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E. Noisefield 10.07.2011 08:53 PM

Best Radiohead Album?
I can't get into King of Limbs. I just can't. There's nothing to grab onto.

I'm not even sure I qualify as a Radiohead fan anymore. I suppose they're kind of the defining band of my generation (90's kid), and I've been loyal to them since I first heard "High and Dry" before the Bends came out... it seemed to have substance to it- good pop song. Though honestly at the time I thought BLUR was going to be the band that blew up.

then Radiohead happened. Now they're the standard. But I'm bored with the new shit. I've been bored for a while. Hoping for a return to form at some point, but starting to lose faith.

But remembering the good times... what's you favorite Radiohead album?

noisereductions 10.07.2011 09:12 PM

My favorite is Amnesiac. Then OK Computer. Then Kid A. Then all of them.

louder 10.07.2011 09:32 PM

one of my fav bands of all time..
OK Computer > Kid A > The Bends > In Rainbows > the others

knox 10.07.2011 09:52 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
My favorite is Amnesiac. Then OK Computer. Then Kid A. Then all of them.

No doubt.
(except for Pablo Honey)

Kuhb 10.08.2011 01:42 AM

I Might Be Wrong the live album is up there for me.

Is it just me, or does the production on their albums completely limit this band? It took this video for me to completely realise this:

ann ashtray 10.08.2011 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by knox
No doubt.
(except for Pablo Honey)


I always thought Pablo Honey was just kind of boring. Not a terrible album, but there are far better albums by others artists that approached music is a similar way to Pablo Honey.

OK Computer
Kid A

Not common for me to listen to these albums, but I really enjoy them whenever I do.

Count Mecha 10.08.2011 05:03 AM

I guess I'm just barely a fan of them. I mean, I like them. But I only really listen to Kid A, which I enjoy alot. I like OK Computer and Amnesiac too, and those earlier ones. But I never listen to them, just Kid A really. Which is great haha.

Pelle 10.08.2011 05:49 AM

The Bends and OK Computer.

Mostly cause I haven't really listened a lot to any of their other albums..

louder 10.08.2011 07:35 AM

Amnesiac is kinda depressing..

Torn Curtain 10.08.2011 07:47 AM

The live versions of the "King of limbs" songs are really far better in my opinion. ssions%22+skypluspro&aq=f

Jeremy 10.08.2011 08:23 AM

Radiohead are one of those bands I'd enjoy a lot more if they weren't hyped up as this perfect band that does no wrong. That and if they weren't so pretentious.

Still, they write good songs and have released good records.

The Bends
Kid A
OK Computer

Amnesiac has some of my favorite songs, but consistently I prefer those three. Pretty much the same with Hail To The Thief; Has more misses than direct hits. Didn't care for In Rainbows. Pablo Honey is generic bland modern rock of that era with some decent songs in between the rubbish. King Of Limbs is awful.


louder 10.08.2011 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jeremy
Radiohead are one of those bands I'd enjoy a lot more if they weren't hyped up as this perfect band that does no wrong. That and if they weren't so pretentious.

kinda true

noisereductions 10.08.2011 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by louder
Amnesiac is kinda depressing..

it's amazing though. Love it.

Agree w/ Knox about I MIGHT BE WRONG. I love that thing.

louder 10.08.2011 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
it's amazing though. Love it.

Agree w/ Knox about I MIGHT BE WRONG. I love that thing.

yeah, i like all of their albums.. even the King of Limbs (definitely their worst album since Pablo Honey tho), but there are other things i'd rather put on nowadays when i feel like listening to Radiohead. I Might Be Wrong is one of them.

EVOLghost 10.08.2011 10:27 AM

Kid A, Hail to the Thief, Ok Comp....those 3 in reverse order.

noisereductions 10.08.2011 10:33 AM


Originally Posted by louder
yeah, i like all of their albums.. even the King of Limbs (definitely their worst album since Pablo Honey tho), but there are other things i'd rather put on nowadays when i feel like listening to Radiohead. I Might Be Wrong is one of them.

y'know -- I like King Of Limbs quite a bit. But I agree it is one of their weakest albums most likely since Pablo Honey. So yeah. I'm not huge into Hail To The Thief either honestly. But again. It's good. Just not as great to me as all the other albums.

nicfit 10.08.2011 10:40 AM

I'm still convinced that most of the people who think there's not much to listen to in TKOF songs are missing out a lot of the mind poisoning work hidden in those tracks.

