viewtiful_alan |
10.30.2008 04:47 PM |
Originally Posted by noisereductions
Compared to EASY TIGER this one is really, really poor. Since yr a recent RA fan, I'd suggest you get these (if you don't have them): GOLD, although it was his mainstream-breakthrough, that shit is solid 70's radio melodies that kill me from Dylan to Redding. LOVE IS HELL which was his "Smiths album". has a gut wrenching performance of "Wonderwall." Trust me. And Whiskeytown's STRANGER'S ALMANAC. Splurge on the Deluxe Edition. Unlike many deluxes, this one's worth it for the beautiful demo takes. Really, really great 'alt-country.;
I was listening to Zappa on my home today. SHIP ARRIVING TOO LATE and IMAGINARY DISEASES. I never get sick of him. He's amazing.
I agree that you and I have similar tastes on these sort of misunderstood geniuses. Can you believe that someone (no names) on this board tried to tell me that Lil Wayne was generic? Psh.
Psh... typical hating on someone who is 'trendy' to like.
Alot of people on this board seem to jump on both the 'hating who its trendy to hate' and 'hating what is trendy' bandwagons. Not all, but some.
Me and you both seem to have a similar appreciation of music regardless of such factors.
But as for what I'm listening to:

Its still great, but I dont see it as the Zappa masterpiece that some do. King Kong is the shit though.