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-   -   Do you males on this board ever feel any shame about the way you view women? (

ni'k 06.03.2010 01:02 PM

must spread rep to knox etc.

and by the way, the board used to have a LOT more females posting than it does now.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
Look mate, nobody can stop you from posting what you like on here. There is a moderator for that. It would help if you saved face by coming across less like the real fascist because not everyone thinks like you do and they are not afraid to tell you.

:rolleyes: Says the guy who started this thread...

My post was clearly somewhat sarcastic (I even used the cliched misspelling technique to broadcast so). I'm not telling people what to think, or how to act. I'm only defending against the number of you who are telling others how, and what to post on this board.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:05 PM

If this thread isn't about censoring offensive material, then what is it about? Because due to all of your reactions, I've clearly missed the point.

Toilet & Bowels 06.03.2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
ha ha ha ha-- i/ve never seen that sort of stuff, but seems totally plausible.

i'd post links if i wasn't at work

!@#$%! 06.03.2010 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by ni'k
symbol, have you ever thought "hey, maybe i'm coming off as patronising, maybe i should think why i need to do that for over 4 pages"?

i often get accused of that. it must be true. my shrink once told me i was poison for people with low self-esteem. i can be grating, abrasive, overbearing, critical and tactless. apologies.


Originally Posted by ni'k
i know that you are too stuck up to read my posts. but if you had you might have found these quotes, which are in my opinion highly relevant and could be useful to you in a time of introspection, hint hint:

im not too stuck up to read your posts, i think sometimes they are deranged though, and not worth reading, though they may contain good material. here i'm reading this one. there. i'm reading you. happy?


Originally Posted by ni'k
because it does seem like you have being doing that so far and aren't going to stop anytime soon. it would be infuriating if it wasn't so hilarious, but it's too boring to be that either.... hmmmm.... so if i was to follow the symbol man school of thought, were you don't need to listen or try to understand why someone else feels the way they do, and that that could matter more than your opinions, couldn't i just shorten it and say: "no, you're wrong to feel this way because of MY different opinions"

really? we're a lot alike then. i don't see you listening or trying to understand others, either. i know you're siding with some people, but i don't know that you're listening to other. if you have, ever, please, show me where you've done that.


Originally Posted by ni'k
i disagree with what you said about "the price of freedom".

great, let's hear your arguments,


Originally Posted by ni'k
you are being requested not to behave in a certain way that is offending people, and they are trying to explain why they feel this way.

i get that now, but that request has only become clear to me in recent pages. however, knox included a body of justification for that request that i didn't fully understand. while i agree with the basic request, i found her justifications debatable.


Originally Posted by ni'k
freedom doesnt mean i get to act like a douche because i can so fuck everyone else. you make it harder for other people to have freedom unless you listen to what they have to say and try to show them some respect


so you're listening to me and showing respect? ok, great. lead by example. i get you.

if you had read what i've said though, you'd notice i said i find a lot of shit in this board disturbing, but i've learned that i can't stop it.


Originally Posted by ni'k
dont pretend that asking for some respect is a demand that everyone goose step to intellectualism.


i'm not pretending anything, but when you try to speak for knox it makes it harder for me to get what she's saying, or what you're saying, for that matter. are you two one and the same? no.


Originally Posted by ni'k
you just mean you want to use it when it suits you so you can always suddenly switch from being serious if you can't win an argument.

i didn't get that, sorry.


Originally Posted by ni'k
you are coming across as condescending, smug and self assured that anyone wants to hear more of your opinions. when you should only be self assured at how annoying it is to hear you go on and on forever. oh sorry, am i being "overheated" again? don't worry i've got a fan beside me now.

if you don't want to hear, skip it. it's easy. just skip it over. and keep that fan running.


Originally Posted by ni'k
and to tell us all we need to do is "give people shit for it" in response, is both patronising and sounds like you are saying you won't stop offending people unless they try to offend you back. we asked people to be courteous. we don't want to get dragged down into pissing battles on a board. because thats really stupid and excruciatingly boring and really doesn't interest us.

so you're not giving me shit for your disagreements with me? your discourse here and in that other post is not in pissing battle mode? ok


Originally Posted by ni'k
you go on to suggest we have to "fight" as a solution, suggesting you are going to keep fighting back unless we do. we don't CARE about dominating other people. we aren't asking for a fight. we are asking people to be considerate of how we feel. are you really so wrapped up in yourself you can't see that?

that's not what i said, i didn't present myself as the opponent of your cause, you fucking idiot-- i'm actually on your side, believe it or not. i would like this place to be "better", though i have little hope this will happen. but i said essentially that to advance your cause you might need to do some fighting, because there's nobody here to shield you from the displeasure that others cause you, but yourself. are you really so wrapped up in yourself you can't see that?


