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Glice 03.26.2010 12:06 PM

Musical marathon.
I spent 6 hours (or so) listening to that Fushitsusha live show from the bootlegs thread the other day and thoroughly enjoyed it. And I realised I haven't done anything like it for a while. What I'm looking for is something very long that's one piece - like that Daughter of Darkness thing Natural Snow Buildings did. I'm going to listen to the whole of the Ring cycle in one sitting in a month or so. So yeah - other suggestions please. Nothing south of 2 hours, and preferably more like 6+. I've done Feldman, Oliveros and a few operas in the past - so opera/ classical/ New York school art-music is pretty much covered. Unless any of you can get me something from Hermann Nitsch (and I'd be very happy if you could).

Also, feel free to tell the story of how you listened to the Merzbox (herr Park).

static-harmony 03.26.2010 12:15 PM

I just youtube'd Hermann Nitsch those videos are not disturbing at all.

Glice 03.26.2010 12:23 PM

There's a good longer one on ubuweb. Well worth the watch if you've got 16 minutes.

static-harmony 03.26.2010 12:42 PM

The whole time I was watching that I was thinking what the audience were thinking. They must have been like WTF?

Toilet & Bowels 03.26.2010 01:26 PM

Eliane Radigue - Adnos I-III

What was the Fushitsusha like?

Toilet & Bowels 03.26.2010 01:27 PM

You could listen to one of those old rave/dnb/whatever tape packs all in one go

Glice 03.26.2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Eliane Radigue - Adnos I-III

What was the Fushitsusha like?

I'll give that Radigue a bash, if I can find it. But keep those suggestions coming, innit?

Fushitsusha was surprising - there's bits that don't sound far off Deep Purple or something, trad bluesy. There's also a sort-of Arabic bit early on part 3 - really, really good, but doesn't sound anything like Fushitsusha. I'd definitely recommend it, if you've got the time spare.

Toilet & Bowels 03.26.2010 01:38 PM

do you have a link to it?

Glice 03.26.2010 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
do you have a link to it?

Peltor - no worries.

SuperCreep 03.26.2010 02:30 PM

i only ever do this with les rallizes denudes. it hardly feels like 5-6 hours at all.

Tokolosh 03.26.2010 03:09 PM

La Monte Young's The Well-Tuned Piano?

±5hrs in 10 parts.

shabbray2.0 03.26.2010 05:55 PM

o rourkes "long night" even if the first cd is boring, the second is great

atsonicpark 03.26.2010 07:35 PM

Haha how is the first cd boring but the second isn't? They sound exactly the same! I love Long Night.

Listen to merzbow's 13 japanese birds. He said in an interview that it's his "noise Messiaen tribute", whatever the fuck that means.

Glice 03.27.2010 09:44 AM

I've done Merzbow and La Monte Young, but thanks. Jim O'Rourke's only two CDs. Bit shorter than I'm looking for. But also thanks.

EVOLghost 03.27.2010 10:44 AM

hmmmm this sounds like a good idea. I'm only like 4 or 5 CD's into the merzbox (Marfan Syndrome, Fission Dialogue, Exotic Apple, and Brain Ticket Death.)

the ikara cult 03.28.2010 03:05 PM

Ash Navs Early years tape muck thing looks pretty long, if you have it. Im not sure what you should do whilst listening to it, but I should have bought that bloody thing when it was available.

What did you do whilst doing the Merzbow, Natural Snow Buildings, any of these other big things?

Glice 03.28.2010 05:48 PM

Read, mostly. With operas I tend to have the libretto to hand.

Genteel Death 03.28.2010 05:50 PM

Have you already done the throbbing gristle?

the ikara cult 03.28.2010 06:00 PM

I did Radiohead marathons when i was 13/14, which lasted a good 6 hours, and i used to play playstation whilst i did it. Tomb Raider, Gran Turismo... I learned many of my favourite albums playing those games. Glory Days

Toilet & Bowels 03.28.2010 06:32 PM


Originally Posted by Glice

thank you

Glice 03.28.2010 06:44 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Have you already done the throbbing gristle?

Yup. 24 and 10+, but over three days. I haven't been able to listen to them since, mind.

Tokolosh 03.30.2010 07:35 AM

I'm going to listen to all 10 of Mahler's Symphonies (Radio-Sinfonie-Orchester Frankfurt) + Das Lied Von Der Erde in one sitting.