_slavo_ 10.08.2011 10:44 AM

1. Kid A
2. My Iron Lung EP
3. The Bends

Tokido 10.08.2011 07:21 PM

Would have to say Kid A.

E. Noisefield 10.08.2011 09:26 PM


Originally Posted by louder
Amnesiac is kinda depressing..

Everything since OKC has been depressing. Actually, every Radiohead song ever has been depressing. That's one of my biggest problems with them. They have nothing to be depressed about, and it's getting old.

They're at their best when they're rocking. Kid A is cool, and definitive, and blah blah, but they're really a great pop band and should stick with that.

NEway, for me it's: Hail to the Thief > OK Computer > The Bends > Kid A > all the others blend together in one long depressing drone.

E. Noisefield 10.08.2011 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Torn Curtain

I like that Fallon performance, but when did Thom Yorke decide he wanted to be a Seattlite circa 1994???

choc e-Claire 03.29.2020 05:19 AM

As a quarantine project I ranked every LP track, all 100 of them, and tweeted it out over the past week. Here is a link to my descriptions of everything, and here's the rank:

100: I Can’t
99: How Do You?
98: Prove Yourself
97: Lurgee
96: Vegetable
95: We Suck Young Blood
94: Ripcord
93: Feral
92: Pulk/Pull Revolving Doors
91: Fitter Happier
90: Bloom
89: Morning Bell/Amnesiac
88: Separator
87: Glass Eyes
86: Sulk
85: In Limbo
84: Hunting Bears
83: Treefingers
82: Give Up the Ghost
81: Stop Whispering
80: Go to Sleep
79: The Tourist
78: Black Star
77: Like Spinning Plates
76: Anyone Can Play Guitar
75: The Numbers
74: Knives Out
73: Thinking About You
72: A Punchup at a Wedding
71: Codex
70: Desert Island Disk
69: Subterranean Homesick Alien
68: Sit Down. Stand Up.
67: Sail to the Moon
66: House of Cards
65: Electioneering
64: Planet Telex
63: Motion Picture Soundtrack
62: Morning Bell
61: Faust Arp
60: Life in a Glasshouse
59: Lotus Flower
58: Dollars and Cents
57: The Bends
56: You
55: (Nice Dream)
54: Little by Little
53: Blow Out
52: Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief
51: The Gloaming
50: Jigsaw Falling Into Place
49: I Will
48: Lucky
47: Reckoner
46: Decks Dark
45: Bones
44: Present Tense
43: Scatterbrain
42: The National Anthem
41: Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box
40: Daydreaming
39: Identikit
38: Bodysnatchers
37: Airbag
36: Ful Stop
35: Morning Mr Magpie
34: Where I End and You Begin
33: Videotape
32: True Love Waits
31: 2+2=5
30: Kid A
29: You and Whose Army?
28: Burn the Witch
27: My Iron Lung
26: Nude
25: Myxomatosis
24: Backdrifts
23: High & Dry
22: Just
21: A Wolf at the Door
20: Everything in Its Right Place
19: Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was
18: No Surprises
17: Idioteque
16: Exit Music (for a Film)
15: I Might Be Wrong
14: 15 Step
13: Pyramid Song
12: Optimistic
11: Fake Plastic Trees
10: There There
9: Karma Police
8: All I Need
7: Creep
6: Weird Fishes/Arpeggi
5: Street Spirit (Fade Out)
4: Paranoid Android
3: Climbing up the Walls
2: Let Down
1: How to Disappear Completely

Skuj 03.29.2020 02:28 PM

I'm one of those very strange people who think that the last one, A Moon Shaped Pool, is the best one.

shallow27 03.29.2020 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I'm one of those very strange people who think that the last one, A Moon Shaped Pool, is the best one.