Originally Posted by ni'k
EDIT: well it seems like you finally have stopped now.

fat chance!


Originally Posted by ni'k
without realising that no, noone really was interested in a "good" discussion, however thrilling that might have been.

really? i was. i thought knox was and i thought better than deux was. i think better than deux advanced her points much better than you-- i totally get what she's saying.


Originally Posted by ni'k
all that shit about the prosecutor? complaining about accusations that sully your might pride when you've said insulting things to people again and again when they've been keeping it civil? you'd almost expected me to say something like "get off your high horse you pompous fuck" but that would be being overheated again, wouldn't it? oh how i can not wait for the next installment in this gripping saga.

that was for knox, not for you. are you speaking on her behalf now?

knox 06.03.2010 01:06 PM

it this why some people get so jealous of that guy that's always posting photos of his life/party with lots of real girls?

well, anyway, 5 girls on the internet. that's more than the internet could ever dream of having. nobody told me the internet was like that.

it seems like the number of female users on forums is even lower than the number of women flying planes.

i dont know, i want stats.

ni'k 06.03.2010 01:07 PM

we aren't and have never been TELLING anyone. we asked respectfully. and we got a lot of crap for it. that's not censorship. that's just a request that certain things be kept in the one place.

knox 06.03.2010 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
If this thread isn't about censoring offensive material, then what is it about? Because due to all of your reactions, I've clearly missed the point.

yes, you have missed the point.

the thread is about:

we're allowed to say whatever the fuck we want and dislike whatever we want to dislike and make a million threads about it.

didn't you say? if you don't like the photos ignore them. if you don't like the thread ignore it.

isn't that the beauty of the lack of censorhip huh? I can actually say I think you're coming across as a wanker.

now the thread is about something else. 5 women on the internets.
now it's about internet equality.

Glice 06.03.2010 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
If this thread isn't about censoring offensive material, then what is it about? Because due to all of your reactions, I've clearly missed the point.

It might be about a general attitude to women. It might be about the inability to discuss a woman under 40 without reference to her physical attributes. It might be about the cock-fest of talking about music like it's football cards. It might be about how insipid the opinions expressed are. It might be about the use of the word 'cunt'. It might be about how the vernacular of the forum is reduced to this boorish 'ironic' twattery. It might be about how women immediately feel alienated by this forum because it's so cliquey. It might be about how there used to be a lot more women here. It might be about how everyone is reduced to a gender, both ways. It might be about the discretion the homosexual men/ heterosexual woman display in expressing their sexuality, relative to certain heterosexual men.

It might be about a lot of things, but if there's nothing in the above that rings any bells (there's certainly plenty for me), then you're a perfect human. Well done.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:12 PM

Your request was respected by some, and denied by others. Did you really expect much else?

knox 06.03.2010 01:13 PM

no one suggested censorship
some people have requested some respect
because they thought that perhaps people care about anything other than themselves and can behave accordinly
but no one suggested censorship at all

knox 06.03.2010 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Your request was respected by some, and denied by others. Did you really expect much else?

But don't complain if some of us don't wanna stop bringing it up.

ni'k 06.03.2010 01:14 PM

yeah symbol man my discourse wasn't a pissing contest at the start, it was civil for many many posts despite how you behaved.

and that's about it since you didn't say anything else worth responding to or reading.

i feel so much lighter now that thats finally over.

knox 06.03.2010 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
There's a distinct lack of females on any internet forum.

I still see knox, ploesj, Satan, phoenix, and Deux posting here regularly. That's more females than most forums would ever dream of having.

Like the symbol guy said, it's not too hard to avoid reading/discussing things on here that you don't want to. If no one reacted to the sexism on here, or the reaction was mostly negative, then it would surely cease. But, the truth of the matter is, is that it's been demanded by many of the members on this board, and respected as quality entertainment. Democracy ftw.

ok now seriously. which forums do you go to? wanna hear more about this internet only you know.