Not one piece, but a marathon nevertheless.

Glice 03.30.2010 07:41 AM

I got Rattle's version of the 10 symphonies recently. I admire the idea, but I struggle to see the merit of listening to 1 & 2 just because you'll be listening to the rest. Start with the 3rd, I say.

Tokolosh 03.30.2010 07:56 AM

That's with the Berlin Philharmonic, right?
I'll take your advice and start with the 3rd, go full circle and end with the 2nd.
Das Lied Von Der Erde stands between the 9th and 10th. Is that chronologically correct? I'm no Mahler expert.

Glice 03.30.2010 08:06 AM

According to the Klemperer version notes (which just happens to be sat on my desk), Das Lied... was contemporaneous with the 9th, so very late. I assume you know that the 10th is incomplete as well? Probably not worth bothering with either. You could easily replace it with Kindertotenlieder, written after the 4th (I think).

I really couldn't listen to that much Mahler. I get out of breath just listening to the 3rd.

Tokolosh 03.30.2010 08:10 AM


Originally Posted by Glice
I assume you know that the 10th is incomplete as well? You could easily replace it with Kindertotenlieder, written after the 4th (I think).

I really couldn't listen to that much Mahler. I get out of breath just listening to the 3rd.

Yes, he died young.
The 3rd it is. I'll look into Kindertotenlieder.

Ps: Scriabin's piano sonatas 1-10 are next.

Glice 03.30.2010 08:20 AM

Awesome. Who's on the ivories? Scriabin is one of those I should've spent time with, but haven't. They've been playing him a lot on the radio of late.

Tokolosh 03.30.2010 08:24 AM

Vladimir Ashkenazy.

Glice 03.30.2010 08:36 AM

Excellent. He'll know what he's doing. Not like that terrible McGregor woman. Can't abide her.

Tokolosh 03.30.2010 08:44 AM

According to experts, Hamelin does it better.
I prefer a Russian doing it. More appropriate, I guess.

Glice 03.30.2010 09:04 AM

I tend to think anyone under 40 who claims to be an expert is just regurgitating other's opinions. And most of the people over 40, in fairness.

Tokolosh 03.31.2010 03:30 AM

I listened to the 3rd, 4th and 5th yesterday.
The 3rd is definitely the best one so far.
It has some serious mood swings.
Doris Soffel's vocals are alright, but parts I and VI attract me the most.

fugazifan 03.31.2010 06:04 AM

im taking a course on mahler. we have so far heard the 1st three. i definitely like the 3rd the best.
but i cant understand the 1st and 2nd hating. the first's second two movements are excellent. and the second's 3rd and final movement are equally superb.
bu yeah, the third is excellent.

Glice 03.31.2010 05:22 PM

I think the problem is that they are clearly good, but in the context of Mahler I find them to be very weak, especially next to the 3rd. Having said that, I'm not studying them, so I imagine you're reading them much closer than me. Closer enough to ignore a flip opinion, at least.

static-harmony 03.31.2010 05:27 PM

Why don't you get yourself some dupstep dj's playing live and listen to those?

The Earl Of Slander 03.31.2010 05:36 PM

If you want a real marathon, 9 Beet Stretch is your boy. It may have the downside of being impossible though. Maybe in 2 or 3 sessions?

Although it's not technically one piece in any of them, Table of The Elements has a few box sets that would be good choices. Either of the early minimalism ones, the John Cale or the Tony Conrad ones, would be amazing, especially if paired with that 'Inside The Dream Syndicate Volume 1: Day Of Niagra' CD that was originally supposed to be part of the Cale one, or the whole 'Guitar Trio Is My Life' set...

Glice 03.31.2010 06:03 PM

A friend and I had a good debauched and unproductive weekend to a few Table of the Elements boxes, but that's an awesome call (he's playing a 24h gig in a few weeks).

I'm not too sure about that 9 Beet Stretch - if only because I don't really like the 9th. But I might give a few hours of it a crack, thanks.

The Earl Of Slander 03.31.2010 06:14 PM

Your opinion on the 9th will likely have very little bearing on how much you enjoy 9 Beet. It basically ends up just sounding like a really lush drone piece.

Oh, and I forgot, there's always this, if you've got the metal

jon boy 03.31.2010 07:01 PM

i played for 8 hours at anthony braxtons sonic genome project after three days of 2 hour rehearsals. that was very a marathon.

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