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16 weeks is so long. My mother was hospitalized fo two weeks then put in skilled nursing for 2 months and a half. It was a trying time.
She has been in assisted living now for 2 months and really likes it. |
friday night
no girl to have fun with fucck thissss what happend to the woman in the world (don't tell me, i know everthing roitgrrrl roitboyyss) ppfff ftw |
i'm going to mars to continue my resistance there
not born to stay braindead from now on i live in space |
I'm bored and unwarrantedly on edge. It's friday.
Set me free. |
the cross of the crusades like everyone who wears those croses want to kneel and kiss the feet of the pope soo rediculious is only a sign that people have totaly no creativity that they grab on symbols from the past |
it is the 21st century?
don't worry computer age will grow and so good people will grow along |
last time i was watching dutch tv, the hollands you know
there was a man playing the guitar and singing a song about god christians in his lyrics: ... that the jews and the moslims stay away you see how devided this christian religious is others are open for all religions and don't think God has something to do with spreading hate |
fuck all religions.
The sooner the better for all LIFE |
Crusades killed millions of Muslims, Jews, "heretical" christians, etc. Hitler killed millions of Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, mentally ill and retarted people, etc. |
all true rob
they sufferd alot and some old people of WWII times still suffer till today |
it is time that all religious people today
focus on peace only a few of them call up to hate and killing of people enough to keep a big army bizzy now in egypte some extreemist has called up for a fatwa to everyone who opposites the moslim brotherhood who is now elected there in egypt koptic christians are attacked in the time before that and keep alot of people living in fear and paranoi of what will happen to them if they might or might not get possibly attacked no fun living there if you have to watch out for your life (more then normal) |
maybe they should have a seperated department
for everyone who turns insaine of religion and calls for killing and hatered ect a psychiatric department that then is responsible for removing these hot-head individuals so the normal peacefull people can do their politics |
i don't know man
for the future i think it is better of without religion and politics that people get simpel education focused on peace and that is that that should do it for the future behaviour roules for public as private now with 7 billion moving on towards 2014 we will see what this bring i don't think it will bring any good as nature is out of balance because of human overpopulation overpopulation causes stress and stress causes hatred and extreemsim and a fight for resources like food water, land, sleepplace,, home i find it the most insaine thing to do to make a child in overpopulation time it is really insaine do undertand this from a natural perspective nature is not a fantasy or halucination the consequences will follow i rather live on a earth where there are 500.000 people who all have food water land no war, no agression now with numbers of 7 billion it is way too late |
once a child born in overpopulation
you can not blame the child the parents are the blame i will never have a child |
i don't find it funny to see people die in afganistan, pakistan, iraque, syria, libia, mali parts of afrika
masskillings in usa, europa hunger in somalia what is funny about these horrors? what you gonna tell your childeren that they are born in an open amusement park? |
the world of humans is now extreemly insaine
and extreemly dangerous |
that is why i stay out of the human world
i live in the natural world with all the other animals ^^ this is not a gast30 joke |
a modern human can do both
live in nature and live in the human world modern humans are the future if you ask me |
that is why i prefer the open life, natural life
just eat and drink stay healthy more you don't need to do to get old that is the plan right behind closed doors no one really knows what happens behind closed that is why these people are NOT open people they don't answer questions and lie and lie like they are running away forever from something at the end people who are behind closed doors people only lie to themself their acting, their lies, thier fake lifes leads to selfdestruction |
did you people know that there is an astroid passing by the 15 feb?
from nasa: Small near-Earth asteroid 2012 DA14 will pass very close to Earth on Feb. 15, so close that it will pass inside the ring of geosynchronous weather and communications satellites |
well we are lucky this time with this astroid
everyday you wake up you are lucky a week ago i was on a music board and i said something about that i was lucky about something then someone answerd in a very manipulative way that it wasn't the first time i was lucky like he/she ( i don't know who this person is ) said: 'it isn't the first time you were lucky!' like this person is a sort of GOD that gives the right judgement towards everyone this fits the profile of manipulators who are BOSSY from a subconsious level didn't know really what to answer then thought a bit around this manipulation and you simply come to the conclusion that everyone who is alive today is lucky no one needs manipulators and who is dead will never return like a spirit that fly's to another world or life, reincarnations ect. or these halucinative spiritual nonsense the tip of today YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOUR EMOTIONS DON'T LET OTHERS MANIPULATE YOU MANIPULATORS ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE PROBLEMS THEMSELF [ <0> ] WATCH OUT FOR MANIPULATORS [ <0> ] everyone who is alive is lucky and everyone has the full right to feel good and enjoy life so have a great weekend |
my new thing some time now. i go almost every day to a nearby bakery store and do this gift to myself: get a coffee and sit outside -they got chairs and tables- and enjoy my cigarette, the usually cold weather and my freedom.
as it happens i have also seen a couple of attractive people there, these past days. |
this is a day
where i can't see the internet can listen to music the love for music and art stays the rest.... online garbidge |
Yet seem to always be on here...
music and art any problem is my skin not white enought? or why are you cry'ing to me on this sunday? what is it this time you try to manipulate on me and as i remember you didn't answer my question why you have this Heil hitler kurdt name? why do you use nazi extreemist HH or H8 or 88 intitials in your name? don't chiken out this time and answer don't act like you suddently became analphabetic |
yeah i remember all kinds of people who show alternative rock on the outside
and play that 'yeah i'm an alternative rock festival person' as a cover up that is and behind closed doors they sexually abuse their pets and then scream yeah sonic youth yeah sonic youth seen alot of sick people walking around everywhere so why they won't be online on music forums because people are online it is no reaon to trust them you only fooling yourself i see through people also extreemsits who go infiltrating into the music scene for commercial reasons or political reasons |
i will personally bring out all the filth persons
persons with a mask i will make your abuse public so YOUR GAME IS OVER |
-abuse is NOT part of the alternative lifestyle :fuckyou:
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Sorry Trama but I'm not going to delete/ban gast30. Put him on ignore if it bothers you that much...
Brilliant. Yeah it's cos I'm actually a seig heiling, nigger raping, gook killing, polak hating, skinhead who wants to kill your mother. As if you actually need a real answer, but the real answer is a lot more boring. When I was 15 I tried to make an original e-mail address away from the usual phil234 address. The silly student answer was h8kurdt. Funnily enough I did try to get it changed on here but to no avail. |
i have him on ignore and that's good enough for me. every now and then i click "view post" to see what he's going on about (today: "i don't want the internet, and i'm going to rant about that on the internet"--lolol). but why ban? he's not threatening anyone. Quote:
ha ha, yeah, he likes to have conversations with himself. but just add him to your ignore list and you'll be a lot happier. |
Yeah man, STFU! Yr so fucking lame. Relax. Take a breath. IT'S THE FUCKING INTERNET. EVERYONE SUCKS. That said, why don't you just ignore them? If you can't do it via yr imagination, we have a handy "ignore user" function. Then you'll be blind to their posts, but everyone else will still see them and laugh at you right under yr nose! Hooray!
lel chabibi |
my imagination tunes out stupid things fine but the ignore function helps deal with the visual swamp of endless gastroposts ![]() |
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