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cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
I was in that movie, brother!

nukka, you trippin, yo

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
i grew up on that movie! i have it somewhere in my apartment on vhs, too.

yeah, me too... well, no, not really
but i watched it like 10 times when i hung out at my homie tyrese's crib

gmku 07.02.2007 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by cryptowonderdruginvogue
nukka, you trippin, yo

Don't be startin' that urban gangsta talk with me, white boy...

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:44 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Don't be startin' that urban gangsta talk with me, white boy...

<---not white

gmku 07.02.2007 11:46 PM

Okay, well still don't be startin' it... You're not a gangsta.

!@#$%! 07.02.2007 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Okay, well still don't be startin' it... You're not a gangsta.

a gangsteur, then?

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.02.2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
Okay, well still don't be startin' it... You're not a gangsta.

i floss like a fucking dentist, i used to watch dennis the menace

gmku 07.03.2007 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by !@#$%!
a gangsteur, then?

No doubt.

noumenal 07.03.2007 12:31 AM

Not white?

!@#$%! 07.03.2007 12:33 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Not white?

whoa, dude! where have you been? good to see you again.

noumenal 07.03.2007 12:43 AM

Thanks. But what an odd thing for me to post on my return.... (Actually, I posted in the classical music thread a few days ago, but who reads that?).

Anyway, I moved and I've been busy. Didn't have internet for a while. But I've been lurking a little and hadn't really seen much I wanted to comment on. I just thought it would be fun to hear Crypto explain his non-whiteness, so I volunteered to take the bait. Of course I probably won't actually hang around long enought to read it, I'm going to bed.

!@#$%! 07.03.2007 01:04 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Thanks. But what an odd thing for me to post on my return.... (Actually, I posted in the classical music thread a few days ago, but who reads that?).

Anyway, I moved and I've been busy. Didn't have internet for a while. But I've been lurking a little and hadn't really seen much I wanted to comment on. I just thought it would be fun to hear Crypto explain his non-whiteness, so I volunteered to take the bait. Of course I probably won't actually hang around long enought to read it, I'm going to bed.

well crypto doesn't have white skin. haven't you seen his myriad party pictures?

but anyway, good to see you again man. i never read the classical music thread, i'm afraid. but i've been listening to vivaldi's stabat mater a lot in the past few days.

so, you in madison now? or in that south carolina island where you were planning to live off the rich widows?

Norma J 07.03.2007 02:30 AM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
but considering that i've always had a piece of shit cell phone that i've hated, i decided to treat myself to something that i actually want. fucking sue me.

How does one hate a cellphone? Did it not make calls?

I have a Nokia 3310. The battery is alittle fucked in it, but oh well. I have the money to buy one of these new phones, but it baffles me as to why people would spend so much on something like this. It saddens me alittle that society has all gone gar-gar over a fuckin' phone that they paid through the nose for.

I saw some $60 phones in stores lately, might get one of those if the battery in mine kicks it soon.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 02:32 AM

!@#$%!: hey, why do you hate me now? we used to be cool, but you've sent some rude comments my way recently.

GravyK 07.03.2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by Norma J
How does one hate a cellphone? Did it not make calls?

I have a Nokia 3310. The battery is alittle fucked in it, but oh well. I have the money to buy one of these new phones, but it baffles me as to why people would spend so much on something like this. It saddens me alittle that society has all gone gar-gar over a fuckin' phone that they paid through the nose for.

I saw some $60 phones in stores lately, might get one of those if the battery in mine kicks it soon.

My phone has a shitty battery too. Sometimes it lasts for 2 days or so, others 15 minutes. As much as I want one of these, there is no way I'm spending that much money on one. I'll probably end up going and getting one of the free phones if the plan you have to sign up for isn't shit.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 02:33 AM


Originally Posted by noumenal
Not white?

yes, not white skinned

val-holla-ing 07.03.2007 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by Norma J
How does one hate a cellphone? Did it not make calls?

I have a Nokia 3310. The battery is alittle fucked in it, but oh well. I have the money to buy one of these new phones, but it baffles me as to why people would spend so much on something like this. It saddens me alittle that society has all gone gar-gar over a fuckin' phone that they paid through the nose for.

I saw some $60 phones in stores lately, might get one of those if the battery in mine kicks it soon.

didn't make calls, completely lost battery charge in a matter of minutes, died when it took even a little bit of shock, didn't send texts in a timely fashion, horrible user intervace, etc...

if you don't see the point in spending X amount of cash on a phone, oh well, but don't try and condescend because i do. i still don't see your point. get over yourself. my iphone is ballin'

gmku 07.03.2007 01:42 PM

For me, a cellphone's simply a necessity, like a razor or a toothbrush, and not something to fall all gooey in love with. The simpler, the better. A phone should do what a phone does best, and that's phone calls--no camera, no music, no games. Just give me a goddamned phone.

cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by val-holla-ing
iphone is ballin'


cryptowonderdruginvogue 07.03.2007 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by gmku
For me, a cellphone's simply a necessity, like a razor or a toothbrush, and not something to fall all gooey in love with. The simpler, the better. A phone should do what a phone does best, and that's phone calls--no camera, no music, no games. Just give me a goddamned phone.

thats cause you're old-fashioned, yo

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