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pokkeherrie 04.04.2007 07:32 AM

Neither Dream/Aktion Unit or Burial Chamber Trio play "tunes" or music to "rock out" to... and if people talk/shout loud enough you can hear them.

The music is loud, but it's not loud all the time and people obviously choose to have their conversations during the less louder parts... because when it gets really loud then their conversation partners wouldn't be hearing them even if they where shouting in their ears.

pokkeherrie 04.04.2007 07:33 AM


Originally Posted by Nefeli
pokke, plz dont push your luck, yes? thank you.

what are you going to do, neffie?

pokkeherrie 04.04.2007 07:37 AM

oh, i thought you were threatening me...
(i suggest stilts instead!)

jon boy 04.04.2007 07:39 AM


Originally Posted by pokkeherrie
oh, i thought you were threatening me...
(i suggest stilts instead!)

sorry to interupt, but i fear for your safety now pokkeherrie.

sonicl 04.04.2007 07:41 AM

Let 'em fight a bit longer, I'm enjoying this.

pokkeherrie 04.04.2007 07:43 AM

thanks, but i'll probably be alright.
she only can look angry, but she's too short to impose a real threat.

RdTv 04.04.2007 08:34 AM

It seeems whenever I go to a show I always say or do something that warrants a menacing stare from everyone around me.

One instance is the 8/28/06 SY, Flaming Lips Show. In betweeen songs I kept shouting '' YOU'VE SEEN HELL A HUNDRED TIMES'' at Thurston. I received a lot of really nasty looks and understood that most people thought I was just being some stupid fan yelling gibberish. The fact is it was an extremely esoteric phrase I was shouting and far above the rest of the crouds requests for random and mostly popular songs. I mean I was quoting Thurston from an interview he did about his first Mike Watt experience. In any regard, few people there got it and Thurston heard it and looked rather perplexed that someone was verbally accausting him with this particular phrase. This was the same show I snuck backstage and met Lee, he was cool and understanding as one could expect to my ramblings of reverence.

The next instance is the RJD2 show I attended a month or so ago. I was quite and listened politely as RJ and his group played stuff from his new album that in my opinion is not good. I respect him for wanting to branch out of the usual DJ/producer album, but it just didn't mesh with my psyche. Anyways, I was not having fun at this show and when the band left and he finally did a half hour or so of scratching, I being very excited and happy, proceeded to mount the stage and move my body to the music. The crowd seemed to be in sync with my decision as I think a lot of people were feeling how I was. I didn't get thrown off, I didn't houn RJ, I didn't try to talk to the crowd or mess anything up, it was simply a release, a personal pinnacle to the night. I got down after a minute or two and went about my business. I received a lot of nasty looks, and also a lot of accolades as well. Yeah I could have been thrown out and maybe RJD2 didn't like that someone ''invaded'' his domain during his performance, but I think people misconstrue things of this nature as selfish and attention seeking, when really you just want to tell the band/artist that you truly appreciatte them and are expressing it in an unconventional way.

The point in this is make it happen. Have fun and be respectful of others at shows, but sometimes you have to just make ''it'' happen. You might regret it afterward, but at least you won't think back and say, what if.

Rob Instigator 04.04.2007 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by Green_mind
Don't bring your mom.
Seriously though, how anal are some of these rules?

what's anal about this?
I hate when stupid 15 year olds make a giant fucking scene "oh man a joint! wooo hoo!" and act the fool! Just hit it and pass it dumb shits!

timtimtim 04.04.2007 11:09 AM

my only problem is insane shoving towards the front when the band starts besides that have a good time and relax.

jennthebenn 04.04.2007 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by RdTv
It seeems whenever I go to a show I always say or do something that warrants a menacing stare from everyone around me.

One instance is the 8/28/06 SY, Flaming Lips Show. In betweeen songs I kept shouting '' YOU'VE SEEN HELL A HUNDRED TIMES'' at Thurston.

in between EVERY song?

if you had done it ONCE, that would have been
funny as shit. (well, to the ones who got what
you were saying)

i must advise against overkill in yelling stuff between songs, and variety helps also.

lalie 04.04.2007 02:55 PM

If you spot a nice girl in the crowd, don't come and tell her "looks like you came alone eh?, where are you sleeping tonight?" or any variant of it.

Cause it's even more annoying than being picked up in the supermarket, which says it all...

king_buzzo 04.04.2007 03:11 PM

don't stare, please. dutch people stare a lot in concerts.

And, don't mosh, please, it's the most stupid thing ever.

!@#$%! 04.04.2007 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by lalie
Cause it's even more annoying than being picked up in the supermarket, which says it all...

ha ha hahahahahhaha!!!

oh, brilliant post

mangajunky 04.04.2007 03:41 PM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Don't stare at Kim Gordon when she's backstage... I kept staring and thinking 'Omfg!!! Thats Kim(!!!)' And she gave me this scared 'wtf?' look.

If you go to stage dive and the crowd parts and you hit the floor...then you know you are a redneck...or an asshole that has pissed off an entire crowd. It 's hilarious to watch.

When you're tripping your balls off on 4th street and Sonic Youth walks by, don't scream "Holy Shit, it's Sonic Youth" because even if it is, you'll look like a tool. - 1987

RdTv 04.04.2007 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by jennthebenn
in between EVERY song?

if you had done it ONCE, that would have been
funny as shit. (well, to the ones who got what
you were saying)

i must advise against overkill in yelling stuff between songs, and variety helps also.

Not in between every song but not once, thats about right. It took me awhile to get close enough so Thurston could hear and when he did, the look on his face was indeed priceless. But yeah, you're right on the overkill, I should have toned it down and normally I'm NOT a yeller. This case was extraordinary, and like I said all my banter towards Mr. Moore was genuinely esoteric in nature.

drrrtyboots 04.04.2007 06:32 PM

Don't sit on the fucking ground between bands in the middle of the floor because some poorly english speaking friends WILL fall over you. Especially don't do this after alcohol consumption because laughing at the poor person who falls over you is mean.

floatingslowly 04.04.2007 07:04 PM


Originally Posted by mangajunky
When you're tripping your balls off on 4th street and Sonic Youth walks by, don't scream "Holy Shit, it's Sonic Youth" because even if it is, you'll look like a tool. - 1987

reposted for applicability:


Originally Posted by floatingslowly

yes, son.

wwhat does regret mean?

well son, the funny thing about regret is that it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.

and by the way...if you see yr mom this weekend, will you be sure and tell her...

at least you can say you've seen them.

terminal pharmacy 04.05.2007 01:39 AM

don't fuckin' sing along, i didn't pay to hear you sing at the show, keep it in your shower

ALIEN ANAL 04.05.2007 01:49 AM

dont sing along? sounds like you have a ripper time at a concert.

RdTv 04.05.2007 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by terminal pharmacy
don't fuckin' sing along, i didn't pay to hear you sing at the show, keep it in your shower

I'm sorry man, but when Lee started the lyrics to ''Skip Tracer'', I found that this rule vanished.

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