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Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 01:44 PM

Imagine is not an anti-war song. it is an anti dogma song

but I will heartily agree that it is overplayed, and thereby has become hackneyed, and too many people mistake it's intents and overuse it endlessly.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 01:45 PM

Ok so John Lennon wasn't an anti-war protester now?

Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 01:51 PM

talkin bout the song porkchop

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 01:52 PM

"Give Peace A Chance" would be a better example of the "annoyingly blatant anti-war song."

Man, is that song annoying.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 01:52 PM

Roberta,my dear,the song IS anti-war and IS rubbish.

porkmarras 08.02.2006 01:55 PM

It certainly has non-dogmatic aspirations but a psychologist would tell you it was born out of John Lennon's aspiration of being Ghandi or something.
'No religion too,
Imagine all the people
living life in peace...'

Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 02:17 PM

It is about striving for a Utopia, which, as with all ideals, is only good to strive to since it can never be truly reached, but the striving is what gives it value, the striving makes us better

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 02:19 PM


k-krack 08.02.2006 02:21 PM

ewwww! you can see all the seeds he ate!!!! sick!

Rob Instigator 08.02.2006 02:22 PM

well, those sentiments may be barf inducing to ya, but I for one am wholly for the eradication of all religion, all dogma, all prejudice, all the FALSE divisions between us as humans. those are the things that keep us killing each other and degrading each other. enjoy world war III, it's already started.

Savage Clone 08.02.2006 02:22 PM

I edited it. Too gross for me to look at more than once.

k-krack 08.02.2006 02:24 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
well, those sentiments may be barf inducing to ya, but I for one am wholly for the eradication of all religion, all dogma, all prejudice, all the FALSE divisions between us as humans. those are the things that keep us killing each other and degrading each other. enjoy world war III, it's already started.

word up.. boring song, still though.

Trasher02 08.02.2006 02:25 PM

I absolutely hate Infra-red from Placebo!
They have some great songs but that is absolute SHIT!

k-krack 08.02.2006 02:27 PM

i used to love placebo.. i really don't care anymore.. they are just ok.

Trasher02 08.02.2006 02:29 PM

Same here.
Some of there early stuff is still pretty cool. Slave to the wage is awesome.

pokkeherrie 08.02.2006 04:22 PM

for a long long time it used to be bonnie tyler - total eclipse of the heart, but that somehow has become more acceptable ever since i heard the v/vm version)

foreigner - i wanna know what love is

anything by meatloaf, but especially i will do anything for love (it's not only annoying, but it's really long as well)

shania twain - at least two or three songs

generally speaking, most "christmas hits", because they always come back to irritate you at the same time each and every year.

beatles' ob-la-di bo-la-da and hey jude are good picks as well... also yellow submarine... and living da vie da loca (ricky martin) actually used to annoy the fuck out of me at the time. i'd take just about every robbie williams song over that.

Glice 08.02.2006 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rob Instigator
It is about striving for a Utopia, which, as with all ideals, is only good to strive to since it can never be truly reached, but the striving is what gives it value, the striving makes us better

Imagine there's no Heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one

Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world

You may say that I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one

I can't help but read an accidental negative-Totalitarianism in that (And the world WILL be as ONE) and I find 'Imagine alll the people/ living for today' to be one of the most reprehensible sentiments imaginable. I shall offer no more, as Messr Instigator is, generally speaking, a top poster and not someone I can be arsed with arguing with.

I'm just going to say that I am talking from cold, hard, objective, ontological fact when I re-iterate it's the worst thing ever, apart from Bono.

truncated 08.02.2006 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by Glice
I can't help but read an accidental negative-Totalitarianism in that (And the world WILL be as ONE) and I find 'Imagine alll the people/ living for today' to be one of the most reprehensible sentiments imaginable. I shall offer no more, as Messr Instigator is, generally speaking, a top poster and not someone I can be arsed with arguing with.

I'm just going to say that I am talking from cold, hard, objective, ontological fact when I re-iterate it's the worst thing ever, apart from Bono.

I will agree with that, but my reasoning isn't derived from arguments of musical theory or academic relevance.

That song is a bland, nauseatingly naive, doped-up pile of excrement.

The only reason it has obtained the popularity that it has (mostly posthumously, I might add) is because for a space of about 15 years, give or take, soccer moms, potheads, and disillusioned bankers alike united in the common goal of licking John Lennon's asshole.

(This is not to say Lennon didn't have his merits, but your bowel movements would have to be interspersed with 10-carat diamonds for me to worship you like that.)

Catchy melody?
Thought-provoking lyrics?
Innovative instrumentation?

That would be a triple nay.

Aside from being written by an idealistic, unbathed, pussy-whipped hippie, that song is horrid simply because it is.

Toilet & Bowels 08.02.2006 07:05 PM

yoko ono can whip my pussy whenever she likes. grapefruit is better than anything anyone here will ever write.

truncated 08.02.2006 07:18 PM

I don't have any issues with Yoko in the least. It's her soft-headed husband I have minor complaints about.

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