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Pookie 03.08.2007 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
dear pookie,
been meaning to ask you -dont think i have..-if i should do smth with a friend of mine who has as only pleasure in life to give and recieve pleasure to modellookalike women. he has no other interests in life. has he found the meaning of life, so i shouldnt bother but just be happy for him? recently tho, he has himself a girlfriend and seems to ease on the issue.

a good friend, nef.

Say again over!

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

How do you find virgins in Basingstoke?

Yours inquisitively,

Very accommodating thank you.

(Now all you have to do is change your original post and the joke'll work).

Pookie 03.08.2007 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by dr. humpp
dear mr. pookie,

when will we stop to entertain ourselfs with this board during our work/study time?

Is that: "when will we stop [studying/working] to entertain ourselves with this board, during our work/study time?"

Or: "when will we stop to entertain ourselves with this board. During work/study time?"

The answer to the first would be: at a convenient break in your work/study time, ensuring you don't leave any heavy machinery/teachers unattended and in a position to potentially pose a health & safety risk.

To the latter: yes.

Everyneurotic 03.08.2007 08:27 PM

dear spookie:

how many wives are too many wives?

saint jerome, utah (via telegraph)

Everyneurotic 03.08.2007 08:29 PM

dear spookie:

i'm feeling a little insecure, i think my girlfriend is upset with me about something; ever since i've strangled here after i forced her to intercourse, she has been awfully quiet.


ed smith
trenton, new jersey.

Everyneurotic 03.08.2007 08:34 PM

dear spookie,

why can't i find ready to drink cheetos? am i searching in the wrong places?

manuel "fattest man in the world" uribe

SynthethicalY 03.09.2007 12:50 AM

Dear Pookie,

What kind of flowers should I burn for my pagan ritual to Zeus?
Lilacs, Roses, or Dandenlions?


Paganist Ted.

Pookie 03.10.2007 09:34 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
dear spookie:

how many wives are too many wives?

saint jerome, utah (via telegraph)

Some have argued that bigamy is having one wife too many, and monogamy is the same.

I would just advise you, when considering bigamy, to remember that in this instance two rites do make a wrong.

Pookie 03.10.2007 09:35 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
dear spookie:

i'm feeling a little insecure, i think my girlfriend is upset with me about something; ever since i've strangled here after i forced her to intercourse, she has been awfully quiet.


ed smith
trenton, new jersey.

Uh huh. Is there a question or are you just boasting?

Pookie 03.10.2007 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
dear spookie,

why can't i find ready to drink cheetos? am i searching in the wrong places?

manuel "fattest man in the world" uribe

You drink Cheetos?

Chester Cheetah says, "Mmmm, they're yummy in your tummy".


Pookie 03.10.2007 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dear Pookie,

What kind of flowers should I burn for my pagan ritual to Zeus?
Lilacs, Roses, or Dandenlions?


Paganist Ted.

Love thou the rose, yet leave it on its stem.

Admire the lilacs, but in peace leave them.

Pookie 03.10.2007 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Dear Pookie,

If practice makes perfect, and nobody's perfect; why practice?

Mary 'practically perfect in every way' Poppins

Dear Mary,

It is reasonable to have perfection in our eye, that we may always advance towards it, though we know it can never be reached.

SynthethicalY 03.21.2007 06:00 PM

Dear Pookie,

Why do I have to be third in my speech class? Is it because of my last name?


Pookie 03.22.2007 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Dear Pookie,

Why do I have to be third in my speech class? Is it because of my last name?


Hello C---------,

Your question is vague and so I had to consult your speech class tutor. He says there are only two people in the class, so can't you get the hint?

Hope that helps,


Toilet & Bowels 03.22.2007 07:56 AM

what would be the best job for me after i graduate? i'm looking for a job that doesn't require too much resposibility, isn't mind numbing, and pays about £8 or £9/hour

Pookie 03.22.2007 08:46 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
what would be the best job for me after i graduate? i'm looking for a job that doesn't require too much resposibility, isn't mind numbing, and pays about £8 or £9/hour

Wow, you're really cheap!

I'm going to suggest you ask sonicl. He's on here all the time (obviously holds a position of little or no responsibility), when the job gets too mind numbing he just posts here, and he can afford a three bedroom house in Surrey.



king_buzzo 03.22.2007 12:50 PM

Pookie im feeling like shit. i need a new amp, but they're all either crap and expensive or vintage and imposiblle to find.

jon boy 03.22.2007 12:55 PM

dear pookie,

married women say they love me but dont do anything about it. how can i cope with this terrible burdon?

russel crowe, here there and everywhere.

fishmonkey 03.22.2007 06:25 PM

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jon boy again.


