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Ono Soul 07.27.2007 05:00 PM

will Thurston tour behind TOTA?
I'm hoping he does some sort of mini-solo tour in support of the album. And if he does, hopefully he'll hit Chicago. Perhaps the Double Door? Just wondering what your thoughts were....

Washing Machine 07.27.2007 05:52 PM

I wish Thurston/Sonic Youth came to Cardiff, but oh well, its not gonna happen

atsonicpark 07.27.2007 06:16 PM

i hope not, i can't stand his moles and his sassiness. i haven't heard the new album.. does he sing all the notes he plays on guitar on EVERY SINGLE SONG?

finding nobody 07.27.2007 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Mark Prindle
i hope not, i can't stand his moles and his sassiness. i haven't heard the new album.. does he sing all the notes he plays on guitar on EVERY SINGLE SONG?


atsonicpark 07.27.2007 06:32 PM

of course i'm kidding.

Pax Americana 07.27.2007 07:14 PM

I hope he tours for this record. Did he play any solo shows for Psychic Hearts?

Moshe 07.27.2007 10:29 PM

The plans are to tour around December.

farmhouse 07.28.2007 05:56 AM

he's performing solo at atp, so the likelihood is yes.

akesin 07.28.2007 10:04 AM

Thurston will definitely be doing some dates (with a band) in support of Trees Outside the Academy. At this point, it's looking like East Coast at the end of September and then West Coast and Midwest later in the fall. And yes, ATP and some of Europe in December.

sellouteater 07.28.2007 11:12 AM

awesome yay!!!

thurstonsguitartech 07.28.2007 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by akesin
Thurston will definitely be doing some dates (with a band) in support of Trees Outside the Academy. At this point, it's looking like East Coast at the end of September and then West Coast and Midwest later in the fall. And yes, ATP and some of Europe in December.

god damn, why does the ATP things have to cost so fucking much..

also thurston when u read this(haha) come to Bristol, Uk .

whorefrost 07.28.2007 03:53 PM

hopefully the ATP appearance could be an impetus for a brief UK jaunt (unlikely tho)

atsonicpark 07.28.2007 07:18 PM

every thurston moore show should be eulogy for al lthe dead rock stars extended jam for like 89 hours.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 07.28.2007 08:16 PM

i DIDNT even no about this

ohfuchsia 07.30.2007 09:34 PM

australia please.

GrungeMonkey 08.02.2007 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
hopefully the ATP appearance could be an impetus for a brief UK jaunt (unlikely tho)

Yeah I certainly hope so.. As much as I want to go ATP, I'm only 17 and you have to be 18+ to get to these damn ATP thingies. And it costs too much to risk not being let in...

Ripchord 08.02.2007 10:51 AM

good because i already told my mother that i want to go see thurston even if it's on a school night.
god, i hate being young...

Ono Soul 08.03.2007 06:26 PM

Thanks for the responses guys (and gals). I figured he'd at least do a few solo shows but didn't know if any actual touring was in the works. Glad to hear it is! And don't worry ripchord. I guess you could say I once "hated being young" but before you know it, you'll wake up one day and go shit, now I'm getting old! :)

Ripchord 08.03.2007 08:27 PM

so, i'll never be content? great...

triggercutter 08.03.2007 08:32 PM

ripchord, lets hope thurston makes it 16+, so we dont have to deal with that webster hall 18+ bs

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