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radarmaker 07.22.2009 12:29 PM


Originally Posted by DanielCarlson
I've been looking for the Guitar Amp Tapes but can't seem to find them. :(

Green Magnesium 07.22.2009 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sonic Youth 37
The Mono Mix of VU and Nico sounds totally surreal. I love it.

I really have to snatch up a copy of this.

It's just that I already have the Peel Slowly and See box, which has a wonderful chronological sampling of tracks (including the four stereophonic studio albums in their entirety). The mono mix of the first album just sounds so tempting.

Sonic Youth 37 07.22.2009 01:11 PM

The placement of all the instruments is almost totally different and some them are so buried that it's cool to hear them "missing".

I still need to get a copy of the acetate version.

radarmaker 07.22.2009 01:33 PM

You can find 'em all on the same torrent site as that Guitar Amp link above.
(*edit* whoops, that's everything except stuff that's still commercially available)

And the mono White Light kicks the stuffing out of the stereo version too, even though the second side is just a stereo fold. Lady Godiva's & Here She Comes Now sound so much nicer.

Sonic Youth 37 07.22.2009 02:58 PM

See, I'm not sure I could agree with that because of "The Gift". I think it's cool that both sides are different. I'll give it a listen, though.

radarmaker 07.23.2009 06:26 AM

It's also worth noting that the US & UK mono versions of White Light sound slightly different too - they're both the same mix (I think), but the mastering is different. Torrents of both are pretty easy to find.

Green Magnesium 07.23.2009 04:05 PM


I've joined the torrent site and am currently downloading an "Ultimate Acetate & Mono" jackpot.

The only thing missing seems to be the original Mono of VU & Nico (aka the whole reason I joined the site). Unless of course the Moe Tucker acetate in that collection and the commercially-released mono are one-in-the same?? The acetate in the torrent doesn't list whether it's mono or stereo though.

radarmaker 07.23.2009 05:17 PM

Check yr PM's ;)

DanielCarlson 07.25.2009 04:59 AM

Thanks for the link radarmaker, seems like there's a lot of nice stuff there.

Green Magnesium 07.25.2009 05:32 AM

Yes, many thank yous to the lovely and talented radarmaker for the sources he's provided.

Though I must say, other than the extended outro to 'Waiting for the Man' and the kickin' bass-line on 'Run Run Run', I'm not exactly impressed with the mono mix of the debut album. The drums are virtually buried in the mix for the majority of the tracks.

The mono mixes of the first four tracks from White Light are a bit more interesting.

Genteel Death 10.27.2009 07:04 AM

Drumming With The Velvet Underground Tucker

In Part 2 of our interview with the drummers of The Velvet Underground, we talk to Maureen Tucker, the player most often associated with the group.

Drumming With The Velvet Underground
Part 2: Maureen Tucker

by Adam Budofsky

Moe, as she's fondly called, played on all of the band's studio albums except for 1970's Loaded, which she missed because she was having her first child at the time. (See the Billy Yule interview in Part 1 of this feature for more on this period of the band's history.) Though Loaded is a classic in its own right, it doesn't truly represent 'the' Velvets sound, an unadorned, deceptively primitive approach that was as informed by 20th-century European avant-garde music as it was by American R&B and pop.

Moe's unique approach to this new sound was a mix of African trance rhythms and Ringo-like arrangement genius. Her playing style was hugely responsible for the Velvets' singular personality, as important as Lou Reed's deadpan vocals, Sterling Morrison's architectural electric guitar - even John Cale's otherworldly viola.

Though The Velvet Underground struggled with underwhelming record sales in their day, by the '80s, every serious text on the history of rock 'n' roll would put the band at the very top of the pile in terms of its impact on modern music. In other words, this is one very influential musician we're talking about here.

