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homeless kids ... they are all part of the human family
I'm tired of assinine radical-right hyperbole, but can't bring myself to remove an old friend's wife from FaceSpace.
Wat do, syg? She's not clever enough to argue with and I doubt that I will ever cure her racism.. |
wat to do flowt is wait till the superior drive is over
till she realize her believe of 1'th class human to 2'd class human is over that is that and now back to you flowty if you feel guilty because of this 'friend' thing you just doing this to yourself make yourself clear what you want to do without victimizing yourself with guilt feelings if you are tired of it, like you say then listen to yourself |
It feels more complicated than that.
I need to modify my feed to disclude her and THEN jerk off without remorse....or pity!! |
remove her, or at least hide her.
i sometimes adore my instinct. i never did friend someone's who i like very much husband. he had some pic wearing military clothes and i didnt recognise him. but you know, said wtf with army stuff. then i realised who he was and that the clothes were because of him playing paintball! lol. but somehow still this didnt click nicely. and recently i was told he has become extremely fond of the fascist party here. all the years i known him, he strikes like a kind, but low iq guy. however, i cant still say that someone is kind, when s/he shares such beliefs. dont think that i am not struggling with this, telling that he is not nice anymore; i cant be absolute, but i m leaning towards to be absolute about this. |
yeah. this better. |
This is where the party ends
I can't stand here listening to you And your racist friend I now politics bore you But I feel like a hypocrite talking to you You and your racist friend It was the loveliest party that I've ever attended If anything was broken I'm sure it could be mended My head is tired from bobbing and pretending Listen to some bullet-head And the madness that he's saying This is where the party ends I'll just sit here wondering how you I know politics bore you But I feel like a hypocrite Talking to yo You and your racist friend Out from the kitchen To the bedroom to the hallway Your friend apologizes, he could see it my way He let the contents of the bottle do the thinking Can't shake the devil's hand And say you're only kidding |
also this is one of the best advices one can give to someone. i have a friend who never jerks off! he says he feels like a jerk when he does it. he is not very smart either.. |
1th class...
Dood. If you don't have the balls to remove her, then just set yer shit to not receive feeds yo...
The more aggravating point is, I'm not one to ever run from a chance to be aggravating... I'm going to limit her feed and suck up to the fact that I just have to let it go, and jerk off, confident that nothing she can do could stop me. |
Tell her all her Republican heroes abuse child sex slaves created through Monarch Programming.
See what happens. |
I'm not going to link the USAUSAUSARARRARARA FaceSpace comments, although I want to point out "christwire" is a troll site. Erghh....
http://christwire.org/2012/11/michel...or-bankruptcy/ |
I like how I suddenly feel "radical" for being "not stupid".
This world is dooooomed. COVER ME....I'M GOING IN!!! http://m.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?f...00001097793630 |
Holy Christ. Please tell me this is what started up yer little rant. Fuckin hell that article can't be serious. I don't think they can be helped...people who take that shit seriously...hopefully one day they will be weened off the crap that drives them to be so ignorant. |
christwire is a genius-level troll, and as a rule, I never fuck-bust someone having a good time, but DEM FAZEBOOK comments......
I hope my friend's wife reads mine. Fucking twits. |
First vide (edit: article. Looked likes video on me phone... ) under the 'science' section of the site "is my dog secretly gay?" LOLWuT!??! |
Clearly, your dog is that BLACK.MUSLIM Obama's fault, and what's wrong with the USA...USA....USAUSAUSAUSA!!!!!!!!!
keep us informed on the stalker report cakes
and to flowtz on the question what is wrong with the US? there is no US it is just a continent like any other continent on the planet earth water plants sometimes go simpel and you'll see it is just earth where people are blowing up there EGO's like apes slap on their chest to intimidate to others to show that THEY ARE STRONG nothing more then that ok after we been through that 'behaviour' the question is 'when will the human family realize that the hole world of humans is family?' when everyone knows the thruth of our DNA it is stronger then all the brainwash control systems of white extreemist who as animals simply need something to believe in and that is ofcourse 'THEIR SUPERIORITY' 'THAT THEY ARE THE TOP OF EVOLUTION' like any other animal would like to believe in :) something deeply sad and deeply true from an intelligent approch of looking at life the only thing that really happend is that some genes in the DNA that has to do with skin color changed because the homo sapian didn't need the brown color to be active in the DNA this change is created i think by wearing clothes and the exposure of the sun on the skin |
it is 6 in the morning here
yawn |
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he he
been clean the house for 2 to 3 hours the rest i will do tomorrow now relaxing time and what is up in wonder sonicland? |
Mumford & Sons
