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shabbray2.0 11.14.2010 09:08 PM

I already checked google for it.

btw I would go nuts over a soul hackers translation. but that just wont happen unfortunately

atsonicpark 11.14.2010 09:24 PM

didja find it then?


I'll let you figure out how to play it, I am playing it on my laptop currently, gonna try it with my pss2 later

there ya go


random soul hackers shots:



atsonicpark 11.14.2010 09:36 PM

as for soul hackers, patch underway

same team as the P2: Innocent Sin team, thank god. They did a stellar job with P2, man. They really "got" the game.



Got a boner yet?



Holy shit.

I'm so fucking there, man.

To be honest, they'll probably port the game to the PSP or 3DS (I wish more companies would release "RPG Collection Discs", like the Phantsy Star I-IV game for the GBA, and some of the Final Fantasy Collection discs... can you imagine.. every SMT game up to a point, on one disc? Fuck!). They've been porting lots of games lately, but still. I will be there day one, downloading this baby! Atlus rules.

More in the next post..

shabbray2.0 11.14.2010 09:45 PM

^^thats the best news for today.
the soul hackers translation made it for me!!! cant wait. I am totally hyped for fan translations since policenauts.

will download persona 2 tomorrow, thanks for the link
and a collection of SMT games would be freakin awesome, especially for a portable (which fits best for me for playing long games at my current situation)

atsonicpark 11.14.2010 09:49 PM



Al, type in "persona 2 english patch iso" into google. Then thepiratebay will come up. Click on the cached piratebay link called "[PSX] Persona 2: Innocent Sin (English translation) & Eternal Punishment". Don't just click on the link. Maybe it's just me but pirateby sucks and every other day seems to have problems with spyware, popups, and exploiting java. Not so much for me, since I'm a firefox man and don't understand people who aren't, but my gradpa is an internet explorer S.O.B. and regularly gets on piratebay to download country music albums, so I have to MALWREBYTES ANTIMALWARE my grndpppy. I usue btjunkie 99.99999% of the time but I can't find the patched INNOCENT SIN on there, so... enjoy

MORE IMPORTANT NEWS: = group doing the trans.

The story, rooms, shops and menus are all completely translated. Chatting with demons is partially translated. In-maze text is both undumped and untranslated. It's, oh, 65% done according to various boards. IT WILL BE FINISHED, THOUGH. That's the best news. It can be played now, for the most part (what exctly do they mean by "in-maze text"?!). Also, they say it will be compatible to play on the PSP.


I LOVE the Shin Megami Tensei games. BY FAR my favorite rpg's ever, despite thier flaws (I didn't find Nocturne as difficult some people -- though I did die quite a few times, usually for stupid reasons -- but I didn't like the few parts where you were attacked by an unskippable, IMPOSSIBLE boss as soon as you leave the save room. I almost had to restart my game at one point -- no way to level up, no way to get new demons.. but as soon as I left the room, one of the horsemen attacked me. He killed me about 8 times.. I was about 45 hours into the game, at least.. I finally killed him BARELY -- I also don't like how if the main character dies, it's game over! -- but I was very frustrated with the game after that. I beat Nocturne in about 65 hours; amazing game, THE ABSOLUTE BEST MUSIC AND ATMOSPHERE OF AN VIDEO GAME EVER MADE (next to Ico)... I had bought it for $20 -- with soundtrack -- and sold that baby for $90!)

You do know Shin Megami Tensei 1 and 2, as well as the game IF... were enhanced and remade for the PS1, right? I actually have SMT1 and 2 (actual copies I found at a pawn shop -- and have played a little bit, but can't get very far).. I also have Earthbound for the Super Famicom, though I don't have a Super Famicom... a local pawn shop had a HUGE box of Japanese games, and a Japanese ps2, as well as some Final Fantasy DVD's and all kinds of other stuff.. probably 70 games, mostly fighting and RPG.. Onimusha 2 with some weirdass music video.. me and my best friend bought it.. $100. I'll take a picture of all of it sometime. We got it before KATAMARI DAMACY came out here.. and Katamari was in it, which was amazing. It came with this AMAZING Final Fantasy book with TONS of art (did you know there was.. maybe still is... a Final Fantasy weekly magazine in Japan? How insane is that?)... me and my friend regularly bust out the Japanese King of Fighters '99 and, strangely, Street fighter ex3 haha... I love SKULLOMANIA...


(penis demon!)

There have been quite a few cellphone only SMT games, which would actually be fun, and make sense (what with ll the cellphone nonsense inherant in the Persona 2 games)


KING FROST! Look at all the little Frosts! Reminds me of that Lady Gaga dress with all the Kermits!

I just love these games so much. XENOGEARS is, flat-out, my favorite RPG ever (never really got into Xenosaga -- anyone know if they're worth slugging through? Played part of 2 and thought it was horrible)... I love the religious themes, the DARK AS HELL narrative, the unlikeable characters, except the main characters who are VERY flawed and kinda weak and regularly use and abuse their party.. that's kinda like SMT, too.. main characters are generally weak and/or abusive.. they use people.. no pretty boys (until the very-flawed Persona 3)

Lemme post this so you can start geting persona 2..


atsonicpark 11.14.2010 10:44 PM

Was a fan of Eternal Punishment during the final PS1 days, as well as the SMT games I'd played during the PS2 games. But nothing could prepare me for Persona 3 -- or, rather, how disappointed I was with it, and how much critical praise it got.


