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!@#$%! 03.25.2007 08:53 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie
As you youngsters would say, Art>Sport.

So the worst art is better than the best sport.

Plus what Miss Bunbury said.

dear pookie & associates

thank you for your support. i shall continue with my explorations & devotions, despite the gratuitous wedgies i now receive daily from my former "friends". i know my martyrdom will be rewarded some day in the future.

yours forever,


Pookie 03.26.2007 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by WWW
Dear Pookie,

Can fat people go skinny-dipping?

Wet & Wild Wanda

Skinny in this context, comes from skin, ie 'formed from skin' or 'being characterized by skin', as in Shakespeare's Macbeth: "Each at once her choppie finger laying upon her skinnie lips".

Hope that helps.

jon boy 03.26.2007 04:53 AM

dear pookie,

if a married woman has an affair with you and then breaks it off but continues to make fun of you would you take revenge? and how would you do it?

richard the XIIII, las vegas

SynthethicalY 03.26.2007 04:57 AM

Dear Pookie,

In all seriousness is oral sex cheating?

Deluded man.

king_buzzo 03.26.2007 06:40 AM

Dear Pookie, Isn't this person^ annoying? He's a world of warcraft fan which annoys me to hell.

Pookie 03.26.2007 07:45 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Dear Pookie, Isn't this person^ annoying? He's a world of warcraft fan which annoys me to hell.

I presumed he was just you.

Pookie 03.26.2007 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
dear pookie,

if a married woman has an affair with you and then breaks it off but continues to make fun of you would you take revenge? and how would you do it?

richard the XIIII, las vegas

Yes I would:

Pookie 03.26.2007 08:22 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dear Pookie,

In all seriousness is oral sex cheating?

Deluded man.

Do you mean, is having oral sex with somebody other than your partner cheating? Or is oral sex cheating, ie it's not real sex?

The answer to both is yes.

Pookie 03.26.2007 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by Retarda
Dear Pookie,

It's been a while and thanks to your wise advice i've since found my glasses
and i'm able to look at things again. There's another thing, though, i'm not sure where i left my old shopping trolley. Many thanks and come round for tea if you get some spare time.


Retarda Woollenball

East Ham

A question mark I cannot see,
A statement is no use to me.
If you want my use an an oracle,
You need to be less oratorical.

Milk, no sugar thanks.

!@#$%! 03.29.2007 12:43 AM


Originally Posted by space_monkey
dragi pookie i have a problem!

vec dosta dugo nemam curu,nikako nemogu naći ,u depresiji sam ,sta da radim? niko me neće ,zar sam ružan??
pozdrav ! ! ! you must understand that

conyo! i get "depresiji" but that's that!

jon boy 03.29.2007 10:50 AM

dear pookie,

are you a fox hunting tory?

micheal rothburyshire, crewe.

SynthethicalY 03.29.2007 11:12 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why does my stomach hurt?


sonicl 03.29.2007 11:13 AM

Dear Pookie,

Why do my legs feel so tired?

Kind regards,

Pookie 03.29.2007 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by HOPFDN
Dear Pookie,

Why isn't 'phonetic' spelled the way it sounds?

Hooked on Phonics Founder-
Don'T Nohowtoread

Did anybody do this thing at school:

How do you pronounce this:

Ghac (I can't remember the exact one, so I've made my own up.)

Rep for the first correct answer.


Originally Posted by michael
dear pookie,

are you a fox hunting tory?

micheal rothburyshire, crewe.

Wrong two.


Originally Posted by Acid-boy
Dear Pookie,

Why does my stomach hurt?



Originally Posted by Me
Dear Pookie,

Why do my legs feel so tired?

Kind regards,

They're getting the rest of your body ready for the big 40.

Pookie 04.03.2007 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Jesus H. Christ
Dear Pookie,

In libraries, do they put the Bible in the fiction or non-fiction section?

Jesus H. Christ

Have you read that book?

All that begatting, whoring, sodomy, my bookshop we keep it with all the other porn.

