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whorefrost 04.11.2008 08:27 AM

psychedelic horseshit... the shit...

how come I didn't figure this out sooner...?

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2008 08:30 AM

i wasn't won over until i saw them live, but yes, they are as you stated

jon boy 04.11.2008 08:30 AM

you where in the other room, i shouted but you didnt hear me.

whorefrost 04.11.2008 08:34 AM

where'd you see them live T?

Toilet & Bowels 04.11.2008 08:38 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
where'd you see them live T?

London Towne, Pink Reason played too

whorefrost 04.11.2008 08:41 AM


dionysusundone 04.11.2008 09:05 AM

Really? I saw them live and wasn't impressed, the riffs and chords were pretty generic it seemed.
I thought Naked On The Vague and Times New Viking blew them away that night.

tesla69 04.11.2008 10:54 AM

I like the Necropolis single more than the Psychedelic Horseshit single...

krastian 04.11.2008 02:17 PM

They have some pretty good songs, but was slightly disappointed with them considering the good things I've heard about them.

Long live garage bands!!

Disgruntled Youth 04.11.2008 04:14 PM

Yeah I saw them 3 weeks ago with Times New Viking @ my friends basement, awesome show!!!

dionysusundone 04.11.2008 11:32 PM


Originally Posted by tesla69
I like the Necropolis single more than the Psychedelic Horseshit single...

I wanted to get that today but it wasn't checked in at the store yet. IE they had it but I couldn't buy it. LAME.

Onani Nic 04.13.2008 03:00 AM

Living in Australia I haven't seen them live but I love the album. I think they're better than Times New Viking although I really like them too.

sarramkrop 06.13.2008 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by dionysusundone
Really? I saw them live and wasn't impressed, the riffs and chords were pretty generic it seemed.
I thought Naked On The Vague and Times New Viking blew them away that night.

Naked on the Vague are good but not as shambolic like the Horseshit.
Wfmu has a session by Psychedelic Horseshit up for download. They attempt a cover of Dylan's ''Like A Rolling Stones'' that is utterly and gloriously messy.

sarramkrop 06.13.2008 09:40 AM

Here it is:

Tell Tom Petty to Wait In the Bus: Psychedelic Horseshit Live in the WFMU Studios

Columbus, Ohio in the house for my radio show, providing a day of fine dining, high entertainment and more than a little Robert Zimmerman channeling (they soundchecked live with "Like A Rolling Stone"). I'm not quite sure who was the Donovan here to guitarist Matt's Dylan (guesting bassist Kevin Failure of Pink Reason was way too tall), butStation Manager Ken provided D.A. Pennebaker action. Their new disc Magic Flowers Droned on Siltbreeze is one of the listens of the year for those who like their indelible hooks smothered in Swell Maps-ian basement confusion. Besides the vid clip below, you may
download the whole glorious 34 minute session on MP3 here (with the cusses previously edited out for radio now intact we might add), Psychedelic Horseshit's My Spacehere. Big thanks to Gil Shuster for awesome sound engineering!

DJ Rick 06.13.2008 02:37 PM

Saw 'em on Monday in Portland...bass player's parts were recorded onto a cassette tape which was played through the kinda player that you might remember seeing at your elementary school's A/V resources room if you were born before 1980...a stumbling mess that was pretty awful at times, but it was never less than fall-down-laughing funny. Saw 'em again here in Sacto last night in a basement. They'd been rejoined by their bass player. Some of the songs were able to hit their grooves, but it was still more of a comedy show for the most part.

Gonna go see 'em again tonight in SF with Times New Viking.

The Horseshit boys are touring now with Fabulous Diamonds from Australia who are slinky, smooth psychedelic synth tickling with vocal harmonies that sound like zombies if only zombies could be sexy. The album is very nice, and their show last night was pretty great, too.

Just so you won't be asking "how come I didn't figure this out sooner...?", just take it on faith that you should investigate everything that comes out on Siltbreeze Records. Hasn't failed me since I was in high school thanks to Byron Coley's review of Harry Pussy wherein he said that "to you, Harry Pussy sounds as frightening as Sonic Youth sounds to your parents." And I was like, OOOOHHHH, I gotta hear that!

Onani Nic 06.13.2008 10:51 PM

Yep, Siltbreeze is pretty the best label around! Fabulous Diamonds have developed from a band that were pretty great to totally amazing. Weirdo white-dub meets all that kraut-analogue synth stuff, but totally catchy.

Everyone in the US go and see them! Also say hi as they're really nice people.

Also, what an album cover:

Toilet & Bowels 06.14.2008 06:47 AM

the only thing i've heard on siltbreeze that hasn't at least been very good was ashtabula, but it's pretty much my favourite label ever.

batreleaser 06.14.2008 08:19 AM

yes, slitbreeze has always been great. there is bands on their i dont like (times new viking, sebadoh) but WAY more bands that i love, many i consider my favorites, (dead c, harry pussy, the shadow ring, charalmbides, a band, a handful of dust, bardo pond, ex-cocaine) and im really digging all their new signings, psychedelic horseshit, pink reason, etc..

