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guest 02.22.2015 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by eternal
Anybody seen Swans this year?

After seeing them at a short outdoor festival set, I saw them on Friday in Toronto. Good show but I was a little underwhelmed to be honest (It's easy to hype up Swans too much I suppose). The set seemed to be waaay too drone-y (even for Swans!) which is incredibly hard for me to say.

My biggest beef though was the removal of "The Apostate" from the setlist and replacing it with some boring drone song they are coming up with. The apostate is absolutely killer live so I was a little heartbroken about missing that incredible lap steel sound that Christoph does throughout and that 2nd half dance break. Also by taking out "the Apostate", Christoph seemed to have little to do during the show and was often found just toking on his little portable vaporizer thing. The show just didn't have as much groove as we've come to expect from reformed Swans.

That being said, groove was certainly present in the closer "black hole man" which was the highlight of the set. But waiting almost 3 hours to get to a groove was definitely testing my patience a bit. Not bad at all, but just not what I've come to expect from Gira & co. in recent years.

saw them twice a couple of weeks ago, and to my surprise really enjoyed it. went to their headline show supported by oren ambarchi, who frankly shat on them as did htrk who I saw beforehand, as I can't help but see their new groove-based songs (a little god in my hands et al) as pandering and dull, whereas those billowing drones they played were utterly incredible, reminded me more of the 2011/2013 tours. the second set the next day was a condensed festival set and they essentially untethered the whole thing from rhythm and it was just excellent. just a little boy is really the only taker I have from to be kind and live it's enormous. new stuff also sounding solid, although it's likely going to be the same problem I had with the last two records, that being gira's proclivity to play the best stuff live and then fill out the overlong records with really slight songs.

Bytor Peltor 02.23.2015 03:58 PM

I haven't seen Swans since their Houston show this summer, so I have nothing to compare to how they are sounding now.

Here is their setlist from February 20th in Toronto:

Frankie M
A Little God In My Hands
The Cloud of Unknowing
Just a Little Boy (For Chester Burnett)
I Forget
Bring the Sun / Black Hole Man


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Setlist (what my ears recognized) Houston 2014

Frankie M
A Little God In My Hands
The Apostate
Just A Little Boy
Don't Go
Bring The Sun / Black Hole Man (I'm An Ass Hole Man)

For a while early on, Swans were playing The Cloud of Unknowing/The Apostate together. With Swan's releasing the Oxygen single toward the end of 2014, I'm somewhat surprised to not see them playing this. Also, why not record "Frankie M" and release it as a tour only single???

whorefrost 03.24.2015 11:35 AM

Seeing them again at the Glasgow Art School in May with Okkyung Lee opening, cannot fucking wait.

Listening to The Great Annihilator now and damn if I don't believe it's my favourite thing that they've ever done.

whorefrost 05.29.2015 05:11 AM

Question for Swans fans: can you highlight the main differences between the recent reissue of Filth and the reissue of Filth bundled with Body to Body, Job to Job. Ta!

Severian 05.31.2015 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by whorefrost
Question for Swans fans: can you highlight the main differences between the recent reissue of Filth and the reissue of Filth bundled with Body to Body, Job to Job. Ta!

I haven't purchased it, and probably won't considering that I just bought the 2014 LP a few months ago, but I know that it contains mostly the same material. Body to Body/Job to Job is included. I think the main difference is that the 2015 cd reissue contains bonus material not previously available in the Filth/Body cd bundle.

The 1982 debut EP is included, but I'm not sure what else is there in terms of little treats or bonus material other than some posters. I'm sure a complete tracklist is available for all editions on the Swans website.

whorefrost 06.01.2015 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I haven't purchased it, and probably won't considering that I just bought the 2014 LP a few months ago, but I know that it contains mostly the same material. Body to Body/Job to Job is included. I think the main difference is that the 2015 cd reissue contains bonus material not previously available in the Filth/Body cd bundle.

The 1982 debut EP is included, but I'm not sure what else is there in terms of little treats or bonus material other than some posters. I'm sure a complete tracklist is available for all editions on the Swans website.

Ah, gotcha, many thanks man!

Skuj 10.17.2015 11:26 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
I haven't purchased it, and probably won't considering that I just bought the 2014 LP a few months ago, but I know that it contains mostly the same material. Body to Body/Job to Job is included. I think the main difference is that the 2015 cd reissue contains bonus material not previously available in the Filth/Body cd bundle.