Toilet & Bowels 06.03.2010 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
It's about this place being one of the most intelligent, and liberated communities on the internet


space 06.03.2010 01:17 PM

although I cannot speak for the BLACK METAL boards, this board, has a lot FEWER females posting than most out there..

ESPECIALLY for a band like Sonic Youth that has DROVES of female fans (surely thanks in part to Kim ♥♥♥ ).

"there are no girls on the internet" is a lie made up by basement dwellers who have no clue about women AT ALL.

nobody can tell anyone else here what they can or cannot post, but I think if you have any interest in having this place not be such a BRO-FEST, these points bear listening to.

Toilet & Bowels 06.03.2010 01:17 PM

Are good manners and considerate behaviour the same thing as censorship?

!@#$%! 06.03.2010 01:21 PM

knox-- i get, now, that you're primarily asking people to keep the tits and ass confined to a corral because it's disturbing to some people. i get that. i got it first from better than deux then from nik's very "clarifying" post. good. i have no problem with that. i accept your request and support your cause.

however, theres a separate argument which you put forward to bolster your request, which is trickier for me to fully accept-- even though i accept and support your request, as i've said.

according to nik, internet cop, arguing with your supporting ideas is pointless, and any further pursuit of that discussion is verbotten.

if you don't want to discuss that either, fine. if you want to discuss it, i will continue in spite of nik's protests or whoever else. if you prefer to take it to PM and avoid the confusion of discussing multiple points with multiple people at the same time until the whole thing becomes incomprehensible, i can delete my inbox and hear you out without thinking that when you say "you" you are referring to other people.

either way, let me know. i'd prefer to have this discussion in the open, but it's often impossible with so much noise and everybody claiming to represent somebody else.


ni'k 06.03.2010 01:22 PM

i can be a dick and am guilty of some of the things glice mentioned.

the point is in this thread some people requested others try to be sensitive to how they felt, which literally required simply posting certain things in one certain thread except the others. but some of you couldn't even do that, being the uncompromising individuals that you are. some people started throwing temper tantrums at the slightest sign of anyone not being impressed by their attitude, which can be summed up by this:


and is probably a misery delivering substitute for being able to think for themselves.

knox 06.03.2010 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels

I am REALLY curious. I want to know this internet.
The male internet. The internet that doesn't care if women are driven away.
The internet that's so nasty that this forum is the most intelligent place on it.
I do not know the internet. :(

(btw internet is not real life and this isnt the real me. nothing that happens on the internet happens in real life. internet isn't real. opinions on it aren't real. it is not even a real person writing this. people do not even make the internet. the internet is so powerful it makes your persona by itself)

this is the internet:


knox 06.03.2010 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
knox-- i get, now, that you're primarily asking people to keep the tits and ass confined to a corral because it's disturbing to some people. i get that. i got it first from better than deux then from nik's very "clarifying" post. good. i have no problem with that. i accept your request and support your cause.

however, theres a separate argument which you put forward to bolster your request, which is trickier for me to fully accept-- even though i accept and support your request, as i've said.

according to nik, internet cop, arguing with your supporting ideas is pointless, and any further pursuit of that discussion is verbotten.

if you don't want to discuss that either, fine. if you want to discuss it, i will continue in spite of nik's protests or whoever else. if you prefer to take it to PM and avoid the confusion of discussing multiple points with multiple people at the same time until the whole thing becomes incomprehensible, i can delete my inbox and hear you out without thinking that when you say "you" you are referring to other people.

either way, let me know. i'd prefer to have this discussion in the open, but it's often impossible with so much noise and everybody claiming to represent somebody else.


I'm always willing to discuss anything. As long as being heard, thatīs all.
and by me I mean me.

People say whatever they want and they might agree with me but that doesn't make them me.

ps - i actually bother reading things.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:29 PM

I'm only a wanker when I see hot n00dz posted all over this forum. *rimshot*

I'm not telling you that you can't bitch about your opinions of this board's criteria any moreso than you're telling me that I can't post what I want here. It's just a distinct difference of opinion, and is one that is clearly a sensitive issue for all involved.

I'm not claiming to be some perfect human being, or one who is constantly correct. In fact, I think it's quite evident that I'm part of the lower tier of this community, as far as intelligence is concerned. Which is completely alright with me, since this board seems to be overflowing with naturally ponderous minds who are exceedingly knowledgeable in terms of politics, philosophy, religion, music, film, art, etc.

