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fugazifan 05.16.2010 04:39 PM

i was arrested at again at a protest last week- heres what i wrote about it
it was published in the official sheikh jarrah (neighborhood in east jerusalem where we are struggling to stop more jewish settlers from taking arab houses and to give back the arabs whose houses have already been taken) blog.
a lot has transpired this past week.
i advise going through some of the other posts in the blog but here is what happened on jerusalem day last week.
and i will give a brief intro to what jerusalem day is.
jerusalem day celebrates the union of jerusalem in 67, ie the conquering of the old city/western wall, and the consequent illegal annexation of east jerusalem as an official part of israel, an annexation that has not been recognized by any country in the world. in fact israel is the only country whose capital is not recognized by any other country.
since then jerusalem has been known as a unified city, but the facts are that it is not. while west jerusalem (the jewish part) continues to thrive and gain international acclaim and tourism, east jerusalem is a complete slum. over 30% of jerusalem's some 800,000 residents live in the east part, but east (or the arab parts of east jerusalem) receive only 10% of the cities funding.
there has never been any urban building plan for east jerusalem, in the 43 years that israel has conquered it. that means that most of the houses have no real sewage system. in addition the municipality because of the intentional lack of urban plans, do not let any arabs build houses. this results in illegal house building which results in regular house demolitions.

in a country that has a mandatory education until the age of 17 i think, there is a lack of over 1000 classrooms in east Jerusalem. i believe that the high school dropout rate is over 50% (but im not sure)

these are just a few facts on how jerusalem is not unified. and for that reason we protested the unification holiday last Wednesday. and for that reason i was arrested.
as i promised earlier, here is my somewhat long report of that day.

Lurker 05.16.2010 04:45 PM

That's awful...

space 05.16.2010 05:37 PM

fugazifan gives me faith in humanity.

Keeping It Simple 05.16.2010 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by space
fugazifan gives me faith in humanity.

fugazifan is a poseur. :rolleyes:

space 05.16.2010 05:45 PM

whatever you say, scooter. :)

breligion 05.16.2010 05:57 PM

Thanks, fugazifan. It was a good read.

Rob Instigator 05.17.2010 09:52 AM

keep up the good work. stay safe

hevusa 05.17.2010 10:43 AM

Fucking anti-semitic bullshit... and you guys are supporting it??

Fugazi fan... why don't you leave the Jewish holy land and leave the Jews alone??? That would fucking end the problem right there.... the problem of YOU being on JEWISH holy land.
Or just fucking set off an A-Bomb in the area and get it over with.... because the rest of the world is fucking tired of the constant religious BULLSHIT that is spewing from every pore on your bodies.


space 05.17.2010 10:49 AM

you make yr computations based upon limited data, and are doing yrself a disservice by doing so.

do you know that fugazifan IS jewish? do you know that you suggested that he nuke his family because YOU are sick of "constant religious BULLSHIT"?

does more bullshit ever help fight bullshit? I don't believe so.

what mr fugazifan cares about is PEOPLE and the way they are being mistreated. does being sympathetic to the arabs in Jerusalem make one an anti-semite? is disagreeing with a government's action a disagreeance with God? I think not.

maybe you should take yr own advice, good sir, and get the fuck over yrself (or at least try to make less hostile assumptions).

good day.

note: so much for faith in humanity.

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:00 AM

If fugazifan is Jewish it makes no fucking sense what he is doing...
Why the fuck would you people think it is appropriate for Arabs to be living on Jewish holy land??? It is not and Fugazifan is supporting the BULLSHIT that is adding fuel to the fire.

Fucking stupid shit.

ploesj 05.17.2010 11:01 AM

i fully support you elie, go you!

ploesj 05.17.2010 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
If fugazifan is Jewish it makes no fucking sense what he is doing...
Why the fuck would you people think it is appropriate for Arabs to be living on Jewish holy land??? It is not and Fugazifan is supporting the BULLSHIT that is adding fuel to the fire.

