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nicfit 02.17.2009 03:29 AM

Dear Science
After another night spent dissecting this album with my ears I came to the conclusion that it's one of the best records I've ever listened to in my whole life.
I don't care about possible "haterz" out there, I just wanted to say this.

PAULYBEE2656 02.17.2009 12:25 PM

you dont have an option for "pleasently suprised but its all hype and im not covinced just yet......"

nicfit 02.17.2009 12:30 PM

Go for the "black guys" thing, I'll know what you mean.
Btw, my judgment is not affected by hype at all (they're not even that "big" over here).
I just love this record, so full of influences, layers, sounds, voices, melodies, perfect pop. I used to like more their previous lps, but after a full immersion in this one I'm really uber impressed.
Along with Alopecia my fav "pop" record of the year.

floatingslowly 02.17.2009 12:43 PM

I want to love it (I really do), but I can't seem to stop listening to Return to Cookie Mt. long enough for it to take hold.

lol black guys.

nicfit 02.17.2009 12:57 PM

try harder flotz, I had the same "problem", but this is even better than cookie mountain imo. I can't explain this very well, but damn, I kinda "fell" into it while listening, a sort of epiphany (Joycian).

SYRFox 02.17.2009 01:01 PM

This album really disapointed me . I'm a huge fan of Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes and Return To Cookie Mountain, but I couldn't get into this one. I felt like they're always doing too much on it, like why do they always feel they need to go on with trumpets and violins and all? Minimalism suited them very well. And I felt vocal harmonies were so ordinary, it bored me. I think all tracks include very good elements (the rhythmics are all bloody excellent), but they're wasted by that "too much" feeling. There's only two tracks I can say I find really good: Love Dog and DLZ

nicfit 02.17.2009 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by SYRFox
This album really disapointed me . I'm a huge fan of Desperate Youth, Blood Thirsty Babes and Return To Cookie Mountain, but I couldn't get into this one. I felt like they're always doing too much on it, like why do they always feel they need to go on with trumpets and violins and all? Minimalism suited them very well. And I felt vocal harmonies were so ordinary, it bored me. I think all tracks include very good elements (the rhythmics are all bloody excellent), but they're wasted by that "too much" feeling. There's only two tracks I can say I find really good: Love Dog and DLZ

This is EXACTLY what I thought till a few days ago.
Somehow something "triggered" in my head while listening and now I love every single sound in it.
By the way, I'm not trying to "convince" you guys about its qualities, as I said in my first post I just wanted to "profess my love" for it on here.

floatingslowly 02.17.2009 01:10 PM

I've found that (for me) the best albums are usually inaccessible at first.

TVOTR is in the running for "my current favorite band", but I still can't get into Dear Science.

although I removed it from myPod, I'll give it another listen tonite when I can (just for nic).

I want to love it SO BAD.

nicfit 02.17.2009 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

I want to love it SO BAD.

Perhaps that's your "fault". I didn't "want to", I just thought, "oh well, another listen won't hurt", and it happened.

ha ha I talk like a lame ass blogspot guru tonight.

Rob Instigator 02.17.2009 01:23 PM

great great stuff

I got all their shit

seen them twice live. GREAT fucking show. amazing show

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.17.2009 01:29 PM

I'm with SYRFox on this one. Though I still can't quite get into Cookie Mountain. I think it's half awesome half suck. That sort of sums them up as a band for me.

Rob Instigator 02.17.2009 01:36 PM

catch a live show if you can. your balls will throb with tvotr goodness

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 02.17.2009 01:42 PM

I went to see them last time they were in Pittsburgh but the show was sold out. I didn't realize how popular they were.

SuperCreep 02.17.2009 01:47 PM

I'm not sure where I stand on this band. They have some great moments, but not enough to keep me interested for an entire album, which is probably why I think their best work is Young Liars by a good distance.

Rob Instigator 02.17.2009 01:50 PM

the album sdo sound oddly clinical, devoid of the OOOMPH that drives their live show.

their cover of Mr Grieves is cool though

floatingslowly 02.17.2009 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by nicfit
Perhaps that's your "fault". I didn't "want to", I just thought, "oh well, another listen won't hurt", and it happened.

I would tend to agree with you, but how is it my fault for expecting to be blown away with first listen?

if anyone is to blame, surely, it's them for creating pant-soiling masterpieces.

fishmonkey 02.17.2009 03:16 PM

yeah i like TVOTR they are refreshing like running thru a cornfield with no clothes on.

nicfit 02.17.2009 03:20 PM

Pescescimmia is back!!! I didn't notice! Welcome back boyo.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 02.17.2009 03:59 PM

I love TVOTR, they had me under their soulful spell ever since I first laid ears on them. I really enjoyed both Desperate Youth and Cookie Mountain. Dear Science doesn't click with me as well, most songs seem very hit or miss. But, there has to be a reason it was titled best album of '08 by both Rolling Stone and SPIN magazine.

Decayed Rhapsody 02.17.2009 07:06 PM

The songs from this record are better live. I think this was their Prince pastiche or whatever. RTCM and YL are still my favorites.

I will say that they are fantastic musicians and are capable of doing some really out-there radical shit if they really felt like it (at least for their typical audience). Kyp and Dave are really into people like Albert Ayler, Sun Ra, Milford Graves, Pharaoh Sanders.

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