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Savage Clone 01.05.2007 08:54 PM

Yes, but the individualized nature of peoples' descriptions of sound are easily as hilarious as hearing wine people talk about the sensations they experience while sampling different kinds.
I do it too, but it is funny, you must admit.

"It's like a warmer, fuzzier Roger Mayer sound that breaks up sweet like candy when combined with some hot humbuckers, but not too crackly."

CHOUT 01.05.2007 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Savage Clone
Yes, but the individualized nature of peoples' descriptions of sound are easily as hilarious as hearing wine people talk about the sensations they experience while sampling different kinds.
I do it too, but it is funny, you must admit.

"It's like a warmer, fuzzier Roger Mayer sound that breaks up sweet like candy when combined with some hot humbuckers, but not too crackly."

Of course it's funny hearing that, never said it wasn't...go hang out at harmony central efx board for a while.

CHOUT 01.05.2007 09:47 PM

'Chewy' is one of the silliest descriptions of pedals that's pretty common.

king_buzzo 01.09.2007 11:34 AM

meaty is awfull as well, and ballsy

soapbars 01.09.2007 12:47 PM

ive been thinking about getting a reverb pedal, i played with a holy grail before and well its known that they set the standard for reverbs, but ive just learnt that the marshall reflector has reverse reverb, which i know was one of kevin sheilds favourite effects and well just i want to rip him off,

does anyone know if its a decent pedal or not?

heavium 01.09.2007 01:59 PM

get a boss dd6, put it in reverse mode and place it at the end ....marshall pedals...maybe i'm biased but i wouldn't buy them

if money isn't a big issue (heh) then you'll have a decent delay ànd a reverb pedal instead of two reverb pedals.... don't take my advice tho..i'm kind of a noob

soapbars 01.09.2007 05:58 PM

Ive already got a delay pedal, so im not worried about that, and although i do like reverse delay ive already got that taken care of and its not exactly what im looking for.

I never really thought much of marshall pedals either but i find boss to be pretty hit and miss too. their effects often (not all of them) sound sort of empty and lifeless.

I do have a marshall amp and I dont think too highly of any of the reverb settings on that i just really want to know how the reverse reverb compares. And if any other companies i dont know about make reverse reverb pedals please tell me.


nomadicfollower 01.09.2007 07:02 PM

Anyone contain some information concerning a good guitar synthesizer pedal?
Besides EH's Hog because I don't have $450..

soapbars 01.09.2007 07:29 PM

well the hog isnt exactly a guitar synthesizer its just a fancy octave pedal, so it depends what youre after really, a synth pedal or an octave pedal?

EHX do a guitar synth called the micro synth its still a decent price only nowhere near as pricey as the hog, ive never played one but the EHX dvd demo i have has it on, it seems pretty cool but its really not the type of effect you could use that much, well maybe you could im just not sure if i would.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.09.2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by soapbars
ive been thinking about getting a reverb pedal, i played with a holy grail before and well its known that they set the standard for reverbs, but ive just learnt that the marshall reflector has reverse reverb, which i know was one of kevin sheilds favourite effects and well just i want to rip him off,

does anyone know if its a decent pedal or not?

Kevin Shields used true reverse reverb I believe, in that you reverse the tapes, add reverb, then you reverse them again, so the reverb is actually before the actual sound. You can't do that in pedal form.

The kind of reverse reverb that pedals have are ones that do a reverse delay reverb sound.

king_buzzo 01.11.2007 10:30 AM

never mind the husker du sound, ds1 sounds similar

soapbars 01.11.2007 08:55 PM

i thought it might be time to start posting pics in this thread again,

heres my current pedal set up:

CHOUT 01.11.2007 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by soapbars
i thought it might be time to start posting pics in this thread again,

heres my current pedal set up:


Nice. What do you think about the Mold Spore and LPB 2be?

finding nobody 01.11.2007 09:07 PM

Wow! What's the foot print one?

soapbars 01.11.2007 09:32 PM

the 2ube is great, it brings alot of life and depth into my guitar sound. the only way i can describe it, is to say when its turned off my guitar sounds more like a keyboard with the guitar voice button pressed. and when its on it sounds like a guitar.

the mold spore (foot print one) is a wah and ring moldulator in one, its really usefull for fucking wierd stuff. its not the greatest wah ive ever heard but i mostly just use it for the ring mod, as you move the expression pedal you get different fequencies. its alot of fun.

CHOUT 01.11.2007 09:43 PM

This is exciting:
Moog will be soon unveiling their new Moogerfooger pedal at Naam next weekend. They're being secretative about it (speculated to be/sounds like a guitar synth), but there's a sound clip here:

soapbars 01.12.2007 01:43 AM

I think I can see a DOD Grunge pedal in there.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.12.2007 02:15 AM

I can't wait for the new Mooger either. If it is in the 300-400 range I can promise myself not to buy an LPB-1, a stereo pulsar, and epiphone valve jr.