The 1982 debut EP is included, but I'm not sure what else is there in terms of little treats or bonus material other than some posters. I'm sure a complete tracklist is available for all editions on the Swans website.

I just recently picked up the Filth Deluxe 3CD. This is the first early Swans release I have heard. So in this package we get CD1=Filth+some live stuff, CD2=Body to Body+some live stuff, CD3=EP1+some live stuff. I think the live stuff is generally expanded from previous editions. I was very surprised upon first listening about the similarities(!!) between Swans 82-84 and now. Gira sounds the same, and the basic songwriting techniques are the same, and the vibe that is unique to Swans is evident in these early years. Christ, Gira has even re-imagined 82-84 songs on the recent releases. (Oxygen vs Blackout, anyone?) This is all very high compliment vice complaining. I'm very happy that Gira has been very consistent for at least 3 decades. Anyway, I'm really enjoying this motherfucker.

Skuj 10.17.2015 11:37 PM

Also, I'm sure you Swans fans are aware, The Gate is out, and the new studio album is well underway. I read somewhere that May 2016 is the target. And Gira has decided to retire this version of Swans after the next tour. Sorry if this has been written in the thread somewhere and I just missed it.

Bytor Peltor 10.19.2015 09:08 AM

^^^I wasn't aware about, The Gate being out......and now, SOLD OUT!

Looking forward to the new album in May.

Severian 10.19.2015 02:25 PM

Hey Skuj, been a while. I was just thinking about you the other day when I was like "Oh hey, The Gate is out, I'm gonna order it", then saw that it was sold out, then checked eBay and found it was selling for $125-$150, then said "Mother of shit!" really loudly.


Who wants to buy a fundraiser CD second hand? Not I. As much of a Swans fan as I am, I wouldn't buy it unless it was going to the band.

Maybe if a $50 copy was on eBay, I'd buy it and then send a donation to Gira. But I'm not going to give all that money on JoeEbayUser, so he can make a killing off of one of my favorite bands.

But anyway, good to see you sir.

Skuj 10.22.2015 12:59 AM

Why thank you Sir. You know....funny thing....these fundraiser CDs keep showing up at my fav CD shop. I never did get one, preferring the finished (ie studio) product instead. I expect the next studio release will have a DVD of 2014/2015 shows anyway, with similar embryonic versions. Where the fuck is the best Swans discussion board in the world, I wonder?

Bytor Peltor 11.03.2015 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by Skuj
And Gira has decided to retire this version of Swans after the next tour. Sorry if this has been written in the thread somewhere and I just missed it.

Even being years away, I've been thinking about this a lot since reading about it. I hate to think this current lineup would cease to stop recording / touring, but the thought of him rejoining forces with Jarboe is very intriguing......anyone have other thought of what direction Gira may choose?

Severian 11.03.2015 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by Bytor Peltor
Even being years away, I've been thinking about this a lot since reading about it. I hate to think this current lineup would cease to stop recording / touring, but the thought of him rejoining forces with Jarboe is very intriguing......anyone have other thought of what direction Gira may choose?

Is there info to suggest that he may be joining up w/ Jarboe again? I would think he'd be more likely to go forward into something new, rather than circling back to a previous incarnation of the band. But I have no idea..

It would be a damn shame if Thor Harris was no longer involved, that's for fucking certain.

Bytor Peltor 11.03.2015 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Is there info to suggest that he may be joining up w/ Jarboe again? I would think he'd be more likely to go forward into something new, rather than circling back to a previous incarnation of the band. But I have no idea..

It would be a damn shame if Thor Harris was no longer involved, that's for fucking certain.

NO - haven't seen any info suggesting a reunion with, Jarboe......just wishful thinking on my part. Previous in this thread, Savage Clone mentioned that Swans are on a trajectory like never before. Piggybacking on that thought process, I would view Gira and Jarboe trajectories crossing paths in the future as something new instead of a previous incarnation.

I totally feel the same about, Thor......wonder if Gira ever considered doing a horn based album?

Severian 11.03.2015 08:42 PM

That could work. Brass, used in slow tense builds like the trombone in Sympathy for the Strawberry, could be put to great effect on a Swans record.