I honestly don't feel as if I'm one of the main offenders here. Whenever I have a picture of a hot girl that I'd like to post, I rightfully place it in the hot girl thread.

I honestly have nothing but respect for women, any female that knows me in real life could tell you that. They even laugh at my sexist remarks on a daily basis, realizing that they are surely in jest.

Hell, I'm a foot fetishist... there's nothing I love more than getting on my knees and literally licking the feet of my gorgeous goddess. If there's anything less misogynistic than that, I don't know what it is...

Genteel Death 06.03.2010 01:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
:rolleyes: Says the guy who started this thread...

My post was clearly somewhat sarcastic (I even used the cliched misspelling technique to broadcast so). I'm not telling people what to think, or how to act. I'm only defending against the number of you who are telling others how, and what to post on this board.

I'm not telling you what to post, as if I am deluded enough to think that people should really post what I want. And how seriously boring a messageboard that would be if that happened for real. I started the thread after opening a few that didn't invite or encourage that sort of image on them, and just went ''why''? Of course I've posted on forums long enough to know that a sweeping generalisation of a section of posters in the title and the first post, as well as asking something charged with a certain type of content generally attracts debate, pandemonium, polemics etc. And this thread confirmed that there are still people on this forum capable of engaging in intelligent conversation if prompted. How is that bad a thing?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by knox

this is the internet:


Actually this is the internet...




!@#$%! 06.03.2010 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by knox
I'm always willing to discuss anything. As long as being heard, thatīs all.
and by me I mean me.

People say whatever they want and they might agree with me but that doesn't make them me.

ps - i actually bother reading things.

good. me too, really. i think misunderstanding arises from the fact that we come from very different places and start from very different premises, which makes communication essentially a difficult task. and it's made more difficult when people assume that we all share the same worldview and that communication should be easy, when in fact we have to understand where people are coming from before we get what they are saying. it's not impossible but it's hard. i'll give it a shot but please let's be careful, eh?

knox 06.03.2010 01:34 PM

[quote=Dr. Eugene Felikson]I'm only a wanker when I see hot n00dz posted all over this forum. *rimshot*

I'm not telling you that you can't bitch about your opinions of this board's criteria any moreso than you're telling me that I can't post what I want here. It's just a distinct difference of opinion, and is one that is clearly a sensitive issue for all involved.

I'm not claiming to be some perfect human being, or one who is constantly correct. In fact, I think it's quite evident that I'm part of the lower tier of this community, as far as intelligence is concerned. Which is completely alright with me, since this board seems to be overflowing with naturally ponderous minds who are exceedingly knowledgeable in terms of politics, philosophy, religion, music, film, art, etc.

I honestly don't feel as if I'm one of the main offenders here. WheneverI have a picture of a hot girl that I'd like to post, I rightfully place it in the hot girl thread. (because it is your obligation right)

I honestly have nothing but respect for women, any female that knows me in real life could tell you that.They even laugh at my sexist remarks on a daily basis, realizing that they are surely in jest. -

Hell, I'm a foot fetishist... there's nothing I love more than getting on my knees and literally licking the feet of my gorgeous goddess. If there's anything less misogynistic than that, I don't know what it is...[/quote]

sorry too funny had to repost
internet gold.

Glice 06.03.2010 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by Leopold von Sacher-Masoch
Hell, I'm a foot fetishist... there's nothing I love more than getting on my knees and literally licking the feet of my gorgeous goddess. If there's anything less misogynistic than that, I don't know what it is...

Reduction of the eroticism of a complete woman to a fetish of a single body part. The subjugation of the total sex act [heteronormatively here, the conjugation of male and female] to a single satisfaction, dissociated from classic erogenous zones. It's still about you. She might be fine with that - that's your personal sex life. Flaunting it, projecting your sexuality, the sexuality becomes a very different thing within the social dialogue.

There. I've gone and said something that'll come across as pretentious. That's what you've made me do. Well done.

knox 06.03.2010 01:36 PM

hey guys.
my black friends laugh at my racist jokes.
i am cool.

Glice 06.03.2010 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I'm not telling you what to post, as if I am deluded enough to think that people should really post what I want.

