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demonrail666 06.17.2010 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
I think that could be te match of the cup so far.

I agree. Every game so far in this second round has been great but that was brilliant!


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
uruguay would benefit from a draw, but mexico will want to win.

Yeah, I thought they'd be happy to play out a 0-0 draw but you're right, neither team is gonna want to face Argentina. Whatever happens though, I can't see France getting the goal-fest they'd need against S'th Africa.


Originally Posted by the ikara cult
OH fucking hell, here go Seedorf and Shearer again....

You have to feel sorry for Hodgson, all he wants is to get to bed and there he is, stuck with two coke dealers off Miami Vice.

Shearer's out talking to poor people in some township now. As if their life wasn't shit enough already.

gualbert 06.17.2010 03:45 PM

France was awful but Mexico wasn't very good.
I wouldn't bet a euro on them in 1/8.

demonrail666 06.17.2010 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
he probably did them by astrological chart


SonicBebs 06.17.2010 03:47 PM


Originally Posted by gualbert
but Mexico wasn't very good.

i thought they were good. worked hard, attacked quickly and defended well

SonicBebs 06.17.2010 03:51 PM

oh good, Danny Baker's on the bbc. I'm off to bed

the ikara cult 06.17.2010 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
Shearer's out talking to poor people in some township now. As if their life wasn't shit enough already.

It is a continuation of his lifes work in Newcastle


demonrail666 06.17.2010 03:54 PM

I agree (with Sonicbebs). Mexico aren't gonna win the cup but at least they seem to play like they want to. France looked like they just wanted to go home. So it looks like both teams have taken a significant step towards getting what they want.

chicka 06.17.2010 04:02 PM

If Argentina doesn't start playing better defense they'll be gone in the first round of the knockout stage. I hope not as I love watching Messi and he is the captain of my fantasy team but the Koreans should have had more than one today with the ease at which they attacked Argentina. I missed the Greece/Nigeria game and only caught the second half of Mexico/France so Mexico looked good from what I saw. Tomorrow morning USA better not be taking Slovenia lightly it's an absolute must win or their chances for the knockout stages are slim and none. Of course Algeria could make that last statement bunko. ;^)

Bertrand 06.17.2010 04:03 PM

I could be wrong, but Abidal got sent off during the Euro against Italy.
A penalty was rightly given and France lost 2-0.
The man must be in a terrible state of mind.
Well, the whole team must be.

France has been so poor since 2006.

One more time, seeing France and Serbia (well, I'll have to get the reports from tomorrow's game) (if it is tomorrow) play, I can't help feeling angry.
What a waste.

wellcharge 06.17.2010 04:12 PM

why are you angry about serbia? i mean they kind of suck but not too bad, wouldn't have lost if it wasn't for the penalty, i think they can at least beat australia, not too hopeful about germany

demonrail666 06.17.2010 04:23 PM


Originally Posted by Bertrand
What a waste.

I think that's it. For all my pleasure in seeing Mexico win, I do want to see the best players participating, so I take no real joy in seeing the likes of Ribery likely to go home so early. I definitely don't want a rerun of Euro 2004, where a pretty lacklustre Greece managed to lift the trophy while better teams kept tripping up around them.


Originally Posted by chicka
If Argentina doesn't start playing better defense they'll be gone in the first round of the knockout stage.

Quite. Argentina look good but not that good. So far they've played eager but quite naive sides and certainly Maradona has shown no signs yet that he has an ability to change tactics when things aren't going well. That's the test for me: how do they come back when they're behind? How do they deal with a really well-drilled defence? They always look capable of scoring but they always look just as likely to concede. So far they've managed to paper over some pretty serious cracks but they won't be able to forever. I'm enjoying their ride for now, but there's lots of question marks with them for me. Personally, I still think Brazil, Holland, Germany, Spain and even England will go further than Argentina - without necessarily being as exciting while they do it.

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.17.2010 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666
This doesn't detract from your overall point, which I agree with, but as you know a majority of African players in this world cup receive top class training already, due to their links with major European clubs. A bigger long term problem is whether African football will ever be able to draw its best players away from these clubs to play in Africa or keep those it has from leaving (both of which, right now, I think is highly unlikely). The other big problem for African players, especially those used to playing in Champions League clubs, is that they're used to being very successfull, so having to return to represent their country, while nice, is likely seen as major comedown for a lot of them, given the general expectation that no African nation is likely to do all that well. Although the same could be said for a player like Diego Forlan who's clearly good enough to be a cup winner but plays for a country that probably isn't.

Anyway, a more general point: if this World Cup achieves anything, I hope it makes African football more sustainable at a club level. Unfortunately, I think there's so much money in European football - especially amongst its elite clubs - that I just think it's an ask too far. Beyond that, I think the World Cup, for all its commercialism and self-interest, has done a good job of 'humanising' S'th Africa to much of the rest of the world: by showing it beyond the stereotype of rebel farmers, violent crime, etc. We'll see. I generally think that by choosing S'th Africa to host this tournament (against massive opposition) Fifa have done at least a little bit of good for that country. Certainly more than had they chosen a more traditional venue, anyway.

