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SYRFox 09.01.2008 04:37 PM

Am I the only one that does not like CD-Rs? (or a question of packaging)
I don't like burned CDs. I have no problems with downloading and listening albums as MP3s. I have a lot of them on my computer, and I always end up buying them one day or the other. But I don't like burning my downloaded albums on CD-Rs, even if they're out of print or whatever. I can't really explain why - I just feel strange about it. And I know that I won't ever listen to a burned CD - whereas I often listen to MP3 albums.

I think that's because the MP3 is totally decontextualised from the whole packaging: that's just a MP3 folder - even if it has the cover art on it. With the burned CD, you have an object - but I feel like it's not the real thing. I prefer having the whole packaging when I have an object.

Do you get my point? Do you feel the same about burned CDs (or asked differently: am I a psychomaniac)? Or more generally, what is your relation to packaging?

Pookie 09.01.2008 04:38 PM


al shabbray 09.01.2008 04:39 PM

you speak from the bottom of my heart. I hate them and I tread them like shit. I only burn them to listen on my stereo, but if I like the music I will buy it, and if I dont like it I will trash them, anyway.
hate cdrs!!!! love originals love vinyls even more

SuperCreep 09.01.2008 04:41 PM

I don't care too much. It's all music in the end.

This Is Not Here 09.01.2008 04:42 PM

Hmm, I personally can't listen to an album on a computer unless I have it on a physical format, even if it is just a CD-R. For me a CD-R is just an inbetween compromise, between deciding I need to hear it and actually getting around to buying it. I don't agree that a collection of MP3s feels more like the real thing than a CD-R, I always print off artwork to go with my CD-Rs though...

al shabbray 09.01.2008 04:44 PM

I cant say why self printed cover artworks and self burned cdrs doesnt satisfy me, but they just dont. and yes somehow I want to pay the artist for what he did. especially when it comes to smaller releases.

SYRFox 09.01.2008 04:47 PM


Originally Posted by This Is Not Here
I don't agree that a collection of MP3s feels more like the real thing than a CD-R, I always print off artwork to go with my CD-Rs though...

That's somewhat my point: a collection of MP3s does not feel at all like the real thing. You just have the music and when you buy the CD you truly have more. I've bought CDs that I already had as CD-R in the past, and it's nearly as if I had the album twice...

Glice 09.01.2008 04:49 PM

My experience has been that CD-R releases tend to be on lowest-quality CDs, and although you get the odd masterpiece, lower-quality artwork. I haven't, in principle, got a problem, but in practice a CD burnt on low-quality software (which may well be top-spec for home users) doesn't seem to stand up very long in Glice Towers. This is largely to do with my shocking disregard for CDs, but I find a professional pressing will just need a bit of a clean to make it not completely fucked.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 04:58 PM

but when it comes to quality than some labels compress the fuck out of their releases just for volume.
then I prefer the self burned (from the artist) albums, which is indeed another story

Glice 09.01.2008 05:18 PM

I'd be surprised if many of the over-compressing labels were the sort of labels that people here were into. Assuming you mean the mastering wars thing?

Interesting thing on that. Last year, I was able to listen to CDs as I worked. I listened to Merzbow at half-volume. Immediately afterwards, I put on Avril Lavigne's second, and I nearly deafened myself. Far too loud. Great, but far too loud.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 05:24 PM

no I think thats more the case for the majors.
same goes for me as I was struggling to reach the same loudness of some independent myspace artist. I thought that I should at least reach his loudness...then Ive compared my track to a boards of canada (warp) track by accident and I was already was a good moment for realising NOT to overrate loudness. and I think BoC are a good comparison, if somebody cares about output quality it must be the guys from boards of canada

king_buzzo 09.01.2008 05:26 PM

yes i feel the same way. when i burn discs i always use the same ones and the same sleeves so they all look the same. that bothers me a little. i dont want to bother printing out the cover and everything.

pbradley 09.01.2008 06:08 PM

I really don't care much about aesthetics of music packaging. CD-Rs are a quick and efficient way to be able to play music that I have in MP3 on a CD player if I do not have the CD release. They are also greater for burning mixes as well as sharing my own tunes. I don't have any hook ups on some notion of "real."

al shabbray 09.01.2008 06:14 PM

I really prefer the good ol tape over the cdr for mixes, it got more charm and the recording process is something completeley different then puttin a tracklist in 5 minutes together

gmku 09.01.2008 06:20 PM

My only CD-Rs are of things that are extremely rare or impossible to find in a "real" format, like certain VU bootlegs and Pussy Galore's Exile on Main St. In any case, they're only a substitute for the "real thing" until the day I find it on LP or CD.

pbradley 09.01.2008 06:22 PM

OH NO. CD-Rs are less "charming" and don't take as much effort. They obviously suck.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 06:28 PM


