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The 97th Hammer 07.10.2006 01:18 AM

Ways to annoy music snobs
-Insist they are saying "Deadsy" when they say they like "The Dead C"
-Insist they are saying "Zwan" when they say they like Swans.

I hereby challenge you all to add more, and don't be restricted to humorous mis-hearing of band names.

Cantankerous 07.10.2006 01:19 AM

insist they are saying hole when they say they like hole.

finding nobody 07.10.2006 01:42 AM

keep insisting that dirty is sonic youth's greatest album

Norma J 07.10.2006 01:43 AM

Tell them you like the same music as them.

matt reeder 07.10.2006 02:10 AM

Tell them about how great Coldplay is. Of course, I actually like Coldplay...

acousticrock87 07.10.2006 02:17 AM

I don't know what you mean by music snob, since there are way too many different kinds, but the people I think of when I hear the term are generally offended by anything negative about Led Zeppelin. No, not everyone has to like them.

finding nobody 07.10.2006 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by acousticrock87
I don't know what you mean by music snob, since there are way too many different kinds, but the people I think of when I hear the term are generally offended by anything negative about Led Zeppelin. No, not everyone has to like them.

yeah you're right.

jimmy page's middle name is fumble fingers.
that should turn a few heads

Cantankerous 07.10.2006 02:35 AM

actually its patrick.

acousticrock87 07.10.2006 02:37 AM

Who's Jimmy Paige?

See, all the music snobs just got pissed off for a second.

Cantankerous 07.10.2006 02:38 AM


that might piss some off.

krastian 07.10.2006 03:29 AM

Ha ha.

_slavo_ 07.10.2006 04:36 AM

tell them that No Neck Blues Band sucks donkey balls

which is actually exactly my opinion

Toilet & Bowels 07.10.2006 05:06 AM

i'm not even sure what a music snob is

gmku 07.10.2006 09:22 AM

I are a music snob. And damn proud of it.

jon boy 07.10.2006 09:30 AM

i hate music snobs. ways to annoy them: tell them that hip hop has no place in experimental music.

Toilet & Bowels 07.10.2006 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
hip hop has no place in experimental music.


gmku 07.10.2006 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
i hate music snobs. ways to annoy them: tell them that hip hop has no place in experimental music.

Maybe music snobs hate you. Ever think of that? Maybe right now they're dreaming up more ways to annoy you.

Pax Americana 07.10.2006 10:45 AM

Refer to every band they talk about as being really "relevant" right now. It's hilarious when people refer to bands as being relevant. It's so pretentious and means nothing. I always do it just to see if people will laugh or take me seriously.

That Sonic Youth, they're really relevant right now.

nomadicfollower 07.10.2006 10:46 AM

Tell them Frank Zappa sucks.

afterthefact 07.10.2006 12:16 PM

-any band they mention, tell them you've heard of it before

-when they mention a band, ask them if they love it

-tell them a bands older stuff is under-produced, and their newer stuff sounds so much better

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