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to demonrail666 again.

Originally Posted by Keeping It Simple
Bugger off.


Originally Posted by wellcharge
i hope greece can get lucky and tie argentina and have nigeria beat korea

me too, I want Africa to stay in it longer..

Originally Posted by !@#$%!
those tiny mexicans are playing with balls of steel!!!

a pity vela got hurt.

best sign on the bleachers:

"pinche henry, es futbol no volleyball" (fucking henry... etc.)

took those pisas long enough, they were playing SO slow and SHITTY the first half they were almost making france's sorry effort look decent! I was so excited that they came back with the win. mehico is practically if not more affectionately a home team for us Angelinos ;)

jon boy 06.17.2010 04:45 PM

mexico where much better, they might get quite far but quater finals is the limit. france have so many superstars but they just cant pull it together so i really dont think they can do it and even if they somehow did then they will get destroyed at the hands of brazil or germany or whoever.

demonrail666 06.17.2010 04:59 PM

what I wouldn't give to be able to read French.

EDIT: Oh joy, I don't have to: rmd%3Dm

SuchFriendsAreDangerous 06.17.2010 05:05 PM

hilarious. I didn't even read all your post and I had already put that link in google translate ;)

Domenech: "It is now a miracle"


L a France risque bien de quitter le Mondial 2010 au stade du premier tour, répétant la mésaventure de l'Euro 2008 et de la Coupe du monde 2002.
L France may well leave the 2010 World Cup stadium in the first round, repeating the misfortune of Euro 2008 and the 2002 World Cup.
Défaits 2-0 par le Mexique jeudi à Polokwane, les Bleus n'ont plus le contrôle de leur destin.
Defeated 2-0 by Mexico on Thursday in Polokwane, the Blues have more control of their destiny.
Il faudra battre l'Afrique du Sud et prier dans le même temps pour que les Mexicains et les Uruguayens ne se séparent pas sur un score nul.
It must beat South Africa and pray at the same time that Mexicans and Uruguayans do not separate in a draw.
Et là encore la différence de buts sera à surveiller...
And again the goal difference will be to monitor ...

Souvent accusé de noyer le poisson, Raymond Domenech n'a cette fois-ci pas dissimulé sa déception : "Je n'ai pas de mots, c'est une vraie déception, pour tous les gens, pour ceux qui y croyaient. Cela a basculé sur un coup du sort mais c'est comme ça, on n'a pas réussi à redresser la barre. Dommage" .
Often accused of obfuscation, Raymond Domenech has this time made no secret of his disappointment: "I have no words, it's a real disappointment for everyone, for those who believed. This switched to a twist of fate, but that's how it has failed to redress the balance. pity.
Le sélectionneur a avoué son impuissance. "Si on avait de vraies explications on aurait réglé le problème. Il ya de bonnes intentions, des envies, mais il ya toujours quelque chose qui coince, qui n'a pas réussi à se mettre en place, à fonctionner. C'est vraiment plus qu'une déception... Je n'ai pas de mots pour le moment" , at-il déclaré après la rencontre.
The coach admitted his impotence. "If we had real explanations we have solved the problem. There are good intentions, desires, but there is always something that stuck, which failed to develop, to operate. It really is more than a disappointment ... I have no words for the moment, "he said after the meeting.
"On n'est pas une grande équipe sur le terrain. Je ne vais pas commencer à dire ce qui ne va pas, je le dirai aux personnes concernées. Contre l'Uruguay (0-0), j'étais frustré parce qu'il y avait la place pour gagner, je nous ai trouvés solides. Ce soir pareil, jusqu'en deuxième période" , a jugé le capitaine, Patrice Evra . "Il n'y a rien à dire sauf que c'est une grosse catastrophe. Je ne voyais pas venir la défaite. Il faut assumer. Quand tu finis un Euro au premier tour et que tu es aussi capable de sortir au premier tour d'un Mondial, tu n'as pas envie de penser au football après ça" , a encore analysé le joueur de Manchester United .
"It is not a great team in the field. I am not going to say what's wrong, I say to those concerned. Against Uruguay (0-0), I was frustrated that there was room to win, I've found us strong. Tonight the same, until the second period ", said the captain, Patrice Evra ". There is nothing to say except it's a huge disaster . I did not see coming defeat. It must be assumed. When you finish one Euro in the first round and you are also able to escape the first round of a World Cup, you do not want to think about football after that " has yet analyzed the player Manchester United .