Cantankerous 09.01.2008 06:29 PM

just listen to the music and quit bitching. nerds.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 06:30 PM


gmku 09.01.2008 06:50 PM

CD-Rs suck. It's as simple as that. Case closed.

stu666 09.01.2008 06:52 PM

audio tape cassette. There's an amazing range of designs, starting from the early 60's functional cassette designs, moving through the colourful playfulness of the 70's audio tapes to amazing shape variations during the 80's and 90's.

al shabbray 09.01.2008 06:55 PM

hahaha Ive downloaded every single pic off of that site, I dunno what I will do with it, but after Ive seen that somebody on myspace already made a gif out of it I forgot about it

This Is Not Here 09.01.2008 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by pbradley
CD-Rs are less "charming"

I never realised CDs had any charm, whatsoever.

Lets not forget whilst CD-Rs may be a disposable substitute, they're widely a disposable substitute for the 'most disposable of formats'; CD's. I'd never really have anything on CD-R unless I had it or will have it on vinyl or cassette.

atsonicpark 09.01.2008 07:52 PM

It's music. Who gives a shit what format it's on. Just enjoy sound.

pbradley 09.01.2008 08:02 PM

I think the idea of any format having charm is full of shit. Fuck your hipster nostalgia (or self-trained retro-nostalgia).

al shabbray 09.01.2008 08:03 PM

tapes got charm. even the look of em is charming

Insignificant 09.01.2008 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
I don't like burned CDs. I have no problems with downloading and listening albums as MP3s. I have a lot of them on my computer, and I always end up buying them one day or the other. But I don't like burning my downloaded albums on CD-Rs, even if they're out of print or whatever. I can't really explain why - I just feel strange about it. And I know that I won't ever listen to a burned CD - whereas I often listen to MP3 albums.

I think that's because the MP3 is totally decontextualised from the whole packaging: that's just a MP3 folder - even if it has the cover art on it. With the burned CD, you have an object - but I feel like it's not the real thing. I prefer having the whole packaging when I have an object.

Do you get my point? Do you feel the same about burned CDs (or asked differently: am I a psychomaniac)? Or more generally, what is your relation to packaging?

I understand the way you feel, in a way, but not to that extent.

And yes, tapes have a hell of a lot of charm. Coloured vinyl does, too, in a very different way.

✌➬ 09.01.2008 09:13 PM

God I sometimes feel you guys don't care about music anymore.

Everyneurotic 09.01.2008 09:22 PM

cd-r releases can be good; i've gotten vinyl releases that look ten times shittier than the shittiest cd-r releases i've ever had.

i wo't dignify answering "omg!! i hate burnt mp3s, like wtf?" because it's stupid.

atsonicpark 09.01.2008 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
God I sometimes feel you guys don't care about music anymore.

A lot of people on this board have been like that for a while. It's sad.

✌➬ 09.01.2008 11:15 PM

I know, atsonic, I mean I don't have the best taste in music. However I like anything will listen to anything, whether it be Techno(current) rock, jazz, noise, pop, rap, etc... Music is music enjoy it whatever forms it comes from.

atsonicpark 09.01.2008 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
Music is music enjoy it whatever forms it comes from.


SYRFox 09.02.2008 04:02 AM


Originally Posted by ✌➬
God I sometimes feel you guys don't care about music anymore.

Of course I care about music... but not if it's on a burnt CD-R :p

pbradley 09.02.2008 04:17 AM

Do you also refuse to drink out of styrofoam cups?

al shabbray 09.02.2008 04:19 AM

ok, I think here is a gap between people JUST listening to music and people who are also COLLECTORS when it comes to music....

and yes I wouldnt want to ruin a splendid scotch whiskey with drinkin it out of a styrofoam cup, of course not

fugazifan 09.02.2008 04:58 AM

i have shifted, since i stopped working and started studying from a material collector to an aural collector.
i dont have the funds to buyt that many cds anymore, but i constantly listen to music.
and i must say after a while you sopt missing the physicalness of a release and start enjoying the music for what it is, music, with no preconceptions based on packaging and record label...

i still love buying music, but i dont always have the funds

Cantankerous 09.02.2008 05:02 AM

have you guys not yet realised that all CDs suck, CD-R or otherwise?

al shabbray 09.02.2008 05:03 AM

same goes for me. I am a student and can just buy a couple of cds from time to time, but I like to spend my money for that, I really enjoy it, I never wanted to say that listening to mp3s is bad or something, its just that if I can afford it I will buy it (same with the whiskey)

al shabbray 09.02.2008 05:04 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
have you guys not yet realised that all CDs suck, CD-R or otherwise?

its not aout the cd itsself its more about the packaging

Cantankerous 09.02.2008 05:19 AM


Originally Posted by al shabbray
its not aout the cd itsself its more about the packaging

that does nothing to disprove the point i made. and that is that CDs fucking suck.

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