See, Persona 2 is one of the greatest RPG's of all time mixing a mature story with interesting characters, amazing music, and fun dungeons. However, Persona 3 mixes a childish story with cliché characters, awful music, and one long and boring dungeon (255 floors of, well, nothing). So, knock off a few points right there. I just don't see how anyone could find dull, lifeless randomly generated dungeons exciting, in any way. There is nothing to this game! Didn't or or somebody like that call it "the best rpg on the ps2"? What a joke! ONE DUNGEON.

...Next, knock off a few points for the sheer tedious nature of this entire game. You basically are doing the SAME EXACT THING for 40 hours (don't believe the reviewers that say this game takes 60-80 hours or whatever; they must have talked to every single NPC character 10 different times every single day or something or visited the dungeon until they got tired every night.. why would you do that? Just visit the dungeon the night before the full moon, you never get tired, you can level up a bunch, and that's that. Don't waste your time!). Nothing ever changes. It's just the same grind, with no secrets to find, no new places to explore, and no characters to get attached to. It's as pure a dungeon crawler as a dungeon crawler can be, with a little bit of high school drama thrown in as well...

Yet strangely, it's addicting in spurts, especially the the beginnng. Atlus made a very interesting design choice by removing towns to explore or secrets to find (in other words, IT'S LINEAR): this way, you only focus on the story and battling. However, the story is boring and filled with annoying characters, and the battling is unbalanced. I don't mind not being able to control anyone but the main character, but why are all the other characters so stupid? They'll always cast the wrong spell at the wrong time no matter what you do...

Take a boss battle early in the game where you absolutely MUST kill both bosses at the EXACT SAME TIME or one revives. There is no way to get the other characters to do that. Also, if your character dies, the game ends; pretty frustrating when every single enemy on the last floor uses insta-death spells to your entire party and it usually just kills you. However, as I said, it's addicting to level up for at least the first few hours of the game, and the "character interaction" (i.e. dating) part of the game is pretty fun until you realize how easy it is to make everyone like you (protip: Be nice to 'em. GASP! SHOCK!). Also, speaking of tedium, the music... ugh... it just makes me cringe. Very questionable and repetetive rap and pop songs... might be the worst soundtrack ever.


...This game is not without merit, as the cinemas are actually cool (and I usually hate cinemas in games) and the character design is usually pretty good. There were a few surprisingly plot points that were intriguing and some of the later boss battles are fun (the last boss is somewhat challenging, and pretty damn fun; actually, one of the only points in the game I died from something other than an instant-death spell).

The game goes by quite quickly -- but it leaves you feeling rather unsatisfied. They almost made a great game, but the game just has too many tiny flaws that all come together to make the game unbearable for most of its play-through. As a game, it's a little below mediocre. As a sign of things to hopefully come in the world of RPG's, it's pretty inspiring (that is, if you haven't played THOUSAND ARMS, RHAPSODY, or any of the hundreds of RPG's with dating sim elements from Japan). Someone else can take the advancements put forth here and put them to good use hopefully.

Anywy, I'd HATE to see someone base thier opinion on the SMT games on this one -- this is NOTHING like the other games (except p4). Finally, for those wondering, I dated

Fuuka Yamagishi in the game. for Person 1 and 4, I played through most of P1 (or REVELTATIONS: PERSON as it was called here) and it was.............. okay. Not really worth my time, or yours. Persona 4 seemed to fix some of P3's issues, but what I played of it was incredibly dull and unlikeable. This game is the purest definition of "more of the same" I've ever seen; it looks, sounds, and feels... it IS.. exactly the same, albeit with some color swaps and a setting change. People just blew their LOAD over this game even more than P3, but damn.. Never played FES, but since I didn't like P3 very much, I don't imagine I'd like it.

Ghostchase 11.14.2010 11:12 PM

I really want to play that.

atsonicpark 11.15.2010 03:29 AM

Playing Rendering Ranger: R2...The game is extremely rare as only 5000 cartridges were produced. Collectors can expect to pay well over 1000 dollars for a copy.


This game is fucking amazing, btw. It's by the guy (yes, one guy) who made Turrican, Mega Turrican, and Super Turrican 1/2 (aka "some of the best fucking games ever").




Insane game that's actually quite challenging, mixes r-type/gradius style shooting sequences with contra/turrican style 2D action sequences (strangely, a recent PS2 game -- that's probably one of the hardest games of last-gen -- called THE RED STAR, had 2D shoot em up sections, while the rest of the game played like both a Streets of Rage-style beat em up and a Contra-style shooter, in 3D.. it wasn't as good as of the aforementioned games and sadly, it was nearly impossible to play through if you don't play in 2D player mode, but it had RPG-like experience points (! .. yes! In an action game!) and you can find it at most pawn shops for like $5, so check out THE RED STAR).


EVOLghost 11.15.2010 06:09 AM

damn....looks liek I've missed out on them Persona Games. I remember my cousin was playing them. He liked them. but I just never got around to plugging in my ps2...

Toilet & Bowels 11.15.2010 09:12 AM


Very good, I'm playing the Tourneko chapter at the moment.

Toilet & Bowels 11.15.2010 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Can someone, ANYONE, please explain to me why ANYONE would like the game "Vagrant Story"? I played this one a couple of years ago for a few hours -- as some of you know, at one point I had every game that Square made for the PS1 -- and thought it was one of the worst, if not THE ABSOLUTE WORST, games I'd ever played in my life.

