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daniel-san 06.17.2009 11:32 PM

dallas, july 2009
heading to the dallas, tx show in mid-july at house of blues. any thoughts on the foundation room?

viewtiful_alan 06.17.2009 11:34 PM

Dude.. just hold out for acl

o'connor 06.18.2009 07:45 AM

i'm going to that show too, since i live in fort worth :)
what's the foundation room?

Rob Instigator 06.18.2009 09:18 AM

fuck ACL. super expensive.

viewtiful_alan 06.18.2009 11:26 AM

Well its the day before my birthday so I'm getting my parents to get me aone day pass as my b-day present.
Then we're gonna take a college day that monday (the sy show is on the last sunday) and visit ut and spend my birthday hanging out in austin

Rob Instigator 06.18.2009 11:30 AM

that's the way to do it man! have a great time and take photos

MrGri3ves 06.18.2009 02:10 PM

I'm going to this show because I too live in Fort Worth, and I'm DYING for it. (First Yoof concert!) I may catch them again in ACL as well, because I'll be going to UT at that point.

StevOK 06.18.2009 03:01 PM

We should all meet up!

Does anyone know who will be opening up for SY?

nancykitten 06.18.2009 06:53 PM


Originally Posted by StevOK
We should all meet up!

Does anyone know who will be opening up for SY?

Awesome Color.

o'connor 06.19.2009 09:48 AM

ugh, awesome color again? they were terrible. i am down for meeting fellow boardies at the show though.

StevOK 06.19.2009 02:12 PM

Meet up! I think we'll be getting there really early because I have to drop off my parents' van at love field around 3, and the concert doesn't start til 8.

viewtiful_alan 06.19.2009 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
that's the way to do it man! have a great time and take photos

Haha thanks man, will do.
Yeah on the day of my 16th birthday I got to go see them at stubb's which kicked ass.

Rob Instigator 06.19.2009 03:31 PM

I was at that stubbs show

dallas is too far to go after my roadtrip though!

viewtiful_alan 06.19.2009 05:09 PM

Oh haha were you at the front?
Haha me and my best friend got to drive up there and we had a blast.
Sucky part: BY the end of the sow I was dehydrated (we got there early, stood in line, saw the meat puppets. long ass turn around time, band comes on, moshing...) so I puked at the end of teenage riot and we had to go.
Wouldn't have tradedf it for the world though

nancykitten 06.20.2009 01:58 PM

So where are good places to go out in Dallas, post-SY?

o'connor 06.21.2009 02:29 PM

no where. come to fort worth afterwards instead :)

MrGri3ves 06.22.2009 01:52 PM

LOL, Fort Worth is terrible compared to Dallas. Actually, pretty much everywhere in Texas save for Austin is the suck.

jonofdeath 06.23.2009 10:32 PM

Places in Dallas

Originally Posted by nancykitten
So where are good places to go out in Dallas, post-SY?

Find a place called the Elbow Room. They have a kitchen that stays open until close. The drinks are cheap too. You will need a cheap place to go after HOB. That place is so overpriced. I won't be going to see SY, but I'll meet you at the Elbow Room and you can tell me how great the show was.
I just can't support any corporately owned venues. Seems like an oxy-moron to me.

o'connor 06.24.2009 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by MrGri3ves
LOL, Fort Worth is terrible compared to Dallas. Actually, pretty much everywhere in Texas save for Austin is the suck.

you are sadly mistaken sir. dallas is an overpriced pit. only reason i ever go there is to go to shows. and there's plenty of cool places in texas besides austin... fort worth, denton, abilene, corpus christi. the list goes on and on

StevOK 07.14.2009 05:01 PM

Ah man, I'm so excited! I'm going to be dog tired because I've been run ragged for the past two weeks.

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