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deflinus 07.08.2010 01:53 PM

let's talk about deftones again. they're sick

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.08.2010 04:52 PM

Let The Guilt Go is a definite winner.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.08.2010 05:06 PM

Holding All These Lies a fucking jam, but the chorus is pretty weak. I'm definitely digging this new drummer though. Very militant, and precise.


Plus, I can't get enough of the new album art. Perfectly captures the spirit of S/T's, and LIP's covers, while looking very 2010 at the same time. I love it.

atsonicpark 07.08.2010 05:11 PM

That album cover is terrible. Looks like a still from that awful movie Surveillance.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.08.2010 05:17 PM




Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.08.2010 05:19 PM

The album's not perfect, but it's definitely a worthwhile effort, and a treat for longtime KoRn fans. I'm extremely pleased.

EVOLghost 07.08.2010 05:42 PM

I heard the song Let the Guilt Go? Wasn't to bad. It did remind me of their earlier shit.

ann ashtray 07.13.2010 11:58 AM

I'm gonna start this band + the shit's gonna be SICK! It'll start out w/ some crazy bass line and trible percussion and then this guy behind the 'tables is gonna start scratchin' and then i'm just gonna be all crouched over and miserable lookin' and scream something like "what the fuck" into the mic and then this crazy detuned guitar is gonna come in and the crowd will start moshing and tearing shit up around the venue and i'll have these lyrics talking about how much high school sucked 10 years after the fact and i'll get all the girls + be rich. pointless rebellion, yah!


I still listen to "pretty" and "lies" sometimes. Those are good songs.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.14.2010 04:27 AM

^ Yeah, Lies is my favorite track off of S/T.

atsonicpark 07.14.2010 04:51 AM


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
pointless rebellion, yah!

What rebellion has a "point"? Singing about high school and his abuse as a child is a lot more interesting to me than some shitty punk band in a mansion singing about hating the government. It's a hell of a lot more interesting than people singing about sex, or shitty poetry. KoRn has good lyrics... MY GIFT TO YOU is brilliant.


Originally Posted by ann ashtray
I still listen to "pretty" and "lies" sometimes. Those are good songs.

That whole album is good...

ann ashtray 07.14.2010 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
What rebellion has a "point"? Singing about high school and his abuse as a child is a lot more interesting to me than some shitty punk band in a mansion singing about hating the government. It's a hell of a lot more interesting than people singing about sex, or shitty poetry. KoRn has good lyrics... MY GIFT TO YOU is brilliant.

That whole album is good...

Oh, i don't like preachy political shit either, but hearing an individual approaching 30 (at the time) STILL bitching about HS is a bit boring, to say the least. Certainly there are (or at least should be) other things to talk about.

I still prefer lyrics that make little to no sense. open ended shit.

korn used to be OK. There are no facts when it comes to music, only opinions.

atsonicpark 07.14.2010 03:34 PM


Dr. Eugene Felikson 07.16.2010 08:51 PM

Let the Guilt Go is definitely the highlight of the album.

Derek 07.17.2010 04:44 AM

Sorry but that song sounds terrible to me!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 09.28.2010 08:03 PM

Let The Guilt Go video

Oildale (Leave Me Alone) video

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.01.2010 02:07 AM



He loves the end product, but making the just-released "Korn III -- Remember Who You Are" was "sheer fucking torture and hell" for Korn frontman Jonathan Davis.

Give the credit, or blame, to producer Ross Robinson, Davis tells Robinson, who also produced Korn's first two albums, dug deep into Davis' angst-filled lyrics, forcing him to confront his demons and at one point even having Davis sing one track as his wife looked on in the studio.

"I'd come in with some lyrics," Davis recalls, "and we'd go through them line by line and talk about everything that was behind them, and [Robinson] would really want to get inside them. And once I'd get in there and start to sing he would use those things against me, like pouring salt on the wound. He got into my head and took me to a very bad place. I relapsed into fucking depression, hard. I got suicidal. I even had my psychiatrist pissed off, wanting to call him and say, 'What are you doing to this poor kid?' It was getting bad when the doctor started to get involved."

Davis -- noting that Robinson also played mind games with drummer Ray Luzier -- says he didn't talk to Robinson "for a long time" after the album was recorded. "But I called him up and said 'thank you,' because he did what he had to do to get this record right. I knew it was necessary, but it was hell."

Less painful, however, was the more organic approach to the album, eschewing sequencers and ProTools in an effort to recapture what Davis calls "the original vibe of those early Korn records...We stripped away all the technology, the bullshit. We did it on two-inch (tape). We didn't use any click tracks, no vocal tuning, none of that bullshit. I didn't stack my vocals like I did on previous records. It's just a simple Korn record...with just drums, bass, guitar, me. It was like a breath of fresh air, and...that's the only way we'll make albums anymore, with Ross or anybody else."

Korn will be co-headlining the Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival through mid-August, then heads to Europe for a set of shows that includes the London OZZFest on Sept. 18 as well as some other shows with Ozzy Osbourne in Paris and Milan and a Japanese appearance in October. Davis, meanwhile, is 28 songs deep into a solo album he describes as "world music, like a heavy Peter Gabriel or David Bowie record." He hopes to have out in 2011 but plans some major changes after the "Korn III" experience.

"[The songs] are already recorded, but I'm probably going to re-track them all 'cause I did them on ProTools and shit like that," he explains. "I want to catch that real feel like we did on ['Korn III'], and I'm gonna keep writing more on this [Mayhem] tour. It's very different than Korn; it still has a heavy edge in it, but it's something more."

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.01.2010 02:20 AM

Let go
And I will truly be free
Just let go
My mind is really the disease
So just go
Enjoy everything I received
So let go
And I will kill this unease

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.01.2010 02:26 AM

You think you feel me
You think you know me
'Cause I'm the hell in your head

My mind plays tricks on me

I can't control it you see
I feel it beating down the fake around me

Satan 10.01.2010 02:36 AM

i can't decide if i hate korn or limp bizkit more.

i guess i just hate bands with misspelled foods in their name

Dr. Eugene Felikson 10.01.2010 02:38 AM

Well look at this
I see colors now
Look at this
I’m butt ugly now
Is seldom found
Pop the pill
I’m so damn happy now

Feeling things crawl on me

I need my fix today
This is way beyond me
I can’t live without you today
You today, you today

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