The entire game is hitting the X button to attack enemies "in the grid". Large group formations that surround you. You hit X to attack, then select a "body part" to hit, and then you do it. HIT X QUICKLY and you will get another attack or two in. But, ohhh, be careful, because every time you do ANYTHING, the "risk" meter builds up, and when it's maxed out, all the enemies attacks will do 3x the damage to you and you can't do anything. Not that you could anyway -- you often miss, or only do 1HP of damage. 1HP! For enemies who, y'know, have 200HP! OF COURSE, what you have to do is buy special weapons to hit them with -- certain blades can only kill certain enemies. Sounds cool, right (er, besides the fact that the weapons break)? Well, not in the heat of a battle when you have to change your fucking blade 4 times in a row. It's that bad. You will die, you will die often, but beyond that, you will be bored, since the whole game could probably be beaten in 2 hours, but because of the artificial lengthening of "You don't do ANY DAMAGE unless you have the EXACT blade selected -- and even then, you won't do MUCH damage", the game ends up becoming 12-15 hours long.

Graphics suck, music's alright, none of that is as important as the ABSOLUTE WORST, most BORING, TEDIOUS, AWFUL gameplay I've ever experienced in my fucking life! Oh, and you can't just save when you need to, requiring you to fight MULTIPLE BOSSES before you're allowed to save. And this might be a minor point, but for some reason, the game save takes up 3 times the space of a regular PS1 game -- and it requires ANOTHER 8kb (if you're counting, that's roughly 32kb FOR ONE GAME! -- and yes, that was a shitload on PS1 memory cards) -- for items. What?!

Vagrant Story is one of my top 3 RPGs of all time (the others are DQVIII and Majora's Mask) and while I admit it is a game that takes a lot of perseverance to get into & you'd certainly need to play it for more than a few hours to appreciate what is so great about it, quite a few of your criticisms are just factually incorrect.

Large group formations don't surround you, there are never more than 3 enemies on screen at a time.
You can chain as many attacks as you like not just one or two, but you need to time it right.
It takes a lot of attacks for the risk meter to build up to levels that start to seriously affect your accuracy, but the higher your risk the more powerful your blows are, also the higher your risk is when you enter the room there's a good chance of facing stronger or rarer enemies, and stronger, or rare enemies drop rarer or unique items...cntd in 5 mins.
Also there are items you can use to lower your risk.

Toilet & Bowels 11.15.2010 10:10 AM

Plus if you chain attacks you only need to bring up the grid once for each enemy, although it wouldn't be a good idea to use this method when fighting bosses on your first play through.
Additionaly the chain attacks have a lot of useful status changes to inflict on enemies.

Next, you can't buy anythnig in the game, there are no shops or money, you only get new weapons & armour by finding them or making them. There are three blade types (plus 6 material types) that are strong or weak against different classes or alignments of enemies (there are 8 classes, and six elemental alignments), plus the more you use a particular weapon against whatever class or alignment the more effective it becomes, and in turn less effective against opposing classes. Also there are loads of buff spells and gems to equip to weapons & armour to make them more effective.

Weapons can't break, after a certain amount of use they do need to be repaired but a weapon that needs reparing is only marginally worse than one in good condition.

Admittedly some of the early boss fights can be a slog where you will only do a few HP of damage with each blow, but you can also reflect damage back when they hit you if you use defence properly. However as you get stronger and power up your weapons boss fights become a lot more manageable, especially on 2nd or 3rd play throughs.

The game can only be completed in 2 hours if you on probably a third or 4th play through when you've got a lot stronger and very good equipment.

Also you can save whenever you like if you go to a save point, but that's common to a lot of games. If you played through only the first few hours then there's a save point in the first room, and 2 before the first boss, one straight after, and plenty more after that. There are only 2 areas of the game that you can't save in, one is a maze you have to get through within a certain time limit, and the other is a an area that is unlocked after your first play through.

Anyway, aside from that it's got one of the best and most cliche free stories of any rpg, the sound is great & is closer to a film score than regular game music, plus not all areas of the game have music, when you are in the town for example you just get the sound of birds singing, the river etc, which I think works great.
The weapon forging system is really engrossing and addictive. The titles that the game awards you for achieving certain things also kept me hooked for a long time. The titles you get for time trials of previously completed puzzles are funny. 15% of the game area and the best weapons, armour and spells are only obtainable on the second play through, plus you get to keep all your old stuff when you restart from the begining so you don't have to start forging stuff all over again. God knows how much time I've spent playing that game and there's still a load of stuff I haven't done yet.
Another great thing about this game is that there is no level gaining so no grinding, your stats are only increased by defeating bosses or finding the occasional potion.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.15.2010 10:17 PM


Donkey Kong Country (SNES)


Turtles in Time (SNES)

w/ the gf.

chairman of the bored 11.15.2010 10:38 PM

Speaking of SNES, I'm trying to pick up a few games that I may have missed out on back in the days. I know about all the classics, for the most part. My list so far:

1. out of this world

And that's about it...any suggestions? SNES games that you love or think may be under the radar classics.

alteredcourse 11.16.2010 02:29 AM

Turtles in Time rules so damn hard.
Girlfriend, Felikson ? Is this new ??

I'm holding out on fallout new vegas til after unpacking is complete. Anyone played it yet ? apparently its more of the same. yay !

