not going to name any names!

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.13.2010 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by Derek


Surprisingly brilliant.

I am actually really really fucking pissed off that they didn't realize Chi's last album EROS and instread re-recorded and did this one. They could have done both, Chi deserved this legacy, and from the live cuts they were touring with in 2007 it was going to be really aggressive like the Around the Fur era..

this album here is not bad, I love the deftones and they have never let me down, but like Saturday Night Wrist I will have to adjust to this newish sound they got..

Maximum RASpect to Chi Cheng. we love ya brother and we pray for ya continuously!

GeneticKiss 04.13.2010 11:29 PM

I don't believe in leaks, so I haven't heard anything beyond Rocket Skates (the single) and the title track (appears on their YouTube channel). OK, but I liked Saturday Night Wrist better. In fact, that may very well be my favorite Deftones album.

Derek 04.14.2010 08:18 AM

You have heard two tracks but already decided you like Saturday Night Wrist better? Okay...

And I thought they were going to release Eros at a later date? Whatever, I'm still very much happy with this. It's a grower y'all.

atsonicpark 04.14.2010 06:15 PM

Some of the riffs and guitar tones are sweet. It's not bad, but I do think Wrist was better... it kinda falls in the self-titled group of "every song sounds the same".

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.14.2010 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by GeneticKiss
I don't believe in leaks, so I haven't heard anything beyond Rocket Skates (the single) and the title track (appears on their YouTube channel). OK, but I liked Saturday Night Wrist better. In fact, that may very well be my favorite Deftones album.

I like leaks, derek send me a copy ;)

The copy I have of WhitePony is STILL the leaked one from 2000, and I prefer it, I heard the original and it was mixed different, it was not as good as the leaked one..

Originally Posted by Derek
You have heard two tracks but already decided you like Saturday Night Wrist better? Okay...

And I thought they were going to release Eros at a later date? Whatever, I'm still very much happy with this. It's a grower y'all.

No, EROS was fully recorded, basically ready to go, but when CHI got in that accident they pushed it back. If you ask me, its probably some legal issues in regards to Chi's cut which sucks because Chi's family has been having to literally beg fans for money to cover his medical expenses :(

Eros is a fucking brilliant deftones record, I would hope they do release it at some point, but I think it is absolutely safe to say thats not going to happen. Maverick makes them wait years in between releases (average of 3) and so since this one is coming out, I don't think they would release Eros in 2012/13, so Eros is probably going off into the archives and our bootleg collections (and I do not have a copy, if y'all have it please send away, for CHI)


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Some of the riffs and guitar tones are sweet. It's not bad, but I do think Wrist was better... it kinda falls in the self-titled group of "every song sounds the same".

I actually really liked S/T, Hexagram is one of the greatest metal songs EVER, let alone for the deftones, I like ALL those tunes, and the lyrics cut me deep cuz of what was going on in my life at that time.. True, the songs sound very similar, but so does Around the Fur, and that is a genius record!

My favorites in rank

2) Around the Fur
3) Adrenaline
4) Saturday Night Wrist
5) Self/Titled

loubarret 04.15.2010 04:39 AM

1 around the fur
2 Adrenaline
3 white pony
4 selftiteld
5 saturday
6 eyes

atsonicpark 04.15.2010 04:47 AM

1. fur
2. pony
3. adrenaline
4. wrist
5. eyes
6. s/t

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.16.2010 12:25 AM

thanks for the upload DEREK.. its like April 2000 all over again. i love the deftones, fuck the haterz

atsonicpark 04.16.2010 12:27 AM

What haters? I'm pretty sure most people on this board either like them or are just indifferent.. I've never heard anyone say "I HATE that band" if they're familiar with them at all. Even amongst usually snobbish pricks, they're a band way more respected (if only for White Pony) than any of their peers..