Danny Himself 04.03.2007 06:36 PM

Dear Pookie,

Here at Alpha Bravo HQ atop Mt. Doom (which, funnily enough, is a volcano), I am having trouble integrating my new recruits with the veteran special-ops team. The older members of Alpha Bravo seem to be reacting quite negatively to having new colleagues. Why, just this morning, I caught Agent X lurking in the air vents above one of the new recruit's rooms. I found he was carrying quite a dangerous weapon (which for national security's sake I cannot describe). To teach him a lesson, I had him chained to a wall in the lava room. This was only a short term solution, however- what lasting solutions do you suggest to ease this apprehension?

Number One,
Alpha Bravo Team.

Pookie 04.03.2007 07:03 PM


Originally Posted by Number One
Dear Pookie,

Here at Alpha Bravo HQ atop Mt. Doom (which, funnily enough, is a volcano), I am having trouble integrating my new recruits with the veteran special-ops team. The older members of Alpha Bravo seem to be reacting quite negatively to having new colleagues. Why, just this morning, I caught Agent X lurking in the air vents above one of the new recruit's rooms. I found he was carrying quite a dangerous weapon (which for national security's sake I cannot describe). To teach him a lesson, I had him chained to a wall in the lava room. This was only a short term solution, however- what lasting solutions do you suggest to ease this apprehension?

Number One,
Alpha Bravo Team.

Integrating new team members is always a difficult one. But I've used the following method many times, with great success:

Gather all of your team together, and use a game show format during the meeting. Before the meeting, ask the new recruits to list their top 20 favourite ways to kill an enemy combatant. Each of these index cards is thrown into a hat.

During the meeting, the game show “Host” (pick someone with a great sense of humour!) will bring up the new recruits and ask for volunteer contestants from the "audience". The host will create two teams of contestants with about four people per team. The rest of the veteran ops-team is the “studio audience”.

Here’s how the game works: the host draws a method of killing from the hat and reads it to the first team of contestants. They have to guess which new recruit matches the fact. If they guess correctly, they get one point. If they miss, the other team of contestants gets a chance to guess. If they are right, they get a point. If wrong, the method of dispatch can be practiced on them. Keep alternating teams for as many facts as you wish, or until all the team are dead. The winning team can win a prize.

Besides getting a lot of laughs, the whole room will learn a lot about the new recruits and it should stimulate a lot of stories and ongoing conversation long after the game is over.

Hope that helps Number One.

Oh and keep up the good work.

floatingslowly 04.03.2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
Alpha Bravo HQ atop Mt. Doom

finally. the secret location is mine.

Danny Himself 04.04.2007 06:08 PM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
finally. the secret location is mine.

Not necessarily. How do you know which Mt. Doom I am talking about? Mt. Doom, WY, or the Mt. Doom in North Korea? Either way, we are prepared for your visit.

floatingslowly 04.04.2007 06:14 PM

Dear Pookie,

Which Mt. Doom hides the Alpha Bravo HQ and how many H-Bombs will it take to crack it?

Evilly Yours,

Floatingretardedly the Merciless


Originally Posted by Danny Himself
(which, funnily enough, is a volcano)

who says that I will be visiting?

Xenu can take it from here.

Danny Himself 04.04.2007 06:16 PM

Men, prepare the 'lemonade'.

Everyneurotic 04.04.2007 10:41 PM

dear spookie:

a hip-hopera about liberace, wack or bomb?

50 cent.

Everyneurotic 04.04.2007 10:42 PM

dear spookie,

i'm hungry, is there a meal you can have that can suck your testicles back into your body?

dominick aguirre
east l.a.

Everyneurotic 04.04.2007 10:52 PM

dear spookie,

i have perhaps found the most obiquious path to communicate my approval or denial of a certain long playing record by discovering the quaint yet truthful mathematical expression of doing so in said fashion, it being the number of it compared to the masterful and unmatched sophomore full lenght album by athens, ga's prodigal sons after the proverbial r.e.m., neutral milk hotel, divided by the numerical expression of the value in square miles of ironic moustaches. said formula would be the keys to valhalla musical journalism via a paid occupation at the jealous-inducing offices at pitchfork media and would enable me to humilate every kind of music i am not familiar with since it most likely is not good because of this understanding.

that said, i have been observing an alarming increase over the internet to not follow the dogmatic teachings of said portal and have been second guessing about the coolness of said job. my doubt, as it is, refers to my motivation for the job, should i 'go for it' as ignorant people say or should i apply a work application over at spin?

kindly and sincere to you,

tommy smith
miami, florida.