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.16.2010 03:47 AM

We've been on, and off for a few years now. Nothing really worth posting about. I get a little bored sometimes, and there are other times where she's annoyed me to death, but I've never cheated on her or anything like that. She's broken up with me a few times too. I like her because she's one of the most sane people I know IRL.

But yeah Turtles in Time is easily my favorite beat 'em up. River City Ransom, and Battletoads & Double Dragon for the NES do come dangerously close though.



Oh yeah, and Maximum Carnage too...


But okay, here are some of my favorite SNES (my favorite console) titles off the top of my head, which are all classics in my eyes. I'm not really sure what you're into or what you already know of, but here goes nothing..

Super Metroid
Super Mario All-Stars + Super Mario World
Yoshi's Island
Donkey Kong Country
Donkey Kong Country 2
Actraiser 2
Earthworm Jim 2
Kirby Superstar
Mega Man X
Super Castlevania 4
Super Ghouls N' Ghosts
Super Star Wars
Super Adventure Island
Toy Story
Krusty's Super Fun House
Cool Spot


Chrono Trigger
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Secret of Mana
Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars
Illusion of Gaia
Final Fantasy III

Super Mario Kart
Stunt Race FX

Mortal Kombat 3: Ultimate Edition
Metal Warriors
Killer Instinct
Super Punch-Out
Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

Turtles in TIme
Maximum Carnage

Zombies Ate My Neighbors
Sim City
NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (play as Sonic Youth or The Beastie Boys!)
NHL '94
Jurassic Park
Mario Paint
Family Feud
Wario's Woods
Tetris Attack
Super R-Type
Super Earth Defense Force
Paperboy 2

noisereductions 11.16.2010 08:17 AM

Turtles In Time is hard? What? I totally disagree.

Now Battletoads -- those are some hard games. Damn. And yeah Dr. Eugene, River City Ransom is a superclassic.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.16.2010 12:58 PM

She said it rules hard. Not that it is hard. It may be time for yr annual eye-check, guy.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.16.2010 02:40 PM

Oh yeah, and I just received my package. Thanks bro, this thing is miraculous! I can't believe you even put it up for sale in the first place, let alone had no one take you up on it for half a year!

noisereductions 11.16.2010 02:49 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
Oh yeah, and I just received my package. Thanks bro, this thing is miraculous! I can't believe you even put it up for sale in the first place, let alone had no one take you up on it for half a year!

yeah it never moved. I didn't need it though, I have a wave bird. But it doesnt matter, I don't really sit that far from my screen anyway since I'm playing on a compputer monitor.

atsonicpark 11.17.2010 01:07 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
Plus if you chain attacks you only need to bring up the grid once for each enemy, although it wouldn't be a good idea to use this method when fighting bosses on your first play through.
Additionaly the chain attacks have a lot of useful status changes to inflict on enemies.

Next, you can't buy anythnig in the game, there are no shops or money, you only get new weapons & armour by finding them or making them. There are three blade types (plus 6 material types) that are strong or weak against different classes or alignments of enemies (there are 8 classes, and six elemental alignments), plus the more you use a particular weapon against whatever class or alignment the more effective it becomes, and in turn less effective against opposing classes. Also there are loads of buff spells and gems to equip to weapons & armour to make them more effective.

Weapons can't break, after a certain amount of use they do need to be repaired but a weapon that needs reparing is only marginally worse than one in good condition.

Admittedly some of the early boss fights can be a slog where you will only do a few HP of damage with each blow, but you can also reflect damage back when they hit you if you use defence properly. However as you get stronger and power up your weapons boss fights become a lot more manageable, especially on 2nd or 3rd play throughs.

The game can only be completed in 2 hours if you on probably a third or 4th play through when you've got a lot stronger and very good equipment.

Also you can save whenever you like if you go to a save point, but that's common to a lot of games. If you played through only the first few hours then there's a save point in the first room, and 2 before the first boss, one straight after, and plenty more after that. There are only 2 areas of the game that you can't save in, one is a maze you have to get through within a certain time limit, and the other is a an area that is unlocked after your first play through.

Anyway, aside from that it's got one of the best and most cliche free stories of any rpg, the sound is great & is closer to a film score than regular game music, plus not all areas of the game have music, when you are in the town for example you just get the sound of birds singing, the river etc, which I think works great.
The weapon forging system is really engrossing and addictive. The titles that the game awards you for achieving certain things also kept me hooked for a long time. The titles you get for time trials of previously completed puzzles are funny. 15% of the game area and the best weapons, armour and spells are only obtainable on the second play through, plus you get to keep all your old stuff when you restart from the begining so you don't have to start forging stuff all over again. God knows how much time I've spent playing that game and there's still a load of stuff I haven't done yet.
Another great thing about this game is that there is no level gaining so no grinding, your stats are only increased by defeating bosses or finding the occasional potion.

Thanks toilet and bowels. I actually re-downloaed the game because of your response and I am enjoying it much more than I did originally. I guess we're even now (since you love DRAGON QUEST VIII so much now; I recall you didn't get into it at first but I urged you to try it some more). You'd really consider Majora's Mask one of the best rpg's ever though (I wouldn't even call it an rpg, but you know...)? I think that's one of the worst zeldas; it feels rushed, and the 3 day system is downright annoying.

atsonicpark 11.17.2010 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by chairman of the bored
Speaking of SNES, I'm trying to pick up a few games that I may have missed out on back in the days. I know about all the classics, for the most part. My list so far:

1. out of this world

And that's about it...any suggestions? SNES games that you love or think may be under the radar classics.