After laying low and raising a family for most of the '70s and '80s, Moe returned to regular recording and touring, this time fronting her own band on guitar and vocals. Moving away from her native Long Island has taken none of the New York out of Moe's voice, sense of humor, or love of a good story. And though she is a proud recent grandmother, Moe is so plain-spoken and humorously candid, you get the feeling even the surliest thirteen-year-old could easily hang with her. MD Online recently spoke to Maureen from her home in Georgia.

Where did your style of playing with the bass drum on its side originate?

When we started with Andy [Warhol, the famous pop artist who took the Velvets under his wing], we would rehearse at The Factory [Warhol's studio/scene], and I just started doing it there. Around then we began doing a lot of long, twenty-minute jams, and I just thought doing what I was doing fit well. At first I literally just put the bass drum on the floor at rehearsals, and at shows we'd put two chairs together, which didn't work so great. But pretty quickly a friend of ours made a stand that would hold it up so I could stand up and play it.

Today it's hard to imagine Velvet Underground songs played any differently.

Yeah, I've thought of that over the years, and I can't imagine that at all.

Was there any discussion at the time, like, You're not going to be able to keep a ride cymbal beat going?

No, it was my invention, my idea. I thought, and I guess they agreed - or maybe they just weren't listening, because, you know, no one listens to the drummer - it just worked better for the kind of stuff we were doing.

Genteel Death 10.27.2009 07:04 AM

Did you realize how unique it was at the time?

No, I probably realized that for the first time ten, fifteen years ago. When I started playing again with my own band, I guess I started listening to music again more, and I noticed it. Imagine "Venus In Furs," for instance, with Ginger Baker. wouldn't work!

Tell us about your sticking technique.

Well, I used to use a mallet in my right hand and a stick in my left. Obviously the mallet sounded better on the bass drum. On some songs like "Heroin" I used two mallets.

In a way, playing standing up seems like a more natural way to play.

I don't know who invented the foot pedal. I guess it allows you to play a crash at every moment; I don't know who started that either. I guess a cymbal company!

If you listen to old music, the kind I like, you don't hear a cymbal from one end of the day to the next. My son plays in a band, and I advised him to take all the cymbals away from his drummer.

You know, I never thought about it before, but maybe things got out of hand when it became about groups as opposed to studio musicians. Bandmembers started thinking, We're stars - look at all these chicks! You know, trying to draw attention to themselves. Hey, I like this theory. [laughs] But seriously, it became all about seven drums and all these cymbals, and two bass drums, which in my opinion is not only unnecessary, but horrifying.

What's your setup like now?

I haven't played that much drums lately. In the '90s I did play with a band called Magnet, and then on the Velvets' reunion tour in '93. With The Velvets, I thought, I can have two toms with two different lower tones. But trying to get them to hang where I could reach them was a problem. My arms are kind of short. So it was quite a pain in the neck.

Tell us more about that reunion tour.

It was great that we went to Europe, because we had never played there, and they're the ones who make our royalty checks. It was really nice to play for them. And it was great to get together with the guys, which I hadn't done in twenty-five years.

But we played some shows with U2 in stadiums, and it didn't take me long to realize that I would never want to reach that level of popularity. Because once you're that big, you can't go back. And stadiums suck to play in. Really, it wasn't fun at all. No connection with the audience, and you know everybody is looking at the TV screens. And the incredible amounts of money involved; it's so business-y.

Genteel Death 10.27.2009 07:05 AM

How did you get into drums in the first place?

I always liked [African music pioneer] Olatunji. I used to listen to him a lot. I really liked rock too, what was going on at the time. When The Stones first came out, I didn't want to just listen, I wanted to play along. And since I didn't know how to play guitar or anything, I bought a snare drum, and I would sit in my room and just play along to their album until it was white. It made it more fun than just listening.

Was The Velvets your first professional gig?

I had played a year or two before The Velvets in a little cover band with people I worked with. We rehearsed and rehearsed, and played one show, in Long Island. That night the drummer in the house band was shot by a ricocheting bullet! But anyway, the singer had a real ego and the whole thing became sort of a drag and we didn't want to deal with it anymore.

The members of The Velvets had unique musical backgrounds and abilities. What was it like being in the middle of that?

