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RockerNino 04.20.2006 02:47 PM

Pavement ripped off the Fall
I read this off Wikipedia the other day.

The Fall's primary member, Mark E. Smith, would often angrily claim through the years that Pavement was a "rip-off" of his band [3] and that they didn't "have an original idea in their heads."

Does anyone know any songs that I could listen to that would support Smith's claim? Or is this just bullshit and Pavement sound completely original. I haven't heard much of the Fall so I couldn't judge.

Rob Instigator 04.20.2006 02:49 PM

the only songs that sound like the fall are off of slanted ad enchanted and westing by musket ane sextant, and then it is the slower ones, stuff like HERE and summer babe. fuck the FALL. FUCK THE FALL
they can eat a dead donkey's chancred asshole.

Sheriff Rhys Chatham 04.20.2006 02:55 PM

you fell on the pavment and got ripped?

Rob Instigator 04.20.2006 02:59 PM

the fall and pavement are two wholly different things. mightas well go around telling the world that every single band ripped off the beatles, and that metallica ripped off the misfits and that alice in chains ripped off megadeth and that sonic youth ripped off the velvet underground, etc etc.

fuck those whiny bitches from the fall.

Everyneurotic 04.20.2006 03:01 PM

summer babe? that one sounds more like my bloody valentine than the fall

listen to two states and conduit for sale

now, excuse me, i have to go burn my pavement records because they were such rip offs!!!

RockerNino 04.20.2006 03:04 PM

I mean. i dont agree or anything, but I just wanted someone to recommend me some Fall music that is reminiscent of Pavement or has similar sounds because it might be a good place to start to listen to the Fall.

etertiena 04.20.2006 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
summer babe? that one sounds more like my bloody valentine than the fall

listen to two states and conduit for sale

now, excuse me, i have to go burn my pavement records because they were such rip offs!!!

my bloody valentine?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!!?!?! ? not to be an ass, but you have to be kidding. :rolleyes:

Everyneurotic 04.20.2006 03:08 PM

depends what pavement you know or like...

Everyneurotic 04.20.2006 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by etertiena
my bloody valentine?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!??!?!?!!?!?! ? not to be an ass, but you have to be kidding. :rolleyes:

ok, like slowdive or ride; i mean, that wall of guitars?

TheDom 04.20.2006 03:11 PM

Listen to New Face In Hell by The Fall and then Conduit For Sale! by Pavement. Then you will now why Mark talks shit about them

Dan 04.20.2006 03:29 PM

Malkmus' response from a Thurston Moore interview where he references the claim:

“Ripping them off? What does that mean, that I am getting rich sounding like them?”

hotbutterknives 04.20.2006 03:38 PM

but then again, malkmus himself did admit that when they started , he wanted to sound like the fall and all their early album covers looks almost identical as othe fall lps

Rob Instigator 04.20.2006 03:53 PM

hey, influence is influence, and a young band is going to wear theirs on their sleve, especially pavement which was just malkmus and spiral stairs for a while, then their drummer, Young. OF COURSE they sound like their idols. I mean, complaining about this is stupid and the dudes in thefall can eat it.

may as well call Polvo and Unwound rip-offs too for sounding like the GODS OF ROCK, SONIC YOUTH

HaydenAsche 04.20.2006 04:05 PM

I don't like the fall. I like pavement. I guess the rip-offs did it better.

the ikara cult 04.20.2006 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by TheDom
Listen to New Face In Hell by The Fall and then Conduit For Sale! by Pavement. Then you will now why Mark talks shit about them

Do it, they are one and the same.
I like pavement and the fall, the influence is only on the surface on Slanted and enchanted and bits of crooked rain, after that pavement found their own sound a bit. Indie-bitching is shit in the extreme.

Pavement are a nice band with nice songs, The Fall are a nasty band with nasty songs. Depending on how youre feeling, either can be better.

etertiena 04.20.2006 04:37 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
ok, like slowdive or ride; i mean, that wall of guitars?

well, yeah, theres distortion, but theres not really a WALL of guitars. i mean, of course i see what you mean, but mbv and slowdive went a lot further with that huuuge distorted sound.

noumenal 04.20.2006 04:41 PM

Both bands kick ass. Originality is overrated.

krastian 04.20.2006 10:22 PM

Everybody rips off everybody whether it is intentional or not.

dietzer123 04.20.2006 10:31 PM

the only song i can think of there's that sounds like the fall seems like a tribute to them by adopting their style. they do it with a number of artists and it never seems like they're exploiting the artists talent as much as giving them a musical compliment

The 97th Hammer 04.21.2006 01:25 AM

I find a fair number of similarities between Pavement and The Fall esp. between both bands early records. I'd also say the same with The Swell Maps (Listen to "The Helicopter Spies"). I'll also admit it took me a while to see why Pavement were accused of ripping off The Fall. I loved Pavement a few years ago but now The Fall have so much more substance.

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