Babel Mr Agreeable , November 20th, 2012 ![]() Here's a f***ing weather report. Right now, we live in the f***ing piss torrents of a perma-f***ing c***shower and in such a f***ing world, conditions have deteriorated to the f***ing point where f***ing Mumford And Sons can get to reach Number f***ing one on both sides of the f***ing Atlantic, with their faux, "Golly, wouldn't it be jolly to be poor, capering around the junkyard wearing neckerchiefs and being authentic" chic. Who buys this septic f***ing horseshit? Presumably the same f***ing thought-averse smegmaheads who drool about "Boris" being a bloody great bloke who we should make bloody Prime Minister because it'd be a bloody laugh. Docile f***ing wanktards! Well, here's their latest f***ing album. And I have to admit, I'm surprised. I imagined it would represent the listening equivalent of scraping around the tenth circle of Satan's own anus with a f***ing mandolin plectrum – but actually, it's more like the f***ing twentieth. It is a growth on the left bollock of the testicles of f***ing pop. It is a rancified f***ing perversion of all that has gone under the name of folk. It is an obscenity ten times the magnitude of a bunch of f***ing public school drunks stealing a busker's cap and instrument as he strums away on the f***ing underground, poncing off with it and making £200 in an hour from passers by with their strolling f***ing renditions of Ralph McTell's 'Streets Of London'. The vocals we can deal with in a f***ing sentence. Remember the f***ing old man shouting "HaROLD!!!" in Steptoe and Son? That, only ten times more f***ing whiney and self-pityingly parasitic. As for the instrumental arrangements, well, shit as the f***ing countryside is, they make it sound even worse with their f***ing nostalgia-for-rickets stylings – a thousand county fairs from Hellhole-On-The-Wold rolled into one, with cowshit redolence of f***ing yokels shoving f***ing greased pigs down the hill or racing their f***ing ramshackle, unroadworthy vehicles round barns steering with their f***ing toes! Scrape all that dried out mucus-excrescence away, however, and what you're actually left with is, of all things, f***ing U2. Basically, it's a piece of piss for any foursome of gormlessly ambitious morons to make a f***ing mint in this day and age – whack in a few tremulously morose verses, then crank it right up for the f***ing chorus with some vaguely anthemic resolution in which the words "I will" invariably figure. Exhibit f***ing A! 'Ghosts That We Knew'. "I will hold on with all my might / Just that we'll be all right." (Of course you'll be all right, you rich c***s). Exhibit B! 'Hopeless Wanderer'. "I will call you by name / I will share your road." Oh, you'll agree to be seen in the f***ing street with me and address me by my f***ing name? Mighty f***ing big of you, banjo boy. Exhibit C! 'Holland Road'. "When I'm on my knees / I will still believe... If you'll still believe, I'll still believe". Exhibit D: 'I Will Wait'. They're constantly making out they're living in some hurricane ravaged f***ing shack on the edge of the woods and recasting their f***ing horniness as some sort of f***ing physical f***ing heroism! F***, if we needed that, we'd listen to absolutely everything f***ing Bruce Springsteen has ever recorded! This po-faced, gale force f***ing guff is meant to have us punching the air but all it makes you want to punch is their f***ing faces, followed by a low one to their corduroy-clad f***ing bollocks! It's as empty as their f***ing bank accounts, monstrously, are f***ing not. "Let's live while you're young." What the f*** else are we supposed to do when we're young? Die under a hail of f***ing custards pies packed with ball bearings, as we f***ing wish you would? It f***ing looks bad when a bunch of f***ing already well-to-do, poor-people-parodying arseheads are what laughingly passes for "indie" in this benighted f***ing day and age. But you know what? Even the f***ing clothheaded, social network addled, tight trousered, bumfluffed f***faces who pass for Britain's youth are eventually gonna wake up to how they're being f***ing financially screwed over by that top-hatted tossface Cameron and his retinue of incompetent, f***ing anus-faced public school fags. And when they do, f***ing Mumford And Sons are gonna be the first people the baying mob goes after. First, they'll take the f***ing fat one, shave off his f***ing pubic obscenity of a f***ing beard and stuff the clippings down his fatuous f***ing throat till he chokes. Then they'll take the rest of them and f***ing garrotte them one by one with their own f***ing banjo strings. In the name of all that's f***ing godly and c***ing decent and just, this has to f***ing happen! This f***ing afternoon! Do it! C***s! |
from FB
"HOOD-FOOD: One day I saw somebody making chicken stir-fry with whole chicken wings. Slap yourself. IMMEDIATELY." |
You sound neurotic. |
russian miss earth
she get's my vote she is heavely critising the russian politics who created massive poverty and corruption and so on during the last 20 years or more ![]() |
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I've seen better. |
me too )
amber heard ... she is sooo beautifull ![]() ![]() |
i think i'm falling love looking at her pic
slap, slap, back to earth and time for fries and burgers aaaannnnnddd ... ![]() |
have a great weekend and if you can have an unforgetable weekend, but then maybe you have to drink less booze
my new thing is to listen to music via headphones at home too! (when painting). its sooo much better. (deaf to be).
Seriously. Although I've been told that Larry was a good guy and frequented Burning Man, even in his late years. Good night, sweet prince. |
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i want to get a white men 's shirt and write on it: my next tee will be an anti nazi one. had the idea for some time, but i m afraid, if i ran into members of the fascist party, i ll get beaten up. so i m gonna write it with you know kalligraphie letters so it can be distinguished for far away.
also fuck off for having me been scared of you. assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
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