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screamingskull 01.12.2008 04:39 PM

So suddenly i have all these holidays planned.

1 week in the Canary Islands - March 2008
2 months in Jersey - July/August 2008
1 week in Holland - August 2008
1 week in New York City - February 2009
3 months anywhere i like on a placement - February/March/April 2009
2 weeks in Cyprus (for my 21st birthday)- October 2009


m1rr0r dash 01.12.2008 08:50 PM


_slavo_ 01.14.2008 04:10 AM

I am going to see Iron & Wine in Vienna on Wednesday.


stu666 01.14.2008 08:43 AM


Savage Clone 01.14.2008 03:10 PM


screamingskull 01.14.2008 06:19 PM

>I just spent £102.00 on the American Apparel website.
>Cruel Intentions is on in a minute, i am going to go watch it.
>I have a photo shoot tomorrow, wooo hooo, my first one in a long time, and its supposed to rain all day, oh well.

nicfit 01.15.2008 05:49 AM


_slavo_ 01.15.2008 06:30 AM


Originally Posted by _slavo_
I am going to see Iron & Wine in Vienna on Wednesday.


Fucking sold out :(

girlgun 01.15.2008 01:50 PM

█████████ 01.15.2008 01:58 PM

my eyes!
wtf!? that woman is probably freakiest thing i've ever seen.


Rob Instigator 01.15.2008 02:11 PM

horrible horrible./
that girl is fucking UGLY

Cantankerous 01.15.2008 04:44 PM

oh my god that woman's makeup

nicfit 01.15.2008 04:56 PM




Cantankerous 01.15.2008 05:41 PM

i want those wonder woman undies sooo bad.

screamingskull 01.15.2008 05:43 PM

topshop sell ones like that, but they have a red waist band, i have a pair.

Rob Instigator 01.15.2008 05:45 PM

I had these when I was around 6

nicfit 01.15.2008 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
i want those wonder woman undies sooo bad.

not as in "wonder woman is an amazon", as in "they have them for sale".
I knew someone would have loved those.
SO much better than the "Masters of the universe" boxers for man...

EMMAh 01.15.2008 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I had these when I was around 6


Underoos hahahahahahahah

EMMAh 01.15.2008 09:53 PM

I would like a nice quilt for my bed. My grandma made me one a long time ago but I have no idea where it is. I should ask my mom to dig it up from the depths of the basement. When there's a quilt around, I don't ever stop touching it. They feel so nice hahaha. There is no blanket like a quilt.

Cantankerous 01.15.2008 10:33 PM

i have a few quilts, i want a down comforter.

flophousefloozie 01.15.2008 10:59 PM

I had a "Degrassi Junior High" thong a few years back. I loved it.
Loved it so much, I wore it out, I guess.

touch me i'm sick 01.15.2008 11:00 PM

that fuckin hilarious

✌➬ 01.16.2008 03:33 AM

I finally started my new position, it was good.

✌➬ 01.16.2008 03:47 AM

That is a nice name.

█████████ 01.16.2008 08:41 AM

does this sound familiar?

floatingslowly 01.16.2008 08:53 AM


Originally Posted by █████████

português. fucking português, man.

floatingslowly 01.16.2008 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
theres so much blood.
(and) on my screen.

my gawd, yr sexy.

good morning to you too (although I'm sure it's not still morning in the cradle of civilization).

floatingslowly 01.16.2008 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
several breakdowns (ididnt), go 5 times in toilet, curse 99 times.

that sounds like the makings of a powerful hex!

although I don't really have breakdowns, I'm drinking lots of coffee and I curse AT LEAST 200 times a day. all I need now is a target for my black majick ritual.


█████████ 01.16.2008 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by floatingslowly
português. fucking português, man.

that song is from 1991 and the music is a nice sonic youth rip off. that band is one my favourites (their music is in the line of early swans) and i praise adolfo luxuria canibal (the lead singer).

sarramkrop 01.16.2008 10:12 AM



floatingslowly 01.16.2008 10:15 AM

it's hard to hex bunnies, but those two look like they are up to no good (I think they are hiding carrots in their purses).

....I haven't had a chance to get in many smokes, but I'm sure by the end of it all, I will.

sarramkrop 01.16.2008 10:19 AM


█████████ 01.16.2008 02:07 PM

BooleanVar UltimaPag;
BooleanVar FazRetencao;

If Not FazRetencao OR Not {DocumentosVenda.LiquidacaoAutomatica} Then
if UltimaPag then
// ToText( FetchNumberVar( "TotalAPagar" ) - {CabecDoc.TotalRetencao})
totext(CRWArredonda( FetchNumberVar( "TotalAPagar" ) ,{Moedas.DecArredonda}),2)
if UltimaPag then
totext(CRWArredonda( FetchNumberVar( "TotalAPagar" ) - {CabecDoc.TotalRetencao} ,{Moedas.DecArredonda}),2)

m1rr0r dash 01.17.2008 02:55 AM


floatingslowly 01.18.2008 11:10 AM

stephanie watches people poop out balloons. she has a special device that lets her see what's happening back there.

at her last job, she played with penises.

"they start off hard, but when you touch them with a probe you have to chase them".

█████████ 01.18.2008 12:05 PM


rectum cookies to all.

flophousefloozie 01.18.2008 03:15 PM

I think I'm psychic.
I really do. No kidding.
I could elaborate.
That doughnut looks like an inverted nipple.

█████████ 01.18.2008 03:34 PM


flophousefloozie 01.18.2008 03:47 PM

This guy who really liked me back in highschool had been appearing in my dreams lately. I haven't seen him in years. I told my friend Lawrence about it, and that I'm probably going to see him soon because of it.


There's more to the story, but that's the gist of it.

flophousefloozie 01.18.2008 03:49 PM

Also, sometimes when I'm tired, I'll close my eyes and see detailed images of people of never seen. They'll be partaking in every day activities, which are usually nothing special. I feel like I'm seeing into the lives of other people for some reason.

I swear by it.

I'm not crazy, and I usually do not believe in this sort of thing.

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