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Torn Curtain 01.26.2011 03:05 PM

Classic albums - The Doors

Pretty good.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2011 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by demonrail666

Tanya Roberts is great. The B-movie Marilyn Monroe. Easily beautiful enough for the A-list it just never seemed to happen for her. Her filmography is quite depressing; made up largely of straight to video erotic thrillers, low budget horrors, sub Conan fantasy stuff and some tv sitcom slots. She was briefly a Bond girl but that's about as big as she got. It'd be nice to see someone like Tarantino recruit her for something, so he can do for her what he did for say Pam Grier.


She's jawdropping in Tourist Trap. The only other things I've seen her in, was her role as Midge Pinciotti on That 70's Show, and (I think) Beastmaster when I was much, much younger. I wonder if I can find a Femme Fatales, Scream Queens Illustrated, or Draculina with her in it. I'd love to know more about her.

demonrail666 01.26.2011 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
She's jawdropping in Tourist Trap. The only other things I've seen her in, was her role as Midge Pinciotti on That 70's Show, and (I think) Beastmaster when I was much, much younger. I wonder if I can find a Femme Fatales, Scream Queens Illustrated, or Draculina with her in it. I'd love to know more about her.

I'm sure I have some old Fangorias and Femme Fatales that have interviews with her. I'll see if I can find the issues and scan them. She appears to have lead a fairly uneventful life in terms of scandal, just really unlucky with her film breaks, I suppose. Didn't she end up in That 70s Show for a while?

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2011 04:21 PM

If you're up for the challenge, I'd definitely love to give those a look-see. But yeah, she was a regular for the first few seasons up 'till 2001. Then she came back for a sec in '04, and once again for the series finale.

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.26.2011 04:53 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Yeah, Craven isn't the worst director ever, I'm just not a big fan, and people like Tobe Hooper and Romero definitely are HORRIBLE directors, so Craven is way better than them definitely. Hooper never made a great film, CHAINSAW MASSACRE has a wonderful atmosphere at least and is quite good, the only one I'd reccomend (though LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET is way better. JOE, PLEASE WATCH LAST HOUSE ON DEAD END STREET ASAP.)... but the rest of his output is horrid. I mean, wow.

As far as Hooper goes, he was absolutely brilliant up until Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. From 1974 - 1986 he brought us TCM, Eaten Alive, Salem's Lot, The Funhouse, Poltergeist, Lifeforce, and of course, TCM 2. That is an insanely stellar lineup of films. Now, I know he apparently became somewhat of a drugged-out loon (aren't we all?), and there are rumors questioning his exact involvement in Poltergeist... but given that goodie two shoes Spielberg sober-boy produced it, I doubt he was as irresponsible as internet gossips claim he was.

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 05:17 PM

Oh yeah, I always forget LIFEFORCE. One of my favorites ever. Not really into those others.

demonrail666 01.26.2011 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
As far as Hooper goes, he was absolutely brilliant up until Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2. From 1974 - 1986 he brought us TCM, Eaten Alive, Salem's Lot, The Funhouse, Poltergeist, Lifeforce, and of course, TCM 2.

Absolutely! Funhouse is enormously underrated in my opinion and the first TCM has to be one of the best directed horror movies I've ever seen.

Atsonicpark: Last House on Dead End Street is strictly a one-watch curio for me. It's cool in a Richard Kern/Necro kind of way but after about half an hour I just thought it became a total chore to sit through. One of those films that seemed like a helluva lot more fun to make than to actually watch.

And Romero is a 'horrible' director? Seriously?!? He went off the boil, sure, but NotLD? Dawn of the Dead? Jack's Wife? fuck ... Martin!?! I'll agree that (a bit like Cronenberg) he's more of an ideas man than anything else but those first few films he made were fucking beautiful, especially considering the meagre resources at his disposal.

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 05:36 PM


Originally Posted by Dr. Eugene Felikson
You should definitely check out Alphaville. I'm still working my way through his massive filmography, but it's my favorite of what I've seen.

Alphaville's pretty good, it seems to be the one Godard film that even non-Godard fans like.

thedom, here are my thoughts..

