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Pookie 11.28.2006 07:29 AM


Originally Posted by Everyneurotic
dear spookie:

will i ever come back to the board?



Not if you know what's good for you.

Pookie 11.28.2006 07:31 AM


Originally Posted by edward cheese
dear pookie,

now that your 40 and officially old and past it will you still answer these posts?

edward cheese, poole.

Evidently, but I'll be a little bit more bitter than before...and bald...and my paunch has grown somewhat...and my joints creak...and I've starting reading Q...

Pookie 11.28.2006 07:32 AM


Originally Posted by king-buzzo
Dear Pookie

I am unable to stop myself from typing meaningless shite on internet forums.

Thanks for the info.

Pookie 11.28.2006 07:35 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Eh? Why does everyone always pick on Porky?

Lack of imagination.

Jico 11.28.2006 07:40 AM

Dear Pookie...

what do you think about monarchies?

Pookie 11.28.2006 07:50 AM


Originally Posted by Jico
Dear Pookie...

what do you think about monarchy's?

Monarchy's what?

jon boy 11.28.2006 07:52 AM

dear pookie,

the babies walking and talking and asking who his dad is. when are you coming home?

emelda smess, chiswick.

Pookie 11.28.2006 07:54 AM


Originally Posted by emelda smess
dear pookie,

the babies walking and talking and asking who his dad is. when are you coming home?

emelda smess, chiswick.

Just lie to it, the way you lied to me, you deceitful whore.

Jico 11.28.2006 07:56 AM


Originally Posted by Pookie
Monarchy's what?

monarchies, sorry.

what do you think about monarchies?

sonicl 11.28.2006 08:00 AM

Dear Pookie

I just dropped my lunch on the floor. I've scooped it all back into my lunch box, but before I decide whether to eat it or not, I need to know, how much dirt is too much?

Clumsy Oaf,

Pookie 11.28.2006 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by Jico
monarchies, sorry.

what do you think about monarchies?

Good for subversives. The pomp and ceremony undermine respect for power.

porkmarras 11.28.2006 08:08 AM

Dear pookie,
Due to some considerable health and mental issues i don't feel like saying/posting much anymore.It is been very nice interacting with you all this time.



Pookie 11.28.2006 08:13 AM


Originally Posted by Clumsy Oaf
Dear Pookie

I just dropped my lunch on the floor. I've scooped it all back into my lunch box, but before I decide whether to eat it or not, I need to know, how much dirt is too much?

Clumsy Oaf,

Depends what kind of dirt it is. To quote Donald Rumsfeld:

"As we know, there are known knowns. There is dirt we know we know.
We also know there are known unknowns. That is to say there is some dirt we do not know.
But there are also unknown unknowns. The dirt we don't know we don't know."

I don't think there's anything I can add to that.

sonicl 11.28.2006 08:31 AM

Dear Pookie,

What is it with you, eh? Why do you keep quoting other people in your answers? Do you have no wisdom of your own to dispense? You're nothing but a faker, aren't you? Why don't you go back to daytime TV where you belong? Eh? Eh?

Kind regards,
William Spiff-Williams JP

k-krack 11.28.2006 08:39 AM


Originally Posted by porkmarras
Dear pookie,
Due to some considerable health and mental issues i don't feel like saying/posting much anymore.It is been very nice interacting with you all this time.




k-krack 11.28.2006 08:42 AM

Dear Pookie,

My wife has been slipping pills in my food for quite some time. I just act like I don't notice it, and eat around them, but I think I may have accidentally swallowed one just now. What could it be?

Worried in Wyoming.

Pookie 11.30.2006 08:04 PM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

What is it with you, eh? Why do you keep quoting other people in your answers? Do you have no wisdom of your own to dispense? You're nothing but a faker, aren't you? Why don't you go back to daytime TV where you belong? Eh? Eh?

Kind regards,
William Spiff-Williams JP

As Confucious said:
"By three methods we may learn wisdom:
First, by reflection, which is noblest;
Second, by imitation, which is easiest;
and third by experience, which is the bitterest"


Originally Posted by Worried
Dear Pookie,

My wife has been slipping pills in my food for quite some time. I just act like I don't notice it, and eat around them, but I think I may have accidentally swallowed one just now. What could it be?

Worried in Wyoming.

"There is no poison on earth more potent, nor half so deadly, as a partial truth mixed with passion."

So try to take a look at the box and if the ingredients don't include partial truth and passion, you should be ok.

SynthethicalY 03.06.2007 05:56 PM

Why haven't you answered anymore?

Love obssed fanatic of Van Gogh.

Pookie 03.06.2007 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by SynthethicalY
Why haven't you answered anymore?

Love obssed fanatic of Van Gogh.


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear pookie,
Due to some considerable health and mental issues i don't feel like saying/posting much anymore.It is been very nice interacting with you all this time.



You have inadvertantly uncovered the root of the problem. If only I'd answered when he called out for help...

Pookie 03.06.2007 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pissed & Pregnant
Dear Pookie,

I have a man I can not trust. He cheats so much I'm not even sure this baby I'm carrying is his! Help me.

