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cars_willkillyou 03.06.2009 03:58 AM

The Question of the Letterman Jacket
So I played a lot of sports in high school. I wasn't a star athlete in any sport (although I should have been in soccer, but due to small town politics, the varsity coach refused to give me game time, so I decided as a senior to just play on the JV team as the captain...which we ended up being more successful than the varsity team). Somehow or another, I ended up getting a varsity jacket. I pole-vaulted and went to regionals. I was on a doubles team that almost won district finals.

I'm not a meat-head/jock kind of person at all. At my school, the jocks all played either football, baseball or wrestled. the rest of the sports programs were for the "weirdos." Funny part about it is, the "weirdo" sports programs (swimming, track, tennis, soccer, hell even cheerleading) were by far the most successful teams in the school while i was in high school. So I do take some level of pride in my letterman jacket.

But I look at the mother fucker almost everyday in my closet and think "why the fuck do I even have this thing?" Is it just supposed to be something I show the kids I dont ever want to have? Or something I can wear to reunions? Its a comfortable and warm jacket. In fact, I love wearing it until I look in the mirror and realize that wearing it somewhere will either result in me getting carded everywhere for drinks or cigs, getting my ass beat for wearing a jacket of a school that nobody in south florida has even heard of, or attracting high school girls (which is almost always illegal to pursue and a bad idea, even if they are legal)

So what the fuck am I supposed to do with it? The "be true to your school" beach boys song came to mind, and I can kind of see some value in wearing a school jacket of a small ass school that nobody has ever heard of to some of my community college classes.

or should i just let it to continue collecting dust and taking up valuable closet space. Or should i hawk it for money to buy the new superdrag album (comes out on the 17th), and some pot?

Rob Instigator 03.06.2009 10:02 AM

I have my letterjacket. it is for memories.

don;t worry. keep it for memories sake. you wear it with pride your senior year and then put it away.

Glice 03.06.2009 12:30 PM

The accepted wisdom is you have to keep these things for memory's sake. You may well regret it when you're older

I got rid of most of this sort of crap. I am a magnet for crap though. I've been contemplating removeing the majority of my clothes in a bid for total parity of things (except records and books, obviously).

!@#$%! 03.06.2009 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
The accepted wisdom is you have to keep these things for memory's sake. You may well regret it when you're older

I got rid of most of this sort of crap. I am a magnet for crap though. I've been contemplating removeing the majority of my clothes in a bid for total parity of things (except records and books, obviously).

if you wanted to really pare down objects you could digitize your records, buy a kindle, and pray amazon stays in business.

but when you finally join the cistercians you'll have to get rid of those too.

viewtiful_alan 03.06.2009 03:07 PM

Fuck digitizing things. We are gonna regreat all of this somewhere down the line.
Haha I don't think old Viewtiful will ever get a letterman jacket, even though I miraculously got into NHS

!@#$%! 03.06.2009 03:16 PM


Originally Posted by viewtiful_alan
Fuck digitizing things. We are gonna regreat all of this somewhere down the line.

no shit. i don't support such a move-- i'm just saying "it could be done".

anyone tries to take my books and records away from me i'll cut his rectum off.

DeadDiscoDildo 03.06.2009 03:27 PM

My jacket was a hoodie with misfits, germs, & dead kennedys patches.

can u tell I was a skater? haha

alteredcourse 03.06.2009 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
The fabric was then stretched across the square piece of wood and framed. It hangs on the wall at my mom's today. Memories can still be enjoyed without it taking up closet space......

Not a bad idea !!

I've wondered what to do with my dozens of old xtra large (since they only ever came that way) band/tour shirts, and the only thing I've come up with is to cut out the graphics and make a patchwork quilt of them. Big job, though.

pbradley 03.06.2009 04:35 PM

I have a varsity jacket.

But it isn't from high school and instead of a letter it has the head of an indian.

I got it as being apart of these twats for two years:

Jacket is pretty cool but I rarely wear it.

Rob Instigator 03.06.2009 04:55 PM

shit, I got mine for 4 years of Symphony Orchestra.

StevOK 03.06.2009 05:01 PM

I got one for being in A Capella Choir.

gmku 03.09.2009 11:07 AM

I hate letter jackets. Really, they're stupid looking, even on jocks. Dump it, man. Take it to Goodwill, then go get yourself a nice-looking Baracuta-style jacket or something else that you'll actually wear.

vulva 03.09.2009 11:17 AM

At my school, they only give them out to Engineering students...

!@#$%! 03.09.2009 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I hate letter jackets. Really, they're stupid looking, even on jocks. Dump it, man. Take it to Goodwill, then go get yourself a nice-looking Baracuta-style jacket or something else that you'll actually wear.

haa ha

haaa ha haa ha

gmku 03.10.2009 01:39 PM

Hey, brother, rep me if you think it's that funny.

What's so funny, anyway? They ARE stupid looking. Even on jocks.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 03.10.2009 01:50 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I hate letter jackets. Really, they're stupid looking, even on jocks. Dump it, man. Take it to Goodwill, then go get yourself a nice-looking Baracuta-style jacket or something else that you'll actually wear.

I agree, highschool is all bullshit. why try to linger on to your youth? Be a man damned it.

grow up, people who tangibly cling to petty memories of their youth are not in touch with their own reality (rhetorically, this not aimed at you personally or directly), life is about the future.

but its always one step forward two steps backwards, down inna babylon..

get a real jacket, one that is not part of the whole military-industrial complex.

gmku 03.10.2009 01:52 PM

^ Now THAT'S fucking funny!

uhler 03.10.2009 03:26 PM

i just wore a hoodie to school.

i say sell it, but don't buy the new superdrag album. it'll probably be shit. find the germs "gi" record on vinyl and buy that instead.

gmku 03.10.2009 03:29 PM

Yes. I have GI on vinyl. A reissue from coupla years ago. It shreds.

cars_willkillyou 03.11.2009 02:29 AM

I need to find some germs. My friend put them on for me a while back, and its always been a mission in the back of my head to buy their music.

I love superdrag. I will still buy the new album because I am looking forward to it so much. No matter what, chances are I am going to be let down and disappointed by it. But thats my favorite part about buying new shit, is realizing "man I spent how much money just to have this piece of shit as soon as it came out..."

estoy raro.

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