Everyneurotic 04.04.2007 10:54 PM

dear spookie:

do you know what i'm going to ask next?

pete masterson
madison, wi.

Pookie 04.05.2007 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Dear Pookie,

If you only have one eye... Are you blinking or winking?

Brontes Cyclops
Son of Uranus & Gaia

Answer pending. In the meantime, reminded me of this joke:

A blind man walks into a shop with his guide dog. All of a sudden, he picks up the lead and begins swinging the dog over his head. The manager runs up to the man and asks, "What are you doing?!!" The blind man replies, "Just looking around."

sonicl 04.05.2007 08:14 AM

Dear Pookie,

Are you available for pantomime?

Sir Cameron macintosh

afterthefact 04.05.2007 08:25 AM

Dear Pookie,

I don't know what to ask you. Do you have any suggestions?

Yours truly,
Emperor of what was once a planet, Pluto, Albert Gainsburg

Pookie 04.05.2007 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Cameron Macintosh
Dear Pookie,

Are you available for pantomime?

Sir Cameron macintosh

Ooh, you should see my magic lamp. You've never seen such a big one...


Originally Posted by Bee Bee
Dear Pookie,

The internet won't allow me to rep you. It's all gmku's fault as he is the internet. Should we stone him or dethrone him? You tell me.


Bee 'Small' Bee

We should destone him, with a rarely-used gadget I have on my penknife.


Originally Posted by Emperor...etc.
Dear Pookie,

I don't know what to ask you. Do you have any suggestions?

Yours truly,
Emperor of what was once a planet, Pluto, Albert Gainsburg

Ask me what sort of horse I would advise you buy. And when I've replied, say, "Don't you mean Palomino?"

sonicl 04.05.2007 09:43 AM

Dear Pookie,

Is it true that you play violin in a toddlers' orchestra?

Yours questioningly,
PC Thugg, Woking constabulary.

Pookie 04.05.2007 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

Is it true that you play violin in a toddlers' orchestra?

Yours questioningly,
PC Thugg, Woking constabulary.

Yes, they call me Fiddler on the Youth.

Pookie 04.05.2007 09:45 AM

And sometimes I combine my violin playing with a dance routine, and then they call me, Fiddler on the Hoof.

floatingslowly 04.05.2007 10:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Yes, they call me Fiddler on the Youth.

flawless execution.

however, it doesn't diminish my disappointment at your lack of willingness to divulge Mt. Doom's location. :mad:

fear the wrath of Xenu!

Pookie 04.05.2007 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
Dear Pookie,

Which Mt. Doom hides the Alpha Bravo HQ and how many H-Bombs will it take to crack it?

Evilly Yours,

Floatingretardedly the Merciless

It's the Mt. Doom in Slough.

sonicl 04.05.2007 10:06 AM

Dear Pookie,

Are you looking for a fight?

All the best,
Chris Youbank

king_buzzo 04.05.2007 10:07 AM

Pookie, what shall i do?
play games
post here
play guitar
watch tv
do nothing

floatingslowly 04.05.2007 10:17 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
It's the Mt. Doom in Slough.

many thanks!

as a gesture of gratitude, I would like to warn you to move at least 80 km away from the Berkshire Volcano in order to avoid 3rd degree thermal-radiation burns.

thanks again!



sonicl 04.05.2007 10:18 AM

Dear Pookie,

It has been suggested to me that it would enhance my bedtime activities if I was to smother my manhood in honey and ask my lady friend to lick it off.

Should I use clear honey or the other stuff?

Inexperienced of Gosport

jon boy 04.05.2007 10:25 AM

dear pookie,


stewart, drigg.

Pookie 04.05.2007 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

It has been suggested to me that it would enhance my bedtime activities if I was to smother my manhood in honey and ask my lady friend to lick it off.

Should I use clear honey or the other stuff (it's called SET HONEY)?

Inexperienced of Gosport

As my grandmother used to say:

Set makes you wet
Clear's for queers

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