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luxinterior 06.26.2006 04:34 PM

Who has the messiest room? (plus a game of "I Spy")
I know mine has reached an all-time low. I don't see the point in cleaning it anymore, since I'm going to have to pack a lot of it up come August. Someday I'm going to send these pictures to those guys who make the "I Spy" books.


I spy two skulls and The Cure's "Pornography"
A cup full of blood and Webster's Dictionary


I spy The Kids in the Hall: Seasons 2, 3, and 4
plus two feather boas that make me look like a whore

jon boy 06.26.2006 04:44 PM

ha ha how can you live with yerself!

i used to be very messy when i was younger embarassed to be in the same room as myself sometimes.

Iain 06.26.2006 04:49 PM

Christ alive! You win hands down I think.

luxinterior 06.26.2006 05:11 PM

Surely someone can top that. Where are all of the stackers? I want to see piles of junk that reach the ceiling.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 06.26.2006 05:11 PM

thats bad man

jon boy 06.26.2006 05:25 PM

i like the pic of james dean.

HaydenAsche 06.26.2006 05:27 PM

My room is neat as hell. Thank God for my OCD.

My old neighbor's entire house looked twice as bad as that. Even the fucking bathroom had garbage everywhere. His room had porn laying on the floor and he was like 12 years old.

luxinterior 06.26.2006 05:42 PM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i like the pic of james dean.

If either of those pictures actually showed the disgusting amount of James Dean merchandise I've acquired over the years, you would think twice about giving positive feedback.

I don't really think the mess itself is disgusting, though. I never eat or drink in my room, so it doesn't smell bad. If anything, it smells like an office where people file papers all day. I have a trash can in there, but the only thing I put in it is paper, usually. Most I just have a lot of papers scattered all over my room. I guess I have a thing for paper.

LittlePuppetBoy 06.26.2006 05:46 PM

I used to think that my brothers had filthy rooms, but you, Luxinterior, completely takes the cake!

luxinterior 06.26.2006 06:05 PM

I love cake.

Danny Himself 06.26.2006 06:15 PM

One word: Meff.

[Come on Liverpudlians, decode my message!]

Vodka Goblin 06.26.2006 07:01 PM

Ha ha ha thats a bit messi lux like but y'kno y'should see our room thats me 'n' mrs goblin y'kno it's basically just covered in shit not fesees like not that kinda shit but like just stuf that we 'avent got time to put away 'cos we got thigs to do gotta do things that need doin theres like loads of records 'n' tapes 'n' all that y'kno then theres about two hundred bits of stik wich are gud for different things, like if the gnome police break in tryin to persecute me i can hit 'em like with two hundred diffrent sticks wich is gud or i can lean out the windo 'n' chuk 'em at the elves 'n' showt sumthin ded clever 'n' witty like HEY Y'DAFT FUKKIN ELF HAVE A FREE FUKKIN STIK y'kno stuf like that, we also got some of them little green things that squeak all the time i like the sound y'kno its relaxin like we got a load of bits of stuf too like bits of magical scroll what we robbed from the elves y'see 'n' then theres the bed, its not reely a bed its just a bit of floor thats not cuvered in shit y'kno its a space hey we live in a fukkin little shanty village thats controlled by dodgy fukkin elf rulers 'n' nasty fukkin gnome police in the pay of the elves like hey it's like me mate Jaffi the professer sez y'kno if y'livin sumwhere were theres no elves 'n' gnomes then y'aint livin cos y'died 'n' went to paradise thats how it is have fun 'n' be clever sorry abowt all the cussin' 'n' bad words yeh.

finding nobody 06.26.2006 07:04 PM

vodka goblin give us some pictures

Toilet & Bowels 06.26.2006 07:04 PM

my room is messier than yours lux, but my imagestation account got closed down recently so i can't post a photo.

HaydenAsche 06.26.2006 07:11 PM

You don't even register.

Phlegmscope 06.26.2006 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
my room is messier than yours lux, but my imagestation account got closed down recently so i can't post a photo.

Oh reveal your lair.

The level of mess often corralates with the size of the room/apartment and the amount of shit. And since I've been living quite luxuriously about a year I've managed to keep it quite clean. All my stuff isn't anymore crammed into one room like it was when I lived with my mom.

Although when I had to do some art stuff for the school I applied to, my living room floor was pretty much covered with art supplies and pieces of paper and cardboard.

acousticrock87 06.26.2006 07:53 PM

Holy crap, lux. That's ridiculous. I wish I could live like that, but I gotta organize everything for no reason.

Don't really have a camera so I used direct firewire shots from my camcorder.