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.16.2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
What haters? I'm pretty sure most people on this board either like them or are just indifferent.. I've never heard anyone say "I HATE that band" if they're familiar with them at all. Even amongst usually snobbish pricks, they're a band way more respected (if only for White Pony) than any of their peers..

many many boardies don't like/complain about my previous deftones post.. the handful on this thread are the regular deftones fans, and I know who you all are out there. further, most people I meet in person, either friends or such, who know of the deftones say "fuck the deftones" and I have never been able to figure out why. After Saturday Night Wrist a few came to their senses, but there are still many many haterz, I get A LOT of shit for being so into the deftones and I have for the past 13 years that I have been aggressively into them..

atsonicpark 04.16.2010 12:51 AM

Weird, I've never seen any hostility towards them whatsoever, especially in real life. L.A. must be a fucked up place.

static-harmony 04.16.2010 12:52 AM


Originally Posted by SuchFriendsAreDangerous
many many boardies don't like/complain about my previous deftones post.. the handful on this thread are the regular deftones fans, and I know who you all are out there. further, most people I meet in person, either friends or such, who know of the deftones say "fuck the deftones" and I have never been able to figure out why. After Saturday Night Wrist a few came to their senses, but there are still many many haterz, I get A LOT of shit for being so into the deftones and I have for the past 13 years that I have been aggressively into them..

I don't know who you be talking to. But I like some of their songs, haven't really actually gotten to listen to them fully.

atsonicpark 04.16.2010 01:24 AM

Yeah, my point was, every band has its detractors, but I think Deftones are one of the most non-hated bands ever. People into underground metal, noise, shoegaze, etc. like them. It's universal. It's like the Pixies and the Misfits and even the Smiths, sorta (though obviously they're not as respected as any of those bands). They have fans from all walks of life.

DeadDiscoDildo 04.16.2010 03:17 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
1. fur
2. pony
3. adrenaline
4. wrist
5. eyes
6. s/t

Yeah, that's about right.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.16.2010 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, my point was, every band has its detractors, but I think Deftones are one of the most non-hated bands ever. People into underground metal, noise, shoegaze, etc. like them. It's universal. It's like the Pixies and the Misfits and even the Smiths, sorta (though obviously they're not as respected as any of those bands). They have fans from all walks of life.

in regards to deftones I have had the complete opposite effect. Probaly in the 90th percentile folks either are indifferent or worse, diametrically opposed to the deftones, and I have never been able to figure it out. Its not just here in LA, its all over the internet too (deftones fan sites aside ;) )

in fact, I have been so pleasantly surprised that this board is talking about al my favorite things (politics, Israel, deftones, theology/religion) and yet I am not the one posting the threads, and there is not shit talking associated with them. I used to get so much negative and assholery on my threads, especially theology and deftones, and yet thats all I've posted about in three weeks here :)

its a trip..

alteredcourse 04.16.2010 01:15 PM

Maybe its a california thing. It's easier to form an opinion or have snap impressions of things that were cultivated nearby.

For example, I hate three inches of blood and have been sick of them as long as theyve been around. But they came from an area I used to live so I heard more about them, and I would probably not give them much of a thought in the first place if they were from across the continent.

greedrex 04.16.2010 02:06 PM

this last one is terrible

the ikara cult 04.16.2010 04:06 PM

when I first heard Deftones they got lumped in with "Numetal" like Limp Bizkit and other assosciated rubbishness, i havent liked their singles from recent albums, but theyre a shot better than The Hold Steady, Razorlight, Muse, to name but three colossal loads of shit that have become big. I shall give it a go, i expect a Deftones album

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.16.2010 07:25 PM


Originally Posted by greedrex
this last one is terrible

I felt that at first honestly, cuz it was not that classic metal guitar with hip hop drumbeats.. abe cunninghan is one of my all time favorite drummers..

but then I got used to it and it is a fantastic record, and it is much better live I must say..

ironically for most deftones fans it was a grow on you kinda album, but I noticed it attracted A LOT of newbies, including some of those folks who used to shit talk and hate so it clearly worked for them..

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.16.2010 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by alteredcourse
Maybe its a california thing. It's easier to form an opinion or have snap impressions of things that were cultivated nearby.

no. I have gotten a lot of internet shit too.. especially on SYG. search 'deftones' and see for yourself
for example this was posted 2day..

Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think it's cuz the deftones suck.

atsonicpark 04.17.2010 01:18 AM

Well, Rob doesn't really know much about music, as he's proven many times, so...

ann ashtray 04.17.2010 02:06 AM

Deftones are one of few bands from a specific era that still hold any artistic credibility as far as I'm concerned. Unlike the majority of their contemporaries, they've successfully managed to evolve in such a way that has seemed age-appropriate.

Jon Davis still bitching about high school trauma is a bit weird.

Deftones aren't a favorite, but I can respect them. They always managed to fall under my idea of what "post hardcore" should sound like. I can hear the Bad Brains and Fear in what they do...just much more melodic and with their own twist. Can't really compare them to too many other bands. I'm personally convinced that most people feel as if they suck, really haven't taken the time to listen to them.

Around the Fur is a great record, even still.

_slavo_ 04.17.2010 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Well, Rob doesn't really know much about music, as he's proven many times, so...

at least he doesn't pretend to know more about music than the others

ann ashtray 04.17.2010 03:06 AM

Rob seems cool. I gather he's one of few people here that legitimately qualify as "old school". This, to me, means he's likely heard tons of music in his day in which he'll naturally compare most newer music to. It's natural, I'm sure. You know, why listen to S.C.U.M when you can listen to Throbbing Gristle? Why listen to Jet when you can listen to the Stooges? Why listen to the Donnas when you can listen to the Ramones.? Maybe Rob likes the Donnas?

I can't be sure.

Atsonicpark seems cool as well. Seems he takes in music the way most visual/film artists do. I'd guess he relates to it differently than Rob. That's probably natural as well.

It's possible that I'm wrong about everything. It's 4 o'clock in the morning, and seeing my cat sleeping on the ottoman does little other than remind me how exhausted I myself am.

SYRFox 04.17.2010 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
at least he doesn't pretend to know more about music than the others


atsonicpark 04.17.2010 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
at least he doesn't pretend to know more about music than the others

I've read this post 10 times and I'm not sure what point you're trying to make. I doubt you're trying to insult me here, since I've never "pretended" to know anything -- nor have I condescended to anyone for knowing "less" -- so I'm kinda confused if that's directed at me; either way, I'll attempt to respond...

I like Rob a lot, I think the world of him, in fact. I'm just saying: I wouldn't trust his opinion on certain types of music, when his musical interests are pretty narrow (which I'm sure he'd even admit.. ROCK ROCK ROCK!). I wouldn't trust his opinion on the Deftones, because I think making a statement like "Deftones suck" when I bet he hasn't even listened to a full album is pretty "pretend", actually -- I dunno, I just try to give everything a fair chance; hell, I've heard nearly the entire Mars Volta catalogue, and I HATE them. But at least I can say I actually listened to their music, closely, and can form a decent opinion on it.

...But, hey, all I've pretty much listened to is techno and EAI for the past year, so I'm not really a good person to talk to about shit either...

But yeah, if that was an insult towards me, uhm, I'm sorry I listen to and play music so much?! Or something?! I have nothing to prove, nor do I think it's my opinion is the only one that matters... I respect everyone's opinion, and I give everything a fair listen before I write it off.

Deftones forever.

ps: Thanks for the rep, Glice, haha...

_slavo_ 04.17.2010 11:17 AM

I did not want to insult you, dude, was just pulling yr leg :)

atsonicpark 04.17.2010 02:44 PM

Ah, it read that way after getting off a 9 hour shift. But I wasn't sure.

Derek 04.17.2010 02:47 PM

Rob kicks all kinds of ass but I'm afraid I would agree with ASP about this. Many times has he dismissed beautiful or brilliant music because he can't "rock out" to it.

_slavo_ 04.17.2010 04:01 PM

but it's not really appropriate to bash him for that, right? I mean, we all have our own tastes in music and noone here is to judge what is right and what is wrong here. I won't bash atsonicpark for liking music that I think is shit (Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 or Caroliner, just to name two) or Nicfit, because he finds drone (which i adore) boring.
But then again, i'm drunk, and, as we all know, posting on a message board while drunk is wrong.