sarramkrop 02.03.2009 02:16 PM

NEW RELEASES (the upcoming truckload)
its been so long since we had a legit release that we practically forgot we were a band, rich thought he was in the traveling circus and i was under the impression that we were in a touring horseshit/pink reason cover band, what other way to explain the coming and going of nearly 13 different bass players? "if i ever have to sing bad vibrations again" i said to myself, "i'm gonna find the dick that wrote it and kick himin the face", but i guess thats me, and my dirty feet can't reach.... oh well, one day.
Anyways, at various points during the last year and a half we somehow managed to record something like 30 new songs without even knowing it. theres songs that sound like duran duran and mos def in the same ten second stretch, its pretty intense. how did this happen? all i remember is that we woke up from a delusional drug coma found out we had purchased a sampler and lots of other weird pedals and FX shit and there were two full reels of material just relaxing in their spools. when we listened to the stuff we started to laugh uncontrollably, "whoa, this shit is kinda gay and funny" we said. but noones gonna wanna jam 30 songs in a row, so we set about the quite rigorous and intellectual task of putting them together into little groups or patterns that made sense to us, of course this just made even less sense b/c rich and i have really poor judgement, and we eneded up with one extended player with nothing but reverberated drum solos on it, needless to say siltbreeze was thrilled with the "new direction" but thought that it needed some more instrumental interludes, so back to the drawing board we went. months passed, we drank, we ate (drugs), we fought, we broke up the band at least 20 times and finnaly said fuck it, this blows---
only last night, after seeing the ghost of our long gone 3rd bass player "sanchez", did all these fuuny recordings start to gel. see, sanchez told us that if we wanted any of this shit to make sense as albums and ep's then we gotta forget about it cause the shit what we recorded sucks ass and don't fit together any which way you slice it. so we threw all the song titles and descriptions into a cincinnatti reds hat and made up the next six months of our recorded output lives.
and it goes like this.....

first up, a self released LP collecting our very first and oldest 4 track recordings
--GOLDEN OLDIES the paper singles collection, LP only! to be released in march or april, 20 trax from 2005-2006 (contact us about pre-order)

then the new material,
all of it...
---SHITGAZE ANTHEMS 12" EP (woodsist) 6 songs out spring 2009
---ACID TEST 12" EP (troubleman unltd.) 7 jams out late spring/early sum 09
---BEACHED WAILS 7" (cdr singles club) 3 songs surprise release date!
---TOO MANY HITS LP (siltbreeze) second full length out late summer 09

after that, who knows? maybe you too will put out a horseshit release this year, maybe we'll have 30 more jams by summer, maybe we'll finally LET rick rubin produce that horseshit album he's been waiting so patiently to do for years. "the futures in the air" as they say.
thats the short and long of it though. go buy these if you see them. we hope you will like them but don't really give a fuck if you actually do. if yr a distro interested in GOLDEN OLDIES please hit us up at for ordering information and pricing.
-oh, yeah. and look for us on tour of the east half of the country with QUINTRON during the month of april. and we'll see the rest of y'all in the summer and fall.
yrs truly,
mr. matt horseshit logID=467079593

atsonicpark 02.03.2009 02:34 PM

Shitgaze Anthems

Everyneurotic 02.03.2009 03:33 PM

they are really great when i'm listening to them, when not, they are ok.

hope it makes sense.

Toilet & Bowels 02.03.2009 07:14 PM

excellent news

DeadDiscoDildo 02.04.2009 05:20 AM

Yeah, they are rad.

Ohio baby, watch out!!

Psychedelic horseshit, Times New Viking, C Spencer Yeh, Heartless Bastards, The Sundresses, The Harlequins, Robert Pollard and yo Momma bitch!

whorefrost 02.04.2009 07:26 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
they are really great when i'm listening to them, when not, they are ok.

hope it makes sense.

I actually feel that way about a LOT of music I profess to like. And actually about a lot of aspects of life in general.

static-harmony 04.29.2009 03:26 AM

I must say that I downloaded the times new viking and PH split. I enjoyed that album.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 04:30 AM

psychadelic horseshit are pretty good. This guy gives the worst interviews ever though.. look up some with him. I'd link 'em if I weren't lazy. He just trashes bands left and right. He did a recent interview where he trashed Wavves and Vivian Girls. Came off as very jealous-sounding and mean-spirited and ignorant. He said Wavves sound exactly like TV On the Radio, for example. HUH?.... Oh well, there's lots of assholes making decent music. And his music is decent.

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:31 AM

Anybody hear about the interview with their singer where he pretty much slags off every other lo-fi band out there? Weird, kinda funny.

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:31 AM

Oh damn atsonicpark beat me to it

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 04:31 AM

Hahaha! Jinx!

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:36 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Hahaha! Jinx!


Yeah what you were saying rings true man, he's totally a douchebag, I dunno, PH are okay but really just that. I saw them live and kinda thought they were boring compared to the bands they were playing with (Naked On The Vague and Times New Viking) and haven't been able to really give much of a damn about 'em since. Dude really hates Wavves though, it just seems petty.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 04:40 AM

Right on man. It's not offensively bad music or anything, it just doesn't seem like anything interesting enough to really waste my time on it. I've heard theat "Flowers Droned" release and it's okay for what it is but it's really nothing special. He calls all these other lo-fi bands "unoriginal". What kind of music does HE make then?... Meh.

dionysusundone 04.29.2009 04:43 AM

Obviously we mere mortals cannot yet comprehend his genius.

atsonicpark 04.29.2009 04:44 AM

Haha. That, my friend, is horse shit!

Toilet & Bowels 04.29.2009 04:55 AM

I read that interview and it came across like he was coked out of mind

there's a really interesting article i read where some fanzine interviews all the people who've played bass for PHS, i'll see if i can find it.

ZEROpumpkins 04.29.2009 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor

Wait, what does this band offer that every other lo-fi band does not already?
Serious question.

pbradley 04.29.2009 05:07 AM

"But everything is bullshit and I feel a sense of hopelessness in the world."


Toilet & Bowels 04.29.2009 07:08 AM




Toilet & Bowels 04.29.2009 07:10 AM





atsonicpark 04.29.2009 07:19 AM

haha thanks for that!

Toilet & Bowels 04.29.2009 07:31 AM




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