Pookie 03.22.2007 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by Ms. Always Right
Dear Pookie,

If a man speaks in the forest and there is no woman to hear him, is he still wrong?

Ms. Always Right

This brings to mind a story my old Irish aunt told me...

EDIT: Kate told me to say the answer is 'yes'.


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Pookie im feeling like shit. i need a new amp, but they're all either crap and expensive or vintage and imposiblle to find.

Pookie's motto:
If a question mark I do not see,
You've read the title of the thread wrongly.

Cantankerous 03.23.2007 01:19 AM

dear pookie,
my toenails are currently swimming pool blue. what color should i paint them next?

Cantankerous 03.23.2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Sorry to interrupt Pookie...
But, Cantanky MY fucking toes are swimming pool blueish green right now... I'm scared.

how odd.


Pookie 03.23.2007 04:22 AM


Originally Posted by jon boy
dear pookie,

married women say they love me but dont do anything about it. how can i cope with this terrible burdon?

russel crowe, here there and everywhere.

I'm sorry, but if the quality of these questions doesn't improve, I'm going to have to start being selective about the ones I answer.

Pookie 03.23.2007 04:24 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Dear Pookie,

If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill herself, is it considered a hostage situation?

Bary Khan aka Richard Pryor On Fire's
EX Psycho Girlfriend

Have you ever thought about a career in comedy?

Pookie 03.23.2007 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Cantankerous
dear pookie,
my toenails are currently swimming pool blue. what color should i paint them next?

Please give me the following information so that I can give you an accurate assessment:

What colours predominate in your wardrobe?
Do you prefer bright colours or soft/muted colours?
What colour are your eyes?

Pookie 03.23.2007 04:29 AM


Originally Posted by Kegmama
Sorry to interrupt Pookie...
But, Cantanky MY fucking toes are swimming pool blueish green right now... I'm scared.

Answer the same questions as Cantanky for an assessment.

sonicl 03.23.2007 04:29 AM

Dear Pookie,

What sort of bread do ducks prefer to be fed? Ciabatta or brioche?

For personal reasons I would prefer not to divulge my identity, but I hope this will not affect your willingness to answer my question.

EDIT - Too late. Someone just fed them some cheap white bread from Tesco, and they now look rather poorly.

Pookie 03.23.2007 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

What sort of bread do ducks prefer to be fed? Ciabatta or brioche?

For personal reasons I would prefer not to divulge my identity, but I hope this will not affect your willingness to answer my question.

EDIT - Too late. Someone just fed them some cheap white bread from Tesco, and they now look rather poorly.

Well tell this "someone" that they shouldn't do it again.

Brioche is best, because of the lovely buttery taste which ducks thrive on. However, they often make the mistake of dunking for too long and this results in the brioche breaking up and sinking to the bottom of the pond.

Ciabatta has the exact opposite problem. Too little soaking and the bread becomes a choking hazard. The solution is to either lightly butter the ciabatta beforehand, or throw it directly into the pond, some distance away from the ducks. That way, by the time they reach it, it will have taken on a sufficient quantity of water.

Pookie 03.23.2007 05:23 AM


Originally Posted by cocky
Dear Pookie,

It's time to make a trip to Sainsbury's again, and i'm never too keen on that. I've noticed that it's been a while since bags for life have changed colour from ornage to blue.Do you think that this is a sign that Sainsbury's are struggling under the mighty force that is Tesco and the change of colour for their bags for life is the first in a series of changes that they'll bring into the company?

Ah indeed, the rise of the supermarkets! Yes, others are in fear and under pressure from the seemingly unstoppable rise of Tesco. I think regulations should be put in place. Just for starters:

1) Supermarkets are too big, so they should be forced to sell off part of their businesses.
2) They are taking over from pharmacies, legal services etc., so licensing should be introduced.
3) There should be a lower cap on market share to prevent supermarkets from merging and buying other businesses.
4) They have too much control of the supply chain, and so should be forced to sell off their wholesale divisions.
5) Supermarkets buy land which remains unused in order to block competitors. They should be forced to sell this land.
6) Ban below-cost selling and price flexing to enable local businesses to compete with them.


