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marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 01:50 AM

Remembering & pondering past, & future SY shows.
My first time seeing this mezmerizing band was on the "Sonic Nurse Tour". August 20, 2004. @ The Orange Peel, Asheville, NC. (I'm seeing Dinosaur Jr. there in a few weeks) It was a night that changed my life, & I'll never forget.
The Orange Peel holds about 500 people, give or take, so it was a very personal type show. & I was right there in the front row. (G/A) I remember Kim on "Pattern Recognition", when she would sing the lyrics, "You're The One", she would raise her arms like angel wings. & of course, I would point @ her when she sang those lyrics, saying to her, she's the one. & I remember Lee stretching himself & his guitar over the audience, & I think I got a piece of the neck. & when Thusrton was running around the stage, he actually came close enough for me to touch a piece of his leg. & I remember Thurston explaining how the last time they had a gig there, it was canceled, & all the ticket holders started rioting. & to follow the explanation up, they played "Teenage Riot". I will be seeing SY again this June @ the Bannaroo festival.
So, do you have some SY concert stories you'd like to share. Or are you getting ready to see SY?

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 02:54 AM

So, I guess no one wants to talk about SY shows. I can't believe no one wants to discuss this topic. It's just as good as the other threads on this board. What's the matter w/ you people?

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 03:03 AM

Has anyone from the board seen SY in the 80's era? What were there shows like back then?

!@#$%! 03.22.2006 03:05 AM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
So, I guess no one wants to talk about SY shows. I can't believe no one wants to discuss this topic. It's just as good as the other threads on this board. What's the matter w/ you people?

take it easy man. you don't have to rack up 1,000 posts in a month again. go for a walk or something :D

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 03:10 AM

I can't. It's raining here, & it's 3:00 a.m. Otherwise I might.

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 03:21 AM

!@#$%!- Do you have any SY concert stories?

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 03:35 AM

Just checking out my signature. C'mon there has got to be someone out there who wants to talk about SY shows that they've seen.

CHOUT 03.22.2006 03:49 AM

Here's all the Sonic Youth shows I've seen:
To me the first time seeing them was the most magical show I've ever been to. I cried if that's any indication.

09/30/92 Sonic Youth / Royal Trux - First Avenue, Minneapolis MN
05/29/95 Sonic Youth / Dead C / Wrong - First Avenue, Minneapolis MN
05/30/95 REM / Sonic Youth - Target Center, Minneapolis MN
10/30/95 Sonic Youth / The Amps - First Avenue, Minneapolis MN
05/17/98 Sonic Youth / Helium - O'Shaughnessy, St. Paul MN
06/09/00 Sonic Youth / Stereolab / Cock ESP - The Walker, Minneapolis MN
08/19/02 Sonic Youth / Skye Klad - First Avenue, Minneapolis MN
07/28/04 Sonic Youth / Wolf Eyes / Hair Police - The Quest, Minneapolis MN
07/30/04 Sonic Youth / Wolf Eyes / Hair Police - The Eagle's Nest, Milwaukee WI

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 03:54 AM

I almost didn't get to see them. When I went to hand event staff my ID & ticket, they looked at the ID & said, we don't except out of state ID (I live in TN.) But, after some convincing, they let me in. It was the greatest nigh of my life.

CHOUT 03.22.2006 04:05 AM

It was quite exciting seeing Sonic Youth headline First Avenue then the next day see them open for REM (two of my all time faves) in a massive place.

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 04:09 AM

CHOUT- Do you know anyone who saw an SY show in the early 80's?

