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batreleaser 10.04.2008 04:21 PM

I like Ricardo Villalobos, but all I have by him is a bunch of assorted tracks. What's a record of his I need?

atsonicpark 10.04.2008 05:05 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
That's a bit contentious coming from you, isn't it?

Sure... but that doesn't mean it's not true.

I mean, almost all my posts are ironic... with some sprinkled bits of truth. I don't mean to start some kind of fight... but I don't see people arguing this point anyway, because in all seriousness, if Thurston declared any random band "GOD." then 85% of this board would check them out immediately. It's a fact. I just find that funny... it doesn't necassarily mean anything good or bad. But certainly I don't see Thurston worshipping This Bike is a Pipe Bomb, for example.

Derek 10.04.2008 05:51 PM

I don't even pay attention to what Thurston likes...

atsonicpark 10.04.2008 06:01 PM


Derek 10.04.2008 06:19 PM

And most of the stuff he mentions in interviews is stuff that most people here would be familiar with without Thurston's influence.

atsonicpark 10.04.2008 06:20 PM

I dunno about that. I certainly can't see anyone getting into (or liking) Be Your Own Pet (Paramore Lite) without Thurston's influence. But hey.

Derek 10.04.2008 06:26 PM

Well he usually mentions Zorn and Derek Bailey when I read interviews, I dunno.

batreleaser 10.04.2008 07:05 PM

thurston listens to good stuff, but i would never love something just because thurston loves it. but on his myspace page he mentioned a bunch of amazing stuff; halflings, beherit, mayhem, teenage jesus, the fix, mutant ape, prurient, so much other stuff. the guy does have great taste.

Derek 10.04.2008 07:07 PM

Of course he listens to good stuff, he's really just one of us haha.

atsonicpark 10.04.2008 07:08 PM


In a shocking act of good taste in my part.

Derek 10.04.2008 07:21 PM

I don't see the big problem in the board... sure, some good music gets overlooked but think of all the good music we discuss regardless!

I only post here cause I like talking to people about music no one in my real life knows or even knows I listen to. And I love finding out new bands by people more experienced in music listening than I am.

atsonicpark 10.04.2008 07:25 PM

Well, as I said, my problems with this board don't really have anything to do with what we're talking about. It just reminded me of some stuff.

I've just been in a shitty mood lately, don't mind me...

Anyway, back to this thread.

batreleaser 10.04.2008 10:27 PM

if charles bronzon put out a record this year it would easily been one of the best of the year

Massassinated 10.05.2008 06:19 AM

Listening to the new Kazuki Tomokawa release right now. Very good stuff indeed.

edit : albeit too short

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 07:23 AM


My favorite by him is still fault of flowers but this one is great too. Dreams Die Blithefully Day By Day is also awesome. I need to get some more.

Massassinated 10.05.2008 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Dreams Die Blithefully Day By Day is also awesome.

yeah, the title track in particular.
I have to check out Fault of flowers

Derek 10.05.2008 03:07 PM

I'm gonna try and think of all the records I've heard from this year. Keep in mind I don't like ALL of these:

Kayo Dot - Blue Lambency Downward
Ponytail - Ice Cream Spiritual
Have A Nice Life - Deathconsciousness
Grouper - Dragging A Dead Deer Up A Hill
Sun Kil Moon - April
The Gutter Twins - Saturnalia
Boris - Smile
Melvins - Nude With Boots
John Zorn - The Dreamers
Earth - The Bees Made Honey In The Lion's Skull
Metallica - Death Magnetic
Krallice - Krallice
Vivian Girls - Vivian Girls
{{{Sunset}}} - Bright Blue Dream
Arghoslent - Hornets of the Pogrom
Fuck Buttons - Street Horrsing
Portishead - Third
Off Minor - Some Blood
The Goslings - Occasion
Nine Inch Nails - Ghosts
Nine Inch Nails - The Slip
Cat Power - Jukebox
Six Organs of Admittance - Goatflower
Harvey Milk - Life...
Weezer - Weezer (Red Album)
Sonic Youth - SYR7
Sonic Youth - SYR8
Pumice - Quo
Extra Life - Secular Works

And others I'm forgetting. I still need to listen to new Deerhoof and the like.

greedrex 10.05.2008 03:08 PM

^^^New deerhoof kicks so much ass.
these songs are ass.
get it!

Derek 10.05.2008 03:11 PM

Yeah, I'm also missing Extra Life and some other ones I've been planning to listen to.

