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truncated 03.21.2006 12:21 PM

I just listened to the Arctic Monkeys
And I'm considering suing whoever it was on this board that endorsed them for emotional damages.

Did these guys actually sit around and think to themselves, "Hey, we sound pretty decent. We're actually producing something of worth. Let's make an album!"

I wonder how they sleep at night, knowing they are a turd of the indie genre - digested, shat out, and looking exactly the same as every other floater out there.

Inhuman 03.21.2006 12:30 PM

Haha, I literally laughed when hearing this. I haven't heard them yet, and I really don't know if I want to judging by the responses I've been getting about them from friends. Apparently they're just another indie band, but hey, whatever floats their boat! I can't really judge them myself sinde I haven't heard them

truncated 03.21.2006 12:45 PM

They're not even just inoffensively shitty - they're so contrived it's painful. I'm still in shock. The exaggeration of regional colloquialisms makes me SPASM

dazedcola 03.21.2006 02:14 PM

I saw them on SNL and they were terrible, the best part was during the second song someone in the audience was visibly yawning and one of the bandmembers felt the need to point it out DURING the song. Even they know they're lame.

Hip Priest 03.21.2006 02:17 PM

'm never going to deliberately listen to them, but can't really see what all the hatred is about either. They write catchy guitar songs with OK lyrics, not my kind of thing really, but not offensive or anything either. It's not like they're the Foo Fighters.

Jt 03.21.2006 02:34 PM

ARRRGH, if more of you boarders were in England (Priest excepted) you'd UNDERSTAND the hatred.

They're EVERYWHERE. England's going through this whole faux-indie obsession nowadays. And by faux-indie I mean kids playing pop rock dressed in polo shirts. They're every supposedly trendy 19 year-old girl's dream. And everyone else's worst nightmare. Music for bars. Music for airports. Music for adverts. I honestly wouldn't take issue for them, save for idiots lavishing them with FAR TOO MUCH PRAISE. Their amateurish lyrics seem almost entirely tailored to appease the student demographic.

...I could go and re-write that rant to make it coherent or something. But whatever. Suffice to say, they're shit, but everyone thinks they're shit-hot.

truncated 03.21.2006 02:37 PM

What I find offensive about them (and many other bands) is their underestimation of their audience. They're trying to pass off gimmicky, recycled music as innovative and worthwhile, which dumbs down their collective audience. Their song titles alone make me vaguely nauseous, and there's a moment in a song I believe is called "Scummy" where the singer (whose name I've already forgotten) makes a point of enunciating "summat."

I mean, REALLY.

I'm probably being unfair and overly harsh, and most of the responsibility really lies with the imbeciles who are swallowing this afterbirth. But why, WHY are we being inundated with all of these shaggy-haired, cuffed-jeaned, unshaven, corduroy-sporting, indie-sucking bands?

Somebody make it stoppppppp

truncated 03.21.2006 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by Jt
ARRRGH, if more of you boarders were in England (Priest excepted) you'd UNDERSTAND the hatred.

They're EVERYWHERE. England's going through this whole faux-indie obsession nowadays. And by faux-indie I mean kids playing pop rock dressed in polo shirts. They're every supposedly trendy 19 year-old girl's dream. And everyone else's worst nightmare. Music for bars. Music for airports. Music for adverts. I honestly wouldn't take issue for them, save for idiots lavishing them with FAR TOO MUCH PRAISE. Their amateurish lyrics seem almost entirely tailored to appease the student demographic.

...I could go and re-write that rant to make it coherent or something. But whatever. Suffice to say, they're shit, but everyone thinks they're shit-hot.

Hear hear!

Hip Priest 03.21.2006 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Jt
ARRRGH, if more of you boarders were in England (Priest excepted) you'd UNDERSTAND the hatred.

They're EVERYWHERE. England's going through this whole faux-indie obsession nowadays. And by faux-indie I mean kids playing pop rock dressed in polo shirts. They're every supposedly trendy 19 year-old girl's dream. And everyone else's worst nightmare. Music for bars. Music for airports. Music for adverts. I honestly wouldn't take issue for them, save for idiots lavishing them with FAR TOO MUCH PRAISE. Their amateurish lyrics seem almost entirely tailored to appease the student demographic.

I agree that the excessive adulation has pased the point of stupidity and sped into as yet uncharted inanity.

Jt 03.21.2006 02:51 PM

Exactly. They'll sell a few million though. Because, well... life's a bitch.

