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sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:45 AM

I'm mixing what might be my first album

sonicl 03.13.2007 05:48 AM

Good lad!

nicfit 03.13.2007 05:51 AM

Good news.

Toilet & Bowels 03.13.2007 06:23 AM

cool, how's it going to be put out?

sonicl 03.13.2007 06:27 AM

You're not mixing it at the moment though, are you? Go on, shoo! If you keep posting here when you should be mixing you're never going to get it done.

jon boy 03.13.2007 06:29 AM

EXCELLENT is the stuff on your myspace page your stuff?

jon boy 03.13.2007 06:32 AM

its very good. what do you record on?

nicfit 03.13.2007 06:39 AM

send it to my email. :)

krastian 03.13.2007 11:21 PM

Good luck!!

terminal pharmacy 03.14.2007 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Oh sorry guys but i have been listening to the same thing for 5000 times , i think i'm going mad.

i usually get a friend who i trust to do the first series of mixes for me over a couple of weeks so i can leave it and come back to it fresh, mastering is the same deal, never master your own recordings because you lose objectivity and this can be exceedingly detrimental, but hope it all goes well sarram

Everyneurotic 03.14.2007 12:43 AM

old school that bitch porky, once you mix it, just get the levels right and press the tape. unmaster it. we want raw pork.

i really would love to hear your music.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
we want raw pork.

pun intended?

Everyneurotic 03.14.2007 01:27 AM

let's leave the case open in case new evidence arises.

ps: porky, i just made your add campaign, i still wonder why i'm not working in marketing/advertising.

Norma J 03.14.2007 03:31 AM

What's your myspace?

king_buzzo 03.14.2007 03:36 AM

okay that might be fun.

hat and beard 03.14.2007 04:31 AM

Let it be known that I am most interested in your artistic undertakings and would be delighted were the opportunity to hear your musics made available to me.

_slavo_ 03.14.2007 04:54 AM

what's it gonna be like? I mean, what kind, what genre?

Rob Instigator 03.14.2007 09:20 AM

fucking sweet. I will send you money!

afterthefact 03.14.2007 11:33 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
What's your myspace?

Well, come on, what is it?

afterthefact 03.14.2007 02:45 PM

I knew if I asked I'd get some results :)

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 03:51 PM

i want to be a video girl for porky.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Oh sorry guys but i have been listening to the same thing for 5000 times , i think i'm going mad.

and i think that ship has sailed already... just do your work.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
You'd certainly help me selling records, gorgeous looks and all.

thank you honey pie.
imagine if you and me both were in the video...
stone cold fox x2 = record selling superpowers.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
What do you think i have been up to all day?

good! i was mostly talking about the madness though. no sense in worrying about it at this point. :p

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
What are you gonna do in New York?

i assume you mean for money? sell my ass on the street.
actually, i don't really know quite yet. i'm weighing what few options i've got.

Norma J 03.14.2007 04:25 PM

I didn't mind it. It reminds me alot of the soundscapes I was doing when studying sound engineering.

Oh edited: I saw Sway's myspace page on there too. I listened to the voice recorder and I ask: Sway, are you the illegitimate son of Dimebag Darryl?

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Are you still thinking of starting that scene?Sell your ass for money?Sure you're worth more than that?

that was her attempt at a joke. she knows i'm personally kicking her ass if he wastes her brains.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Are you still thinking of starting that scene?Sell your ass for money?Sure you're worth more than that?

eh. we'll see.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:36 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
eh. we'll see.

oh, shut the fuck up! for real!!

and that stripper idea isn't a good one either, unless you're planning to emulate kathleen fucking hanna.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
oh, shut the fuck up! for real!!

and that stripper idea isn't a good one either, unless you're planning to emulate kathleen fucking hanna.

SHE WAS A STRIPPER? that is so disgusting. she's too chunky and furry for that. the one nice thing i have to say about her is that she has a pretty face.

i don't know. i've got time to think about it.