Richard Pryor on Fire 03.22.2006 04:28 AM

I've seen sonic, 1,2,3,4,5 times so far. I'll talk about them in no particular order
#1 Bonaroo2003-I was stone sober I swear. But the energy was amazing and they played better there than I ever heard them.
#2 Stooges/Sonic@Detroit2003or2005 I got a bad memory - The setlist for that show might of well been my sonic greatest hits mix.
#3 Atlanta2004@earthlink- Allot of what you where talking about Marley, lee throwing his guitar in the crowd, thurston running threw the audience, I have a great regret though I had a chance to talk to lee but I bitched up.
#4 Detroit 2002- my first sonic show, I got as close as I could and divided up my time between staring in awe and shakinghell(inthebestway)
#5 Dublin 2005- they played with the chemical brothers who I wasn't really in to, it was cool to see them outside again and in another country, I remember thurston throwing his guitar off the high stage and wondering how many guitar techs they have.

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by Richard Pryor on Fire
#3 Atlanta2004@earthlink- Allot of what you where talking about Marley, lee throwing his guitar in the crowd, thurston running threw the audience, I have a great regret though I had a chance to talk to lee but I bitched up.

Yeah, I should of stayed after the show I saw to try & talk to SY, but I did the same thing.

fishmonkey 03.22.2006 06:13 AM

heres my sonic concert history
Manchester Academy/UK/ Murray St Tour
Wittness Festival/ Ireland/ Murray St Tour
Brixton Academy/UK/ Nurse Tour
Marley Park/Ireland/Nurse Tour..

Now happy??
just kidding marley

marleypumpkin 03.22.2006 06:18 AM

You've got alot more Sonic experience then me. That's for sure. But, I'm gonna go see them again, @ the Bonnaroo festival. I couldn't live w/ myself if I only saw them once.

TheyLiveByNight 03.22.2006 09:49 AM

First popped my SY cherry on June 24th, 2002 at the Shepherd's Bush Empire London, on the Murray Street tour. Got the overnight bus from Glasgow with two friends, and spent the day tubing it around London in the blazing heat. We'd scoped out the venue earlier in the day, hoping Sonic Youth might be around soundchecking and in need of three extra roadies, willing to work for backstage passes. No such luck. Still, a cracking show was played, the setlist rich with both old and new material.

Next gig was at the Glasgow Barrowlands, September 1st, 2004. An awesome night, a brilliant set - the band played like they were really, genuinely having fun. Best bits: Thurston rallying the crowd to chant 'Arthur! Arthur! Arthur! Doyle! Doyle! Doyle!' before playing '...Arthur Doyle Handcream' and Kim cooing 'Hey, Posh Spice...what are you gonna do for me?' during 'Kool Thing'. Golden Memories! Here's my favourite pic from that gig:

Inhuman 03.22.2006 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by CHOUT

07/28/04 Sonic Youth / Wolf Eyes / Hair Police - The Quest, Minneapolis MN
07/30/04 Sonic Youth / Wolf Eyes / Hair Police - The Eagle's Nest, Milwaukee WI

Nice, was this when they played Inhuman together? I would kill to see that live. And that's SUCH a good lineup.

marleypumpkin 05.18.2006 12:03 AM

O.K., Bonnaroo fell through, so I'll be seeing SY @ The Orange Peel, June 17th, in Asheville, NC. My 2nd time seeing Sonic Youth. I can't wait.
Anyone else gonna be there?

my favorite pic from the Aug. 20th, 2004 gig @ The Orange Peel in Asheville, NC

jennthebenn 05.18.2006 12:41 AM

5/7/98. Washington Dc
6/20/00, DC
4/21/01, Philadelphia
3/17/02, LA
8/7/02, Raleigh
8/8/02, DC
8/10/02, Philly
8/11/02, NYC
8/13/02, Boston
8/17/02, Chicago
8/18/02, Chicago
11/24/02, Baltimore
11/30/02, NYC
6/15/03, Pittsburgh
6/20/03, Cincinnati
6/30/03, DC
4/3/04, East Sussex, England
7/29/04, Chicago
7/30/04, Milwaukee
8/4/04, Montreal
8/11/04, DC
8/17/04, Philly
4/16/05, Hoboken (2 shows, 7:30 and 11)
9/4/05, LA

too many stories...too much fun.

marleypumpkin 05.18.2006 01:12 AM

Now that's what I've been waiting for. I bet the Hoboken shows were fucking amazing.

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