Côté mexicain, le premier buteur du jour, Javier Hernandez , s'est montré simplement heureux. "Je suis surtout content de cette victoire, plus que pour mon but ou pour le titre de meilleur joueur du match. On voulait donner de la joie à notre pays ce soir. Mais cette victoire est un premier pas, il nous reste un long chemin à faire. Pour l'instant, on ne pense pas au match contre l'Uruguay, on veut profiter de cet instant" , a raconté le nouveau joueur de Manchester United.
Mexican side, the first scorer of the day, Javier Hernandez , proved just happy. "I am especially pleased with this victory, more than for my purpose or as the best player of the game. We wanted to give joy our country this evening. But this victory is a first step, we still have a long way to go. For now, we do not think the match against Uruguay, we want to enjoy this moment, "he told the new Manchester United player.
Le sélectionneur de la Tri, Javier Aguirre , a félicité son groupe : "Cela fait trois mois que nous sommes ensemble, l'équipe est bien rodée, et avec le potentiel offensif qui est le nôtre, on essaie toujours de bousculer l'adversaire. Il nous reste maintenant 90 minutes, contre l'Uruguay, pour atteindre notre premier objectif, la qualification (pour les 8es de finale)" .
The coach of the Tri, Javier Aguirre , has congratulated his group: "For three months we are together, the team is well oiled, and with the offensive potential that is ours, we always try to upset the opponent. Now we have 90 minutes against Uruguay, to reach our first objective, to qualify (for the 8th finals). "

the ikara cult 06.17.2010 05:12 PM


Originally Posted by Bertrand
I could be wrong

no, its not happened so far

Keeping It Simple 06.17.2010 06:10 PM

Loved the Mexico result especially as there was a lot of anti-Frog sentiment in the pub tonight. Well done Mexico.

wellcharge 06.17.2010 06:12 PM


pokkeherrie 06.18.2010 07:44 AM

Rumours or fact? 4 players of the North Korean squad appear to have gone "missing" in South Africa.

pokkeherrie 06.18.2010 07:49 AM

Jesus fucking Christ , have the Serbians been practicing for a rugby tournament!?

That's the second BLATANT handball from the Serbian team, after Kuzmanovic' in the game vs Ghana... and again at the cost of a penalty. Lucky escape there.

wellcharge 06.18.2010 08:23 AM



Rob Instigator 06.18.2010 08:48 AM

wowow. wowowwo. Did Germany let up after their 4-0 victory a few days ago?



frades 06.18.2010 08:49 AM

is australia far weaker than other teams in this group?? if ghana beats serbia, serbia beats germany and germany beats australia 4 - 0 they are promised to two defeats soon...??

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 09:01 AM

dempsey what the fuck! you gonna get in shit

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 09:02 AM

ps holy fuck serbia beat germany??????? whooooa!!!


klose red card? podolski mised penalty? holy shit i shoud have been up at 5am.

Rob Instigator 06.18.2010 09:02 AM

yellow card already? whad I msis?

demonrail666 06.18.2010 09:10 AM

I missed the Serbia Germany game. Bollocks.

From an England perspective, I'm hoping for a draw in this one between USA - Slovenia - but would otherwise love Slovenia to get a win.

Rob Instigator 06.18.2010 09:15 AM

holy crap what a GOL! damnit!

verme (prevaricator) 06.18.2010 09:24 AM

lulz, slovenia in the 1/8?

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by verme (prevaricator)
lulz, slovenia in the 1/8?

fucking birsa is really good, that goal was awesome

and the slovenian defense is cutting our nuts off. we're stuck in the midfield.

i don't see that we have the tools to win. fuck. the kick-and-run does NOT work.

and as you just saw, that slovenian goalkeeper is great

we need to mix it up or we're fucked.

well we just started putting pressure... ayayay...

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 09:42 AM

fuck we're getting reamed

wellcharge 06.18.2010 09:44 AM

i knew slovenia would be better than the us, but not by this much

pokkeherrie 06.18.2010 09:46 AM

Unfortunately I can't watch the game at the moment, but let's not forget that Slovenia knocked out Russia over 2 games in the pre-tournament play-offs... so they have to have some quality.

The last few days (since Switzerland beat Spain on the last day of round 1) have been excellent. Finally the world cup has come alive. Group D is going to be spectacular, especially if (and that's a big if) Australia manages to beat Ghana.... then we'd have 4 teams on 3 points each!

edit: 2-0, ouch. now if algeria manage to beat/draw england we'll have another interesting group. :)

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 09:49 AM

we're fucking raffling the ball in the air against players who are all taller instead of playing it to the ground.

fucking coach bradders. this is his scheme.

Rob Instigator 06.18.2010 09:58 AM

jesus christ what a shit first half.
we do not match up well against this slovenia squad.

Satan 06.18.2010 10:02 AM

fucking serbia beat germany??? fauuauuaaacckkkkk

our team sucks, that's like de facto. soccer hasn't really caught on here yet.

wellcharge 06.18.2010 10:04 AM

the problem is slovenes are a lighting pokemon

the united states, a water pokemon, is dealt double damage by lightning attacks

!@#$%! 06.18.2010 10:05 AM

fucking a! donovan!!!!

ps- the slovenian goalee shat his pants

wellcharge 06.18.2010 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
fucking a! donovan!!!!

ps- the slovenian goalee shat his pants

no kidding, he moved his head away from it, could have had the with his hands. the us must be paying him well

Satan 06.18.2010 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by wellcharge
the problem is slovenes are a lighting pokemon

the united states, a water pokemon, is dealt double damage by lightning attacks

check yr reptar

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