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greenlight 09.06.2008 05:56 AM

hey _slavo_! any good gigs in Bratislava in the end of Sept.?
I'll be in Blava in the end of this month for a six days. any good gigs coming up?

maybe you have some gig, no? :D

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 09:25 AM

go see 8bit legend nullsleep who's playing in blava soon.

al shabbray 09.06.2008 09:26 AM

yeah nullsleep is great!!! I can recommend that too

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 09:33 AM

i love nullsleep.

al shabbray 09.06.2008 09:34 AM

itshifter is great too, I think I love the gameboy sounds the most when it somes to 8bit stuff. and the c64 which is too underused in my opinion :)
did some stuff by myself whch is a whole lotta fun

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 09:38 AM

awesome, i love everything 8bit. 8bitpeoples is the shit.

how did you do the stuff you did? did you record it? links?

al shabbray 09.06.2008 09:43 AM

I did record it yes, but havent putted it online (its two years ago now), experimented like mad with it, no real song structures except one track. the rest is more afx style glitch beats :)
I ordered the nanoloop cartridge 1.3 (which is the one which triggers the original old gameboy soundchip directly), I prefer it over the advance version cause thats "just" an emulation of the old grainy real 8bit sound.
and for the C64 I used some tracker software for it which already existed in the old days where the machone was still top notch :) , that was a hell of shit to learn these tracker programms without any visualisation, just numbers. but the analog filters of the sidchip plus the 8bit sounds is just pure bliss

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 09:56 AM

awesome. you should get around uploading it ;).

i really want a cartrige but i dont know if i should get a nanoloop for my advance or my color. i'd really prefer lsdj but i cant find that anywhere

al shabbray 09.06.2008 10:05 AM

yeah lsdj isnt produced anymore since some time I think. lsdj is more of a tracker version compared to nanoloop. but I am really satisfied with nanoloop, you can do everything with it, just in another way, and the presentation of it is just eye candy :)
btw, do yourself a favour and by an old grey model for some bucks, because it sounds the best. I tested it on all models, and advance sounds thin compared to the grey ones. or do programming on the advanced (for the comfort) and recording on the grey (for sound).
or did you refer to the different versions? then if you really like 8bit sounds go for the older version (1.3) and if you want to have a portable softsynth you should go for the newer (2.0) version.

oh version 2.0 is upgraded to 2.3 I guess

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 11:11 AM


two versions

Nanoloop is available in two types:

- Version 1 for the original Game Boy models (including DMG, GBP, GBC, GBA, GBA SP)

that's from the nanoloop website. its the old version i want i guess. i was going to use it with my gb color because the sp sounds kind of thin and quiet. nanoloop looks so complicated to work out.

i could never figure this out but can you export the loop you make onto a computer?

al shabbray 09.06.2008 11:17 AM

yes thats the older version, true 8 bit.
but you should really consider yourself buying the DMG gameboy for recording the sound with it (around 5 bucks on fleamarkets) that thing sounds fuller and the bass goes deeper. I think somewhere on the site it says the same, and its true.

no you cant export the loops, only if you got one of these ultra rare bung exchangers (which are the devices where you can rip your games to rom images and stuff) but the cartridge got a really really huge flash memory where you can save all your settings, loops and songs (loopsequences)

and I can promise you that the interface is simple like fuck, yes it looks complicated but I would say you got a learning curve of an hour or something. do you got already some experience with sequencing? like on software, real synths etc.?

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 11:44 AM

i hope that i can use it with both the gbc and the dmg if i ever get one. my friend has one but won't sell it to me.

damn :( i guess i could run it through speakers and shit and record it there if i ever wanted to.

can you? run it through speakers and effects and other stuff?

hmm i've only had an 8bit sequencer on my comp and no other synth expirience...

al shabbray 09.06.2008 11:54 AM

yes you can.
it works on all models except the nintendo ds, because I got no classic gameboy slot!
but its no major difference to the DMG, its just notable and the DMGs are cheapass.
and yes you can use the headphone out of it with standard instrument cabes, that will let u use it like a guitar/synth whatever electrical instrument! and thats where the fun starts :) connecti these littel bastards to a bigger system and you will unleash the beast!!!

the sequencing on it is pretty easy, the 16 squares you see in the screenshots are nothing more than just 1 step out of 16. nanoloop will run through those steps al the time, and you just put notes on each step, and or odulate those notes, everything in real time, so you will instantly hear what you are doing. its way more easy than LSDJ, cause trackers are a bitch if you havent worked with them before!
if you made a loop you like you can save it, then do the next etc. then you can connect the loops like parts of a song and can create whole tracks out of it and playing them back. its really really easy and you are capable of the whole range of what the little soundchip can do. oliver wittchow did y really good job on it I can say.
(I wish i would be payed for words on here :))

king_buzzo 09.06.2008 05:58 PM

haha i'd give you gold for this advice :)

i can't seem to find a good flea market around here that sells good stuff, whatever i can find is either broken or just about to break.

so, 16 steps in a loop thats 16 notes and you save loads and play them back one after the other? that sounds much easier than the gameboy once you figure out the square system.

i hope i can get 1.3 soon and use it with my gbc and hopefully get a dmg later on.

thanks a lot man ;)

floatingslowly 09.06.2008 06:04 PM

when I plug my penis into a special socket it makes music.

al shabbray 09.06.2008 06:48 PM

I bet you are right

al shabbray 09.06.2008 08:22 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
haha i'd give you gold for this advice :)

i can't seem to find a good flea market around here that sells good stuff, whatever i can find is either broken or just about to break.

so, 16 steps in a loop thats 16 notes and you save loads and play them back one after the other? that sounds much easier than the gameboy once you figure out the square system.

i hope i can get 1.3 soon and use it with my gbc and hopefully get a dmg later on.

thanks a lot man ;)

yep its really as simple as that. plus it sounds like oyu are limited but you are definately not :) its capable of all the functions the gameboy soundchip can do! ah yeah by the it got 4 voice channels, and for eac channel there are those 16 steps! but they are running parallel, but you can mute them and so on. its really simple, simple to learn and while learning a lot of fun to see how it works!

king_buzzo 09.07.2008 07:03 AM

thanks. i just need to get one!!

(its out of stock until late september >:( )

mil_pl 09.07.2008 07:05 AM

thread to slavo, and slavo ain't here with at least one post :D

king_buzzo 09.07.2008 07:08 AM

i know, i was going to say how we stole his thread but i didnt want to stop because this discussion was amazing and really helped me

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