Out of this World/Another World rules so much. It is one of my alltime favorite games, and one of the first games I ever got for the computer (along with MYST). It is the guy who made Killer7 (Suda)'s favorite game, and you can tell why.

I guess you should get Flashback, too then. There are a few games like this on the Genesis and Sega CD, surprisingly. I love them. They need to make a new game like this (the newest ones I can think of are Heart of Darkness -- which kinda sucked -- and Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Abe's Exodus which both rule... also, can't forget the first Neverhood game... if they make a new atmospheric adventure game like these, with a much faster pace and more reliable control, it'd be the most badass game ever) Oh, get BLACKTHORNE, also.

The Genesis is my favorite 16-bit system, because it had so many gems that people STILL haven't discovered (Ranger X, anyone?). Also, the music was always better (Genesis soundchip produced some of the most fucked up music ever; listen to Chakan Forever Man... genuinely scary! Listen to Biohazard Battle; insaaaaaaaaane bass), and any game that appeared on both systems was always better on the Genesis (Mega Bomberman's better than Super Bomberman. Mega Turrican's better than Super Turrican. Castlevania Bloodlines is better than both SNES Casltevanias. Contra Hard Corps is better than Contra 3. ETC.). Also, the Genesis had some of the best shooters ever, like Lightening Force and MERCS. Finally, the Genesis has cheaper games, one of the rarest games on the system is Streets of Rage 3 and I got it for $10. Hah. The SNES, though, does have better RPG's.

I am going to list 50 of my favorite SNES games. I've decided not to look at Joe's list, so as to not be influenced in any way. One thing I've noticed is that most lists list the exact same games in the top 10 or whatever (rest assured you won't find a single DONKEY KONG COUNTRY game in my list -- no Rare games at all, actually). I hope my list is a little different than all the others you read, since I've played every single SNES game ever made (thanks to emulation), most quite thoroughly. So, you can really trust me here -- I have put comments next to a few of the choices. Enjoy.


1. Super Metroid (my favorite game ever made, PERIOD. Only game that comes close in any way is all 80 hours of Xenogears for the PS1, which has a rat crucified. Nothing beats this game's atmosphere, music, graphics, nonobtrusive storyline and gameplay... playing OTHER M the other day almost made me cry because it was so horrible. This game makes me cry because it's genuinely FAULTLESS. I have bought many copies of this game for other people. I am a good friend. I have enhabced my friend's lives through this game.)

BTW, this is fucking badass:

2. Tetris Attack (the best puzzle game ever made; Lumines is a better game for single player, Puzzle Fighter and maybe Puyo Puyo are better games multiplayer. Tetris Attack is fun in single, multi, WHATEVER. Just an amazing game... though, if you have an N64, you should get pokemon puzzle league -- it's actually usually cheaper -- and if you have a DS, get the definitive version, PLANET PUZZLE LEAGUE. Actually, if you can import Gamecube games, get the nintendo puzzle collection one -- which is usually really cheap. Nothing beats 4 player Tetris Attack. I know people who have never had any interest in puzzle games who have played this game for days on end.)

3. Yoshi's Island (brilliant. MASSIVE. Beautiful. The best platforming game ever made, period. Fun as hell. Almost feels effortless in its beautiful design and control. A real sense of inertia.)


4. Super Turrican II (ever wanted to play a game where every single moment of every single level makes you go, "holy fucking shit -- this is the coolest game ever?" Well, besides Contra Hard Corps and Ikaruga and Rez... this is about the only game I can say that about. This motherfucker NEVER lets up. You HAVE TO have this game.)

5. Super Mario RPG (so fucking fun! The battle with axe'em rangers is one of the best battles ever! I don't care what anyone says -- this is the best RPG on the system, and what got me into RPG's back in the day. Sure, it gets obscenely easy if you get a certain armor 75% through the game, but man... Bowser and Mario teaming up = genius)

6. Actraiser (part strategy game, part side scrolling sword swinging epic. Best soundtrack ever, possibly. What more could you want? Enix are geniuses... and, actually, I didn't realize this when first compiling the list before writing these little comments here and there -- but the next few games are enix games)

7. Ogre Battle (a hardcore strategy game for hardcore strategy buffs. That doesn't include most people. But I LOVE it)


8. Terranigma (more fun -- and epic -- than Zelda: Link to the Past, this has more in common with the Ys games. Which is to say, this game is fucking awesome.)

9. EVO (Sold this puppy for $80. And I miss it. Another Enix game that's all over the fucking map, seems like an inspiration for SEAMAN of all things. Truly a work of art, the likes of which is all to rare in games)


10. Demon's Crest (Damn 4 picture per post limit. Well, that's the final beautiful SNES screenshot! Oh well. Reason # 232r552 why Genesis was a better system: Look at this screen. Games like this were a dime a dozen on the Genesis.. Kid Chameleon, the Monster World games, Chakan, Ranger X, etc... you're some crazy looking hero exploring evil catacombs, with a foreboding atmosphere... unfortunately, the Genesis never got one of the ultimate games in this "genre" -- not really a platformer, not really anything else -- and this game rockS. i LOVE how there's no little energy display. So unobtrusive! Capcom made a very innovative, brilliant game here. People who gave a fuck = almost none)

11. The Adventures of Batman and Robin (GENIUS. Absolutely genius! The graphics, the music, the levels.. gives me chills.. if you love Batman... this game is unbelievable! Fuck! Fighting Joker on a moving rollercoaster while he throws bombs at you.. brilliant! The only good Batman game besides the original NES Batman and Arkham Asylum.)

