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gmku 09.13.2006 12:06 PM

Surprised yourself lately?
I mean with stuff you never thought you'd listen to?

A few years back, for me, it was jazz. I got into Coltrane in a big way, and branched out into other people from the hard bop and free jazz era.

This year, it's been some quick detours into 60s rock. The Pretty Things, for example.

m^a(t)h 09.13.2006 12:43 PM


just keep sigur ros's () in my cd player.

Rob Instigator 09.13.2006 01:07 PM

I have not lately, but I do go on mad kicks. Over the course of two years my jazz vinyl collection grew from 10 albums to over 200.

I have been in a crazy morrissey mood lately. I bought the DVD, who put the M in manchester? and it fucking RULES and I cannot stop spinning trhe 7" for fIRST OF THE gANG TO dIE, AND i LISTEN TO ALL MY SMITHS ALBUMS OVER AND OVE AGAIN AND i HAVE SEEN THAT dvd SO MUCH AND FUCK i AM ON A MAD MORRISEY MANIA KICK.

gmku 09.13.2006 01:54 PM

Morrissey, eh? interesting. I've been checking the vinyl bins for copies of old Smiths records.

Anybody heard the Cows? I know them only by reputation and saw Sweet Pee Story in the vinyl bins the other day.

TheDom 09.13.2006 02:03 PM

The Cows are fucking fantastic, but Sexy Pee Story is their worst LP. Which isn't to say it is bad, but it doesn't come close to any of their other albums.

gmku 09.13.2006 02:11 PM

Yeah, I really want to find a copy of Cunning Stunts, but I never see that one around. Wondering if I should settle for Sexy... since it's in the racks right now tho... Hmm....

Rob Instigator 09.13.2006 02:14 PM

I tremember watching the COWS videos on the old alternative tentacles VHS collection sof videos.

TheDom 09.13.2006 02:15 PM

Well, if it's cheap, go for it. Otherwise get something else.

I was lucky enough to find a really good copy of Cunning Stunts for $5 at some record store in DC. They had Flipper's Generic there too for an amazingly low price, but I already had it.

gmku 09.13.2006 02:18 PM

It's around 11 bucks, sealed, new, I think.

dazedcola 09.13.2006 03:23 PM

seriously i always like surprising myself by trying out something new. I never thought i'd like blues musicians but now i love muddy waters work. Fuck can that guy play guitar and use a slide.

porkmarras 09.13.2006 03:23 PM


Rob Instigator 09.13.2006 03:35 PM

dazedcola. Muddy waters is fantastic! I love all his mucis. My favorite vinyl of his is KING BEE,

which has the fantastic song, champagne and reefer.

if you can , go get the ANTHOLOGY. 2 CD's of fabulous Muddy water's blues

porkmarras 09.13.2006 04:02 PM

I'd really surprise myself if i learned that you turds had a more broad minded music taste.From rock to jazz..........what a progression!

gmku 09.13.2006 04:11 PM

I'd really surprise myself if I learned you weren't snockered when you constructed that sentence. "had a more broad minded music taste..." ???

Rob Instigator 09.13.2006 04:13 PM

I love Pet Shop Boys vinyl singles.

just fantastic.

I like more music than you do
nyah nyah nyah

gmku 09.13.2006 04:17 PM

Pet Shop boys! Hah hah...!

I have "a more broad minded music taste" than you do, nah nah, boo boo...

porkmarras 09.13.2006 04:18 PM

Ok.From rock to Jazz.Retards.

gmku 09.13.2006 04:19 PM

What's with the name calling? Are we 2?

porkmarras 09.13.2006 04:21 PM

*ignores him*

gmku 09.13.2006 04:22 PM

Will you hold your breath til your face turns blue for us, too? Stomp your little feet up and down?

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