Like I said, I'd reccomend all of his films aside from Detective and Les Carabiners. Seriously. Maybe you can skip a few shorts and a television series. But everything else is indispensable. He's easily the best director ever. And he has inspired TAKESHI KITANO (check out Sonatine:, JON JOST (check out Bed you Sleep In:, PHILLIPE GARRELLE (check out Regular Lovers: -- aka the 3 OTHER best directors in the world. So, you've got nothing but quality by him and the people who dig him. Look at the (sadly deceased) Fassbinder. Look at the best female director of all time, Chantal Akerman. Both of them say, "Pierrot Le Fou" "week End" "Godard". You know? Those are the films, that is the man who got them directing to begin with. I'm not a great director, but I will say Pierrot Le Fou (and 12 Oz Mouse.. and Dog Star Man) is what got me into filmmaking as well. He's just god.

All the films I just mentioned, and all the films I'm about to mention are on btjunkie. I HIGHLY reccomend picking up some box sets, Criterion's PIERROT LE FOU and TOUT VA BIEN are awesome too.. supposedly, they're going to do a WEEK END -- which is rtheir most requested DVD -- and that would be amazing!

Let's see... My favorite work by him is Histoire(s) du cinema -- I think it's one of the most important works of art of the past 50 years or so. But it's not really a "Film", it's an essay, so you can ignore that one for a while.

..His "most important" film is, perhaps, Breathless, where a lot of people start and stop. But to be honest, Breathless (as well as Contempt and Band Of Outsiders) has never been one of my favorites. Still a decent film, and worth a watch, and it's important for its use of jump cuts, the energy of the direction (camera constantly moving), and how it feels "plotless" at times (like everything was made up on the spot). It kinda invented modern "indepedantn film" as we know them and is a great film, but he would refine all of the techniques he used in it on later films.

Anyway, here are my top 10 Godard films, with some comments here are there:

1. Every Man For Himself/Slow Motion (bleak/dark as hell; this was Godard's "2nd first film", as it was his first film -- with actors and a "plot" -- in 13 years up to that point; an absolute masterpiece of sound, editing, direction, cinematography, and experimentation -- indeed, quite a bit of the film is done in "slow motion", and the results are staggering. A lot had changed since his last film, and it shows here. The world has become a cold dead place. No more dance numbers.)

2. Pierrot Le fou (his most colorful and best-looking film; was a huge influence on everyone. The direction on this one is probably Godard's best from his older films; sometimes, the camera is completely static; other times, it's following character around for many minutes... there's a great scene where the camera is zoomed in for miles and you see some action, and then the camera abruptly zooms out and spins around to show some action in the apartment. Also, can't forget the scene where they drive the car into the sea! SO MANY iconic shots, bits of dialogue, etc... this is truly an unforgettable film experience, with a haunting score and a freewheeling attitude to plot that makes it truly revolutionary. A must-watch.

3. Oh, Woe Is Me (this was the 2nd film I saw by Godard -- after Week End -- and it's probably not the best place to start, not one of the better films to see by him when you start your Godard journey since it's so damn dense, lyrical, poetic, and nuts... but, yeah, it's still absolutely one of my favorite films by him, period. Just from watching it, you can tell there was a very troubled shoot, as a lot of things don't seem to make sense; everyone seems angry, in my opinion. After reading Richard Brody's book, I now know why everything is so damn dark and depressing in this film. There is an atmosphere here you will likely not see in any other film, and the INSANE editing and how Godard plays with image and sound is absolutely genius in this. Might technically be his best film, and definitely his most densely layered. A staggering brilliant and rewarding film, one you may need to watch a few times to "get", but also one of his most addictive and beautiful.)

4. Week End (first film I saw by him, and I was hooked! Lots of long takes; the 9 minute traffic jam being probably my favorite scene in the history of cinema. This film is mostly made up of lots of great vignettes put together. Lots of interesting stylistic diversions, as well. A brilliant movie, and also quite a strange movie to boot, this was a cinematic middle finger at the time; but nowadays, it just seems ahead of its time -- there still hasn't been another movie like it, in my opinion.)

5. My Life to Live (his darkest film, perhaps, from his early period, but one of his most engaging and straightforward. Every scene in this movie is great... I especially like the guy who acts like a little kid blowing up a balloon. Anna Karina complained in real life that Godard made her look ugly, but she looks beautiful in this film -- everything does. Some of the most amazing cinematography ever; the black and white is unbelievable. An extremely depressing film.)