Fucking stupid shit.


israel was assigned to the jewish people after world war two, the people who did 'forgot' some people already lived there. i don't know about the rest of the world, but in my country an expression to talk about the jewish is 'the people with no country'.

if there were people living there, there is absolutely no reason to chase them away, religion or not.

space 05.17.2010 11:04 AM

next questions:

how loud would you cry if bulldozers came and leveled yr house (but not those around you)? oceans of tears, I'm sure.


how loud would you cry if those same bulldozers passed by yr house in favor of the house next door? not a peep. maybe they even "deserved it"? maybe, instead of bulldozers, they should have used a nuke?


did you know that a hallmark of intelligence and evolved behavior is being able to care about others outside of yr internal system? going beyond racial, political and genetic ties, and caring about someone you do not know, or maybe even do not like, is a sign of GREATNESS.

crawl up from the primal slime. the view is spectacular from here.

space 05.17.2010 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
Fucking stupid shit.

I pray that you are simply ignorant and not as fucking stupid as you sound right now.

en boca cerrada no entran moscas, cabron.

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj

israel was assigned to the jewish people after world war two, the people who did 'forgot' some people already lived there. i don't know about the rest of the world, but in my country an expression to talk about the jewish is 'the people with no country'.

if there were people living there, there is absolutely no reason to chase them away, religion or not.

umm... Jerusalem and the surrounding land is where the JEWISH messiah, you may have heard of him, Jesus operated. It is clearly the birthplace of Judaism and is Jewish holy land. To expect people that generally hate Jews to live there is FUCKING RETARDED.

If fugazifan is a Jew working to keep non Jews in the Jewish holy land he has fucking lost his mind and should be arrested at every opportunity possible.

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
umm... Jerusalem and the surrounding land is where the JEWISH messiah, you may have heard of him, Jesus operated. It is clearly the birthplace of Judaism and is Jewish holy land. To expect people that generally hate Jews to live there is FUCKING RETARDED.

If fugazifan is a Jew working to keep non Jews in the Jewish holy land he has fucking lost his mind and should be arrested at every opportunity possible.

What you're suggesting is a bit like saying "I used to live in that house 20 years ago, I think I'll just go in and kick out the people living there now and just move back in". Of course this situation is not quite the same (there's no analogy for immigration in housing), but basically the Israelis don't have the right to do the sort of thing that fugazifan was protesting against. They still have right to be there though.

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:19 AM

Why wouldn't the Israelis have the right to kick people that basically want to see them dead to the curb??? That makes no sense Lurker...
there will be no peace with Arabs on Jewish holy land EVER.

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:20 AM

If the Palestinians started the hostility, unprovoked, then maybe you have a point. But I don't know enough about so I'm going to keep my mouth shut now.

ploesj 05.17.2010 11:23 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
umm... Jerusalem and the surrounding land is where the JEWISH messiah, you may have heard of him, Jesus operated. It is clearly the birthplace of Judaism and is Jewish holy land. To expect people that generally hate Jews to live there is FUCKING RETARDED.

If fugazifan is a Jew working to keep non Jews in the Jewish holy land he has fucking lost his mind and should be arrested at every opportunity possible.

i didn't say they can't live there. but why do they have to live there ALONE?
i live in a city where 164 different nationalities live together, sometimes with a struggle, but we usually get along. we accept the fact that the population will never be one race or religion, enjoy the differences, learn some new things and get on with our lives.

space 05.17.2010 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
should be arrested at every opportunity possible.


maybe fugazifan needs to be dragged through the stations as well, huh?

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:27 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
i didn't say they can't live there. but why do they have to live there ALONE?
i live in a city where 164 different nationalities live together, sometimes with a struggle, but we usually get along. we accept the fact that the population will never be one race or religion, enjoy the differences, learn some new things and get on with our lives.

Yeah exactly. But I think hevusa's point was that the Palestinians want the Israelis/Jews out so the Israelis/Jews have been forced to act aggressively to move these hostile people.

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:32 AM


Originally Posted by ploesj
i didn't say they can't live there. but why do they have to live there ALONE?
i live in a city where 164 different nationalities live together, sometimes with a struggle, but we usually get along. we accept the fact that the population will never be one race or religion, enjoy the differences, learn some new things and get on with our lives.

Sorry Ploesj but you live in freaking Belgium (I'm going to Brussels this summer BTW! woot!) which is among the top societies of the modern world and not the holy land that inspired the largest cults on the planet.

There is a big difference here. It is as if a bunch of Belgium hating Dutch people were living in Brussels and Fugazifan is fighting for the Dutch. He deserves prison.

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:33 AM

Yeah I'll help but only if I get to be the Pope of your religion.