You want me to post some cocks and pictures of Judy Garland, is that what you're saying?

amerikangod 06.03.2010 01:40 PM

I can't be bothered to read all of this, even if a lot of it is genuinely interesting to read and discuss. All I know is that I ain't changing my (internet) self or my (internet) behavior for anyone, and especially not for a 'board.' I'm gonna be this guy for as long as I wanna be this guy. If the population or attitudes of the forum changes and no longer welcomes a guy like me, I'm sure I'll lose interest and move on. Until then...

I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:41 PM


Originally Posted by Genteel Death
I'm not telling you what to post, as if I am deluded enough to think that people should really post what I want. And how seriously boring a messageboard that would be if that happened for real. I started the thread after opening a few that didn't invite or encourage that sort of image on them, and just went ''why''? Of course I've posted on forums long enough to know that a sweeping generalisation of a section of posters in the title and the first post, as well as asking something charged with a certain type of content generally attracts debate, pandemonium, polemics etc. And this thread confirmed that there are still people on this forum capable of engaging in intelligent conversation if prompted. How is that bad a thing?

There's nothing wrong with it at all. In fact, that sounds quite jolly to me. What I appreciate most about this board is the impressive culmination of interests, knowledge in contrast to the vast silliness and nihilistic attitude of it all.

I'll reserve myself from here-on-out, in fear of isolating myself as a total dickwad. But I will still post my opinion on any viewpoint presented to me as I see fit, whether it be a pseudo-intellectual succession of paragraphs, such as this, or nonsensical shocking imagery.

I have a hard-headed personality, and as a proud American, I value my own personal liberty above all else. However, I can see how it's considered rude to constantly rain on someone's parade, and will try a wee bit harder to retain my offensive precipitation from now on.

You all have treated me with nothing but respect throughout this debate and I intend to do the same, because this is a community that I respect a lot more than I probably show.

Congratulations guys, you won. :)


Rob Instigator 06.03.2010 01:41 PM

Sonic Youth lovin ladies are the BEST!

Genteel Death 06.03.2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
You want me to post some cocks and pictures of Judy Garland, is that what you're saying?

It's what Judy would have wanted from the internet.

Glice 06.03.2010 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
I can't be bothered to read all of this, even if a lot of it is genuinely interesting to read and discuss. All I know is that I ain't changing my (internet) self or my (internet) behavior for anyone, and especially not for a 'board.' I'm gonna be this guy for as long as I wanna be this guy. If the population or attitudes of the forum changes and no longer welcomes a guy like me, I'm sure I'll lose interest and move on. Until then...

I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam.

You remind me of me. A younger, slightly less witty, less attractive version of me with bigger feet and the ability to grow facial hair.

amerikangod 06.03.2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by knox
hey guys.
my black friends laugh at my racist jokes.
i am cool.

That's more of an indicator that they are cool. And, depending on the quality of the jokes, it may or may not imply that you are funny. If the jokes are not funny and your friends still laugh, then they are not cool. Just a bunch of sniveling Uncle Toms.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:45 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
Reduction of the eroticism of a complete woman to a fetish of a single body part. The subjugation of the total sex act [heteronormatively here, the conjugation of male and female] to a single satisfaction, dissociated from classic erogenous zones. It's still about you. She might be fine with that - that's your personal sex life. Flaunting it, projecting your sexuality, the sexuality becomes a very different thing within the social dialogue.

There. I've gone and said something that'll come across as pretentious. That's what you've made me do. Well done.

:mad: DAMN yr IQ!!!

knox 06.03.2010 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by amerikangod
That's more of an indicator that they are cool. And, depending on the quality of the jokes, it may or may not imply that you are funny. If the jokes are not funny and your friends still laugh, then they are not cool. Just a bunch of sniveling Uncle Toms.

wow this is really the most intelligent place on the internet.

amerikangod 06.03.2010 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
Sonic Youth lovin ladies are the BEST!



Originally Posted by Glice
You remind me of me. A younger, slightly less witty, less attractive version of me with bigger feet and the ability to grow facial hair.

You're just trying to tear down my self esteem that way it'll be easier to sleep with me. Well you're wasting your time. All you had to do was compliment my cock.

EDIT: Wait, is that what the 'bigger feet' comment was about?

Genteel Death 06.03.2010 01:50 PM

Realistically speaking you can't even really stop a newcomer posting picture after picture of tits, unless the moderator would have a magic tit-test to submit to them before they joined.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 06.03.2010 01:51 PM

God bless. :)

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