6. King Lear (this one's a controversial pick, to be certain, as the people who love it REALLY REALLY love it.. and the people who hate it.. well.. you know. I happen to be one of the people who thinks it's one of the best films ever made. It's downright strange, and it takes a few watches to see its brilliance.. but it's definitely Godard's most bizarre work; it almost feels like a David Lynch film at times.. like Inland Empire or something. I'm not even joking. An incredibly weird film, but it's entertaining as hell. Case in point: Early in the film, it shows an actor leaving the set of the movie, with Godard narrating how the actor was.. well.. leaving the set. At another point, a character is talking about great directors, gets to Godard's enemy [by that point] Trauffaut, and makes a somewhat disparaging comment against him. There are seagull sound effects every few minutes, while the rest of the music is Beethoven slowed way, way down... let's not forget the part where Godard puts the petals on a flower through the use of a reverse effect. I love this film with all my heart and soul, but it's definitely the only one on my list that most people don't consider a great film.)

7. Hail Mary (another controversial pick, but this film is absolutely amazing. So engaging and full of life at times; other times, it's dark and slow and agonizing. A very ambitious film, and very bleak like much of Godard's later work, don't go into this one expecting a good time for 90 minutes, but it remains Godard's most haunting film, in my opinion, one that I return to quite often.)

8. Le Petit Soldat (another film by him that I feel is extremely underrated, this one remains little-seen compared to all the rest of his early works, yet I think it's one of his best. Shot shortly after Breathless and featuring the debut of the young, beautiful Anna Karina, this film does everything Breathless tried to do but completely refines it. I think THIS is the film people should start their Godard journey with. An absolutely amazing work of art.)

9. Notre Musique (one of Godard's most recent, and also his most elliptical and confusing since OH, WOE IS ME... this is, again, a beautiful beautiful film... one I personally hold in very high regard, but it seems to attract a lot of hatred as well, for reasons that are easy to see when watching the film -- everything is dense, and there is a LOT to take in. This is pretty heady and deep stuff, it's not an easy watch if you like to just turn a movie on and shut your brain down. Be warned -- you'll need to watch this film a few times to understand everything that's going on. But it's worth it.. and the direction is so good, you won't mind giving this film your undivided attention many times over.)

10. Passion (oh how I love this film, it is very dear to me. Beautiful locales, likeable characters.. this is a film I can really connect with. 80's Godard is probably my favorite period for the man, I think he was really onto something, before he went a little insane. This film is a pretty "easy" watch compared to most of his late-period stuff, one you should have no problem with. I am guessing this one would be liked even by those who don't really get into Godard usually, it's just a great multi-layered "story"...)

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 05:38 PM

..........other favorites of mine:
- Keep Your Right Up (this film is FUNNY! It seems like Godard was trying to make a comedy here -- a pilot reading a book called "how to commit suicide" for example -- albeit one that is HIGHLY elliptical, idiosynchratic, and bizarre as hell. So much of this film is ridiculous. I love it. Interestingly, Godard actually promoted the hell out of this film, and said he was really proud of it. It's easy to see why.)

- Alphaville (AMAZING, dark nighttime photography; also, Godard lets his sense of humor shine through here, with some of the "action" scenes and when a character turns his cigarette lighter on by shooting at it. Brilliant little film, though I have to be in the right mood for it, since it's so different than Godard's other films -- this is another one of those films that many people will watch and then never bother with Godard again, thus missing out on lots of important films. However, it's an excellent film... definitely stands out as an oddity amongst Godard's films, as there is a very clear storyline and the film remains extremely striaghtforward throughout)

- In the Mood for Love (his "third 1st movie", this is considered by quite a few peopel to be his crowning achievement, and it's easy to see why. It's beautiful, both in the opening half, with the amazing black and white photography.. and the 2nd half, with the oversaturated digital colors. I absolutely love this film, though some might be put off by its incredibly slow pace. The framing, editing, and music are topnotch.)

- Numero Deux (one of his "essay films", and one of his most disturbing films, period. This one is a bit mean spirited and ugly -- the film was originally called "breathless 2" and part of THIS film seems to be about how "Breathless" is a joke, kinda making fun of Godard's early works, while establishing his grumpy, dark later works.. indeed, many of the themes Godard is still focusing on to this day were originated in this film. There are super long takes of Godard talking in this film, which are extremely fascinating. I'd highly reccomend tracking down this VHS; it's worth it, and if ever a film needed to be seen on a VHS, it's this one [you'll see why when you see the movie])

- First Name: Carmen (filmed around the same time as Passion, this film is stunningly beautiful and focuses on many of the same themes as Passion. Excellent movie.)