I think what you just said is what made it so different. I couldn't play a perfect roll for a million dollars. I didn't know how, and I didn't want to know how. John was on the other side of the scale - stunningly classically trained, experienced. And Lou loved doo wop - I did too - and had taught himself music. And there was Sterling, who started out on trumpet and later played guitar.

I think our technical background was what made our sound. For instance, if I was able to play rolls, I would have, and that would have made a big difference. If Lou had gone to music school, he would have learned, "Oh, you can't play a D, this song is in F# - which, by the way, I've heard from five different session musicians over the years, who all went to music schools. I don't always know what note it is, but I do know when it's something I want to hear.

Something I also realized much later is that we all really watched each other on stage. And it was fun, because we communicated - oh, he wants to go double time, or he wants to emphasize this so I won't emphasize it. And we did a lot of improvisation. It was fun playing like that, not knowing what was going to happen.

You weren't completely welcomed with open arms for doing that sort of stuff, were you?

Oh, no. [laughs] When we first started with Andy, many times the reason we played was because he had been invited to this event or the other. We were his 'exhibit,' The Exploding Plastic Inevitable. And usually, these people were there to see Andy's art. And they weren't hippies, they were rich people and socialites. No, they didn't appreciate us much at all.

Let's talk about a couple specific songs. On your Web site, you describe "I'm Waiting For The Man," and how everybody played so heavily on all four beats.

I love that song. It's like a train, there's no stopping it. When we were rehearsing for the '93 tour, we weren't three or four bars into it and everybody stopped, like, what the hell's the matter? I knew what the problem was, but I didn't say anything at first. But eventually I was like, "Lou, you have to play all down strokes." He had forgotten that. Just the difference between playing down-up-down-up and playing down-down-down-down was incredible.

Tell us about playing "Heroin." You musically represented the lyrics so well, speeding up and slowing down, symbolizing the rush.

I loved playing that. When I first joined, they already had that song, but were actually playing it like a folk song. Angus MacLise was their percussionist at that time, and he played bongos and stuff, which fit in with that style. I honestly don't remember what caused the shift. Maybe me pounding on the drums the way I did. But I felt that what I played worked with the lyrics and the ominous mood.

Genteel Death 10.27.2009 07:05 AM

Can you describe what a typical gig was like early on? The liner notes on the first album give this impression of total sensory overload. That seems so different from today, with the age of in-ear monitor systems, digital sound?

Which sucks, in my opinion. In those days, when you'd go to a club, they might have three microphones for the whole band. For years there was never a mic' for the drums, and no monitors. I used to stand to Lou's right on stage. And once he blasted off, I couldn't hear anybody else. It was like a wall went up. So I would just watch his mouth to see where he was in the song, because I couldn't hear the vocal at all. And in my opinion, that made for much more interesting and realistic shows in those days - not just us, but everybody. I don't know, I hate all this technology. I think it's been really bad for music, at least for rock.

For example, in a situation where there's a mic' on everything, now you're depending on the soundman to interpret how you want it to sound. So if your soundman likes a booming bass drum, that's what you wind up with. And I'm very particular about how I want my band to sound, because it represents me. I don't like a loud bass drum, so I don't want the people in the audience to think I do.

How do you retain the benefits of a basic approach to music today?

Well, I've never been able to afford a studio where you have to put on a surgical mask to play. And playing in small clubs like my band does, they're not loaded with equipment, though of course they have sound systems. But I've had times where I've said, "Just take the mic' off the snare, it's too loud." In my opinion, everybody plays way too loud today.

On the Velvets tour it would have been a dream come true - and this still pisses me off that we didn't do this - but my idea was that we go on stage with the same amps we had back then, or as close as possible. But of course we had to be high-tech. I really think the fans would have loved it, though.

Are there any new artists you enjoy?

