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top 40 squeeze 08.18.2006 06:55 PM

The Demonlover Soundtrack.
Haven't read any discussion on this current incarnation of this board on the ORIGINAL MOTION PICTURE SOUNDTRACK (haha) that Sonic Youth did for Demonlover.

I just relistened to it today for the first time in years, and goddamn is it good stuff... They were really at the top of their game at this point in time after doing Murray Street.

Demonlover is such a nice mix of mellow soundscape, with interesting touches not unsimilar from the free noise stuff they do, but so much tighter and controlled. I remember being really impressed when it came out that Sonic Youth were finding their "classic" rock hippy voice in the Murray Street material while at the same time being tighter than they ever had been on the abstract instrumental noise side. Integrating melody and shit.

Really underheard, unnapreciate soundtrack... Even by Sonic Youth fans... maybe I should dig out Made in the USA again... haven't listened to that in ages, and maybe never really listened to it intently.

Demonlover, the movie, on the otherhand,I thought was reallly really silly, and not very good at all.

atari 2600 08.18.2006 07:03 PM

I'm pretty much right there with you with most of what you wrote, although I think I prefer the Kali Yug Express ep to the Demonlover soundtrack.

terminal pharmacy 08.18.2006 07:03 PM

the movie was terrible, i only didn't turn it off because of the music.

!@#$%! 08.18.2006 07:06 PM

call me a weirdo, but i liked the movie and the soundtrack too. they were all such sick fucks (in the movie) and connie nielsen as a sociopathic climber of the corporate ladder is both hot and repellent. i don't know-- what did you guys hate in the movie? im curious...

top 40 squeeze 08.18.2006 07:06 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
I'm pretty much right there with you with most of what you wrote, although I think I prefer the Kali Yug Express ep to the Demonlover soundtrack.

Oh yeah, I forgot about that shit too... The 4 tracks on that are really great, and Street Sauce, as well, which is from the same sessions. Oh, also those two songs they named after aerosmith tracks and put on a limited 7". All good stuff.

toxic johnny 08.18.2006 07:07 PM

Oh boy I haven't seen the movie yet... but I have a feeling that I'm not going to like it... don't ask me why... SY's soundtrack however is a thing of pure beauty... Electric Noisefield and Teknikal Illprovisation are up there with the best things that they've ever done.

toxic johnny 08.18.2006 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by top 40 squeeze
Oh yeah, I forgot about that shit too... The 4 tracks on that are really great, and Street Sauce, as well, which is from the same sessions. Oh, also those two songs they named after aerosmith tracks and put on a limited 7". All good stuff.


top 40 squeeze 08.18.2006 07:10 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
call me a weirdo, but i liked the movie and the soundtrack too. they were all such sick fucks (in the movie) and connie nielsen as a sociopathic climber of the corporate ladder is both hot and repellent. i don't know-- what did you guys hate in the movie? im curious...

hmmm... i don't know... i thought a lot of the acting, at least the acting that was in english, was really bad... the plot was kind of all over the place (which i swear to god, i'm usually down with, even prefer, but was not pulled off well here)... and uh, the ending made me crack up because it was just seemed so unintentionallysilly.

atari 2600 08.18.2006 07:11 PM

It was done well enough, but it failed in characterization. I understand that the makers decided to make it the way they did for a reason, but it is too much a jumbled mess without much good storytelling. All in all, I wouldn't term it "silly" though. It was a good enough movie for me to remark that most are worse, although something like Half Nelson or A Scanner Darkly is ambitious yet succeeds on more levels. As I wrote after I first viewed Demonlover, the ending scene is deeply disturbing & provides somewhat of a payoff for the tedium one has undergone to get there.
By the way, no snuff film or torture video out there has ever been proven to be real. They are all fakes.
It's my understanding that there are a few of the first Faces of Death series videos that are real (those that just happened to be caught on video), but the subsequent volumes are fakes.

!@#$%! 08.18.2006 07:25 PM

i saw it a couple of times actually because the first time i fell asleep (ha) as i was i think under the influence of some thing or another. the 2nd time i was more lucid & enjoyed it better. yes it's a bit jumbled. but the big payoff comes on the 2nd view i guess? drinks or not...

krastian 08.18.2006 11:35 PM

The music is purdy cool....I wish there was a little bit more though. I haven't seen the movie.

greenlight 08.19.2006 09:08 AM

that's how i like sonic youth, mostly. just pure instrumental, impro. music which takes you to a different worlds, creating this moody atmospheric vibe. loving it.

i'm not sure...i don't know why, but i thought it was their first thing they've done in their new studio (echo canyon) on murray street - before murray street album. am i right?


touch me i'm sick 08.19.2006 10:30 AM

it's 11 30 am here. that's too early

touch me i'm sick 08.19.2006 10:59 AM

haha tude bem e voce?

touch me i'm sick 08.19.2006 11:05 AM

nice.... hah you should go to brazil it's ten times better. plus the cerveza come bigger, cheaper, and nice and cold

Androol 08.03.2007 10:27 PM

just saw it this week and i was pretty disappointed not only in the movie itself but the directors use of their music. obviously the music alone is perfect notwithstanding a couple of entries from jim but i just felt the director didnt utilize them very well at all.

anyone know how in the hell they got hooked up with this movie? it seems to have jim's stink all over it. kim and steve both look kind of pissed off throughout the documentary.

to.w 08.04.2007 04:19 AM

Love the movie (Assayas is one of the best directors), love the music...

jon boy 08.04.2007 04:37 AM

the soundtrack is great but i have not seen the movie yet.

nicfit 08.04.2007 04:49 AM

I didn't like the movie, but I do like the soundtrack.

Bal 08.04.2007 04:57 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
the movie was terrible, i only didn't turn it off because of the music.

same here.
i hated the movie.
loving the soundtrack tho.

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