- A Married Woman (one of Godard's most straightforward, this is a very simple tale of... a married woman. Lighter and simpler than most of his works, it's still a very compelling tale; the simplicity is deceptive, there's a lot bubbling underneath the surface. Often considered a "minor work", but still genuinely well liked, this is a really good place to start with Godard, in my opinion. It kinda eases you into some of his stylistic techniques, though it invents a few things Godard never experimented with much again [whole scenes filmed in "negative", though seen briefly in Alphaville; a focus on ads for clothing, though this is touched upon a wee bit in 2 or 3 Things...)

- FILM: SOCIALSIEM (his latest tfilm appears to have been shot with all kinds of different digital cameras and webcameras. In a way, it feels kinda like some youtube videos -- it even has LOLCATS! But if you've seen many youtube videos that were made by young youtube "directors"... or if you're familiar with the CURRENT channel, which uses a lot of viewer submitted videos... this movie feels like a response to that, and part of that movement. VEry interested. Godard always loves working with new technology, and he uses the digital camera in a way that a lot of experimental directors use it -- but not used often by establishe directors. He exploits flaws and glitches in the film, for example.. the first 40 minutes is sorta like that,a youtube-ish documentary about people on a vacation, on a boat. Then the film kinda focuses on some characterrs who talk a lot but don't interact, in beatufiul scenes very reminescent of every Godard film amde in the last 30 years. The final 15 minutes is an essay on EVERYTHING. This is a staggering, densely-layered film that is going to require many many watches to appreciate all the nuances. But just from the one watch I've had, I love it)

- Joy of Learning/Le Gai Savor (often forgotten/overlooked, this is one long essay about language, filmed in front of a black background on a stage, with two actors.. there, of course, is a LOT to take in. But it's worth it)

- Tout Va Bien (this should have in my top 10, as it's one of my favorite Godard films as well, though also overlooked. My fingers hurt, so please see this film.)

A few things about Godard: he rarely repeats himself, he is constantly moving forward, he likes to take ideas to their extreme, his films BEG for re-watches (and you will likely like any given film after 3 or 4 watches of it), and he made about 40 short films, many of which I'd rank far above his "main films", honestly. So check those out too.

I hope that was helpful.

I watched these in the past few days:


my blueberry nights - 6/10

WONG KAR WAI is easily in the top 10 best directors in the world. THis film is his worst.



Araki is god. This is not one of his better films.



...but this is! This film was made for like $3,000! True independence, and the new DVD is BEAUTIFUL. I'd reccomend BUYING it. Amazing fucking movie. There's really nothing in life better than real, hardcore indie cinema.



Have you seen his half of TWO EVIL EYES? How about DIARY? Yep, he sucks. He's lost it. He used to be pretty okay. I mean, DAWN OF THE DEAD is easily in my top 10 horror films ever. But no I don't like him. As for Dead end Street, the atmosphere and soundtrack alone is reason enough for me to reccomend it. No, it's not as awesome as MONSTER HIGH, MANIAC, NIGHT TRAIN TO TERROR, KAMILLIONS, and countless other horror movies, but I think it's definitely one of the few films I'd call TRUE horror, up there with some Fulci and shit. And it's not unwatchable like August Underground or something.

demonrail666 01.26.2011 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by atsonicpark
Have you seen his half of TWO EVIL EYES? How about DIARY? Yep, he sucks.

Sure, he's lost it, but that doesn't take away from his earlier triumphs. I'm especially surprised that you're not a bigger fan of Martin.


As for Dead end Street, the atmosphere and soundtrack alone is reason enough for me to reccomend it. ... it's definitely one of the few films I'd call TRUE horror, up there with some Fulci and shit.

I'd agree about the atmosphere (I can't remember the soundtrack). I just don't think the movie goes anywhere. It's the kind of thing I could imagine working as a short (hence my mentioning Kern and Necro) but as a feature it pretty much runs out of steam after the first reel. It reminds me of Blood Sucking Freaks in that respect.