Even under my bed is clean. My drums are all stacked up in the closet because I can't move when they're set up.

luxinterior 06.26.2006 08:02 PM

I used to have paths through the flith, but now I just jump over it. I have an excellent sense of balance because of it, except for when I fall and break things.

jon boy 06.27.2006 04:58 AM

i have seen messier by far,. one person i know his room is the most digusting place on earth, his kitchen is full of maggots and his bed is full of old fag ends (cigarretes). he doesnt open the windows much either. thats just a small part of it as i dont want to harm you all with the details.

porkmarras 06.27.2006 05:01 AM

I lived with two sisters who took such pride in not having cleaned their rooms in five(5!!!!!!) years.Whenever i did cleaning in the house they were spellbound for weeks.

shentov 06.27.2006 05:53 AM

my room is messy but not so filthy/dirty at all. the main problem to my roomate is my guitars, books and photographic stuff are everywhere. or so i was told.

Tokolosh 06.27.2006 06:42 AM

I don't mind a messy room. It has character.
What makes it the pits is when there's food involved.
Banana skins between the sheets and yogurt drink in your favorite shoes... etc.

porkmarras 06.27.2006 06:52 AM


Originally Posted by Tokolosh
I don't mind a messy room. It has character.
What makes it the pits is when there's food involved.
Banana skins between the sheets and yougurt drink in your favorite shoes... etc.

True to an extent.I shared flats with people and at times it could get rather squalid but for the most part i have to draw a line somewhere or my mental sanity is in tatters.My ex-flatmate had a habit of eating takeaways and leave the box on the floor as well as piles of plates that progressively went missing from the kitchen.I'm pretty easy going to live with but that was disgusting.

Iain 06.27.2006 01:48 PM

Anything with decomposing food is where I draw the line I think. But all mannner of non decomposing clutter is fine. My room is not exactly tidy but no where near the state of that of Miss Lux....I would post a photo but my camera is in Leeds at the moment.

youthoftomorrow 06.27.2006 03:03 PM

my room is kinda messy. i keep most of my clothes in piles on the floor. there are stacks of papers and books scattered around, but nothing too bad. lux's is worse than mine.

luxinterior 06.27.2006 03:38 PM

All my room needs is a good dusting.

acousticrock87 06.27.2006 04:11 PM

Or you could just wait for a tornado to hit. That should straighten it out somewhat.

luxinterior 06.27.2006 04:21 PM

Oh aren't you clever today, Mr. Cleverpants.

EDIT: Suck it.

acousticrock87 06.27.2006 04:25 PM

Haha. Like that edit was necessary. Ya, I saw it.

luxinterior 06.27.2006 04:43 PM

There's another edit for you, just cause you seem to like them so much.

And here's another Edit:

"You must spread some EDIT around before EDITING acousticrock87 again."

For catching the first of many edits.

!@#$%! 06.27.2006 05:23 PM

wow luxy-- quite an achievement

before i got married, i would have defeated you with just the stuff that was under my bed

these days however i am a respectable citizen (in appearance at least) and my chaos is rather tame

i do however miss the ability to find anything in an instant without having to ask anyone where is it. oh the joys of photographic memory and being single.

sarramkrop 03.12.2007 08:41 PM

My room looks a bit like this tonight:


auto-aim 03.12.2007 08:53 PM

I love Francis Bacon - I'm pretty messy also. The girls like it!

k-krack 03.12.2007 09:40 PM

My room is pretty orderly... It's too small/I'm too obsessive to let it get messy.
I hate having paper on the floor becauseI fucking HATEHATEHATEHATE silverfish. I hate them with every fibre of my being. They disgust me to no end. I would prefer having fucking spiders crawling arond to having god damn silverfish. When you squish a silverfish, they are like dust. Seriously, try it, it's like squishing a really fast piece of lint and dust.

krastian 03.12.2007 09:54 PM

Francis Bacon is the best.....def. a top 5 artist for me. My screensaver is a scroll of 20 or so Bacon paintings.

Alex's Trip 03.12.2007 10:21 PM

My room is pretty organized. Not so much clean in terms of dust and dirt and all that shit...

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 04:42 AM

You should see my room now.An explosion has taken place.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 04:52 AM

This is the sort of mess that i like because it means that i've been up to something good.If it was just lazy mess i couldn't wait to tidy it up but creative chaos suits me big time.

sarramkrop 03.13.2007 05:53 AM

Anyway, back into Bacon mood, you are all boring now.Ciao.

atari 2600 03.13.2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i have seen messier by far,. one person i know his room is the most digusting place on earth, his kitchen is full of maggots and his bed is full of old fag ends (cigarretes). he doesnt open the windows much either. thats just a small part of it as i dont want to harm you all with the details. he pees in a jar and shits in a bucket too?

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