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avantgarde1 01.25.2008 11:57 PM

What's Up W/ The New ATHF Episodes?
so their 2 episodes into the new season and for some reason they aren't showing frylock, master shake & meatwad at all! there's some new vampire like guy who is their landlord. it's just carl and a bunch of new characters! i wanna know what's going on! somebody tell me!

ZEROpumpkins 01.26.2008 12:04 AM

Really? That's weird. I'll check out wiki and pretend to know the answer.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.26.2008 02:24 AM

apparently they are in a cocoon in the desert.

That really sucks. Meatwad and Shake totally make that show. I hate Carl.

avantgarde1 01.26.2008 02:46 AM

yeah i already checked wiki and foudn out about the cocoon desert thing but i thought maybe someone knew more. i love carl don't get me wrong, but meatwad and frylock are my favorites! though i do like shake too.

m1rr0r dash 01.26.2008 02:54 AM

um, maybe liek... writer's strike?

ZEROpumpkins 01.26.2008 02:58 AM

Why would they still write for other characters though? Do the writers own copyright?

avantgarde1 01.26.2008 03:32 AM

exactly! and i'm pretty sure adult swim isn't affected by that... there's new episodes of every other show. i think there just trying to do something different which i'm all for, i just wanna know where their taking it. still funny as ever though!

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.26.2008 04:06 AM

adult swim shows aren't written

ZEROpumpkins 01.26.2008 04:33 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead
adult swim shows aren't written


Perhaps the ATHF writers are teasing the audience? Like in South Park where instead of showing the second episode of a cliffhanger they aired a Terrence and Phillip episode.

avantgarde1 01.26.2008 04:42 AM

if there not written then what are they? all improv? highly doubt it. venture brothers is one of my other favorites, and that's totally not improv.

*i know you meant it as a joke.

ZEROpumpkins 01.26.2008 05:09 AM

I do think that many Adult Swim shows are just horrible. Take Family Guy, for instance. Horrible, horrible stuff.

atsonicpark 01.26.2008 08:06 AM

Adult Swim always fucks with people's perception of how their show should be. It's no big deal either way, it'll be the same shit. It only takes them a couple days to make a whole 11 minute episode, they've made a hundred, why not do something different? Well.. There WAS an episode a few "seasons" back which only had Meat, Fry, and Shake in it for about 30 seconds. It's nothing new. And Carl is the best character on the show either way.

Zeropumpkins, Family Guy isn't an "Adult Swim show". I'm sure you know that, but just to clarify before someone else gets assy about it. When I think of Adult Swim shows, I think of the shows William Streets makes, not the shows Adult Swim shows that they don't actually create.

But yeah, you're right, Adult Swim is pretty horrible now..

ALIEN ANAL 01.26.2008 08:18 AM

i never got into adult swim..just never seemed funny to me

if someone could link me a clip that is considered funny it would be much appreciated

atsonicpark 01.26.2008 08:38 AM

Just look up the youtube video "superjail". That's pretty funny.

I don't like the Williams Street shows (except Harvey Birdman! And 12 Oz Mouse but that's very niche...) but I did like a lot of the shit they showed, like Milk Chan, Shin Chan, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, etc....

avantgarde1 01.26.2008 04:46 PM

ugh, i can't stand anime! that shit rots yr brain. it's corny as fuck! and how is adult swim not funny?!?! aqua teen! boondocks! venture brothers! squidbillies! metalocalypse! moral orel! lucy daughter of the devil! home movies! sealab 2021! you can't possibly think ALL these shows are bad!

ZEROpumpkins 01.26.2008 08:48 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark

Zeropumpkins, Family Guy isn't an "Adult Swim show". I'm sure you know that, but just to clarify before someone else gets assy about it. When I think of Adult Swim shows, I think of the shows William Streets makes, not the shows Adult Swim shows that they don't actually create.

But yeah, you're right, Adult Swim is pretty horrible now..

I don't have Fox, but i'm sure at one stage they showed it on there.

barnaclelapse 01.27.2008 12:10 AM

That's interesting.

I haven't seen AS in ages, because I don't have cable or satellite anymore.

I'm sure they'll be back in short order.

atsonicpark 01.27.2008 08:11 AM

aqua teen sucks now
boondocks always sucked
venture brothers isn't really a comedy, but it's entertaining
squidbillies is terrible
metalocalypse is possibly the worst show ever
moral orel is something i never saw
lucy daughter of the devil.. the fuck is this?
home movies was amazing, they don't make em anymore, right?
sealab 2021 sucked.

I already praised Harvey Birdman.

atari 2600 01.27.2008 10:05 AM

i saw the one last sun and it wasn't too good

LittlePuppetBoy 01.27.2008 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by avantgarde1
ugh, i can't stand anime! that shit rots yr brain. it's corny as fuck! and how is adult swim not funny?!?! aqua teen! boondocks! venture brothers! squidbillies! metalocalypse! moral orel! lucy daughter of the devil! home movies! sealab 2021! you can't possibly think ALL these shows are bad!

Someone's probably never seen Cowboy Bebop.

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