Of course, maybe MG meant that the end of this incarnation of the band would have more to do with sound than personnel. They've definitely been flirting with the same kinds of concepts since rebooting. Maybe all he means is that Swans are going focus on electronics or make an acoustic record, or something...

Skuj 11.11.2015 02:02 AM

The Jarboe reunion will occur right after Sonic Youth reunites. I applaud this outlook....retire the gang at the peak of their powers.....after many intense years of recording and touring. It cannot be sustained. These are old guys. :) But I want that 4th album to be a 3hr 3CD Motherfucker, mkay?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.11.2015 02:06 AM

I had this very discussion with a friend of mine and to be honest i like Swans current stuff as it is. They don't need a reunion, what they are doing is good

Skuj 11.11.2015 02:09 AM


Originally Posted by guest
saw them twice a couple of weeks ago, and to my surprise really enjoyed it. went to their headline show supported by oren ambarchi, who frankly shat on them as did htrk who I saw beforehand, as I can't help but see their new groove-based songs (a little god in my hands et al) as pandering and dull, whereas those billowing drones they played were utterly incredible, reminded me more of the 2011/2013 tours. the second set the next day was a condensed festival set and they essentially untethered the whole thing from rhythm and it was just excellent. just a little boy is really the only taker I have from to be kind and live it's enormous. new stuff also sounding solid, although it's likely going to be the same problem I had with the last two records, that being gira's proclivity to play the best stuff live and then fill out the overlong records with really slight songs.

Eh? Personally I cannot think of a wasted moment on either of Seer or To Be Kind, but My Father Etc was somewaht tentative. I may have said this a dozen times here, but Look At Me Go completes My Father Etc. Gira's decision to add this later on was both brilliant and overdue. ie He must have known that My Father Etc was very incomplete.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 11.11.2015 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
Eh? Personally I cannot think of a wasted moment on either of Seer or To Be Kind, but My Father Etc was somewaht tentative. I may have said this a dozen times here, but Look At Me Go completes My Father Etc. Gira's decision to add this later on was both brilliant and overdue. ie He must have known that My Father Etc was very incomplete.

I agree completely there is no filler and indeed these two are realistically my favorite Swans records, the sound is so much more "mature"

Severian 11.11.2015 04:55 PM

I think My Father Will Guide me up a rope... is a brilliant fucking album. The ranks above To Be Kind for me. Not above the Seer, but that's because the Seer is the real pinnacle of the trilogy. If this incarnation of Swans was to be compared to Chris Nolan's Dark Knight Saga, the Seer would be Fhe Dark Knight.

I've never thought of My Father... as incomplete. Experimental, unprecedented, yeah. At the time of its release, maybe even a little hard to digest or recognize as "proper" Swans. But that's because it was the start of a new era. It was a beautiful risk that worked out perfectly, and helped them home in on the elements that defined their two most celebrated albums to date.

To Be Kind feels a little bit like it could have used some editing. I was moonlighting in a record store when that album came out, and I heard lifelong fans cracking jokes about "Bring the Sun." Great record, but it could have been better.

Skuj 11.11.2015 10:54 PM


Skuj 11.11.2015 11:00 PM

Oh Man I love To Be Kind the most. It seems to "flow" better than Seer for me. Disc 2 of Seer always seemed a little weird for me in terms of "flow", but I dunno...It took me several spins of Bring The Sun - Toussaint to "get" it. I think it is brilliant, and rather unusual for Swans.

Skuj 11.11.2015 11:25 PM

I've been immersed in the Filth 3CD for the last month or so. I may have said this before, but the biggest surprise for me is how similar it is to recent output. I know that sounds crazy, because there are many obvious differences, but the "Swans Vibe" that I've come to know with Seer/TBK is very present right out of the gate. I'm not explaining this very well.

Severian 11.12.2015 01:21 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I've been immersed in the Filth 3CD for the last month or so. I may have said this before, but the biggest surprise for me is how similar it is to recent output. I know that sounds crazy, because there are many obvious differences, but the "Swans Vibe" that I've come to know with Seer/TBK is very present right out of the gate. I'm not explaining this very well.

No, I get it. And yeah, I think you have mentioned this before.

And it makes me wonder: why exactly do you think it "sounds crazy" to say that there are similarities. I mean, yes, you're dealing with two very different time periods, "eras," lineups of the band, but it's still Swans.