So much music, so little time!

lechaoscestmoi 10.05.2008 03:49 PM

why would anyone listen to the new weezer when they can listen to weezy?!

batreleaser 10.05.2008 05:52 PM

Batreleaser's Official List of Full Length Albums that Rocked his World in the Tumultuous Year That was 2008:

Note; Subject to Change (Often, especially with upcoming records from to live and shave in la/kevin drumm, gang wizard, los llamarada, etc.. and still have yet to hear the latest bark haze record, polysics, zazen boys, etc..)

1. The Hospitals-Hairdryer Peace
2. Eat Skull-Sick to Death
3. Pumice-Quo
4. Ocrillim-Annwn
5. Moss-Sub Templum
6. Sexy Prison-Filth Flarn Filth
7. Kylie Minoise Fucking Loves/Hates You
8. The Bug-London Zoo
9. Shishou no Fune-Prayer for Chibi
10. Kevin Drumm-Imperial Distortion
11. Shit and Shine-Kuss Mich Meine Leibe
12. Krallice-S/T
13. Dead Western-Soften Yours Screams into Sings
14. Weasel Walter-Opulence (and pretty much all the free jazz stuff hes released this year)
15. Naked on the Vague-The Blood Pressure Sessions
16. Graveyards-Grey
17. LSD March-Nikutai no Tubomi
18. Two Dead Sluts: One Good Fuck-S/T
19. Earth-The Bees Made Honey...
20. Black Pus 5
21. Billy Bao-The Dialectics of Shit
22. Blue Sabbath Black Cheer-For the Sickly Weaklings
23. Agent Side Grinder-S/T
24. Cheveu-S/T
25. Thee Oh Sees-The Master's Bedroom is Worth Spending a Night In
26. Warmer Milks-In this Room/Lonesome Drifter Casettes (I know I said only full lengths, but I will make this an exception because these two casettes equal one beautiful record, possibly the best thing milks have ever done)
27. Black Mayonnaise-Unseen Collaborator
28. Blood Stereo-Magnetic Headache
29. Sissy Spacek-Califronia Ax
30. Boris-Smile
31. Nothing People-Anonymous
32. Abe Vigoda-Skeleton
33. The Fall-Imperial Wax Solvent/The Residents-Bunny Boy (they get grouped together because theyre the avant elderly folk still kicking out records better than kids more than half thier age)
34. Mark Steward-Edit
35. Autechre-Quarstice
35. New Humans-AKA Vito Acocini (W/ C Spencer Yeh, pretty epic)
36. Scissor Shock-Synonym for the Word Decay
37. Silentist-S/T
38. Religious Knives-The Door (religious knives moved way up on the list with the new lp on ecstatic peace which blows "resin" the fuck away, they keep getting better and better
39. Sic Alps-U.S. EZ
40. Stereolab-Chemical Chords
41. The Goslings-Occasion
42. Nobunny-Love Visions
43. Pocahaunted-Island Diamonds
44. Caress of my Fist-Etudes in Violence
45. Venetian Snares-Detrimentalist
46. Skullflower-Desire for a Holy War
47. Bill Dixon-Darfur: 17 Musicians in Search of a Sound
48. Excepter-Debt Dept. (the first album by them ive really gotten into)
49. Experimental Dental School-Jane Doe Loves Me
50. Fursaxa-Kobold Moon
51. Hiroshi Hasegawa-Acension no.999
52. Gnaw Thier Tongues-An Epiphanic Vomiting of Blood
53. Doxa Sinistra-Conveyor Belt
54. Pyha-Haunted House
55. Factums-Lost One
56. Striborg-Autumnal Melancoly
57. Jason Crumer-Etudes in Violence
58. Sexy Prison-FilthFlarnFilth
59. Death Sentence: PANDA!-Insects Awake
60. BIRTH!-The New Death (This album has lost some momentum in mind, but this guy has loads of potential, sick no fi harsh synth punk that you can rave or play russian roulette to)

Some Excellent Reissues:
A Handful of Dust 'Now Gods, Stand Up For Bastards/The Philosophik Mercury'
Miss High Heel-The Family's Hot Daughter
Lydia Lunch-Teenage Jesus/Beirut Slump
Weasel Walter Early Recordings
Sun City Girl-You're Never Alone With a Cigarette
Dissecting Table-Early Studio Works 86/87

there's still lots of stuff i want to hear though; the stuff i mentioned above, pyha-haunted house, filthy turd-the corpse vanishes, caress of my fist-etudes in violence, jason crumer-burning in hell, fixture for toxins-the night hoovers over us again, and a whole assortment of jazz and noise casettes, 7 inches, splits, and other rare recordings of varying quality that has been making me poor all these years.

it has to be said though, i have always been a fan of rock n roll and punk first and foremost. i spent my earliest years obsessed with neil young, the stones, hendrix, blue oyster cult, and then my teen years with punk and underground rock. i didnt get really into noise and wierd shit till the past three years. i found refuge in noise and sound and skronk and whatever the fuck you want to call it, because of how stale the rock scene had become. but look at my list. 75 percent of those bands are rock and punk. this is fantastic! finally, rock n roll is becoming interesting again. siltbreeze for life!

o, and om's 'live in jerusalem' is one of the ebst live recordings ive ever heard. om is such a powerful fucking band.