12. Illusion of Gaia
13. Mega Man X3
14. DoReMi Fantasy
15. Treasure Hunter G
16. Chrono Trigger
17. Kirby Superstar
18. Final Fantasy III (really VI) (this is one game where you'll feel compelled to do EVERYTHING in)
19. Link to the Past
20. Kirby's Avalanche
21. Super Mario All-Stars + World (5 great games on one cartridge!)
22. Contra III (though Hard Corps for the Genesis is a TRILLION times better)
23. Secret of Mana
24. Rendering Ranger: R2 (see my post way above)
25. Earthbound (as much as I LOVE this game, people have a tendency to overrate it, I think, because they feel like they're part of a secret club, haha. Look, it's a modern day Dragon Quest that feels a bit awkward and even dull in places, but its wackinesss -- especially the music -- makes it compelling.)
26. Breath of Fire II (ah, the BReath of Fire games... I think 3 is the crowning achievement, but this game is really really fun. Another difficult, fun Capcom game, basically. colorful, too!)
27. Umihara Kawase (this is one of the most brilliant sidescrolling/platforming games ever, all you do is swing around and shit... yep, that's it. And it's fun!)
28. Super Street Fighter II Turbo
29. SUper Turrican
30. Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
31. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (which is better on Genesis, only with a 6 button; AVOID Ghoul Patrol)
32. Castlevania IV (AVOID Dracula X)
33. Final Fantasy II (IV!)
34. The Firemen
35. The King of Demons
36. Gradius III
37. Skyblazer (this game is so fucking fun! It's hard, though.. jumping around EVERYWHERE... if you enjoy jumping really really high, swinging around, sticking to walls, etc.. youll dig this one!)
38. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (sold, like, 2 copies.. despite being 3 of the best fucking games EVER MADE, with a really beautiful graphical update... go figure)
39. Run Sabre (like a Strider for the SNES, but better. Yep, better.)
40. Cybernator
41. Pocky and Rocky
42. Space Megaforce (one of the most overlooked shoot em ups ever)
43. Lufia II
44. Soul Blazer (don't mix this up with Skyblazer!)
45. Wario's Woods
46. Super Bomberman 4 (only came out in Japan, so just get 2)
47. Metal Warriors
48. Dragon View
49. Tales of Phantasia
50. Blackthorne


If you need any games in a specific genre, lemme know.

atsonicpark 11.17.2010 01:48 AM

Finally, I am playing SLAPP HAPPY! RHYTHM BUSTERS (I think I only got it because the name is SLAPP HAPPY!, like that awesome band that Henry Cow did some albums with...) (no, seriously, the game fucking rules too) THIS IS THE MOST FIGHTING GAME I'VE EVER PLAYED. My absolute favorite fighting games are, like, Bushido Blade 1-2 and Street Fighter III and Guilty Gear and whatnot.. but if you just want fun, this is fun! You get to swing around and fly around and shoot things with guns and one character rips his own head off and throws it at you... the special attacks are timed punches/kicks, like PaRappa the Rapper as a fighting game or something. Just AMAZING. Fuck!





Insanely fun 2D fighting game for the PS1, fast and colorful and great. Up there with DarkStalkers 3, Guilty Gear, and SF Alpha 3 as far as great PS1 games go. I seriously discover a new awesome PS1 game every day. What a fucking system.

ps: cel shading on the ps1! (even though Sega claims they invented it)

pps: one of the best techno soundtracks ever.

atsonicpark 11.17.2010 02:58 AM

As for the beat-em-up discussion earlier on this page, the best beat-em-up game ever is STREETS OF RAGE 3...




Followed by X-MEN (arcade):


Followed by ODIN SPHERE (yeah, it counts)..


Other favs:
- Panzer Bandits
- God Hand
- Final Fight 3
- Streets of Rage 2
- Mystical Fighter
- Simpsons Arcade Game
- Turtles in Time
- River City Ransom
- Battletoads/Double Dragon
- Sengoku 3
- various Capcom brawlers ( Alien vs Predator, Punisher, Battle Circuit, Cadillacs and Dinosaurs, Armored Warriros, various Dungeons and Dragons beat em ups)
- Comix Zone
- 3 Dirty Dwarves
- Castle Crashers

are all fucking awesome.

I have the Capcom Classics Collections volume 1 and 2 and there are seriously a good 10 or so beat em up games on there that are just badass, between the two of them. Can't beat the 4 player action of CAPtain COMmando (if you have a multitap, which I do). Beat em ups are the best game to play 2 player besides puzzle games imo.

noisereductions 11.17.2010 08:37 AM

I just added a blog post about the Konami Hyper Boy.

chairman of the bored 11.17.2010 09:43 AM

Big thanks to atsonicpark(must spread etc) and dr. eugene (repped). awesome people like you keep me hanging around this board.

i'm definitely gonna take a couple things you guys suggested and seek 'em out. i'd give a more thoughtful response but i'm at work. blech.

noisereductions 11.17.2010 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
I just added a blog post about the Konami Hyper Boy.


go read my blog!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.17.2010 12:03 PM

Ha, I was wondering what the hell that thing was! How much did you drop on that beast, NR?