HaydenAsche 03.21.2006 05:39 PM

I used to think the same thing. I seen them on SNL and it was decent but not something worth 10 bucks for an album.

Hell, Its not even worth the fucking mbs on my computer to download it.

the ikara cult 03.21.2006 06:27 PM

Its not that theyre bad, its that theyre everywhere. theyre better than the indie band shit thats been popular the last couple of years (Franz ferdinand, Kaiser Cheifs etc)

Hannah 03.21.2006 06:55 PM

Jt is right.

But the Kaiser Chiefs are worse! I swear of it. Do not listen to the Kaiser Chiefs!

perdrix 03.21.2006 07:00 PM

i dont like the arctic monkeys but from what ive heard they dont seem to me to be overly exagerating their regional accents. its not really on a par with the sickening faux working class london wide boy act that blur seemed to milk in the nineties. i give the arctic monkeys the benefit of the doubt on this one. they are still pretty shit though.

schizophrenicroom 03.21.2006 07:12 PM

I agree so much. It was amazing how little fanfare they got during SNL. The NME really needs to learn that hype can kill.

Jt 03.21.2006 09:12 PM

It goes beyond the Arctic Monkeys though... NME's by-students-for-students ethos leads to a skyful of shit being praised as THE NEXT BIG THING when, in actuality, it's metaphorical dog-turd, rated highly on the basis of a) band members looking fashionable, b) lyrics being earnest and/or "clever" (for a fifteen year-old schoolboy poet, that is) and c) guitars being choppy/*angular* (oooh!) ...ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGH.

The thing is, right, NME used to be THE place to scope out new bands. Nowadays it's all about Pete Doherty, Bloc Party, the Stone Roses and "mushrooms". Grow up you semi-literate musically retarded fucks.

porkmarras 03.21.2006 10:34 PM

the artic monkeys?the artic whatever.Whatevr people say i am i am not?ok,hmmmmm,whatever.......

towerhamlets 03.22.2006 04:22 AM

I'm so tired of hearing about the Arctic Monkeys. There's just nothing innovative or special about them, as far as I can tell.

Richard Pryor on Fire 03.22.2006 04:32 AM

They are very easy to hate, but I like it, it's not the fifth best record from the uk. but I think it's solid, so maybe I'm a sucker for contrived dumb shit rock? or maybe it's just a lot easier to renounce something, than to say you like something you know you'll get shit for? fuckindiecred.

fishmonkey 03.22.2006 05:38 AM

i agree with Hannah anf JT
the arctic monkeys are all over Ireland and the UK its like if you drink too much coffee in the morning and your dropping the kids off at the pool all day!!
the kaiser chiefs and just painful, that guy in the band with the kinda william tell hat... fuckin hell i wanna kick his teeth in, i say a group of us storm their website and shout obsenities at them.

Trasher02 03.22.2006 08:29 AM

This band sucks balls seriously... my brother i a fan of every type of music coming from England... blur,gorrilaz,artic monkeys,franz ferdinand he likes 'em all and it's turning me crazy:mad:

arctic monkeys:overrated

Signpost 03.22.2006 08:31 AM

IMo they're just another average indie-rock band which will be forgooten after a few years.

Glice 03.22.2006 08:47 AM

To be fair to the Monkeys (who, admittedly, make me want to swallow bleach) it isn't a contrived media circus like a lot of NME faves - the monkeys got their fame on the back of myspace, they were picked up because theirs was one of the most popular downloads. This doesn't stop the music being arse; it does mean that, more worryingly, the people who use myspace have truly dire taste (hence all the emo).

Hip Priest 03.22.2006 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
To be fair to the Monkeys (who, admittedly, make me want to swallow bleach) it isn't a contrived media circus like a lot of NME faves - the monkeys got their fame on the back of myspace, they were picked up because theirs was one of the most popular downloads.

And that is exactly why people have myspace sites - really, we should be a little pleased, because it shows that cheap advertising can have a huge effect.


Originally posted by Glice
This doesn't stop the music being arse; it does mean that, more worryingly, the people who use myspace have truly dire taste (hence all the emo).