SYRFox 04.17.2010 04:22 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
but it's not really appropriate to bash him for that, right? I mean, we all have our own tastes in music and noone here is to judge what is right and what is wrong here. I won't bash atsonicpark for liking music that I think is shit (Thinking Fellers Union Local 282 or Caroliner, just to name two) or Nicfit, because he finds drone (which i adore) boring.
But then again, i'm drunk, and, as we all know, posting on a message board while drunk is wrong.


atsonicpark 04.17.2010 05:22 PM

I've never "bashed". I'm just saying, I wouldn't trust his opinion on the 'Tones... just like people wouldn't trust my opinion on, uh, country or something. Seems pretty obvious.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.17.2010 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
Deftones are one of few bands from a specific era that still hold any artistic credibility as far as I'm concerned. Unlike the majority of their contemporaries, they've successfully managed to evolve in such a way that has seemed age-appropriate.

Jon Davis still bitching about high school trauma is a bit weird.

Deftones aren't a favorite, but I can respect them. They always managed to fall under my idea of what "post hardcore" should sound like. I can hear the Bad Brains and Fear in what they do...just much more melodic and with their own twist. Can't really compare them to too many other bands. I'm personally convinced that most people feel as if they suck, really haven't taken the time to listen to them.

Around the Fur is a great record, even still.

that was brilliant. I haven't got to have an intelligent musical discussion about the deftones in years.. what I like about either deftones or even sonic youth, is that they evolve and grow as musicians, instead of pouring out the same ol' thing year after year, milking it to the extreme. I like that deftones kept their sound, but evolved and grew into it more and more, so that it progressed, without ever changing to the point of 'selling out' or just becoming too different (as happens with band's progression over time, sometimes they change and evolve in directions you don't like, I adore the first System of a Down album, that one is all, I abhor the rest, absolutely unlistenable)

Further, I think age-appropriate is one of the best descriptions, deftones is a band that has grown up while we as fans have grown up with them, through our teens, 20s, 30s etc etc.. and the music reflects these changes over the years, so that as I have said on another thread which was mashed down completely by the haterz, deftones has been a soundtrack for my life for the past 12/13 years since i got Around the Fur..

Each album has come out in such serious and transitional times in my life, that the memories and feelings are encapsulated in the dreary ambient guitar work and obscure poetic lyrics.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 04.18.2010 11:29 PM

finally gave the album a full listen to a few times through last night, it is different, very different, with hints of classic deftones. the drum work is what stands out as the most changed, a bit less impressive but it will grow on me. It is however a very bad ass album, and I am excited to have it. deftones always comes out with a new album at major transition phases in my life, interesting this one comes out in the same kind of vibe for me.

atsonicpark 04.19.2010 07:04 AM

It gets better and better as you listen, but I just wish they'd mix it up a bit more. There's a few really surprising moments (like the end of the first song) but a few too many follow the same vein.. screamed verses, pretty singing choruses, on and on. That was the main problem with s/t though this is a LOT better than that album (note how nearly every song on s/t strarts out EXACTLY the same... lo-fi solo version of guitar riff for 4 measures, then goes into the produced, distorted, loud main riff... nearly every song! Weird as hell). Saturday Night Wrist was a GREAT album, full of tons of interesting detours. Too bad it has the worst song ever made on it though (Pink Cellphone).

This album's good though.

ann ashtray 04.19.2010 07:44 AM

I still need to listen to the new album in it's entirety. Checked out a couple tracks on youtube. Not bad. A bit more straight forward sounding Deftones, but still cool. Sometimes it can be good to take a step back from attempting something innovative, and just rock out. It's fun. If Deftones have proved one thing, it's that they are not scared to take chances. Any artist worth their salt does.

I remember thinking White Pony was a bold move. Certainly took a few listens for me to be able to really appreciate that one.

Just listened to their version of Simple Man...haha. Any time a band of their nature is willing to cover Skynyrd (and not in a jokey kind of way) it's a bold as fuck move.

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