Originally Posted by sarramkrop
If you like that sort of thing, you might as well go for a modelling career without getting too involved in the whole scene that goes with it.It is possible to do that without ending up with nasty habits to deal with.

modelling is actually quite fun when you're not working for an agency.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
SHE WAS A STRIPPER? that is so disgusting. she's too chunky and furry for that. the one nice thing i have to say about her is that she has a pretty face.

i don't know. i've got time to think about it.

hm, listen--porkie and i have decided that you are smarter than most people, and we're not going to support your self-destructive fantasies with encouragements. now you're smart but not wise so don't go & do stupid shit. to paraphrase gertrude stein, a whore is a whore is a whore is a whore, and while it's unfair you can't be a whore and live a dignified public life, that's the way the world works, and syphillis is a bitch. and maybe i've watched too many episodes of "the sopranos" but now i think all strippers moonlight by giving blowjobs at mafioso bachelor parties. but no, for real, some dumbfuck mistakes you can recover from, others you can't, so try to minimize them?

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:49 PM

i'll do something. maybe i'll write, which is something that i am really good at and enjoy doing and i don't let many people know about it. i could probably make a fair amount of money hocking my photos.

Originally Posted by sarramkrop
My ex boyfriend and his twin brother play the girls in this video when they used to model:

that is genius.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i'll do something. maybe i'll write, which is something that i am really good at and i don't let many people know about it. i could probably make a fair amount of money hocking my photos.

yes, you can make a living by using your goddamn brains. don't fucking waste them. (see, i get a little angry, for show). but seriously. im not sure you'd be happy at college, i'm perfectly sure you could ace the exams but the structure would kill ya. in any case you have to grow up eventually, and while you do don't get into situations where you'll be sexually exploited, it can really fuck you up. so what where was i going. fuck, get an entry level job at a newspaper, they will pay you shit but you'll learn a lot and you won't have to sell your cunt to some lardman, what the fuck were you thinking? well that was a bit blunt, but don't i make a clear point?

oh yes photos too, you won't get much at first but that's life, eventually you will.

and tried to get some studies done in the process. maybe just courses here & there. you'll benefit.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
It's only recently that he told me that the guys play the girls and Beth Gibbons plays the man in that one because i had never noticed.I have a still from the video that was taken at the time, somewhere.

that's really neat.

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
yes, you can make a living by using your goddamn brains. don't fucking waste them. (see, i get a little angry, for show). but seriously. im not sure you'd be happy at college, i'm perfectly sure you could ace the exams but the structure would kill ya. in any case you have to grow up eventually, and while you do don't get into situations where you'll be sexually exploited, it can really fuck you up. so what where was i going. fuck, get an entry level job at a newspaper, they will pay you shit but you'll learn a lot and you won't have to sell your cunt to some lardman, what the fuck were you thinking? well that was a bit blunt, but don't i make a clear point?

i could probably get into a fairly decent college even though i only have a GED. i don't know what i want to do though which is a problem.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
that's really neat.

i could probably get into a fairly decent college even though i only have a GED. i don't know what i want to do though which is a problem.

take some fucking photography courses. dont even need college for that. get a job in advertising, or as a photographer's assistant. get your portfolio together. find a gallery. takes years but it's doable if you believe in yourself.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
take some fucking photography courses. dont even need college for that. get a job in advertising, or as a photographer's assistant. get your portfolio together. find a gallery. takes years but it's doable if you believe in yourself.

the problem with doing that is that it's incompatible with how i do things. i'd rather go freelance which i know is a lot more difficult but it's really the only way you can have total control of what you're doing if you ask me.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 05:00 PM

get a day job in a bookstore. a record store. an art gallery. a museum. meet people in the field that interests you.

Cantankerous 03.14.2007 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
get a day job in a bookstore. a record store. an art gallery. a museum. meet people in the field that interests you.

i think this really is the best thing to do. i need a job that isn't real grueling and that i enjoy to pay the rent (on my goddamn apartment with no a/c) and then i can do my music or photography or paintings or whatever on the side.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 05:07 PM

well i totally get that, i am self-employed because i hate to have a boss, i have a sketchy work history, and i think im unemployable. if you have a talent (you do), focus on developing that and getting the best price for it. you'll learn.

!@#$%! 03.14.2007 05:17 PM

oh that was directed at cantanks.

cankers, whatever you do, respect yourself for fucks sakes.

now i gotta go need to finish this fucking job.

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