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RanaldoNecro 08.30.2011 11:56 AM

What i don't want in the Fall of 2011
I don't want to hear endless replaying of Nevermind esp Teen Spirit. It has been played to death and everyone has heard it too often.

I also don't want to suffer through further 9/11 tributes. Another event that has just been too much over the years.

nicfit 08.30.2011 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by RanaldoNecro
I don't want to hear endless replaying of Nevermind esp Teen Spirit. It has been played to death and everyone has heard it too often.

I also don't want to suffer through further 9/11 tributes. Another event that has just been too much over the years.

A tip for you:
turn off tv and radio.
Works a treat.

Gulasch Noir 08.30.2011 12:34 PM

I don't want Michele Bachmann. She's frightening. Imagine you had a job interview with her.

RanaldoNecro 08.30.2011 12:38 PM


Actually the Nevermind demos (smart studio) and Devonshire mixes are interesting.

Otherwise, don't want to hear it.

_slavo_ 08.30.2011 12:45 PM

i don't want to see Satan's baby girl

knox 08.30.2011 02:56 PM

By fall, you mean spring.
I don't want the sun and heat.

the ikara cult 08.30.2011 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by knox
By fall, you mean spring.
I don't want the sun and heat.

By Spring you mean Autumn?
They call it Fall because the leaves fall off the trees. Americans are observant like that.

Im actually feeling alright, so im not thinking about things i dont want to happen, aside from famine, genocide, drought, earthquakes and other topics of pressing concern to Miss World

gast30 08.30.2011 03:03 PM

now you mentioned 9/11
terrorist have turned some people into HATERS
they don't realize it

it's now just a hatecampain against muslims ofcourse
the recent genocide in youguslavia of muslims
was not enough to realize

why this hate propaganda towards a religious group?
didn't hitler wake you people up what happens if you have a good oild hate propaganda machine?

didn't the attact in denmark wake you hatebrainwashed people up?

hate , hate, hate is what the terrorist have created

the ikara cult 08.30.2011 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
now you mentioned 9/11
terrorist have turned some people into HATERS
they don't realize it

it's now just a hatecampain against muslims ofcourse
the recent genocide in youguslavia of muslims
was not enough to realize

why this hate propaganda towards a religious group?
didn't hitler wake you people up what happens if you have a good oild hate propaganda machine?

didn't the attact in denmark wake you hatebrainwashed people up?

hate , hate, hate is what the terrorist have created

Are your posts a send up of political poetry?
I certainly hope so

gast30 08.30.2011 03:09 PM

ofcourse hatebrainwashed people are not here on this board ( i hope)
there propaganda machine is effective
why else put soo much energy, political campaining and money to push the envellope of hate
if it keep the protectionistic economy rich

so i don't want this fall that rome comes putting a foot in brussel
with their protective economic systems

gast30 08.30.2011 03:18 PM

it's not poetry

the poetry would be: "Terrorism" is suicide by army

knox 08.30.2011 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
By Spring you mean Autumn?
They call it Fall because the leaves fall off the trees. Americans are observant like that.

Im actually feeling alright, so im not thinking about things i dont want to happen, aside from famine, genocide, drought, earthquakes and other topics of pressing concern to Miss World

No, by spring I mean spring???
No falling. Sun and flowers and shit.
I know what fall/autumn means but thanks.

the ikara cult 08.30.2011 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by knox
No, by spring I mean spring???
No falling. Sun and flowers and shit.
I know what fall/autumn means but thanks.

We are divided by the equator of course, hence it is spring there and not spring here, my mistake. Ive obviously slipped back into that 19th century mindset where the British empire is still going strong and dictates time to the world.

gast30 08.30.2011 03:41 PM

i love the fall
it's the hightime for painting

the ikara cult 08.30.2011 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by gast30
it's not poetry

the poetry would be: "Terrorism" is suicide by army

Is English your first language? Im not trying to be an arsehole, im just wondering how much of your shallow, fatuous, meaningless comments are down to the language barrier.

knox 08.30.2011 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
We are divided by the equator of course, hence it is spring there and not spring here, my mistake. Ive obviously slipped back into that 19th century mindset where the British empire is still going strong and dictates time to the world.

well I spent 30 minutes during a meeting yesterday trying to convince American people it wasn't summer here in July, so it's ok, you didn't take that long.

knox 08.30.2011 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
Is English your first language? Im not trying to be an arsehole, im just wondering how much of your shallow, fatuous, meaningless comments are down to the language barrier.

i think it'd be worse otherwise.

gast30 08.30.2011 05:23 PM

this is the only place on the internet where people are looking down on me at spellings mistakes
like i raped their girlfriend
and be endless negative like a nazi

i know the psychologic term for this
protection mechanisms
do know that i don't find much animals or life itself that interesting
so i won't go far in analysing some words

no, english is not my first spoonfed language
it came along on the tv and radio
not like east europe where you had russian influence ( in other words non-english)

and two you can't be an arsehole
for the earlier reasons i told you about interesting animals
darwin found animals interesting
but that time is over
now it's 3 species dieing out every day or hour?? i don't know anymore

leaving an animal in freedom is the essence of freedom
if you asked me

knox 08.30.2011 05:34 PM

nevermind dear. Its his own fault for reading your posts. I always assumed no one did.

jon boy 08.30.2011 11:28 PM

i dont want to hear from 99% of the people on this forum.

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