Originally Posted by cocky
By the way, did you watch that program on tv about Barclays the other night



Originally Posted by cocky
Isn't that outrageous?


sonicl 03.23.2007 06:52 AM

Dear Pookie,

Should I part my hair in the middle, on the left, or on the right?

Thanking you in advance for your assistance,
Bobby "Bobby" Charlton

Pookie 03.23.2007 07:11 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear Pookie,

Should i have sushi for lunch, today? It is not the best that you can find but it seems more appealing than the rest that's on offer.

Kirk 'Double Whammy' Megalopolis

If I ever can't make up my mind, I combine foods. Today I'll be having sushi pizza.

Try it.


Originally Posted by bobby
Dear Pookie,

Should I part my hair in the middle, on the left, or on the right?

Thanking you in advance for your assistance,
Bobby "Bobby" Charlton

It's a windy day today, so all three.

Toilet & Bowels 03.24.2007 05:01 AM

i took a blood test yesterday to find out if i'm anaemic what will the result be?

Pookie 03.24.2007 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by Toilet & Bowels
i took a blood test yesterday to find out if i'm anaemic what will the result be?

An old saying my gran used to say frequently:

An iron deficiency, a lack of dietary proficiency,
If you want some relief, eat plenty of beef.

Hope that helps.

girlgun 03.24.2007 12:29 PM

dear pookie,

why do i love you a little after reading this thread?


girl with a gun

Iain 03.24.2007 12:31 PM

Dear Pookie,

Why doesn't my brain work anymore? Why do I find it a chore to decide what to have in a sandwich let alone decide on the important issues facing my country.


Robert 'Bobby' Mugabe.

Pookie 03.24.2007 12:51 PM


Originally Posted by girlgun
dear pookie,

why do i love you a little after reading this thread?


girl with a gun

Don't fight it, embrace the love.

To be serious, I dab a little fragrance behind the ears of this thread, and it usually has the desired affect.

Pookie 03.24.2007 01:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mama Black Widow
Dear Pookie,

What gets blood out of cotton?


Mama Black Widow.

I've had experience with a lot of blood stains, and nothing works better than Dove brand bath soap (the white bar). It's best not to use warm or hot water on stains, but Dove soap takes out stains that are dried up, hard and even stains that have been soaked in hot water. Just put the stain under running warm water, scrub with the soap, rinse, and it's gone. If the stain is not large, it's not even necessary to throw the clothing into the wash after being cleaned with the soap.

Of course, if you don't have Dove soap, you can simply wash the stain under cold water with normal soap. You can also use an old toothbrush to scrub the stain with hydrogen peroxide. However, peroxide will take the color off clothing and doesn't remove it immediately. You will still have to throw it in the wash and scrub it yourself, though the peroxide helps a little.

Or alternatively, take the precaution of wearing red clothes as often as possible (and I see from your picture, you've thought of that already!).

Pookie 03.24.2007 01:12 PM


Originally Posted by Iain
Dear Pookie,

Why doesn't my brain work anymore? Why do I find it a chore to decide what to have in a sandwich let alone decide on the important issues facing my country.


Robert 'Bobby' Mugabe.

I'm afraid it's one of the down sides of being a brutal dictator.

On the plus side, you never have to wait for a seat in restaurants.

!@#$%! 03.24.2007 01:38 PM

Dear Pookie,

This is the first time I ask you a question, but do you think that Cindy Sherman is great, or is she a mere hack?

I do admire her greatly, but my friends think I am being fooled by profiteers in the arts world, and should focus on sports instead. After I refused to watch a football game to attend one of her exhibits, they banned me from their beer-swilling soirées.

Where before I enjoyed their camaraderie, now I am shunned for my beliefs. Is it worth it to suffer this way?


Adolescent Runt Tortured For Art's Greatness

Pookie 03.25.2007 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by Tortured Adolescent

Dear Pookie,

This is the first time I ask you a question, but do you think that Cindy Sherman is great, or is she a mere hack?

I do admire her greatly, but my friends think I am being fooled by profiteers in the arts world, and should focus on sports instead. After I refused to watch a football game to attend one of her exhibits, they banned me from their beer-swilling soirées.

Where before I enjoyed their camaraderie, now I am shunned for my beliefs. Is it worth it to suffer this way?


Adolescent Runt Tortured For Art's Greatness

As you youngsters would say, Art>Sport.

So the worst art is better than the best sport.

Plus what Miss Bunbury said.

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