Not much. [laughs] When I listen to music, I listen to old stuff. Bo Diddly, of course. Little Richard, girl groups, all that stuff from the late '50s through the mid '60s - The Beatles, The Stones' first three albums. I also love The Violent Femmes. I think their drummer, Victor DeLorenzo, is wonderful. I like Jonathan Richman very much. Half Japanese. One new band I really like is The Raveonettes - no pretensions, really interesting.

What do you think your personal influence has been?

I think it's on kids who are more into music - the ones who are more likely to listen to older stuff, like, I like this person, what did he listen to? I get fan mail from twelve-year olds, fourteen-year-olds, saying, I love The Velvets, I really like your playing, things like that. And on tour there are many young people who say things like, "I started playing drums because of you." To me that's a great reward.

For more information on Maureen, go to

loubarret 11.15.2009 06:21 AM

Peel slowly and see got me in it's magicial catch again.

I just play nearly daily VU again these days.

Keeping It Simple 11.15.2009 02:29 PM

I saw a short documentary on Edie Sedgwick and couldn't believe how much of a cunt Andy Warhol was towards her when their relationship soured. Edie self-destructed through drug abuse as a result, which Andy could easily have prevented, but didn't. When she tragically died at the young age of 28, and Andy was told, he replied with: "Edie who?" I hope Andy's rotting in Hell for what he did to Edie!

Satan 11.15.2009 02:42 PM

icons are disposable. she made the choice to take all those drugs. not andy warhol's job to keep people from doing drugs.

edie sedgwick was the walking definition of the word cliche.

Keeping It Simple 11.15.2009 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
icons are disposable. she made the choice to take all those drugs. not andy warhol's job to keep people from doing drugs.

edie sedgwick was the walking definition of the word cliche.

It's clear Edie Sedgwick should've gone to London instead of hanging around with a clique of arty-farty egomaniacs with little to no talent in New York. The editor of Vogue magazine at the time said: "London is the most swinging city in the world at the moment." With her looks, figure, talent and personality, Edie would've been in her element.

Satan 11.15.2009 03:15 PM

yeah, but she still would've crashed and burned. there are drugs in london too.

pooor little rich girl. it's so hard.

Keeping It Simple 11.15.2009 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Satan
yeah, but she still would've crashed and burned. there are drugs in london too.

pooor little rich girl. it's so hard.

Maybe, maybe not. London had an "Edie Sedgwick" all of its own anyway. :D

Glice 11.15.2009 04:00 PM

I've just finished listening to the guitar amp tape. It's very good. More people should listen to it.

Just thought y'all might like to know.

automatic bzooty 11.15.2009 05:14 PM

edie was way into drugs and shit looong before she was in with the factory; she'd been in and out of mental hospitals. the whole sedgwick family was kind of messed up. i'm sure warhol dumping her off (being the type of asshole he was) didn't help, but he wasn't the one who set her up for self destruction. edie probably would have done the same thing even if she'd never gone to new york... but i guess it's easier to pin the blame on warhol or dylan or whoever was around.

i'm gonna throw the guitar amp tape on, haven't heard it in a while. good stuff.

tesla69 11.16.2009 04:59 PM

From the Plimton book about her it seemed Edie was, like Warhol, basically asexual.

Genteel Death 11.16.2009 05:06 PM

she got sexually molested by her dad and ended up sleeping with her brother too.

Keeping It Simple 11.16.2009 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
she got sexually molested by her dad and ended up sleeping with her brother too.