That way I'll have enough cash to buy it when it comes out.

king_buzzo 01.12.2007 12:01 PM


Originally Posted by soapbars
i thought it might be time to start posting pics in this thread again,

heres my current pedal set up:


hi, arent you sueisfine on the jagstang board?

soapbars 01.12.2007 12:12 PM

yes i am, ive just signed up


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.12.2007 03:21 PM

How do you like the SV-2? And also, is that snarling dogs a mold spore?

soapbars 01.12.2007 05:18 PM

yes it is a mold spore, and the sv-2 is pretty cool, i cant say how it compares to the slow gear because ive never tried one, but its a nice little pedal in its own right, its best to use alongside other effects, like delays or reverb.

king_buzzo 01.12.2007 05:28 PM

i absolutely adore filter matrix

nomadicfollower 01.12.2007 05:37 PM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
This is exciting:
Moog will be soon unveiling their new Moogerfooger pedal at Naam next weekend. They're being secretative about it (speculated to be/sounds like a guitar synth), but there's a sound clip here:

That's what I'm looking for.
If it's not over $500 I might get it.

king_buzzo 01.12.2007 05:50 PM

they're making a new 1x2 epiphone cab for the valve jr head. hell yes

not effects though

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.12.2007 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by nomadicfollower
That's what I'm looking for.
If it's not over $500 I might get it.

Some guy put it up in his store plus pictures ETC.

340 street.


MF-107 –FreqBox

It’s here--the newest addition to the Moogerfooger line of analog effects. The MF-107 FreqBox will blow you away! it’s unlike anything else out there. The FreqBox does not actually modify the audio input signal. Inside the FreqBox is a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) which is modulated by the sound source input—an Audio Modulated VCO! The result is an amazing array of effects that were once only possible with a complex modular synth setup—everything from fuzz-like distortion to what product development engineer Steve Dunnington calls “cataclysmic timbral morphing” A true “freak box”!

Here are some specs:

Accepts instrument level and line level inputs
Frequency and waveform controls in the VCO section
VCO can be frequency modulated by the audio signal
Envelope follower and mix controls for even greater sonic enhancement
Housed in the super-durable, classic Moogerfooger enclosure

CHOUT 01.14.2007 12:35 AM

The Freq box is gonna rule. Someday I will own one.

Looks like I may be trading my Tube Zipper for one of these:

soapbars 01.14.2007 01:26 AM

that looks pretty sweet, the only complaint i have about tremolo pedals is the volume drop you can get when turning them on, its good to see one with a volume knob.


let us know how it compares to your pulsar,

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.14.2007 11:55 PM

Yeah, the semaphore looks cool. I'm either gonna get one of those or a pulsar eventually.

I got my clone theory on Friday and I'm having a lot of fun with that.

CHOUT 01.15.2007 12:34 AM

Dammit, the dude agreed to trade the Semaphore to someone else before I got back to him on what I wanted. It's rare that anyone has more than one thing interesting to offer for trade so I think I'm gonna get this instead:

CHOUT 01.15.2007 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by SpectralJulianIsNotDead

I got my clone theory on Friday and I'm having a lot of fun with that.

Post some clips if/when you can. I'd like to hear more of the Vib mode at a slow rate. It sounded so cool when I was trying it out...I wanna run all our instruments/vocals at a show through that setting and a Pulsar in stereo at varying speeds and get everyone feeling real sick.

finding nobody 01.15.2007 12:47 AM


Originally Posted by CHOUT
The Freq box is gonna rule. Someday I will own one.

Looks like I may be trading my Tube Zipper for one of these:


God. That is pretty

CHOUT 01.15.2007 12:50 AM


Originally Posted by finding nobody
God. That is pretty

Yeah, one of the more pleasing pedals in the looks dept. to me too.

finding nobody 01.15.2007 12:55 AM

Reminds me of:

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.15.2007 01:09 AM

I'll try to post some clips soon. I'm really digging the chorus 1 setting right now.

CHOUT 01.15.2007 01:31 AM

Nice lyrics for Inscho, by the way.

SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.15.2007 03:38 PM

Oh, ha. Yeah.

Here's me updated board. Hopefully I'll get the Polyphase before the end of february.
I'll post some CT clips later today, I got to get some stuff out of the way right now.


SpectralJulianIsNotDead 01.15.2007 05:50 PM

There ya go Chout.

Excuse the sloppy playing. I played with a few chorus settings at the end, but the depth control is really sensitive, so there are a ton of different chorus sounds to be had.

CHOUT 01.16.2007 04:20 AM

Thanks, cuz.:) I will have to check it out tomorrow. Wasted tired from a gig. good night.

scott v 01.16.2007 04:39 PM

Ethan Miller's (Comets on Fire, Howlin Rain) setup:

anyone know what that green Morley pedal is?

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