EDIT - reply to space

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:40 AM

If WA state was the holy land for anything you better believe that I would move to Idaho. Or should I be fighting to keep Canadians who hate Americans in WA state as Fugazifan wants???

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
If WA state was the holy land for anything you better believe that I would move to Idaho. Or should I be fighting to keep Canadians who hate Americans in WA state as Fugazifan wants???

Yeah but how have long have the Palestinians been there? Fucking ages! And Jerusalem isn't just holy for Jews.

hevusa 05.17.2010 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by Lurker
Yeah but how have long have the Palestinians been there? Fucking ages! And Jerusalem isn't just holy for Jews.

So we should give America back to the Native Americans?? It is not that simple lurker...

Lurker 05.17.2010 11:55 AM


Originally Posted by hevusa
So we should give America back to the Native Americans?? It is not that simple lurker...

No, I didn't say that you moron. But you should at least have stopped killing them and taking their land and maybe give back a bit of land as their property.

space 05.17.2010 11:57 AM

after taking a satisfying shit that had more braincells than hevusa, I came to the conclusion that I'm arguing with someone who is either mentally disabled, high or both, and have decided to delete my last few posts.

that said, I retract my my previous "good day" and hope that you get fucked.

I'll be spending my day ghost dancing for yr riddance.

father, I come;
mother, I come;
brother, I come;
father, give us back our arrows.

hevusa 05.17.2010 12:11 PM

Whatever gets you through the day space... keep deleting I guess.

Derek 05.17.2010 12:13 PM

He's still just pissed off about the 128k/s stream, ignore him folks!

hevusa 05.17.2010 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Lurker
But you should at least have stopped killing them and taking their land and maybe give back a bit of land as their property.

Do you know how small Israel is?? About the size of New Jersey. Killing will always continue when people have to justify religious belief.

dale_gribble 05.17.2010 12:30 PM

wow hevusa, i wanted to neg rep you at least six times in this thread. yr usually ok, you better start boning up on this subject. because in my opinion most israelis deserve to die. if i was living in palestine right now i'd be trying to kill as many neo-nazi israeli soldiers as possible. those fucking morons will probably start putting palestinians in ovens soon. but whatever, if you like the fourth reich that's fine with me.

hevusa 05.17.2010 12:41 PM

sure gribble... the whole region basically wants Israel wiped off the face of the map but the Israelis are the bad guys for defending themselves?? Educate me then, oh wise one.

If you are going to spout off shit like that about me then make at least ONE valid point about the subject at hand (without calling Jews Nazis if you can help it).

Basically Fugazifan thinks he is such a peaceful saint/hippie to the extent that he is fighting for people that want to see his people dead. I don't know what you think the state of Israel is right now but to me if you are a Jew there you either pick up a freaking AK-47 and help defend your people and your country or you leave and find peace somewhere else. Or, in the case of Fugazifan, you lose your freaking Jewish mind and end up in jail.

Rob Instigator 05.17.2010 12:56 PM

I think any group that lays claim to having the right to have a homelenad based on once having had a homeland 5000 years ago is pretty fucking ridiculous.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think any group that lays claim to having the right to have a homelenad based on once having had a homeland 5000 years ago is pretty fucking ridiculous.

I couldn't agree more. That would be like giving America back to the Native Americans. But if said was done then I think the Native American's should have the right to defend their motherland.

Just saying...

Rob Instigator 05.17.2010 01:09 PM

fuck religion.
it's the root cause of all this bullshit anyways.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
fuck religion.
it's the root cause of all this bullshit anyways.


space 05.17.2010 01:14 PM

you might as well get a new username, chum. you've ruined this one permanently.

yr logic is piss-poor, yr a racist (on top of being a misogynist) and have not even a loose grasp on the the subject that you are so eloquently discussing.

I think yr basepipe's getting cold. if you hurry, and get it before yr mother, there might be some crack left in the brillo.

hevusa 05.17.2010 01:15 PM

yet another post where you have not made a point about the subject.

Better get to deleting space! Or you can just keep name calling... it suits you.

space 05.17.2010 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by hevusa

^^^ yet yr ok with a "JEWISH HOLY LAND" being "FOR JEWS ONLY".

--- do you often find yrself this backed into a corner IN REAL LIFE?

if I were rob, I wouldn't want yr stinkin' agreeance anywhere near me.

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