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dazedcola 07.30.2008 11:29 AM

Best Buy To Start Selling Vinyl
Well, folks, prepare to purchase your vinyl without an old coat of dust and poor independent record store lighting — your baby’s returning to the big time. Vinyl, the long-thought dead and "outdated" form of musical storage and presentation, is getting a test tryout at select Best Buy stores. Could this be the first tiny step for mainstream vinyl reemergence? Will this be the crossing of the Rubicon for the endless and non-profitable war between CDs and LPs? Will I have to start buying my records at Best Buy once they inevitably overtake the market and control all distribution chains with their massive bulk-quantity discount-buying? Am I over-exaggerating?

However surprising this may seem, it isn’t really unexpected: vinyl has been quietly (and with a fuller sound!) resurging back into the populace (TMT News). According to Jackie Crosby of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune, vinyl makes up only 0.2% of total sales compared to 90% of CDs, amounting to nearly one million units sold. This may seem small for an entire format, but that “nearly one million” is a 15%(!) increase and the highest level in three years, according to Nielsen Sound Scan.

Crosby goes on to further explain that Best Buy’s willingness to give this old war horse another shot is due to the growing demand and sales figures from local Minneapolis record stores. She also illustrates that, contrary to popular belief, vinyl music cannot be directly copied to a digital format (except for the many models of record players built for that specific purpose, obviously) and points to the growing amount of hip, young artists who are simultaneously releasing their work on CD, LP, and digital formats.

Best Buy states that this “test” will take place “at an undisclosed amount of locations... to avoid artificially tipping the scales.”

You think vinyl might start picking up again? Im sure plenty of people here get new vinyl every year.

marleypumpkin 07.30.2008 11:42 AM

FUCK! This ruins it for all of us who worked their ass off building a vinyl collection the correct way.

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 01:06 PM

yeah i heard about this, nutty.

mangajunky 07.30.2008 01:25 PM

fuck Best Buy - buy local

nicfit 07.30.2008 01:36 PM

you mean in your local best buy?

Glice 07.30.2008 01:39 PM


Originally Posted by marleypumpkin
FUCK! This ruins it for all of us who worked their ass off building a vinyl collection the correct way.

What the fuck kind of an arse-backwards way of thinking is this? What, precisely, is wrong with people being able to buy something, somewhere? Vinyl in itself is a medium, it's not the some sanctified holy grail.

StevOK 07.30.2008 01:40 PM

Well, I'm glad that the movement is coming along. I really need to look at my local record shops.

nomowish 07.30.2008 11:01 PM

But will the people who ordinarily buy from Local Record Stores want to support a chain?

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:02 PM

People get too caught up in aesthetical or political purposes behind their music listening and purchasing habits. Just listen to what you like, get it where you want.

Everyneurotic 07.30.2008 11:33 PM

the new indie thing is sheet music.

"behold! i found an original 1937 reissue sheet of gershwin's "rapsody in blue". i'm indier than you!!"

acousticrock87 07.30.2008 11:38 PM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
the new indie thing is sheet music.

"behold! i found an original 1937 reissue sheet of gershwin's "rapsody in blue". i'm indier than you!!"

That's brilliant. I would do that to the next indie kid that shows off his vinyl, but I fear starting an actual trend.

marleypumpkin 07.30.2008 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
What the fuck kind of an arse-backwards way of thinking is this? What, precisely, is wrong with people being able to buy something, somewhere? Vinyl in itself is a medium, it's not the some sanctified holy grail.

Okay, the next thing you know, they'll be selling vinyl at Wal-Mart. Would you go to a Wal-Mart to buy yr music? Or anything for that matter. Best Buy is just a corporate whore trying to get in on a piece of the pie, & you can't see why that would piss me off.

Everyneurotic 07.30.2008 11:47 PM

southern lord will begin to publish sunn o))) albums in tab form: papirus paper and printed in fine ink, signed by the publisher and binded in wooden covers; limited edition of 40.

"softcover edition coming soon!"

and about two thirds of the tab will be the same riff over and over.

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:48 PM

You know that money is what motivates every business right?

Who cares where people shop, what brand of clothes people buy, what music people listens to, what format people listen to the music on, etc etc etc. I buy cd-r's at walmart.. they're cheap and work great. Who gives a fuck?

HaydenAsche 07.30.2008 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
What the fuck kind of an arse-backwards way of thinking is this? What, precisely, is wrong with people being able to buy something, somewhere? Vinyl in itself is a medium, it's not the some sanctified holy grail.

Truth. Why be so pretentious as to not buy from Best Buy?

I'm not understanding.

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:49 PM

also, sunn o))) tabs... I hope they do a sunn tab book.

"Okay, this song is 0-0-2-3 for 10 minutes."

And... uh.. "this song is 0-0-0-2-3 for 10 minutes."

"Wait for it guys, this song is 0-0-4-4-5-7! They're stretching out! For 18 minutes!"

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:50 PM

Yeah, fuck BestBuy for carrying stuff people actually want! I'M ONLY GOING TO BUY DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURING PLANT FROM NOW ON!

What's next, people on here not buying from amazon cuz, "duh i hate free shipping it's so sellout"

...and at some point on this board someone referred to me as a snobby pretentious hipster. Hah!

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:50 PM


acousticrock87 07.30.2008 11:55 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
also, sunn o))) tabs... I hope they do a sunn tab book.

"Okay, this song is 0-0-2-3 for 10 minutes."

And... uh.. "this song is 0-0-0-2-3 for 10 minutes."

"Wait for it guys, this song is 0-0-4-4-5-7! They're stretching out! For 18 minutes!"


0------------------------[2 pages]----------------------------2---------------------[2 pages]--------

atsonicpark 07.30.2008 11:56 PM

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 87 hours, try again later.

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