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Hip Priest 06.05.2006 04:24 PM

Do ghosts exist?
Or is it all superstitious nonsense?

Toilet & Bowels 06.05.2006 04:27 PM

i saw a ghost when i was about 8 or 9

nomadicfollower 06.05.2006 04:27 PM


You've never heard of Casper the friendly ghost?

Glice 06.05.2006 04:27 PM

Yes, they do. Insofar as many people believe them to. Is it a comfort for the worrying notion of mortality? I only hope a protracted debate on the SY message board will solve this age-old mystery once and for all.

nb - I'm being facetious, I heartily encourage more posts from Mr Priest.

FruitLoop 06.05.2006 04:29 PM

Dunno.... some ppl saw them yet these phenomena can't be explained so far. God I miss watching Unsolved Mysteries now....!!!

nomadicfollower 06.05.2006 04:30 PM

Hah, Unsolved Mysterious, what a bunch of shit. Nevertheless, I very much enjoyed watching it.

Toilet & Bowels 06.05.2006 04:31 PM

i should add that even though i saw a ghost i'm not totally sure i believe in them

porkmarras 06.05.2006 04:32 PM

Why not a poll about conspiracy theories next?I'm sorely missing one now.

Gulasch Noir 06.05.2006 04:32 PM

i tend to negate this question, avoiding an all-too expanded interpretation of the word "exist".

EMMAh 06.05.2006 04:33 PM

Maybe they do, maybe they don't. Who the fuck knows. I'll believe it when I see one but I'm not ruling it out just yet.

EMMAh 06.05.2006 04:33 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i should add that even though i saw a ghost i'm not totally sure i believe in them

You think your eyes tricked you? :confused:

jon boy 06.05.2006 04:35 PM

i live in the most haunted city in europe, possibly even the world and i have never seen one. unless this whole city is just one ghostly apperition in which case i feel really stupid.

atari 2600 06.05.2006 04:39 PM

People genuinely see something, but it's not 'ghosts'

Here we go attention.

When do most people claim to see or hear ghosts?

Answer: When they are falling asleep or just wake up.
also, most ghost sightings occur after someone has lost a close friend or relative & their mind is still trying to cope with & process the information.

What they experience is a visual &/or auditory hallucination.

That makes the ghost real in that sense, because it is a manifestation of unconscious contents that we do not experience in our normal conscious waking state.
But in the sense of hollywood ghosts, no, that shit is not real. anyone who insists that ghosts are real is either
in need of attention to the point where they are willing to be psychotic about it & embellish the truth...(more than a quarter of the respondents (so far) are truly fucked in the head.)
B) someone who runs a tourist trap based on the place supposedly being haunted or some paranormal writer that trafficks in preying upon the ridiculous superstitions of the gullible.

Ghostbusters actually exist now since the fuckin' movie. They have no training & there is no science behind it. The meters these charlatans use to measure "paranormal activity" are only devices that measure electromagnetic activity. So anytime the meter gets near an electrical piece of equipment or an outlet it starts reading. By the way, one should try to avoid these electromagnetic fields. They cause cancer. Don't sleep with your body too close to an outlet. We spend a third of our life sleeping. Above all, don't use a heating pad for extended periods of time & never sleep with an electric blanket.

Toilet & Bowels 06.05.2006 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by EMMAh
You think your eyes tricked you? :confused:

no, but just i would like to see it again just to make sure, i mean it happened almost 20 years ago, i know what i saw but it was so brief, and seeing a ghost is a weird thing.

Glice 06.05.2006 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
Here we go again.

When do most people claim to see or hear ghosts?

Answer: When they are falling asleep or just wake up.
also, most ghost sightings occur after someone has lost a close friend or relative & their mind is still trying to cope with & process the information.

What they experience is a visual &/or auditory hallucination.

That makes the ghost real in that sense, because it is a manifestation of unconscious contents that we do not experience in our normal conscious waking state.
But in the sense of hollywood ghosts, no, that shit is not real. anyone who insists that ghosts are real is either
in need of attention to the point where they are willing to be psychotic about it & embellish the truth...
B) someone who runs a tourist trap based on the place supposedly being haunted or some paranormal writer that trafficks in preying upon the ridiculous superstitions of the gullible.

Ghostbusters actually exist now since the fuckin' movie. They have no training & there is no science behind it. The meters these charlatans use to measure "paranormal activity" are only devices that measure electromagnetic activity. So anytime the meter gets near an electrical piece of equipment or an outlet it starts reading. By the way, one should try to avoid these electromagnetic fields. They cause cancer. Don't sleep with your body too close to an outlet. We spend a third of our life sleeping. Above all, don't use a heating pad for extended periods of time & never sleep with an electric blanket.

Mmmmmmeeerrrrrrrrghhh... yes. Some good points. Are we thereby dismissing the argument that in the hynogogic stage our perception is altered somewhat... possibly...inferring... that we see parts of 'reality' that are not present to the fully conscious.

I wanted to avoid the pseudo-acidhead thing... third eye/ pineal gland stuff... and there's 'science' in that statement... Feyerabend makes me happy... that empiricism may not answer all our questions.

I am convinced that, regardless of the validity or inferences of their claims, people who see ghosts/ believe in ghosts imbue 'ghosts' with a sense of reality... personally, I've had experiences, but I wouldn't like to suggest anything as a result of that... but there's nothing wrong with believing something to be true if it's in some way a comfort... in short, I think it's slightly disengenuous to be quite so dismissive.

m^a(t)h 06.05.2006 04:53 PM

when your dead your dead...

atari 2600 06.05.2006 04:54 PM

Take "disingenuous" & shove it right up your wannabe oneupsmanship ASS. You might just want to learn how to spell the word you try to cut me down with as well.

People genuinely see (or more often hear) something, but it's not 'ghosts'

is what I voted.

Toilet & Bowels 06.05.2006 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by atari 2600
long wind

my experience doesn't really fit in with your criteria is was the middle of the afternoon on a sunny day, i wasn't recently bereaved (the figure i saw bore no resemblence to anyone i knew) and i wasn't looking for attention. i saw a grey figure walk through a locked door. it was over in about 2 seconds.

Hip Priest 06.05.2006 05:01 PM

gulasch noir: I understand that point, it's kind of covered within the options. I consider the subject valid because I absolutely think that there are cases where there is no attempt at 'hoax' or deception. If that's the case then the mere fact that something is causing people to see, feel or hear something is fascinating in itself. That applies whether or not the subconsciously-perpetrated self-hoax is mental, physical or whatever. Basically, something is happening, and it's interesting.

When I was 10, I saw (or at least thought I saw) a ghost. I can explain, but there's a possibility that that was my own subconscious creation. But I can see how in many cases (maybe all, who knows...) they might be manifestations in the mind.

I grew up in a house that many would claim 'had a ghost' (until I was 12). No apparition was ever seen, but sometimes there would be light footsteps. On occasion, they would approach a room, then the door to that room would open. Some time later, it would close again. This phenomenon was experienced over several years by a number of people. All I can say is that this happened when people were in normal waking state, the sound heard was definitely more like footsteps than anything else, and that the doors (not just one) did open and close - that is undeniable fact. The fact that the same thing was heard and seen by different people over a period of years is fascinating, no matter what the cause.

EMMAh 06.05.2006 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
no, but just i would like to see it again just to make sure, i mean it happened almost 20 years ago, i know what i saw but it was so brief, and seeing a ghost is a weird thing.

Understandable :)

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