Oh, and thanks Chairman!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.17.2010 06:36 PM


R-Type (GB)


Puyo-Pop Fever (GC)

noisereductions 11.17.2010 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson

R-Type (GB)

FUCKING YES! I have R-Type (GB), R-Type DX (GBC) (which is basically R-Type I & II), and R-Type III (GBA) fuckers! Yeah!

krastian 11.17.2010 10:32 PM

Anyone else pumped for Marvel VS. Capcom 3? Comes out in Feb.....gonna be sick.

atsonicpark 11.18.2010 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
FUCKING YES! I have R-Type (GB), R-Type DX (GBC) (which is basically R-Type I & II), and R-Type III (GBA) fuckers! Yeah!

Buuuuut you're missing Delta and Final -- those are the best two!!

I have all the ones you mentioned, and R-Types for the PS1, which is R-Type DX, but for the PS1/PS2. FINAL is mindblowing, but Delta has to be the best.

There's a new PSP strategy one too.

atsonicpark 11.18.2010 01:00 AM

BTW, thanks to all the people who repped me for this post. Glad it was appreciated. It got buried pretty quickly so I'm going to go ahead and bump it, but remove some of the text...

Originally Posted by atsonicpark
My top 50 favorite SNES games.

1. Super Metroid (my favorite game ever made, PERIOD. Only game that comes close in any way is all 80 hours of Xenogears for the PS1, which has a rat crucified. Nothing beats this game's atmosphere, music, graphics, nonobtrusive storyline and gameplay... playing OTHER M the other day almost made me cry because it was so horrible. This game makes me cry because it's genuinely FAULTLESS. I have bought many copies of this game for other people. I am a good friend. I have enhabced my friend's lives through this game.)
2. Tetris Attack (the best puzzle game ever made; Lumines is a better game for single player, Puzzle Fighter and maybe Puyo Puyo are better games multiplayer. Tetris Attack is fun in single, multi, WHATEVER. Just an amazing game... though, if you have an N64, you should get pokemon puzzle league -- it's actually usually cheaper -- and if you have a DS, get the definitive version, PLANET PUZZLE LEAGUE. Actually, if you can import Gamecube games, get the nintendo puzzle collection one -- which is usually really cheap. Nothing beats 4 player Tetris Attack. I know people who have never had any interest in puzzle games who have played this game for days on end.)
3. Yoshi's Island (brilliant. MASSIVE. Beautiful. The best platforming game ever made, period. Fun as hell. Almost feels effortless in its beautiful design and control. A real sense of inertia.)

4. Super Turrican II (ever wanted to play a game where every single moment of every single level makes you go, "holy fucking shit -- this is the coolest game ever?" Well, besides Contra Hard Corps and Ikaruga and Rez... this is about the only game I can say that about. This motherfucker NEVER lets up. You HAVE TO have this game.)
5. Super Mario RPG (so fucking fun! The battle with axe'em rangers is one of the best battles ever! I don't care what anyone says -- this is the best RPG on the system, and what got me into RPG's back in the day. Sure, it gets obscenely easy if you get a certain armor 75% through the game, but man... Bowser and Mario teaming up = genius)
6. Actraiser (part strategy game, part side scrolling sword swinging epic. Best soundtrack ever, possibly. What more could you want? Enix are geniuses... and, actually, I didn't realize this when first compiling the list before writing these little comments here and there -- but the next few games are enix games)

7. Ogre Battle (a hardcore strategy game for hardcore strategy buffs. That doesn't include most people. But I LOVE it)

8. Terranigma (more fun -- and epic -- than Zelda: Link to the Past, this has more in common with the Ys games. Which is to say, this game is fucking awesome.)
9. EVO (Sold this puppy for $80. And I miss it. Another Enix game that's all over the fucking map, seems like an inspiration for SEAMAN of all things. Truly a work of art, the likes of which is all to rare in games)