Pissed & Pregnant,
Soutern Cali

Pissed & Pregnant,

This reminds me of the birth of a friend's twins. She had recently split up with her boyfriend and decided to let her none too bright brother name the children.

"So what have you decided?" she asked him after the birth.
"The girl I'll call Denise", he said.
"That's a lovely name. And the boy?".

I hope this provides some comfort in your time of trouble.

Savage Clone 03.06.2007 07:42 PM

"I'll be here all week, folks!"

Pookie 03.06.2007 07:44 PM

Take my wife...


RdTv 03.06.2007 07:51 PM

Pardon my laziness and intrusion as I am far beyond reading the context of these posts, but regardless, I wanted to take this moment to ask pookie how Seth and the rest of the family are doing?

Pookie 03.06.2007 08:10 PM

That's far too sensible a question for this thread, so I've resurrected the sonic children thread.

jon boy 03.07.2007 04:13 AM

dear pookie,

i want your wife. lovely soft face.

leonard salt, milton keynes.

king_buzzo 03.07.2007 05:47 AM

dear pookie,
are you glad this thread is back?

sonicl 03.07.2007 06:00 AM

Dear Pookie,

How do you keep your skin so smooth at your advanced age?

All the best,

jagger 03.07.2007 06:02 AM

Pookie, please help.

I have lost all direction in my life.

Petronella Dachshund

king_buzzo 03.07.2007 06:04 AM

Dear Pookie
why did you neg rep me?

I am very emotional about reps.

sonicl 03.07.2007 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by jagger
Pookie, please help.

I have lost all direction in my life.

Petronella Dachshund

You need the "Plead with Pookie" thread. He only answers questions in ths one.

sonicl 03.07.2007 06:25 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear Pookie,
I have called the duty electrician because one of the lightbulbs in here is gone and he still didn't turn up.Should i take it upon myself to attempt a bit of DIY or just wait for him?


Creepo Crapo

Dear Creepy Crappy,

Pookie is currently indisposed, but in view of the potentially life-threatening situation in which you find yourself, I have been called upon to answer in his absence.

You should on no account "attempt a bit of DIY". Electricity is very dangerous, and not to be played with. You should instead wait patiently for a qualified person to come and rectify the situation, and while you wait you should try to make do with what little light is available to you and write a list of jokes that seem suitable to the occasion.

Pookie's self-appointed deputy

king-buzzo 03.07.2007 06:41 AM

Dear Pookie,

I have no control over my hands. Sometimes I find myself in lessons thinking about effects pedals, then I look at the screen of my computer and find that my hands have logged onto my account on a messageboard and have posted something totally pointless in my name. I have a doctorate in economics, and I find it very distressing that my hands are misrepresenting me in this way.

I have considered cutting my hands off so that they cannot do this any more, but they are operating as a team and neither of them will do the deed.

Please help me. What should I do?

king_buzzo 03.07.2007 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by king-buzzo
Dear Pookie,

I have no control over my hands. Sometimes I find myself in lessons thinking about effects pedals, then I look at the screen of my computer and find that my hands have logged onto my account on a messageboard and have posted something totally pointless in my name. I have a doctorate in economics, and I find it very distressing that my hands are misrepresenting me in this way.

Please help me. What should I do?

youre right there.

sonicl 03.08.2007 09:01 AM

Are you going to answer these questions, Pookie? There are people suffering trauma here, you know. And Sarramkrop is still sitting in a semi-darkened room.

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
dear pookie,
are you glad this thread is back?

No, but I feel obliged to answer. I just can't stop myself.

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by sonicl
Dear Pookie,

How do you keep your skin so smooth at your advanced age?

All the best,

Virgin's blood, one cup after every meal.

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by king_buzzo
Dear Pookie
why did you neg rep me?

I am very emotional about reps.

My bad mood + you making a foolish comment = neg rep. Sorry k-b :o .

sonicl 03.08.2007 09:05 AM

Dear Pookie,

Where do you find virgins in Basingstoke?

Yours inquisitively,

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by sarramkrop
Dear Pookie,
I have called the duty electrician because one of the lightbulbs in here is gone and he still didn't turn up.Should i take it upon myself to attempt a bit of DIY or just wait for him?


Creepo Crapo

I presume that because any idiot can change a lightbulb, you must have what they call, the raging horn for the electrician. To avoid mess, I'd wait for him before attempting to "DIY".

Pookie 03.08.2007 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by king-buzzo
Dear Pookie,

I have no control over my hands. Sometimes I find myself in lessons thinking about effects pedals, then I look at the screen of my computer and find that my hands have logged onto my account on a messageboard and have posted something totally pointless in my name. I have a doctorate in economics, and I find it very distressing that my hands are misrepresenting me in this way.

I have considered cutting my hands off so that they cannot do this any more, but they are operating as a team and neither of them will do the deed.

Please help me. What should I do?

I'm sorry, by the time I get to the end of your post, I've forgotten what you said at the beginning.

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