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sonicl 10.13.2006 03:11 AM

Hey, Screamingskull! Happy Birthday!
How cool is that, turning 18 on a Friday!

Have a great day, and try not to wake up with too much of a hangover tomorrow.

static-harmony 10.13.2006 03:36 AM

Happy b-day screamingskull go buy cigarettes, or liquor if you are in england.

Gulasch Noir 10.13.2006 03:49 AM

Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

DemonBox 10.13.2006 06:08 AM

Happy Brithday Skull!

I it's a good one.

porkmarras 10.13.2006 06:14 AM

Tillykke med Fødselsdagen
Buon Compleanno
!bon anniversaire!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Lá Breithe sona duit!
Muitos parabéns pelo seu/teu aniversário!engirul chukkahamnido!
Feliz cumpleaños

nicfit 10.13.2006 06:26 AM

eppi burdèi.
happy birthday ScreaaaaamingSkulllll!

DemonBox 10.13.2006 06:38 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Tillykke med Fødselsdagen

Not bad porky, but as a Norwegian it would be more natural to say:

Gratulerer med fødseldagen,


Gratulerer med dagen,


Tillykke med dagen,


maybe you wrote in Swedish?

porkmarras 10.13.2006 06:43 AM

I confess......i googled it!Please DemonBox,don't go away i didn't mean it to be like this purrrlease................

DemonBox 10.13.2006 06:48 AM

It's okay porkmarras:D

And it was a good try.

_slavo_ 10.13.2006 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Tillykke med Fødselsdagen
Buon Compleanno
!bon anniversaire!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
Lá Breithe sona duit!
Muitos parabéns pelo seu/teu aniversário!engirul chukkahamnido!
Feliz cumpleaños

Vsetko najlepsie!

Cantankerous 10.13.2006 10:07 AM

happy birthday. friday the 13th birthday? i'm jealous.

Savage Clone 10.13.2006 10:19 AM

Hope it's a good one.
I like when I get a Friday the 13th birthday; that's just good times.
Enjoy it, because you only get one every so often!

king_buzzo 10.13.2006 10:25 AM

happy birthday

h8kurdt 10.13.2006 10:38 AM

FUCK! How could I forget! Well happy Birthday, darling. She's in Ney York isn't she?

Пятхъдесят Шест 10.13.2006 11:17 AM

Happy Birthday.

Danny Himself 10.13.2006 11:19 AM

Have a brum birthday, brum.

Inhuman 10.13.2006 11:49 AM

Happy birthday! It's my mom's birthday as well. Go out and get some absinthe and cigars and have some fun!

Signpost 10.13.2006 11:52 AM

Happy Birthday!

ploesj 10.13.2006 12:08 PM

gelukkige verjaardag! joyeux anniversaire! alles Gute zum Geburtstag!

in all three official belgian languages :P although im not sure about the german..

Trasher02 10.13.2006 12:17 PM

Happy bday,
Get wasted today, you silly independent indie-rock queen.

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