10. Demon's Crest (Reason # 232r552 why Genesis was a better system: Look at this screen. Games like this were a dime a dozen on the Genesis.. Kid Chameleon, the Monster World games, Chakan, Ranger X, etc... you're some crazy looking hero exploring evil catacombs, with a foreboding atmosphere... unfortunately, the Genesis never got one of the ultimate games in this "genre" -- not really a platformer, not really anything else -- and this game rockS. i LOVE how there's no little energy display. So unobtrusive! Capcom made a very innovative, brilliant game here. People who gave a fuck = almost none)
11. The Adventures of Batman and Robin (GENIUS. Absolutely genius! The graphics, the music, the levels.. gives me chills.. if you love Batman... this game is unbelievable! Fuck! Fighting Joker on a moving rollercoaster while he throws bombs at you.. brilliant! The only good Batman game besides the original NES Batman and Arkham Asylum.)
12. Illusion of Gaia
13. Mega Man X3
14. DoReMi Fantasy
15. Treasure Hunter G
16. Chrono Trigger
17. Kirby Superstar
18. Final Fantasy III (really VI) (this is one game where you'll feel compelled to do EVERYTHING in)
19. Link to the Past
20. Kirby's Avalanche
21. Super Mario All-Stars + World (5 great games on one cartridge!)
22. Contra III (though Hard Corps for the Genesis is a TRILLION times better)
23. Secret of Mana
24. Rendering Ranger: R2 (see my post way above)
25. Earthbound (as much as I LOVE this game, people have a tendency to overrate it, I think, because they feel like they're part of a secret club, haha. Look, it's a modern day Dragon Quest that feels a bit awkward and even dull in places, but its wackinesss -- especially the music -- makes it compelling.)
26. Breath of Fire II (ah, the BReath of Fire games... I think 3 is the crowning achievement, but this game is really really fun. Another difficult, fun Capcom game, basically. colorful, too!)
27. Umihara Kawase (this is one of the most brilliant sidescrolling/platforming games ever, all you do is swing around and shit... yep, that's it. And it's fun!)
28. Super Street Fighter II Turbo
29. SUper Turrican
30. Ganbare Goemon 2: Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu
31. Zombies Ate My Neighbors (which is better on Genesis, only with a 6 button; AVOID Ghoul Patrol)
32. Castlevania IV (AVOID Dracula X)
33. Final Fantasy II (IV!)
34. The Firemen
35. The King of Demons
36. Gradius III
37. Skyblazer (this game is so fucking fun! It's hard, though.. jumping around EVERYWHERE... if you enjoy jumping really really high, swinging around, sticking to walls, etc.. youll dig this one!)
38. Ninja Gaiden Trilogy (sold, like, 2 copies.. despite being 3 of the best fucking games EVER MADE, with a really beautiful graphical update... go figure)
39. Run Sabre (like a Strider for the SNES, but better. Yep, better.)
40. Cybernator
41. Pocky and Rocky
42. Space Megaforce (one of the most overlooked shoot em ups ever)
43. Lufia II
44. Soul Blazer (don't mix this up with Skyblazer!)
45. Wario's Woods
46. Super Bomberman 4 (only came out in Japan, so just get 2)
47. Metal Warriors
48. Dragon View
49. Tales of Phantasia
50. Blackthorne

atsonicpark 11.18.2010 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by krastian
Anyone else pumped for Marvel VS. Capcom 3? Comes out in Feb.....gonna be sick.

It looks fucking amazing, doesn't it? Just to play as Wesker is pretty badass! I wasn't the biggest MvC2 fan in the world (my strategy: pick Cable, Mega Man, and Tron Bonne.. fire lots and lots of projectiles so quickly from far away that no one can come at you.. if they jump in, do a special attack. It's nearly impossible for another character to hit you this way, unless they fire projectiles, too, in which case you're just going to go back and forth and whoever is luckiest wins)... it was insane and fast and graphically amazing, but I like fighters like Capcom vs SNK2 and SFIII and SFA3 with a bit more strategy. But if you just want a fun little mindfuck, MvC2 is fun as hell -- can't beat the roster list, either. Hopefully, they make the gameplay in MvC3 a wee bit deeper. Either way, it looks too good for words.




Anyway, I've put about 15 hours into persona 2: Innocent Sin. EXCELLENT game, excellent translation. Wow. I can't believe a bunch of people made this translation patch -- for free. I am going to donate some cash to them via paypal, definitely. And they're localizing MORE smt games! Wow... heroic.

Anyway, I dunno if it's really better than Eternal Punishment.. seems a LOT easier too.. but it's still fun as hell, some of the best dialogue ever, and reminds me why I like the smt games to begin with. Do whatever you can to pick up some SMT games -- there were tons released on the ps2 over here. Hell, Nocturne -- which was, seriously, $80-120 for 3 years -- recently got a reprint and you can easily find a complete copy for $20 now. Hell yeah.


Just picked this baby up.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.18.2010 02:15 AM

^ I was looking at that a few days back. Looks pretty fresh. I've never played a game in the series before.

And yes, yes, YES, R-TYPE FINAL RULES!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.18.2010 02:30 AM

But yeah...


Downloaded the Chrono Trigger OST, and I couldn't help but get sucked in all over again. I love how legendary this game is. This is one of those games where you can legitimize the quality of a human being, soley based on whether or not they've played this.

Oh yeah, and it's sweet that you like Metal Warriors too, AC! Aside from my cousin and I, I've never met anyone else who has even heard of it! CHAIRMAN GET METAL WARRIORS. IT'S REALLY FUN, AND WILL SCORE YOU MAD INDIE NERD POINTZ.




noisereductions 11.18.2010 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Buuuuut you're missing Delta and Final -- those are the best two!!

I have all the ones you mentioned, and R-Types for the PS1, which is R-Type DX, but for the PS1/PS2. FINAL is mindblowing, but Delta has to be the best.

There's a new PSP strategy one too.

why is it so hard to understand collecting for a specific platform?

EVOLghost 11.18.2010 11:26 AM


I will be playing this later today. I'm thinking Golden Axe or SoR.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 11.18.2010 11:56 AM

How much didyou drop on that Konami Hyper Boy NR, and where from? That thing is sick! Was it a staggering amount? I see one on ebay for $100.

Here's a sealeD NM copy of Chrono Trigger going for $7,500!!! a37

noisereductions 11.18.2010 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
How much didyou drop on that Konami Hyper Boy NR, and where from? That thing is sick! Was it a staggering amount? I see one on ebay for $100.

I was purposely ignoring the question, as I've done a dozen or so times elsewhere as well. haha. but if you must know I think it was like $45 for the Hyper Boy itself, but int'l shipping ended up almost doubling that.

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