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 06:00 PM

Has anyone seen GOODBYE 20TH CENTURY? I figured someone has since, y'know, the title and all. But it was compared to HOLY MOUNTAIN and IZO and COLOR OF THE POMEGRANATES (three of my favorite films ever), and the screenshots sorta give it that LONG LIVE DEATH! vibe, anyone have any clue? I'm going to d/l and see!!




random review excerpt:
Imagine, if you will, Road Warrior and Christmas Evil filmed by Jodorowsky. Elements of mysticism, gypsy folk lore, sci-fi and surrealism for a bleak and bizarre view of the future. A man is to be executed at gunpoint. Even when repeatedly shot at, the man cannot die. He continues to live. We later learn that he was cursed for having sex with a saint. He was impotent and could only get it up for this woman. The curse causes the town's children to die. He is now forced to go on living. A mysterious immortal prophet tells him a way to break the curse. There is also Lynch like elements such as a crazed green haired joker in the film who looks straight out of a Batman comic. The bizarre costumes and abandoned environment is in a cinematic category of its own. The second part of the film takes place in the 1900's, where we witness the first incestuous marriage and murder to be caught on camera. And finally, the film dives into the present which is New Years Eve, before the year 2000. A man in a Santa suit goes crazy at a funeral, or is it the family who's crazy along with their coke addicted relatives and farting grandmother. This is the chaotic event (not Y2K) that leads the world to a bleak future. This film defies description.

Uh. okay?!

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 06:01 PM

More screens:





..And yeah Martin's okay. I dunno. It was amusing. I like SUCKER: THE VAMIRE, TAINTED, and Ferrara's THE ADDICTION a lot more.

noisereductions 01.26.2011 07:21 PM

Demonrail I can't believe you actually know Necro as a filmmaker. That's awesome. I assume you've seen the shorts on Gory Days?

atsonicpark 01.26.2011 07:41 PM


tokyo trash baby - 8/10

TheDom 01.26.2011 09:16 PM

atsonic - thanks that is really helpful! the guy just has so much work. I got Alphaville & Week End (the easiest available to me at this time. oh! & tout va bien is watch instantly on netflix) probably going to watch those next then get into this later period stuff. I'm particularly interested in Notre Musique & his newest one... but my girlfriend really wants to see A woman is a woman so I'm probably going to have to end up watching that next lol.

idk I haven't been to this board in almost a year & the minute I come back my interest for reading, film & film (shit my interest for LEARNING new things in general) has all come back. so thanks guys!

but umm let's see

I watched this french movie called Delicatessen. pretty funny & cool. had a surreal, zany terry gilliam style. probably like a 6 or 7/10 on my scale (whatever that means??:confused: haha)

I also watched short films of david lynch but only up to the grandmother. it was cool seeing some early lynch but... I don't know seemed kind of average stuff to me. Didn't leave me with any feeling like the rest of the Lynch films I've seen.

speaking of lynch, is dune at all worth checking out???

demonrail666 01.26.2011 09:57 PM


Originally Posted by noisereductions
Demonrail I can't believe you actually know Necro as a filmmaker. That's awesome. I assume you've seen the shorts on Gory Days?

Yeah, I have the two VHS compilations with all his stuff on it, as well as the straight hardcore DVD he did. Have you seen the behinds the scenes footage for the I Need Drugs video, with uncle Howie? One of the most brilliantly fucked up things I've seen. i don't know if it's on his Gory Days DVD but it's definitely on the VHS comps.

EDIT: Found it here:

so wrong. haha.

noisereductions 01.26.2011 10:14 PM

yeah it's on the DVD too. Sick shit. Along with him hiring a hooker and sticking guns and windex near her cooch. Necro is kind of scary to me. But one hell of a producer!

Dr. Eugene Felikson 01.27.2011 01:53 AM


Friday is one of my favorite movies of all time. In fact, it's the only film that I often replay immediately after watching it. I never grow tired of the jokes, and laugh even harder with each viewing. The plot is well-handled and the film actually gets pretty serious EXACTLY where it needs to be. Easily one of the best comedies of the 90's, though I've never really cared for either of the sequels.

demonrail666 01.27.2011 09:48 AM


Originally Posted by TheDom
speaking of lynch, is dune at all worth checking out???

I like Dune. The people I know who don't, tend to be big fans of the book (which I've not read). As a film it's a bit of a mess and doesn't feel much like a Lynch movie but it definitely has its moments. Certainly worth a look, imo.

keep poppin pimples 01.27.2011 12:14 PM



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