I "vindicate" A Moon Shaped Pool too, it has an unique atmosphere, and also The King of the Limbs, despite the production doesn't help.

choc e-Claire 03.29.2020 07:17 PM

AMSP has come out a lot better than I'd thought it would, but I don't find any of the songs particularly great and it often just seems too much like ambient noodling

Severian 03.30.2020 08:16 PM

Hail to the Thief is a fave for me. In Rainbows plays like a dream but lacks some of the highs of Thief.

This is my current take

Peterpuff 03.31.2020 11:23 AM

Still a sucker for Kid A as my fave. I would put Hail to the Thief as my second.

_slavo_ 04.06.2020 07:42 AM


Originally Posted by choc e-Claire
As a quarantine project I ranked every LP track, all 100 of them, and tweeted it out over the past week. Here is a link to my descriptions of everything, and here's the rank:

Lurgee on number 97? That's heresy!

g. 04.06.2020 08:02 AM

OK computer but very closely followed by The Bends for me.

choc e-Claire 04.06.2020 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
Lurgee on number 97? That's heresy!

What does Lurgee do? Like, I can't remember a fucking thing about it.

Diesel 04.08.2020 05:16 PM

Probably Kid A. All their LP's after this sound the same and are indistinguishable from each other. Not that they are bad, just formulaic.

Skuj 04.08.2020 07:26 PM

Radiohead formulaic? I think you are the first person I have ever heard say that.

dirty bunny 04.08.2020 07:30 PM

The Bends is one of my favourite albums of all time, so that's tops for Radiohead. After that? Hail to the Thief. I still have a soft spot for Pablo Honey but really don't care after that.

Diesel 04.09.2020 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Radiohead formulaic? I think you are the first person I have ever heard say that.

You could take a song from any LP after Kid A and put it on any other LP and there woukd be no aesthetic difference. They took no risk after Kid A.

Severian 04.09.2020 07:46 AM


Originally Posted by dirty bunny
The Bends is one of my favourite albums of all time, so that's tops for Radiohead. After that? Hail to the Thief. I still have a soft spot for Pablo Honey but really don't care after that.

Bends has kinda aged poorly for me. First several tracks are great, last track is great, in-between is a lot of meh.

GeneticKiss 04.12.2020 12:10 PM

Pablo Honey: dated in more than one way, but has occasional flashes of brilliance (and "Anyone Can Play Guitar" was pretty much my mindset for a while)
The Bends: More flashes of brilliance than its predecessor, but still dated
OK Computer: a masterpiece
Kid A: another masterpiece
Amnesiac: could've been a double album with Kid A but still has some great songs
Hail to the Thief: not consistent enough to be called a masterpiece, but still a very strong album and my personal favorite
The King of Limbs: never got into this one much beyond "Lotus Flower"
A Moon Shaped Pool: a good listen, but suggests the band's "rock" days are behind them, which YMMV on whether that's good or bad

Toilet & Bowels 04.12.2020 05:17 PM

I probably haven't heard anything new from them in almost 20 years. And that's how i like it.

Why bother having opinions on boring complainer music?

choc e-Claire 04.12.2020 10:10 PM

Pablo Honey: better than you remember for some of the songs, just as shit as you remember for the others
The Bends: a huge leap forward, stunning and stupidly overlooked
OK Computer: the greatest album since...IDK? Daydream Nation, maybe?
Kid A: another piece of near perfection with some absolutely stunning moments.
Amnesiac: at its best, as good as the previous one, but nowhere near consistent enough
Hail to the Thief: needs to be trimmed back, but I will defend it to the death
In Rainbows: the most overrated of these albums, but a lot of fun alternative rock songs that strip things back to 'basics'
The King of Limbs: too messy and weirdly sequenced, but 'Morning Mr Magpie' and 'Lotus Flower' go off
A Moon Shaped Pool: not as direct as I want my music to be, but has its moments

Severian 04.13.2020 07:56 AM

I dunno, I feel like people love the bends. To me it’s decent at times — couple great tracks — and painfully average other times. Oh well.

louder 04.13.2020 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
I dunno, I feel like people love the bends. To me it’s decent at times 1- couple great tracks — and painfully average other times. Oh well.


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