Poor Edie. :(

Genteel Death 11.19.2009 08:15 AM

Velvet Underground members reuniting at NY library

Tue Nov 17, 2009 10:12pm EST

By David J. Prince
NEW YORK (Billboard) - Former Velvet Underground members Lou Reed, Maureen Tucker and Doug Yule will make an extremely rare joint public appearance on December 8 at the New York Public Library.
The three will discuss the Velvet Underground's music and legacy with rock journalist David Fricke as part of the "LIVE from the NYPL" series.
The reunion of the legendary New York band comes on the heels of the publication of "The Velvet Underground: New York Art," a compendium of previously unseen photographs, poster and cover designs by Andy Warhol, Lou Reed's handwritten music and lyrics, underground press clippings and other reviews, flyers, handbills and posters.
The book, published by Italian book house Rizzoli, also contains a recorded conversation between Reed and Tucker, as well as contributions from former Czech president Vaclav Havel and author Jon Savage.
The event will take place at the Celeste Bartos Forum in the library's Stephen A. Schwarzman Building on 5th Ave. and 42nd St. General admission tickets are $25, and $15 tickets are available for library donors, students and seniors through the NYPL website.
The original Velvet Underground lineup included Reed, Tucker, John Cale, Sterling Morrison and vocalist Nico. The group's debut album, often referred to as "the banana album" from its distinctive pop art cover, was produced by Andy Warhol and includes rock and roll classics like "Heroin" and "Sunday Morning."
Cale left the band in 1968 and was replaced by Yule. The group split in the early 1970s, though it re-formed briefly with Cale and toured in the early 1990s. Nico died in 1988, and Sterling Morrison in 1995.

Keeping It Simple 11.19.2009 09:44 AM

I heard John Cale didn't want to go because he has an overdue book and can't afford to pay the fine.

eternal 11.19.2009 03:40 PM

anyone have or have a link for the guitar amp tapes?? (not a torrent)

i can only find flacs and i need mp3s since i'm running out of hard drive space

automatic bzooty 11.19.2009 06:06 PM

i don't have a link on hand (the blog i got it from died, i guess) but i can upload it for you if you like.

any preference as to what site?

verme (prevaricator) 11.20.2009 07:46 AM


Torn Curtain 11.22.2009 10:11 AM


tesla69 11.23.2009 09:45 AM

[quote=Genteel Death]Velvet Underground members reuniting at NY libraryThe book, published by Italian book house Rizzoli, also contains a recorded conversation between Reed and Tucker, as well as contributions from former Czech president Vaclav Havel and author Jon Savage.

Just bought this book yesterday, it is incredible!

Genteel Death 11.30.2009 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Velvet Underground members reuniting at NY libraryThe book, published by Italian book house Rizzoli, also contains a recorded conversation between Reed and Tucker, as well as contributions from former Czech president Vaclav Havel and author Jon Savage.

Just bought this book yesterday, it is incredible!

Indeed. It's awesome, and the recent feature on Uncut magazine is not bad at all, cd and all. It renvigorated my love for them once more (that's many, many times it happened), and brought back a need to update (this time in English) the fanzine I dedciated to them in my teens.

Genteel Death 11.30.2009 08:50 PM

''Dracula going to sleep while people go to church''

Sterling Morrison describing ''Sunday Morning''

Stijn 12.04.2009 01:11 PM

Still the coolest band ever to face the earth
Can anyone recommend some unreleased or live gems?

Edit: this thread is keepin me busy for now =)

Keeping It Simple 12.04.2009 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by Stijn
Still the coolest band ever to face the earth
Can anyone recommend some unreleased or live gems?

Edit: this thread is keepin me busy for now =)

Like Hell they were.

Seandi 12.04.2009 06:57 PM

Who was cooler?

gmku 12.04.2009 07:26 PM

I luv the velvet underground, and I'd probably collect more of their boots if they didn't all sorta sound the same. Like, w/ Stones bootlegs, you see how the Stones evolved over the years (meaning their best years 68-73 or so) and you hear those changes most pronounced on stage in their boots. W/ the vu it could all be from some same long tour.

loubarret 12.05.2009 06:38 AM

Mah, John Cale area boot's and doug yule area boots sound quite diffrint. Yule's even got a offical livealbum, which is like a way poppier VU.

Genteel Death 12.05.2009 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Stijn
Still the coolest band ever to face the earth
Can anyone recommend some unreleased or live gems?

Edit: this thread is keepin me busy for now =)

Track 11 of the unbootlegged Warhol tapes. They sound like Sonic Youth before their time. Can't be arsed to up that, I'm afraid.

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