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porkmarras 01.04.2007 09:28 AM

Question for the artists
Do you sketch with pencils first and then use pens or do you draw with a pen straight away?I've always found it a burden to sketch with a pencil first and then draw with a pen on top as it creates a bundle of lines that confuse me more than anything.

Malachi_Constant 01.04.2007 09:35 AM

Either or, really. It always amazed people that I'd just dive right in with a ball point without any premeditation, but it's only doodling. Not building a fucking house or anything.

heavium 01.04.2007 09:48 AM

it depends really, you should just go with whatever feels best to you, there's no 'right' way to illustrate, just experiment and don't fear making mistakes and messing up... messed up stuff is great

porkmarras 01.04.2007 09:51 AM

Perhaps i prefer drawing(and sketching) with a pen because i trained in ceramic design and the finished product was normally highlighted with an isograph pen and they make it easier to draw straight lines.I do use pencils sometimes but i find it easier to draw straight lines with a pen rather than a pencil.

porkmarras 01.04.2007 09:52 AM

Also,pens feel better in terms of giving an image a fine texture by applying the right pressure with your hand on them.

Malachi_Constant 01.04.2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
wanted to ask what-if you have taken any drawing classes.
and agree, there shouldnt be any rules.

Myself, not since High School. Sometimes think I oughta change that, but, you know, fuck it. Rules're for tools.


depends on what you want to do. if you want to do a drawing, you need pencil to make shadows-tones etc. or of course, you dont "need"!

You can do the same things (shading wise) you'd do with a pencil using a ball-point pen and just varying the pressure with which you apply it to the paper. Using sharpies or any sorts of markers, you can do so by simply keeping a few of whatever color you're using around that are nearly out of ink... gives an almost watercolor sort of effect. Real cool and faded.

jon boy 01.04.2007 10:11 AM

no i just go stright in with the paint and/or pens.

porkmarras 01.04.2007 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
wanted to ask what-if you have taken any drawing classes.
and agree, there shouldnt be any rules.

depends on what you want to do. if you want to do a drawing, you need pencil to make shadows-tones etc. or of course, you dont "need"!

I went to art college.The life drawing sessions where excruciating at best (4 hours ,two days a week of staring at a pot and a plant) but that is the only way,i think,to gain a confident hand when drawing.I agree that the rules should be broken but basic knowledge of form and structure and how to draw,make it more enjoyable to do so.

porkmarras 01.04.2007 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by Malachi_Constant

You can do the same things (shading wise) you'd do with a pencil using a ball-point pen and just varying the pressure with which you apply it to the paper. Using sharpies or any sorts of markers, you can do so by simply keeping a few of whatever color you're using around that are nearly out of ink... gives an almost watercolor sort of effect. Real cool and faded.

Correct.Felt pens or markers that are running out of ink can create beautiful effects.

Toilet & Bowels 01.04.2007 10:25 AM

i like to use tombo duel ended brush pens and charcoal, i don't really like pencils particularly, however if i'm drawing something with pen and it's important that i don't fuck it up i use pencil first

jon boy 01.04.2007 10:29 AM

i wished when i went to college and at school that they would have told us and let us experiment more than we did.

porkmarras 01.04.2007 10:35 AM

Brush pens or permanent markers with limited amount of ink i find particularly good to add a of spectre-like look to faces.Nefeli,yes,it is indeed important that you have much of a sense of purpose if you want to experiment.The best things i always seem to produce when i follow my intuition and my head feels completely empty.

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 10:46 AM

why the fuck did everyone answer, your not artists :P

I just use pen right away, it makes u not do as many mistakes because your not allowed to. but sometimes if i did one bit good with pen i get scared and do the rest with pencil

porkmarras 01.04.2007 10:48 AM

Thanks for your contribution,Chris Ofili.

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 10:49 AM

where is porkys music i wanna hear it.

porkmarras 01.04.2007 10:50 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
porky is so an artist.

his "music" is the best ive heard outta anyone on this forum.

Aw bless but i don't think it is.I've heard better stuff than mine for sure(Clone to name one).When are you going to send me some of YOUR music?

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 10:51 AM

bla bla can i have some links please porky.

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 10:52 AM

yeh i know, i say the same thing about my music aswell. its all different so i think.

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 11:04 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
i like some of yr stuff alien. ive listened to yr myspace stuff.

Thanks man, i just listend to the tunes, pretty rad stuff, i really dig your beats.
Its annoying Police Poos tunes arnt! recorded well, because i wanna play more of that kinda stuff.
NAMREPUS's tunes are alright recorded with what we got but its completly different music.

ALIEN ANAL 01.04.2007 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by swa(y)
awesome! thanks dude......

do you use yr computer to record?

For Police Poo, we just sit a mic in the middle of the room and jam away and see what happens. So its not the best of quality, nothing is mic'd up properly.

And for Namrepus, i use my mp3 players mic, then upload onto the computer, which is pretty awesome, and the other guitarist uses a mic into his comp, and the bass player uses mic into comp to.

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