Absolutely. But it's not as bad as the Foo Fighters though. At least the Arctics have tunes, even if they aren't so hot.

jon boy 03.22.2006 09:41 AM

lord knows why anyone with an ounce of common sense or slightest sense of taste would enjoy this bands music is a total misnomer to me.

the only people who like this are tv producers looking for overdub music to particularly dull sequences and groups of drunken students/work night out types who hug eachother and dance around in a circle with their ties wrapped around their heads like rambo while someone pukes on their shoes and they all laugh like gibbons.

truncated 03.22.2006 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
They are very easy to hate, but I like it, it's not the fifth best record from the uk. but I think it's solid, so maybe I'm a sucker for contrived dumb shit rock? or maybe it's just a lot easier to renounce something, than to say you like something you know you'll get shit for? fuckindiecred.

No - you're a sucker haha

One of the simplest (albeit most generalized) gauges of a band is if, upon hearing them, you can actually differentiate them from other bands due entirely to their sound. The Arctic Monkeys (along with such bands as the Hives, Jet, the Killers, the Bravery, I would go on but the list is fuckin endless) are aesthetically pleasing clones that, as Jt and jonboy said, cater to this mutant student species whose desire to be carelessly hip leaves them lying awake at night, plotting their next haircut.

I'm even irritating myself now, sounding all anti-hip.

I can't get over the "summat" in that song. I just can't. Even their NAME makes my skin crawl. How clever and quirky!

What ever happened to bands like Van Halen, Guns 'n Roses, hell, even Pantera? I can't say I'm a fan of mullets but that's pure, unadulterated, rock 'n fuckin roll. It wasn't contrived - it was dressed up glam rock, but it knew it, and embraced it. It was pure in its self-indulgence, comfortable in its own skin. If new bands TRULY wanted to push the boundaries, they'd revive genres like that, not ones that are already pre-stamped with approval.

Isoflurane 03.22.2006 10:26 AM

Agreed. I hate these dudes. I have to listen to that fucking band all the time at work. This girl puts in that CD and cranks it.

porkmarras 03.22.2006 10:35 AM

ha ha ha.Spot on jonboy!You only have to go to the garage in london when they have a club night and despair at all those kids(and the not so young).I also wonder about this sort of nme endorsed bands sometimes.If the artic monkeys dont like the media so much,then,why appear at award ceremonies with a frown and giving interviews(not a lot in their case but still...)to the very people you say you are afraid off?

jon boy 03.22.2006 10:45 AM

to be perfectly honest the music i make is in some small way a direct response to bands like this. there are other, bigger reasons obviously, but in some way i want to destroy my amp in a noise filled climax as a rebelion against this shit.

i would never really totaly destroy my amp btw i havnt got any money to get a new one. now thats rock n roll.

porkmarras 03.22.2006 10:52 AM

Dont despair too much jonboy.With this sort of band,you see,its almost like they come with a sell by date(and sometimes a best before)attached to them.

TheyLiveByNight 03.22.2006 10:56 AM

Yeah, it totally staggers me that such an average band have been lauded to the extent that they have. It seems to be on the basis of one song, with its 'quirky' video all photoshopped up to look like they're performing on The Tube circa 1983. They seem to suffer from the same affliction that most of these 'NME bands' suffer, which is mistaking aping innovative bands from the past for being innovative themselves.

jon boy 03.22.2006 11:03 AM

if you want bands that ape others and scene steal to unbelievable ends then move to leeds. you will be spoilt for choice.

porkmarras 03.22.2006 11:09 AM

the worrying thing is that its happing a bit everywhere in the uk.But thats just a mainstream 'underground' thing.There are still loads of good bands around

jon boy 03.22.2006 11:18 AM

what also made me laugh was that they have been voted for the nations (britain) greatest lyrics competition along with christina aguelira and oasis.

i know that they will never have the lyrics i like on that, or lyrics dont have to be old to be good, but christ man!

poiu 03.22.2006 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Jt
ARRRGH, if more of you boarders were in England (Priest excepted) you'd UNDERSTAND the hatred.

They're EVERYWHERE. England's going through this whole faux-indie obsession nowadays. And by faux-indie I mean kids playing pop rock dressed in polo shirts. They're every supposedly trendy 19 year-old girl's dream. And everyone else's worst nightmare. Music for bars. Music for airports. Music for adverts. I honestly wouldn't take issue for them, save for idiots lavishing them with FAR TOO MUCH PRAISE. Their amateurish lyrics seem almost entirely tailored to appease the student demographic.

...I could go and re-write that rant to make it coherent or something. But whatever. Suffice to say, they're shit, but everyone thinks they're shit-hot.

I agree :mad:

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