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 05:55 PM

haha thanks for putting scissor shock in there haha.

Our next album will be better.

batreleaser 10.05.2008 05:57 PM

ive listened to the carter 3 a few times now. i have liked his stuff in the past, namely his mixtapes. but i cant see the appeal of this album at all? someone on the troniks board said this about lil wayne that made so much sense, "Is this how low the bar has become?". and its true, this guy gets hailed as a genius by hack music writers when he talks about nothing other than money, drugs, fucking, and sports, over some corny pop beats (ok, some of the beats are great, some). and im not trying to sound like a dick, the guy has talent. but he gets way more credit because he basically has no competition, at least not in the mainstream. kanye west? give me a break.

batreleaser 10.05.2008 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
haha thanks for putting scissor shock in there haha.

Our next album will be better.

no dude, dont be thankful, that shit is great.

atsonicpark 10.05.2008 05:59 PM

i appreciate it.

batreleaser 10.06.2008 08:52 AM

i forgot the miss high heel-the family's hot daughter re-issue. prolly the best re-release of this year, even if it is impossible to listen to that record in one sitting.

fugazifan 10.06.2008 09:53 AM

im usually about two years behind in music. i usually hear like 5-6 new records, and hundreds of older records each year, then a few years later get into records from this year.
but records from this year that i realy like are
fuck buttons-street horsing. amazing album. only problem is that each song is kinda the same-quitw loops beautiful buildup, then screaming. and i dont real ylike his screaming except for the first song...

chemical chords is great

i liked the fleet foxes album.

prayers for chibi

excepter-debt dept

the goslings-occasion

ill think of some others later

fugazifan 10.06.2008 09:57 AM

oh and the brother unconnected-bishop brthers tour album. amazing versions of SCGs songs

Derek 10.06.2008 10:14 AM

Anyone know if the new Hair Police is worth checking out?

batreleaser 10.06.2008 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by Derek
Anyone know if the new Hair Police is worth checking out?

i had no idea there was a new hair police. but of course its worth checking out, its the fucking hair police. trevor tremaine's drumming is worth buying thier stuff alone. i dont think theyll ever top 'constantly terrified' though. i love that record. a lot of the newer noise bands are going for like a horror movie soundtrack vibe, hair police IS horror.

edit: yes they do have a new album on no fun called "certainty of swarms". im going to order it now. i love them so much, i missed them live this summer too which is a total bummer. they are a fucking powerhouse of a live band.

batreleaser 10.06.2008 01:24 PM

oh and the beirut slimp/teenage jesus reissue is great, finally these songs are easy to get.

batreleaser 10.06.2008 01:35 PM

deathroes 'infinite blaze' is my pick for noise casette of the year.

batreleaser 10.06.2008 01:40 PM

i also gotta hear this band mensturation sisters. oren ambarchi's newish band. they out out a limited vinyl this year, "MA", on no fun. ill prolly never be able to hear it, but hopefully they release something more widely availible soon. and i really fucking wish someone would re-release ambarchi's phlegm stuff, probably the most underrated spazzed out noise band of all time.

batreleaser 10.06.2008 01:43 PM

man, records. such a pain in the ass and money consuming hobby

atsonicpark 10.06.2008 06:10 PM


Originally Posted by fugazifan
oh and the brother unconnected-bishop brthers tour album. amazing versions of SCGs songs

Totally forgot about this one... it's great. So is "live at the sit and spin".

davenotdead 10.06.2008 07:58 PM

i just ordered the Hospitals LP... listened about 6 times through it now, and i like

batreleaser 10.06.2008 11:52 PM


Originally Posted by davenotdead
i just ordered the Hospitals LP... listened about 6 times through it now, and i like

yeah, my album of the year.

chairman of the bored 10.07.2008 09:50 PM i just ordered the hospitals lp too because of all the jibber jabber...heard a track or two and was feeling it

batreleaser 10.07.2008 10:25 PM

the hospitals; the most retardedly brilliant band ever?

note: i mean retarded as in literally, retarded. not as in, "holy shit brah fuckin insane".

uhler 10.08.2008 06:16 PM

can we include eps in the album of the year catagory?

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