I know a lot is made of the band's various styles and approaches, but the same themes have always been prevalent in their music. It's always been a collage of post-punk, noise, drone, industrial, dark Americana & southern gothic, apocalyptic & psychedelic folk, ambience and sludge.

It's no more crazy than finding parallels between Nurse and Daydream Nation, in my opinion.

Btw: where are you with your collection at this point? Have you investigated Soundtracks for the Blind? Burning World? Love of Life? Just curious, because I know you were just starting to venture out into pre-2010's stuff when you went awol.

Skuj 11.15.2015 12:37 AM


Originally Posted by Severian
No, I get it. And yeah, I think you have mentioned this before.

And it makes me wonder: why exactly do you think it "sounds crazy" to say that there are similarities. I mean, yes, you're dealing with two very different time periods, "eras," lineups of the band, but it's still Swans.

I know a lot is made of the band's various styles and approaches, but the same themes have always been prevalent in their music. It's always been a collage of post-punk, noise, drone, industrial, dark Americana & southern gothic, apocalyptic & psychedelic folk, ambience and sludge.

It's no more crazy than finding parallels between Nurse and Daydream Nation, in my opinion.

Btw: where are you with your collection at this point? Have you investigated Soundtracks for the Blind? Burning World? Love of Life? Just curious, because I know you were just starting to venture out into pre-2010's stuff when you went awol.

Well, we are talking about a 30 year span.....more like comparing The Eternal and Confusion Is Sex.....which would have many parallels haha. I was surprised though because I keep reading about how utterly different the 2010s stuff is from early Swans, and my first thought upon spinning Filth was "no....that's fucking Gira yesterday isn't it?"

I have played Soundtracks many many times and I fucking adore it. Took me a while to get my head wrapped around it. Seemed very "everything plus the kitchen sink" at first, but now I hear it as a seamless epic work. Hey....isn't Animus and The Sound two parts of the same epic song? What a centerpiece, separated by a disc change and a short Jarboe piece. I thought that was particularly brilliant.

So, other than all the 2010s stuff, I got Soundtracks and Filth 3CD to contend with. I'm definitely going to keep adding to my Swans collection.....they are my favourite fucking band haha......but there is so much to digest with what I already have. No rush.

Skuj 12.01.2015 12:58 AM

Gonna get this real soon. These 2 albums have thematically similar artwork, were released close together, and are bunched into this 3CD. Are they 2 parts of a single work?

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 12.01.2015 02:39 AM

I exist im just not that interested in hip hop lately.. i also just got tix to the Dead ON NEW YEARS EVE

Skuj 12.01.2015 02:51 AM

Fuck it, I just ordered the 3CD White Light....Love Of Life, and this:

Skuj 01.09.2016 03:02 AM

Can't stop playing the 3CD White Light.....Love Of Life. At first it really threw me how "song" oriented this is, and how "sweet" it all sounds. A lot of this even reminds me of late 80s / early 90s REM. Blind is stuck in my brain. White fantastic really, it flows so beautifully. I thought I'd always be digging Swans for their epicness and brutality, but here is a side of them that is totally unexpected and completely lovely. Floored again.

Skuj 03.06.2016 07:12 PM

I wonder if the current "troubles" will delay this next album/tour. TBK was out in May 2014, but details were announced in Jan 2014.

Severian 03.06.2016 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Skuj
I wonder if the current "troubles" will delay this next album/tour. TBK was out in May 2014, but details were announced in Jan 2014.

Michael's playing some solo shows (with Thurston Moore, actually) that don't seem to have been interrupted by whats going on. (Shrug)

stu666 03.06.2016 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Severian
Michael's playing some solo shows (with Thurston Moore, actually) that don't seem to have been interrupted by whats going on. (Shrug)

All of the Australian shows have been cancelled but the London show is still on I think, I have a ticket so I'll let you know!

Severian 03.06.2016 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by stu666
All of the Australian shows have been cancelled but the London show is still on I think, I have a ticket so I'll let you know!

Yeah, please do. Not that I'm going to be in Australia or England or Amsterdan any time soon myself, but I want to know the extent that his activity on tour and in the studio may be affected by what's going on.

I see the Australia shows are cancelled now. That's a bummer.

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